//------------------------------// // Stupidi Segreti/ Stupid Secrets. // Story: Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. // by Daxn //------------------------------// Twilight's eyelids felt heavy on her eyes, and her head felt empty, as she regained consciousness after fainting. "Ugh... what happened?" The said to herself. "You fainted while in class, Twilight," the familiar voice of Nutriz said in the darkness "You have been out for a couple of hours, you have been brought to the Infirmary and then here in the Nap Room, and your classmates have been told that you had a streak of sleep, so that they would not worry about you." Twilight groaned, as she got up from her sleeping pad. "Thank you Nutriz," she said a bit acidic "I would not have guessed that I fainted and got transported elsewhere." "Well, you asked, I answered." Nutriz said, as she lit up the room, thusly showing finally the full form of the teacher. Twilight rubbed her eyelids, let out a yawn, and then walked towards the door. "By the way, do you mind if I ask you why did you faint?" Nutriz said while escorting Twilight t the classroom "I mean, the nurse said that it wasn't result of any lack of sleep, or a low of sugars..." Twilight let out a sigh and frowned, as the images of the event happened two hours prior echoed in her mind with all its squeamish glory. "Orvosti Ostoba did it again... and more." Nutriz's gaze turned into a worried one. "Oh dear... what did he do this time?" "Well, he burst in during a game, and said that he needed me alone with him for speak about diaper rubbing and Age Play. And, considered how he described those, there is little left to doubts..." Nutriz cringed while still walking. "Well... that's extremely troubling. Maybe I should talk about it with the headmaster..." "That sounds like a reasonable idea," Twilight said "Thought that's not why I fainted. I lost consciousness out of the shock of him..." Twilight gulped and shivered a little, at the recurring images of Celestia and Orvosti "it was because he said that his mother was pushing him out of Celestia's orders, and that Celestia gave his mother a book..." "Which book?" Nutriz said as she opened the class' door. "The 'De Pederastia.' One of the few books that are in the index of the Prohibited Books, and I'd say for very good reasons..." Nutriz launched a confused look at Twilight. "Twilight... if that is that concerns you the most, be aware that little foals tend to change their tales often, thinking that they have to appease the listener by saying what the listener wants," Lux said "there may be bits of truth, but he may have made up the Celestia's part, if you asked it aggressively enough." "But... how he could have invented the book's name, in Old Equestrian, out of thin air? It's impossible!" "Well, maybe he mispronounced another title, or he confused books. Also, last time I've heard of that book, was when Lux talked about weird trends going on, and how she was involved in one of them, I don't remember the context." Then Nutriz noticed that Lux was furiously gesturing at her "But now join your classmates. You will have the entire afternoon at your disposal for think about that." Twilight looked at the ground, feeling a bit flustered as she joined her usual classmates in their current activity. "Okay, let's be logical here," Twilight murmured to herself, as she took a crayon "Nutriz just said that Lux had read it some time ago. How Lux could have gotten access to one of the last existing copies in Equestria, without getting caught by the simply possession or by talking about its topic with Nutriz? Unless Nutriz and Lux are both closet poulophiles with great lock picking and sneaking skills, there will be no reason for them to get into possession of the book. But the book somehow gave tips to Orvosti's mother on what to do..." Twilight instinctively wrote with a crayon on a piece of paper just under her "I will have to go deeper..." Once she was out of school and at home without the Kindergarten's uniform on her, Twilight sat at the lunch table, where his father was already sipping some water, while Sedula brought in a bowl full of steaming tortiglioni alla Norma. "Yes... the Royal Library should do well... naturally, if I didn't lose the card after the baggage incident..." She murmured to herself, as Sedula put some pasta in her dish. "What are you mumbling about, my dear daughter?" Night Light said, as he calmly ate the first sporkful of pasta. "I am thinking," Twilight said, her fork still clean "thinking about where I can find a certain book for my purposes." "What book?" Night Light asked while still eating his food "Maybe we have it in our library." "I don't think we have it, father," Twilight said "it's the 'De Pederastia,' a book that has been added to the Index of Prohibited books a long time ago." Night Light kept eating silently for a bit, before actually reacting with a head raise and a disappointed stare. "And thankfully. The last thing I wanted was to have you taking a depraved route with that liking of yours." "Father!" Twilight exclaimed, offended by the implications "What do you think I am and I am becoming?! I don't even dare to think about having sex with little foals, especially not with foals that got their innocence gutted for my amusement!" Night Light resumed eating calmly. "That was not what I was talking about, but