//------------------------------// // Chapter 35 // Story: A New World, a New Ranger // by ed2481 //------------------------------// Justice flew over the forest below, happy to have room to stretch his wings. As it turned out, spending a day inside of a train car was awful for a pair of wings as large and powerful as his and he really needed to put himself through his paces. Additionally, Claire had agreed to leave him in peace for the moment. Not that he did not adore the little Swellow who had all but roped him into being her mate, not that he really minded it of course, but he needed a little time to himself too. The Braviary smiled as the wind swirled over his wings and he caught sight of a peculiar form in the distance. Quickly focusing his eagle eyes, he saw that Articuno of all the lucky female, matless birds was flying away from a rather large building in the middle of the forest. Justice’s eyes narrowed slightly. Surely, Claire would not begrudge him the chance to speak with a Legendary would she? Perhaps if it became more than just talking, Claire would not mind, after all, the chance to mate with a Legendary was the chance of a lifetime! The Braviary’s wings flapped quickly and with a surprising amount of grace the large eagle caught up to the Legendary ice type. “Hello to you,” he called with a smile as he stopped flapping his wings to glide through the air beside the slightly larger bird. Articuno turned and raised an eyebrow at Justice. “Hello,” she greeted simply. “My name is Justice and I believe you and I have met before,” Justice continued, a smile on his beak. Articuno thought for a moment. “Ah yes,” she remembered. “I saved your trainer near Snowpoint,” she chuckled. “You kept making puns based around your name.” “That’s me,” Justice agreed with a grin. “I’m noble and persistent as Justice itself.” Articuno chuckled again. “Well Justice, what brings you to this neck of the woods?” “Well, the honest answer is that I just got off a train for the first time in a day,” Justice answered with a chuckle. “The smart answer is that I saw a beautiful bird flying by herself and thought that it would be a crime if she were to spend the day without a handsome eagle like myself to talk too.” Articuno chuckled. “Well well, someone’s confident aren’t we?” “Ever confident,” Justice replied with a casual smile. “I am a Braviary after all, you’d have to break my wings to keep me down, and even then, I’d hop after you.” Articuno chuckled and shook her head. “Well feel free to fly with me for a while,” she said. “But more than that...” she smirked. “We shall see.” Justice nodded his head. “As you say my beautiful bird, I will fly by your side from dawn to dusk if that’s what it takes to prove myself to you, and believe me, I could do it,” he said, flashing his impressive wings. “Not many Braviaries can say that much, though I’m sure they’d try if they were exposed to beauty like yours.” Articuno smiled, she had to admit, he was quite attractive, she promised herself wouldn’t get his hopes up too high though. “Well then,” she said. “Let’s see how you stack up against a Legend.” Unfortunately for Justice, he was robbed of his chance to test his ‘mettle’ against the Legendary when Claire’s voice spoke out. “Justice, what a coincidence to run into you,” the Swellow said as she banked into view. She looked over at Articuno flashing a friendly smile of her beak. “And you must be Articuno, it’s a honor to meet you.” “Why thank you,” Articuno said, nodding her head and glancing between the two. “What is your name?” “My name is Claire, I’m Justice’s mate,” the Swellow said, keeping the same friendly smile on her beak. Articuno raised an eyebrow and glanced at Justice who had the decency to look rather embarrassed. “It’s a recent development and I’m still adjusting... when I saw a beauty like you flying all alone I could not help myself.” The Legendary’s expression darkened ever so slightly. “I see, I feel that I’m needed somewhere else. Good day to you Claire, good luck, Justice,” she said before with a flap of her icy wings, she soared away from them. Justice looked at Claire with a frown, she still had her smile on her face. “What was that about?” he demanded, annoyance in his voice. “That was Articuno.” “She asked for who I am, and I gave her just that,” Claire replied indifferently with a small shrug of her wings before flapping them to stabilize her flight. “You know very well what I meant,” Justice replied, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “Then you should know too,” Claire stated, glancing over at him with an indifferent look on her face but a hard glimmer glistening in the back of her pupils. “If you see mating as just something for bragging right or as a trophy... then you are just betraying the bond we now share. Articuno saw that, and that’s why she left.” Justice closed his eyes. “I have been smitten with her for years now, Claire,” he said, his voice very tight. “And just because you have claimed me as yours does not mean that you had any right to do that.” “Then what right do I have?” she questioned. “If I don’t do this, then what meaning will your love, or even mating mean to me? How would I really know that you are serious about our love if you keep trying to mate with every female you see?” She closed her eyes and glanced away. “Go chase after her if that’s what you want... I’ll be with Scarlet.” The Swellow angled her wings to the left and turned away, giving several strong flaps as she flew against a small stream of wind. “Oh no you don’t,” Justice growled to himself as his much larger wings propelled him after her, coming to rest in