Keep living for Friendship

by alejin

Chapter 26, Take me out If you can. . . and yep, I know you can

Three days have passed since Alex recieved that letter, The Princesess would arrive in about 1 hour and nopony had seen him since then, the last one to see him was Spike 3 nights ago in that little dock, Twilight and the others were worried to death, as before when he dissapeared the first time, they knew he didn’t escape, all his stuff except some clothes and his weapons were in his room, with a note on the bed, it said

+ + + + + + + + + +

Dear friends

I still have some unfinished bussines that will take me around 2 or 3 days, please don’t worry and don’t look for me, It’s something I must do alone, I’ll be there when the princesses arrive, please be patient.

Cya in 3 days

Your friend Alex

P.S. Tell Spike to not slack off with his excercises and training.

+ + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Even though he left a letter, all his friends tried to find him with no success, they tried every posible place he could be, The Old Sister castle, Zecora’s place, with the manticores, they even asked Proud Hammer if he had seen him, Proud hammer only shooked his head and said no (Thanking it wasn’t Applejack the one who asked him), after one day, the girls gave up, not that they didn’t want to find him, but it was obvious he was hidding very well, besides he said he would be back the day of the banishment, but it also was sad, they wanted to spend his last day with him, Pinkie wanted much to her grief to throw a “Goodbye Ali” Party, no pony was taking his decisión very well, first he didn’t do or said anything to try to stay, and then he dissapeared without telling them, It’s was like he indeed was abandoning them.

The CMC weren’t taking this too good either, Sweetie bell didn’t stop looking for him, she wasn’t happy he had to leave, but at least she as well wanted to spend all the time she could with him, Applebloom was worried as her, Alex was her friend too, but she kept wondering why he dissapeared, Scootaloo by her part just felt guilty, she really didn’t think Alex would follow her advice to stay away from them, she admired him and only said that for the moment, later that night she inmediately regretted saying that and decided to apologize the next day, only to find he left.

To surprise to everypony, the only one to did nothing was Lyra, she said it was meaningless, how she spent weeks trying to find him in the Everfree forest when he was hidding from them with no success, she also said she trusted him and if he said he will be there in 3 days, he definitely will.

The hour finally came, EveryPony were in the Central Hall, waiting for Princess Celestia and Luna arrive, Everypony wondered where Alex could be, did he really ran away??, to almost everypony it was a fact, after all what else could he do if he was going to be banish anyway, Spike was looking everywhere, for any sign of Alex, he was so focus looking for his friend that he didn’t notice the Royal Chariots. . . . what Chariots??, what was happening, Everypony wondered, when the carriots finally landed, everypony gasped when they saw not only Princess Celestia and Luna, but they also were recieving the visit of Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor, all four Royalty members got out and stayed there. Shining Armor inmediatily looked at her little sister who came trotting to him to give him a crushing hug

“Twili!!!, It’s so good to see you little sister”

“BBBFF, It’s so good to see you too, but. . . what is going on??, why are you here?”

“Well (Princess Cadence answered and made her dancing greeting with Twilight then she said), my aunts told us about the banishment of the creature known as human, and well. . . . thinking this could be our only chance to see him. . . we came, also we wanted to pay you a visit”

“Yes Twili, besided, Princess Celestia told us the kind of creature he is, and well, I got worried for your safety. . . tell me, It’s everything alright, have he tried anything?”

“What? no, no, he is a good human, he had done nothing but helping us and being a good friend”

“I see (Cadence said again), tell me, is this human the one involved with the Manticore incident weeks ago??”

“Yes he is, he fought to protect us”

“Ok. . . . well, where is he, I only see ponies and Spike here”

“Yes Twilight (Celestia stared), were is the human Alex, is he here, is he hidding??”

“well. . . princess Celestia, to be honest. . . we don’t know where he is”

Celestia only raised an eyebrown “Care to explain please”

“We haven’t seen him since we came back from Canterlot, he left a letter telling us he was going to be here today”

Princess luna then said “Well, as far I can see, it seems he lied, we knew it, he is nothing more than a coward, as expected from a human”

Nopony dared to say anything, it seemed they. . . . were right

“No!!!” A fillie screamed

Everypony turned to see an angered Sweetie bell, she was breathing hard, her eyes narrowed.

