//------------------------------// // 310. Unleashed Desires by Taranth // Story: The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab // by Fuzzyfurvert //------------------------------// by Taranth *** Boredom. Nopony could quite do boredom like an alicorn. There was something about sitting on a throne, in front of a noble, listening to her complain about something that was actually tiny and insignificant even by mortal terms, for the… I didn’t even know how many-th time, giving arguments of self-importance and demands that the crown do something about it. Even if I had absolutely no intention of actually bending to their will, I had to sit here and listen to their self-indulgent arguments and at least pretend to give it due concern - although I could more or less do it on auto-pilot by now, and indeed I did. I couldn’t even really consciously remember what she was talking about - something about her summer home out in the country - but by this point I’d managed to hone the art of subconsciously guiding my nation to a mastery. However, today was dragging on even worse than normal, every minute torturous. ...Although to be fair, I had nopony but myself to blame for that. Time always drags when you have something to look forward to… and the correspondence I’d been sending back and forth with Twilight had definitely ended with something worth looking forward to. Especially since I told her that she couldn’t send a reply, since I was going straight to court… Teasing my ex-student and getting the last word (and a few suggestive diagrams) in was cruel, sure, but now I had to wait to see what Twilight would cook up in response… Court was due to continue for hours yet. An inward groan very nearly became an outward one as the noble started waffling on down a new path. It was a shame, really… Honestly, the fact that Twilight was the sort of pony who would never let her desires overwhelm duty was one of the things that I respected most, but… I couldn’t help imagining Twilight suddenly bursting into the courtroom to rescue me… hah, appearing in a flash of purple light and whisking me away with a… “Oh! Um, I’m afraid I’m going to have to take the princess now.” “What?” I blinked. That flash… hadn’t been a daydream? Luna had better not be playing with my head again… I shook my head, cleared my mind and eyes... Nope, Twilight was actually here. “Excuse me, I am in a meeting with the Princess!” So was the noble. Should do something about that. “Sorry, Day Court is cancelled.” Twilight stated firmly, walking towards me with a very serious look. “But… what am I supposed to do?” Go AWAY. Twilight paused, looking back at him for a moment, thinking. “Oh. Um. Evacuate? Yes. You should evacuate. Get away from this room, everyone. And, um, anywhere that Celestia tends to spend a lot of time. Could you guards please pass that on? Thank you.” She gave a polite smile, finished climbing the steps, and reached out her hoof, whisking us away before I could so much as say a word. I don’t think I’d ever been so overwhelmed. Or excited. ~-~-~-~ When the teleport let us out, it was not into my rooms. Or her rooms. Or anywhere I recognised, in fact - it looked more like a cave than anything, and it took a moment’s magic for me to note our location as… well outside Canterlot, well outside any habitated area. The middle of nowhere. Twilight was going around putting up shields on the walls and entrances, by the look of things. That boded… very interestingly indeed. I finally found my voice, though I’m ashamed to admit it was only to start babbling. “Well! Um, I’ll admit I was hoping you would rescue me there, but I didn’t really expect… why here? I wasn’t suggesting anything that couldn’t be don…” And my ears caught up. “Why did you say ponies should evacuate places I’ve been? Are you planning on… Twilight, didn’t we learn our lesson about mixing time magic and fun…” And then finally my eyes joined the party, and saw the expression on her face, which promised very little in the way of fun, and suddenly my libido dropped like a stone. “This… this isn’t about the letter I sent at all, is it?” “Well… yes and no?” The confident leader and mage from a moment ago seemed to crumble. “It’s… well, I didn’t really get to read most of it, but…” I blinked, my heart going cold for a moment. “...Wait, did somepony else get it?” The contents of that letter could probably get the both of us in a lot of hot water in the wrong hooves… “Not exactly. It’s more, um… well, you know how Spike has been… not entirely well a little lately?” I could only nod. Spike had been growing, lately, finally coming into his draconic heritage, but it had come with a few little hiccups, which even I didn’t truly understand the meaning of… Twilight had taken full responsibility for it, however, and seemed to be doing fine... “Well, I think I might have figured that out. How much do you know about the spell you use to send the letters by dragon mail?” “Errr…” “I think it might have slightly more effect than just sending the mail. See, I’ve been… a little distracted, so I didn’t really make the correlation, but… Spike started properly growing shortly after we started dating. “You know the saying ‘you are what you eat’?” She chuckled nervously. “Until we got together, most of what we sent back and forth was about studying, friendship, or duty to Equestria. And those have always been big parts of Spike’s personality. I always thought that was just me teaching him as he grew, but…” “You think the letters have something to do with that?” “And ever since we’ve been, um… exchanging letters on more intimate matters… that’s when he started growing. And, well, um, again I… might not have noticed, but… my first worry was that he might be more interested in Rarity, but he seemed to outgrow that… “But instead he was more interested in… um, again, I feel really silly for not noticing it, but he was always asking about you and me… and maybe looking a bit much… and I never really noticed because he stayed a gentleman for the most part and I always thought of him as a little brother…” Oh dear. This… I think I could see why she was panicking, if he’d suddenly… “Um, then we, kinda, um, had that long conversation back and forth today… that was when I first kind of noticed that the letters were having an effect on him. He was happy to keep going, though, but every letter was making him a little more antsy… “And… um… then you sent that last letter. With the… diagrams. And the very descriptive… and emotional… and the rest… and what I kind of hope was drool…” “Oh. I can see why you might be… a little weirded out… is he okay?” “Oh… no, I’m not confused. I had to run away.” She avoided looking at me. What. “...What?” “Well, Spike is growing up… and really quite magic resistant… and it might have slightly set off a bit of a focused greed growth…” WHAT. “Um, wait, you don’t mean…” “What? OH! No, no… well, a little, but not… no! I mean, um, just power. Normal greed growth might make him monster size so he can hoard, but this only made him a little bigger… but very strong… and impressive… and gave him a bit of magic power…” “...A bit…?” Suddenly the cave shook violently. Twilight’s eyes widened, and she focused hard, reinforcing her shield spells. “A lot.” “I see.” “We might be able to fight him off, but probably not without hurting him…” “Maybe we need to find an alternate method of sending our messages.” Another blast rocked the cavern. “Oh, and speaking of, he’s got a link to you through the fire-mail thing, so he can probably find you anywhere?” Twilight gave a nervous grin. “Hence, not in Canterlot…” The cave shook again, as if something was blasting its way through the earth towards us. “How long do you think it’ll take him to get in here?” Another explosion, closer. Twilight’s ears flicked as she calculated. “...I’d say about twenty minutes to get to the cave. Another five for the shields.” Wow. Twilight’s shields were nothing to scoff at, and to break through them so fast... “And then?” “I... know a few more caves we can teleport to and hide in…?” “How long are we going to have to hide for before he calms down?” “...Probably a couple days.” I stared at her for a long moment. “And we’re not going to be able to stay in any one spot for too long.” “Oh, and, um, we probably shouldn’t do anything too, um, involved. With the connection it might just make things worse.” I groaned. “Only you could make a couple of days of desperately hiding from a raging dragon boring, Twilight.” “Hey!” The blasts were getting closer and more frequent, now. At least I don’t have to deal with that noble’s rambling about her summer home for a few days. I sighed… then thoughtfully turned to Twilight. “Actually… would it be bad if I suggested the next place to hide?”