the air above her. “You don’t get to just fly off in a huff Claire. You and I are going to continue having problems if you do and I for one would like to bring them to some kind of an end.” “Then get this straight... you can have friends with as many females flying types as you want... you can butter them with words and such, but I’m the only one who is your mate, and the only one who reserves the right to be paired to you,” Claire said as she glanced up at the Braviary. “Otherwise, there’s nothing else to talk about.” “I suppose there could be my point of view, but apparently that doesn’t matter,” Justice all but snarled. “Then state it instead of holding it back,” Claire said with an annoyed frown. “I’m fifty seven years old Claire, I have been living the way I have for a long time,” Justice said, scowling down at her. “Which you should Arceus damned know because you were a Taillow when I was already evolved!” the Braviary snapped. “So forgive me for a moment for perhaps taking a little bit longer to adjust to the fact that you’ve claimed me for your own and I’m going to have to change my entire way of living!” “And I’m trying to help you adjust,” she stated back, not to the point of yelling but it was loud and firm. “I’m just keeping you in check. I’m not trying to totally prevent you from being friendly to other females Flying types, just the fact I am your mate, and I should suffice in that need. But if you’re not going to let me... well... what use am I then?” “Claire, you are an amazing little Swellow and you will make a marvelous mother when the time comes, but one thing that you must understand is that you do not own me,” Justice stated, his voice turning dark and flat. “If I run into one of my previous mates, one who I have a child with, you are not allowed to get in the way of that. It simply isn’t fair to any of my others.” “Oh, so you and Articuno had a child together, I didn’t know,” she said flatly. “That was different, as I said, I’ve been smitten with her since the moment I saw her,” Justice replied, glancing down at her. “Something that you should be well acquainted with!” “Well nothing is stopping you now from continuing, so go right ahead,” Claire stated with a roll of her eyes as she glanced away from him. “I don’t fancy having my wings frozen mid-flight so I don’t think I’ll be doing that,” Justice replied pointedly. “Arceus Claire, is it really that hard to accept the idea that monogamy is an alien concept to me and that I will probably screw up many times in the pursuit of it?” “And is it really hard to accept that I’m trying to help you in that?” Claire retorted. “You need to work in new boundaries Justice, and I’m trying to inform you of what they are. I can try to force you to stay within them 24/7, but I know I can’t do that, so I try to help you to stumble less when I’m around you. But if you’re not going to let me do that... well, then I shall just head back and leave you be.” “It’s not that I’m not letting you, it’s that you’re getting mad at me! And then you’re threatening to fly away and leave me behind when if I really meant half as much to you as you say I do then you wouldn’t do that!” Justice exclaimed loudly. “You’re talking about these rules like you’ve written them down but this is the first I’m actually hearing of them! You can’t expect me to read your bloody mind Claire!” “Well maybe because I thought they were bloody obvious!” she shouted back as they soared back over the Hall of Legends. “Well maybe they fucking weren’t!” Justice screeched, his feathers puffing up angrily. “Up to this point I’ve only ever been involved in casual flings! I’ve never had a committed relationship of any kind other than to Matt and Abby! Maybe you should have considered that before you got angry with me!” “Well maybe if you used some common sense I wouldn’t be!” Claire bellowed out. There was a flash of light behind the two, one they failed to notice until a new voice spoke up. “Um... excuse me?” “WHAT?!” both shouted at the same time and turn their heads to see a blue, pink and gold Pokemon with translucent wings floating behind them. “I heard, well, more felt, fighting, and I thought I’d come see if there was anything I could do to help,” Cresselia said. Justice was the first to recover his wits. “Lady Cresselia, I’m sorry that we disturbed you. We were simply having an argument.” “That’s one way to say it...” Claire muttered under her breath. “I heard,” Cresselia said. “I was out for a stroll and you two were being kinda loud.” she shook her head. “Anyway, I thought I’d come up and see if there was anyway I could help... smooth this over. It’s kinda part of my job.” “You can try, but I’m getting nothing through him,” Claire stated with a frown. “But I guess I shouldn’t be sooo surprised.” “I feel much the same...” Justice said, his eyes narrowing slightly at Claire. Cresselia sighed. “Well from what I’ve gathered you two are mates, more or less correct?” “Yes,” the Swellow answered. “Though I don’t really know if he knows exactly what that means anymore.” “A mate is someone who you spend time with, love, and have children with over the course of anywhere between a day or the rest of your life,” Justice replied flatly. “In my case, it is usually a single day or a single week.” “Ah,” Cresselia said. “I see... so you’re one of those love ‘em and leave ‘em types, and you’re trying to commit to a steady relationship.” “More or less,” Justice replied, shaking his head. “And she just crushed any hopes I had of mating with Articuno, not that I had any real hope, but I liked to think I did. Now she most likely thinks that I’m a deplorable bird who merely wanted to mate with her.” Cresselia shrugged. “Articuno’s the type who’s looking for someone to spend her life with,” she sighed. “Kinda difficult when you live forever, but yeah, she’s not big into your type.” Justice let out a sigh. “I was just trying to give her joy... that’s all I ever try and do,” he told her, shaking his head. “I believe I’m quite good at it too.” Cresselia put aside the idea of mentioning Articuno’s father, or her siblings. “That’s a... positive way to look at it,” she said. “But if you intend to settle down, you may want to try to hold back on those urges.” “Thank you,” Claire said giving a nod of agreement. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him.” “But,” Cresselia continued. “If he’s been a bachelor for his entire adult life, then it’s unrealistic for you to expect him to change so quickly.” “Thank you,” Justice said with a shake of his head. “I’m fifty seven and have been living like this since I was in my twenties...” “Exactly,” Cresselia said with a nod. “The start of any relationship is usually rocky, you have to get a feel for what works for you, for what you have to try and change, and if you’re willing to change for your partner, as well accept the parts they can’t change.” “I’m willing to change for her... it’s just that she has to understand the fact that I have many past relationships,” Justice said slowly. “And that from my perspective... the chance to mate with Articuno would have been a dream come true... not in a ‘she’s a trophy’ way or anything... just that she’s a beautiful bird and I wanted to give her as much joy as I could in our short embrace.” Claire let out a sigh. “I... understand... I can put up with your flirty state with other females, but....” She frowned as she glanced toward the Braviary. “I should be the one who you should be trying to fill with joy and... I just feel... robbed, I guess, when I’m not.” “Claire... you shouldn’t feel robbed...” Justice said, shaking his head. “I see it as my duty to spread the joy of Justice to every lovely flying type I meet, and those who are closest to me come first.” The Swellow let out another shallow sigh. “Yeah... I know, but I still feel it just doesn’t mean... as much as you say it does. I mean, you mated with so many and... how much can you really stretch out that ‘joy’ to everyone?” “Because I can,” Justice said with a small shrug. “Or, at the very least I always try too. I remember the name of every one of them, and believe me, that is a lot of names to remember Claire. I will not claim something so arrogant as to say that I am perfect but I do my absolute best to do all I can to help those I mate with. Every once and a while I stop by where I last saw them to see if they’re doing alright. They aren’t always there, sometimes they are and I get to spend a few days with them, when Abby doesn’t have need of me of course, and it makes me happy to know that I’ve brought joy into the life of so many.” He bowed his head. “And now that Arceus has moved us all here without a rhyme or reason... it is very likely that I will not see many of them ever again.” The Swellow’s face softened as she glanced to the left slightly. “...so, that’s why you took so long on the way out of the plains when that flock of Unfezants passed us?” “Mhm, I was looking to see if there were any I knew,” Justice said, nodding his head. “It’s also why I wanted to come out flying alone... and why my eyes were glued to the sky during our entire journey here.” “...then I should just leave you alone then and let you continue in your search,” she said, her tone not angry or mad... but sad, and without another word her wings folded in and she dive straight down like a rocket. She opened them up in a flash before she hit the trees in the forest and vanished within. “Uhh,” Cresselia began. “I don’t think that was supposed to happen.” Justice hung his head. “This is what I get for trying to make someone who loves me happy,” he said with a sigh before glancing at the Legendary. “Any words of advice for a tired, confused soldier, Ma’am?” Cresselia smiled. “If you truly love her, don’t give up, and find a way to show her what she means to you.” “Should I go after her now or give her space?” Justice inquired, shaking his head. “I’m not... used to this kind of thing.” Cresselia sighed. “Give her time, but not too much time, otherwise she’ll just start getting angry again.” “Right... so like an hour?” he asked, he really didn’t know what to do. If Cresselia had hands, she would’ve face palmed. “This isn’t exactly a science you know, there’s not always a go to answer or past data you can look back on, the heart is a fickle thing.” Justice nodded his head. “Point... thank you for your help... and if you see Arceus, please ask him to take a few minutes out of his day to stop by and see if he can’t help me find my rather large family.” “I’ll talk to him,” Cresselia said. “But uh... word of advice? Don’t bring up the Articuno thing, just trust me on that.” “I’ll remember,” Justice replied, giving her as deep of a bow as he could while still flying. “Well... I should get back to my search for the next hour or so, thanks again.” With that, Justice flapped his wings and soared away from her. Cresselia sighed. “He seems like a nice guy, I hope it works out for them.” “If you ask me,” a new voice chimed in. “That ending was far too dramatic.” “Oh hush you,” Cresselia chided Darkrai. “It’s not like you haven’t had the same kind of moments.” The Dark type nodded. “Point taken, now then, shall we my dear?” He held out an arm towards Cresselia. She smiled. “Lets,” she said, ready to continue their date.