“Alex. . . .my brother is not a coward, he is not!!”

“Little Pony, please, it’s obvious he ran away, he prefered to banish himself than confront us, he has no sense of honor”

“But. . . but. . .”

“Accept it once and for all Little Sweetie bell, he abandoned you”

Sweetie bell just laid on the ground, crying with her little hooves covering her face, Everypony including the mane 6 stayed there, not wanting to believe it, but it was indeed obvious, Alex would not come, he. . . . gave up


Everypone inmediately turned around to see who said that, what a hell of surprise was for them to see him there, covered entirely in a cape with a hood covering half of his face, there he was. . . Alex the human, he was just standing there and he was not happy, but what really shooked everypony was that. . . he didn’t say. . .Princess, Shinning Armor after recovering from the shock (was his first time seeing a human) said angry

“Hey!! Who do you think you are??, show more respect to Princess Celestia”

“And exactly who the hell are you?”

“I’m Prince Shining Armor, former Captain of the Royal guard and actual Prince of the Cristal Empire, so I recomend you to watch your tone with me”

Alex after processing what he just said started to laught like a maniac

“Shinning Armor. . . . HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, really??, and what’s your wife name?? Princess Lady in distress???, HAHAHAHAHA”

Everypone, Twilight most of all were shocked, Alex didn’t just say that. . . right?, Shining by his part were redder than a Tomato

“ENOUGH!!” Shining said before throwing an energy beam to Alex, a beam he dodge with no much effort

“I will not tolerate a creature like you to talk to us like that”

“Easy Prince. . puff. .Prince Shining Armor, I don’t have anything againts you, please step aside”

“YOU. . . .” Shining was about to say more when he was interrupted by Celestia raised hoof

“Enough Shinning Armor please, soon you will not have to hear him again” she turned to see Alex “Ok. . . human, I think you are here to accept your banishment as you promise, I hope you are prepared as you wanted.


“Very well, please follow us, we will escort you to Equestria Limits, get on the carriot please”

“. . . . . . . NO”

“Sorry Human, I think I heard wrong, you said. . . No?”

“You heard very well Celestia”

“Princess Celestia!! Shining screamed, adress her with respect”

“Why should I?”

“what did you say”

“I said, why should I? . . . .don’t get me wrong, as the Rulers they are I respect them, after all those stories about them being so kind, how lovely they were, (how in the show Celestia seemed so. . motherly like), I remember how eager yet scared I was to finally meet them, (Celestia most of all), but they. . . they called me filthy creature without knowing me, even now, She knows my name yet she keeps calling me human, so. . . why should I call her Princess?. . . in fact I think I should just call her big pony”

Celestia (ignoring that last comment) then said “You had your chance to defend your self and show your worth yet you did nothing, you only asked for one more week and I granted your wish, now come here and accept your banishment now!!”

“I have a better idea, you come here and do it yourself, because you can be damn sure I will not go voluntary. . . not anymore, you said you want me to come ready and determinated, then here I am, ready and determinated to not be banished”

Shining Armor only cuckled and said “Brave words creature, but it’s futile, I will banish you myself, guard!. . .don’t you dare to interfiere” (they all nooded)

“You can try, pretty boy”

“You really think a nonmagical creature like you stand a chance againts me??”

Shining then glowed his horn and pointed it to Alex, he inmediately jumped away from there to see a magical barrier “bubble” appeared a second later where he was just standing, Shining kept doing it faster and faster, Alex kept dodging being restricted in one of those bubbles.

“Shinnig Stop this now!!” Twilight said, breaking Alex and Shinnig armor focus, infortunately Shining Armor regained it faster and finally was able to trap Alex in a bubble

“Thanks Twili, you were a good help”

“What no!! Shining! Reléase him now!!”

“No can do sister, sorry, (Sister??, what??, Alex thought), and now. . . human, I heard many things you did here so I must say. . . I’m dissapointed, I expected you to put more fighting than this, well. . . I guess I’m so good after all and. . . . what are you doing?”