it's good to know that you don't want to go that way." Twilight raised her hoof to reply, when something hit her. Namely, how her father answered to her rebuttal of poulophilia. "He said that it wasn't talking about the possibility of begin a poulrast, and said it dismissively..." Twilight put down the fork, and put her left hoof under her chin thoughtfully "okay, the last can be chalked up to my father begin weird in his choice of bursting into rage, but the fact he said that he wasn't talking about that? Surely he must know something about it, if he could comment about me not finding it, but he is seemingly talking about it as if it was a different book... yes, I think that I will have to see for myself, before I actually go on and take all of this to the People's Chamber, or, heck, even to the Night Court." As she finished thinking that, Twilight noticed that Sedula had already filled her dish with salad and minced carrots. Twilight took the oil and salt, dressed the salad, and ate it slowly, as she laid out the plans for reach the Royal Library. Once Twilight was done in eating her salad, she got up, and said. "See you later, father, I'm going out for a while," she said, as she walked outside the dining room. Her father answered; some salad leafs still in his mouth. "See you. I will be at work until eight o' clock." And, with a nod, Twilight walked off to her bedroom. "Alright," she said, as she walked in her room, and opened up her new-old poplar closet and, after a quick scan with her eyes, Twilight found the baggage and the suitcases she had brought with her from Ponyville lying in a dark corner of the closet. "Let's see if I have left the Library Card for the Royal Library in there," Twilight said as she got out the suitcase, and put them on the floor. "First, let's look at the baggage," Twilight said as she unlocked the bronze locks. As she opened the lid, Twilight uncovered a little swarm of gnats that flew in her face, and little else. "Baker receipt, quill receipt, high-speed penalty of when my bother used to go on a scooter and in the wrong way, used toilet paper..." Twilight shook her head. "No library card here." Then Twilight took one of the gray metal suitcases with steel closings. Once she opened it, Twilight found the Library Card sitting on a bed of old newspapers and shaped foam right in front of her eyes. Twilight immediately took with her magic and put it in a nearby saddlebag. "Okay, let's put this on," Twilight said, as she took some money from her safe, put it in the saddlebag, and buckled the aforementioned accessory on her back "aaaand I am set! Let's go!" That said, Twilight walked out of her room and house into the streets leading to the Royal Palace Complex and, thusly, the Royal Library. As Twilight left her silent neighborhood and reached the busy and crowded main street passing in the middle of the quaint historical part of the city, she kept checking her saddle bag for the card and bits, just to be sure there not stolen during the journey. An hour of crowd-sailing later and a paper-check from the guards, Twilight was finally in the gardens just in front of the Royal Palace Complex. "Okay," Twilight said, after taking a deep breath "it will be hard to explain if they ask me, but I have to do it." That said, she walked down the path made of granite passing in the middle of a well-kept lawn filled with statue of all the materials, their styles ranging from the Reconstructed Classical to the Contemporary. Twilight walked onto the granite stairs of the entrance near the stone railing of said stairs, until she reached the front of the immense bronze door leading to the lowest floor of the Royal Library. Twilight breathed deeply, lit up her horn, engulfed one of the brass knockers, and then knocked the door with a loud and echoing banging sound. Shortly after that, the door started to squeak lightly and open inwards, revealing a dark brown unicorn with dark gray mane and a red landsknecht-like dress. "Yes?" He said, his voice expressing annoyed tiredness. "I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's student," Twilight took her card out from the saddlebag and handed it to the stallion "and I am here for research purposes." The unicorn looked at the front of the card with disinterest, then flipped it the other way, and still scanned it, his eyes still not showing any emotion besides irritation. "Seems true enough," he said, as he handed the card back to Twilight "do I have to help you, or do you wish to handle book searching alone?" Twilight stepped into the library proper, as she put her card back in the saddlebag "Thanks, but no thanks. It's a... delicate research." "Whatever you say," the unicorn said while walking back to his position, represented by a cheap oak table covered in filled and empty forms, pencils, quills, pens and writing knives scattered around, half-torn green rags that once made the top of the table, and a couple of Accounting books towering upon the forms. The chair of the unicorn dressed like a landsknecht was a light green pillow that had seen better days. But the state of the unicorn's seat was not the actual concern of Twilight: she had to look for that book, and try to understand how Lux Foal could have gotten in possession of one copy and talked about its contenent with Nutriz, and why her father said that he wasn't referencing having