//------------------------------// // 2nd Story // Story: THIS IS A STORY // by _NAME_ //------------------------------// The stallion’s pace quickened as he neared his house, and he hoped that the torrential downpour of rain that was currently soaking him, even through his jacket, wouldn’t get any worse in the last few steps to his home. He practically sprinted up his yard, keys already at the ready, and as quickly as his magic would allow, unlocked his front door and bolted inside, thankful that he was finally out of the rain. Throwing off his jacket off, he once again lamented both the fact he had forgotten to bring an umbrella and that the pegasi had gone and made such a severe storm in the first place. Grumbling under his breath, he shambled over to the nearby hall closet and took out a towel to dry himself off with, which he then did. Now somewhat dryer, though not much happier, the stallion went and peered out a window to check on the conditions outside, and was amazed to see that the weather had gotten even worse in the few minutes since he had gotten home. It was a proper deluge outside now, with a steady stream of water flowing down the middle of the street and wind that was beginning to rattle the window panes and cover his yard with broken tree branches. He turned away, drawing the blinds over the window, and began to walk into his living room, when everything lit up as a sudden flash of lightning touched down what must have been only a street away, its ear-splitting crack of accompanying thunder shaking the entire house, causing him to jump in alarm. Rattled by the booming noise, and cursing under his breath some, the stallion sat down on his couch and settled in for the rest of the day, preparing himself for a long, stormy night.