Alex inside the minibubble was looking for something in his cape, finally he took out some kind of. . .Iron knuckles, like the ones the minotaurs use in their army, he taking his time put both in his hands, shining was only smiling at this

“You think you can break my barrier, wow, humans are not exactly the smarter species. . . right?”

At that very moment Alex hitted the bubble with full streght, he regreted not having his Iphone to take a picture of Shining, the princesses or better said, EVERYPONY faces when he made that hit, he made a huge crack in the shield, before shining armor could do anything, a second hit in the same spot made the bubble to broke in thousand of pieces that inmediatelly dissapeared.

“What??. . . how?? Not posible!! Shinning Armor thougth speechless

“What’s wrong pretty boy?, cat cut your tongue??”

“UHG fine, I don’t know how you did that, but let’s see if you can break this one”

Shining then shot a beam to Alex to prison him in another bubble, no one could predict what happened later. . . . Alex . . . instead of dodging the beam, he blocked it with his hands, the beam was deflected to another Pony (Derpy who was inmediately imprisoned in a bubble which she seemed to. . . like?. . . ok?), even though Alex was able to deflect the beam, he still was forcéd back a few inches, Shining Armor magic was really strong, He gave him that.

What?? again?? How did you do that??”

Alex knew he would start to suspect so taking his chances he inmediately charged agains shining armor at full speed, shining tried to defend himself with more beams which Alex kept dodging or deflecting with his Iron knucles this time, Shining then thought, If barriers or beams don’t work, then telekinesis, thinking Alex was stupid enought to get close to his range enough to be affected by it, he tried to levitate him when he was about 2 meters and half away from him, but by his surprise he only could manage to levitate his cape. . . “what??” he thought, but before he could do anything else, a closed fist impacted in his right cheek, making him flinch a little, but it didn’t end there because before he could respond, Alex made a roundhouse kick to his left cheek, this did the trick, shining fell to the ground hiting hit with his face, after some seconds, he raised his head. . panting, he could see what the cape was hidding, Alex had some kind of protectors. . . metal protectors covering his clothes, knees, feet, elbows, chest, every part, he even had some kind of headband with a plaque on it, the simbol on it that looked like an “A”, and it was also in his chest armor, at last he seemed full equiped with a bow and backpacks hidding Celestia knows what.

“Dark. . . dakness. . .s, stone?. . . not. . fair.. . . but. . . very clever”

“thanks, but to be honest. . . only you being able to use magic isn’t so fair as well right” Alex said panting too, he got close to Shining and crouched”



Proud Hammer Workshop

Proud hammer, after seeing how everypony including the Mayor, the local dragon, almost every fillie and colt were talking and wondering where Alex could be, proceded to enter his workshop, in there, Alex was finishing the touches of his work, proud hammer, after staring at it, said

“Boy, you should see how it is out there, all your friends are really worried about you, I really hope you know what you are doing”

“Don’t worry, I know, well . . . . maybe not, even so, Thanks for all the help, I really like how it ended”

“Yeah, It’s different from everything I know but hey, if it works for you, that fine by me, but really kiddo, It was tought, I’m really not used to working in this conditions, you know. . . without magic, I must say, now I respect more earth ponies or pegasi blacksmiths.”

“You said it, and I’m sorry to put you in this predicament. . . . look, don’t worry, as I said 3 nights ago, I wont use this to harm anypony or any creature (too much), and if anypony asks, I’ll say I did it all by myself, I know what we did. . . it’s not precisally. . . . legal”

“Relax kiddo, I told you that I trust you, I wouldn’t had done anything of this if I think otherwise, but I do must warn you again, your plan is really crazy, the kind of plan that would make the princeses want to banish you. . . . . oh!! . . . . right, why do I always forget”

“hehehe, Ok. . . Proud hammer, let’s try these babies before the Princesses arrive, we only have about one hour and I really need to get used to them”

“Why???, It doesn’t look so diferent of the ones you normally use. . . right??”