sex with foals, despite the book's title leading to think otherwise. So Twilight passed through the alabaster and cedar flap leading to the actual library. "Alright... if I am not mistaken, and the 'De' is ignored, I should find it under the letter 'D,'" Twilight to herself, as she gave a quick glance to the bronze plates hanging on the fresco-painted ceiling with slightly rusted steel chains with the letters etched on them, so to see which row was which. Not that they were very near, since it took around twenty minutes for Twilight to pass over the "A," "B," and "C" sections of the library, and she felt a bit winded, once she had reached the engraved hanging plate that signaled the start of the section collecting the books starting with "D." "Uff... I remembered this Library smaller," Twilight said, as she started to scan the first shelves "but whatever, I have finally reached it, so I might as well look for it." And, with that said, Twilight started her quest for find the De Rerum Pederastia in the fine bookshelves of Canterlot's Royal Library. "Delirium: A Report from the Deep, no; Deluded&Insane: a Guide, no; De Rerum Natura, no... De Pederastia!" And so, finally, after an hour consumed in her quest for it, Twilight had it in her hooves. The book had an aquamarine cover with reddish typefaces as title, and golden yellow flower motives all around the borders. Despite the supposed age of the book, the cover was in near-pristine conditions, and the pages were not yellowed. "Curious," Twilight said to herself in a low voice, as she put the book in her saddlebag and went down the ladder "this copy shows little to no damage, for begin a book that is more than one hundred years old. I prefer think that it was protected thanks to a preserving enchantment unknown to me, but who knows..." Once she was on the floor, Twilight quickly put the discarded books back in their places, for then go to reach the ancient scriptorium of the Library. And, a little later, deeper inside the bookshelves alley, Twilight reached the scriptorium, a circular area devoid of bookshelves, but filled by stone desks placed in a concentrically around a podium, with two minotaurs and three ponies of each race holding carved in the marble as if they were keeping the podium on their backs. Seeing that the only five ponies there were sitting in the outer rings, even if they were reading some tomes intensely, Twilight decided to sit in the inner ring of the desks. There, on one of those, Twilight put the book down and sighed. "So be it." And then she slowly revealed the very first page of the forbidden book. On the first cover, there was this written in red ink. "1288's reprint. Reprints of this edition: 1285, 1288, 1292, 1295." "Wait, this book got reprints? Recently no less?" Twilight thought stupefied and shocked "Holy..." Since the next page was just the repetition in black characters of the title, Twilight flipped to the next page, namely the index of each part. Some of the titles sent a chill down her spine. "How to Introduce Kids to the Sexy Times? Diapers, Scat and Watersports, not only Parenting Unpleasantries? Best Ways to Teach them the various jobs?" Twilight felt the desire to puke at the idea of ponies still reading it and applying its teachings, at the idea of Celestia encouraging its reading, and the simply existence of such a foul book still in her days. But Twilight quickly dominated herself. "But... no, I have to read the preface first, because, otherwise, what I have seen today makes no sense whatsoever." So Twilight flipped all the pages between the index and the preface. She looked at the title, written in flowery typeface, and to the short text of the actual preface, written in italics. Then she started to read what was written in there. "This book is written for all ponies that want to learn the trade of Infantilism Domination and also make said Learning part of the sexual experience. I am fully aware of the unfortunate title, but, after all, what's a better title for such a gathering of hints on this topic, than the title of a raunchy and now-illegal gathering of hints on a very similar topic?" Twilight's jaw dropped, as her mind felt enlightened by those words. "Wha- Why- Wow!" Twilight murmured "So, there are two books of the same title. And it seems that the non-banned one is more famous or infamous than the banned and once-widespread one. That's why Nutriz had no problem in talking about it with me and Lux, and my father considered my rebuttal of poulastry irrelevant to his argument." Another realization hit Twilight. "And, most likely, that's the book the Princess gave to Orvosti's mother. After all, I think that all she wanted was to..." Twilight snapped herself back. "That's still awful actually. But, hey, at least she didn't want him to be actually taught like..." A part of Twilight sowed the seed of doubt in her mind. "How can you tell that? How can you be sure that Princess Celestia did not plan to ruin Orvosti's innocence?" "Pro quis causa prodest?" She answered to herself "Princess Celestia isn't a pony that wakes up one day and says that she wants to ruin somepony's life. However, considered how my father portrayed Orvosti's mother, it's more likely that she either misinterpreted Celestia's wishes, or that she did all of that on purpose." "We will see who was right," The other part said "We will see..."