“no, not really, but the extra “upgrades” maybe made them a little more. . . heavy.”

“You mean adding the new plates to your protectors, shoes, gloves to your clothes. . . . even to your weird armor, remember what I told you, thanks to my alloy, they are as light as a feather, don’t understimate my work kiddo”

“. . . . . Really?!. . . . thanks, it will come in handy, what about my new weapons, I know it was a last minute request but. . .will I feel them heavier??”

“Nope, all your new weapons will weight the same, even your new bow after all the modifications, don’t worry,”

“Thanks Proud Hammer, well. . . . then. . . anyway, at least I want to try them on”

After saying that, Alex put on his modified outfit and weapons, Proud hammer was right, he didn’t feel any heavier, in fact he felt. . . . lighter, he looked at the mirror, and he just thought “I look so badass, if I have to say it myself”

“Wow Proud, an impecable job, thank you”

“Thanks kiddo, now, just one question, for what you want those??,” Proud hammer said pointing a couple of cardboardboxes on the table

“Ok, the little one is for Spike, in case my plan fails. . . please give it to him in any case (Proud hammer noded) the other one is for me”

“why did you make those?, for the dragon I can understand but. . . you have a full armor for yourself now”

“Do you really expect me to go on armor every simple hour of every day in case my plan works??”

“OH. . . right, but they will not have the same effect”

“It’s something at least, now please I need a cape”

“why you need a cape for??”

“If there is something I learned in my stay in this world is. . . never underestimate the power of the surprise element”

“If you say so, just one more thing kiddo”

“What is it?”

“Just because your armor is inmune to magic spells or beams, it doesn’t mean your body will be able to handle being pushed too much, trust me, the Princesses can really hurt you, darkness armor or not”

“Thanks Hammer, I’ll have that in mind”



“So now you are going to finish me, then go ahead” Shining said

What was his surprise when Alex grabed his hoof, put on his shoulder and brought him to his sister to recieve healing magic, Cadence inmediately came to treat her husband as well, (even though she was pissed with him, she was also gratefull he didn’t do anything else to her husband), After secured he was in good hooves, Alex proceded to walk again where the princeses were, but he heard Shining talk

“Why did you help me, I was trying to banish you?, I thought you all humans were barbaric and cruel.”

Alex only chuckled without turning his head “Don’t get confused Shinning, you are right about that, every human can be barbaric and cruel if he/she really want to, but almost every one rather not to be, so do I, sorry for what I did to you, I got carried away, besides I would never dare to do something to harm permanently the brother of one of my best friends (Alex said looking at Twilight who only smiled at him, a little angry for what he just did to her brother)

Shining only grinned at this comentary and left his sister and wife to treat him, Alex then continued his track to the princesses, once of some meter away from them, he only proceded to stare at them who stared at him back, the royal guards proceded to try to arrest him but were stopped by the princesses canterlot royal voice


“. . . . Yes your Highness” the guards said, they were smiling, they knew he only defeated Prince Shining armor by luck and surprise, trick that would not work with the most powerfull beings in Equestria

Princess Celestia then made another bubble barrier which imprisoned themselves and Alex, (like last time), then she said

“So. . . . Hum. . . . Alex, I see when you said you came determinated and ready, you weren’t bluffing, tell me, who helped you to make this “armor”?

“I made them myself, no pony helped me”

“I see, then, tell me. . . what are you planing to do now, because as far as I see, you used your surprise element with Prince Shining armor, so tell me. . . exactly. . . what are you planing to do?”

“If you really want to know. . . I guess I will fight you”

Luna surprised and chuckling said

“Fight us??, really?, you should know Alicorn magic is way powerfull than Unicorn magic, you think your armor will help you againts us, don’t think we didn’t notice, you had trouble deflecting Prince Shining armor beams, you had to use a lot of strengh in your arms and body to not being pushed to the ground by the hits, and he is a unicorn, granted, one of the most powerfull unicorns of this time, but even so, that wont work with us, even if you manage to deflect our beams, your body don’t have the endurance to take that kind of pressure,. . . . so you still want to fight us?, it would be better for you if you only accept the banishment”

“. . . . yes”

Princess luna rolled her eyes and in a blink of an eye, she shot a powerfull surprise beam to him, Alex only got time to cover from the hit with his hand and deflected it with success, but he was sent flying, at least 2 meters away, the landing wasn’t so bad, but his arms, they hurt like a bitch, she was right, as Proud as well, the armor could protect him and deflect, but his body could not take the push and presure, another push like that and maybe this time she will break his arms and hands, even so Alex stood up again and walked again to where the princesses were.

Princess Luna was shocked, he didn’t get the message?, but before she could say anything, her sister shot her own beam to Alex, Alex didn’t have time to try to block it this time, the beam striked directly his chest, and like the last time, he was sent meters away, he stayed there, hardly breathing, tried to strock his chest with no avail (his modified bullet proof vest was preventing that), he even spat some blood, he stood up again, but this time he didn’t wait for another beam to strike him, Alex then took his bow and one arrow and pointed it to Celestia who only smirk and said

“Do you really think your weapons can affect us, we will just make a barrier, in some kind of way. . . .I’m starting to feel pity for your worthless efforts”

Someponies couldn’t help to chuckle as well, it indeed just seemed like a desperate move

After staring at them for a few seconds, Alex smiled, then he moved his arrow and targeted at the bubble surrounding them, (a part where nopony was of course) and threw his proyectile, no one could imagine the surprise and shock when the arrow pierced it and left a little hole and crack on it

After seeing this Alex took another arrow and targeted at them again

“Tell me princess Celestia. . . seeing now your barriers will not work. . . what will be faster. . . your transportation spell or my arrow??”

The princess didn’t say anything, Luna tried to grab the bow and the arrow with her magic with no success, then she noticed it had some kind of dark metal plaques around it and obviously the arrow point was made with. . . damn more darkness stone she thought.

There were really very few times where the princesses feel intimidated and this moment was one of them, they trusted their speed, but the chances still were 50-50, but for Celestia this was the moment she really wanted to have with the human. .. better in front of everypony, she only thought

“Cmon human, shot that arrow and show everypony and us. . . your real nature. . . don’t dissapoint me”

Alex kept pointing his weapon at them, after a few seconds he sigh and low his bow, Celestia was speechless but Luna seeing this didn’t lose time and shot another beam to Alex’s bow. . . sending it away, Alex in shock not wasting time as well used all his strengh left and. . .as with Shining, he charged at them, (If I’m gonna be banished so unfairly. . . at least you will taste my fist as well Celestia, Alex thought) Princess Celestia still not believing what she just wittnessed started to shot him a lot beams, he managed to dodge some, but the rest were direct hits, to his stomach, shoulder, right leg, etc, when the last hit impacted, instead of having a human running at them, they had a human draging at them with one arm (to them it was obvious Celestia broke the other one), he was spitting more blood, it seemed he was at his limit.

Everypony in town was horrified by the scene, Fluttershy, Lyra and Pinkie Pie were crying and begging them to stop, Sweetie bell fainted and was being assisted by her sister and fillie friends, Twilight was shocked, why was Alex continuing with this useless fight?, Applejack used her stetson to cover her eyes, Rainbow was hitting the bubble as Spike was throwing fire at it, they were so desperate to break it and treat their friend.

Alex finally, after draging with his still good arm, finally managed to grab Celestia hoof who in responde stomp it on his hand, maybe breaking it inmediately, Alex screamed, but it wasn’t for so long, all his body ached anyway, Finally Being levitated by Celestia and Luna convined magic, Princess Celestia said

“So Alex, tell me, You really thought you could challenge us?”

“he. . hehehehe, not really, in fact I ended way better than I thought”

Celestia chuckled at this and continued

“Tell me Alex, acording to what Twilight and Spike told me about the Diamond dogs incident, you knew, using darkness stone was ilegal here, you even threated us with darkness stone arrows. . . and for only that the punishment is very severe. . tell me why did you use them even knowing that”

“Yes. . . I know, the truth is, I remembered when I told you to grant me one more week to prepare to be banished and you know what. . . I really was prepared to accept it. . . because I thought I wasn’t hurting anypony, and well because I knew it was meaningless to try to oposse you. . the Princesses, but. . . I was wrong at one thing, I was hurting my friends. . . , my partner. . . my little sister, I was abandoning them and I wasn’t doing anything about it, so. . . I took my chances, I knew challenge you was suicide, but if I would do it, at least I would do it the better a nonmagical creature could, so, I took some diamond dogs’ darkness stone armors from Ponyville werehouse and modify my “armor” and weapons. . . I did my best, and now. . .even so it’s really painfull, I can say at least I tried with all my might. . . .

“I could see that. . . Alex, but I need to know one more thing. . . why did you stopped pointing your arrow a us”

“. . . . Did you really think I would use my weapons to hurt anypony. . . worse the princesses of Equestria. . . as I said to my good friend Applejack, I would never use it againts anypony (Unless they are trying to kill of course which I thought they weren’t. . . right?)

“I see, well Alex. . . I think it’s time to proceed with your banishment, Shall we proceed??” Luna said

“. . . . Yes Princess. . . . but just one little advice, if you really want to get rid of me, Instead of that. . . I strongly recomend you to end my life here”

Princess Celestia and Luna’s eyes widened, what was this human asking was. . . so unreal, who would choose execution over banishment? They thought, Princess Celestia then said

“Why are you saying that Alex?”

(Uh? no human) “Because if you just banish me, I swear by my two sister’s names, no matter where you send me, I will be back here and will try to convince you again, I love Equestria as a 2nd home now and I’m not willing give up on it”

The Princesses, everypony, even Cadence and Shining Armor smiled after hearing that.

Princess Celestia and Luna looked each other, their horns started to glow, Alex waited for it, then he remembered (damn, all my stuff is still at Rarity’s place, nonononono, not to mention all my body ache), resigned, Alex closed his eyes waiting to see where he will be sent, After a minute he opened them and saw. . . . Princess Celestia and Luna, staring at him, smiles still present, but. . . he noticed, he was fine, his body was healed, (well, at least they will not banish me injured he thought) the princesses then put him down on the ground, he stayed there, finally asked

“Soooo, what will happen now??”

Princess Celestia said “Well, you tell me, what you want to happen?”

“I . . . . want to stay here. . . .at least for the time being”

“For the time being?. . . I see, very well, please come with us”

Celestia then made the barrier dissapear, and alongside with Alex and Luna proceded to go infront of Everypony, once there, Everypony just stared at them, waiting what their Ruler had to say, Princess Celestia then said with her canterlot voice


“And what decree is that Princesses?”


“Never Princesses”

Then Alex, before any of them could do anything, taking all his chances hugged both of them (another brony's dream. . . complete, he thought), the princesses were surprised, but not the bad way, they returned the hug.

Everypony stomped the ground (applauding) and cheering in joy, while they were doing it, Princess Celestia said

“Alex, I have one more thing to say, I. . . . still have my issues with humans, but I really believe we can trust you, please. . . don’t dissapoint me”

“Don’t worry Princess, I don’t plan to”

“Glad to hear that, (she then got closed to his ear and whispered), but also know this, we still have to talk that “for the time being” issue”

“Ok Princess, as you said, to be honest, me and Twilight were planing to have a chat with you before. . . well. . . all of this happened”

“Ok Alex, in that case, don’t hesitate to come to Canterlot with everypony for a visit, just be warned, Canterlot citizen are not. . . . well, let say not as accepting as Ponyville”

“Oh please sister, say it as it is, almost everypony there are bunchs of buttholes”

“LUNA!!, watch your mouth!”

“What? It’s the truth!

“hahaha, Luna, you are so funny, I think we will be great friends!”

“. . . . Really?, you want to be my friend?”

“. . . .yeah?. . .I mean why not”

“well, to be honest I don’t have many f. . . “

“ALEEEEEEX” (Luna was interrupted by Sweetie bell who by no longer a surprise for anypony, tackled him to the ground, then the other crussaders joined her)

“You are staying, you are staying, you were so cool, you lost, but you were so cool, Oh my, I sound like Scootaloo now”

“yeah you wish, Alex I’m glad you returned and. . . sorry for what I said”

“Thanks Sweetie, yes I’m staying for now and Scootaloo, don’t worry about it, in fact, what you told me help me clear my mind, and you don’t say anything little Applebloom”

“ah want to say, ah am glad to see you fine and. . . . Sweetie bell was right, you are not a coward and you didn’t leave us”

“Never Applebloom, I would never abandon my family like that and know this, Sweetie bell may be my “oficial” sister, but I love you and Scootaloo as sisters too, hope you don’t mind little sis”

“Nope, in fact, you know. . . they are like my sisters too” (so much dawwwwww)

“After that everypony (Twilight and friends) joined the hug.

“Wow Alex, you were amazing, I never thought you could face my brother and. . . win”

shining then said “yeah, but remember this, I want a rematch, and if you ever consider to join the royal guards, don’t hesitate to ask me for a recomendation”

“Thanks Shining. . . Twilight”

Fluttershy then said “Alex, are you ok?, any broken bones, injuries?”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, the Princesses took care of that already”

“Oh. . . . I’m. . . glad, yay?”

Rarity then said, “Oh dear, I guess you are still staying with me, glad I didn’t decide to clean the room yet”

“Yep, you are still stock with me. . .if you want of course

“well. . . of course dear, just please, try to stay away any confrontations from now on. . .ok?

“I’ll try, I promise”


Pinkie then as always dissapeared in a confetti explosión

“Wow, as always, Pinkie being Pinkie (rainbow said), well. . . dude, I can only say. . .you were. . .awesome, congratulations, from now. . .count me in when you and Spike train”

“I’ll. . . . keep that in mind” (she noded)

“I’m glad yah still with us partner, ah hope this fight left you hungry because a full Apple feast is waiting for yah”

“wow, Applejack, you read my mind, I’m as hungry as a horse.. . . . hmmm sorry”

“for what??”

“. . . . never mind”

Lyra then came, she seemed relieved but as the same time worried, she also hugged Alex and said

“Do every human gets in trouble this often??”

“To be honest. . . . yes, but not like the ones I got here, that for sure”

“I’m glad, so it’s natural, I thought maybe you had really bad luck here”

“. . . . Thanks?”

Finally Alex noticed Spike

“Hey buddy, I hope you kept your training in my absence”

“eyuup” then he hitted Alex in his ankle

“Ouch!!, what was that for?”

“For hidding and not took me with you, and this”

He hugged his friend in his chest

“This is for returning, thanks dude”

“your very welcome partner”

Twilight then aproached Princess Celestia and said,

“Princesss Celestia, Luna, would you like to come with us to Sweet Apple Acress and have some dinner”

“I think we would like that very much Twilight, let’s go”

Then after dissmising everypony, all the mane 6 (Pinkie reapeared from nowhere. . .again), the CMC, Spike, all the princesses, Prince Shining armor and finally Alex proceded to go for a well deserved dinner.

They spent the rest of the day knowing each other, Alex finally could oficial introduce himself to Prince Shining Armor and princess Mi Amor. . . . Cadence, she was an Alicorn as well, she was really nice and kind, and acording to Twilight she was the princess of Love, she could spread the love to everypony (wow, a really and hot versión of cupid if you ask me Alex thought), Shining Armor was a really nice dude, he was strong with a lot of honor and he kept talking about a rematch, Alex told him maybe when they visit the Cristal Empire which he gladly accepted.

After brunch, the royal family had to say good bye, all of them said their farewells and entered their carriots and went to their own kingdoms (Alex noticed Luna turned around and it seemed she really wanted to say something to him but stopped at the last minute. . . . weird), once far away from everypony Luna said to Celestia

“Well Tia. . . .it seems he really is a good human after all. . . he passed your test with honors”

“Yes Lulu. . . but still just in case. . . .let’s keep watching him. . . at least for a little more time”

“Yes Tia, but I must admit, I kinda like him a little, he seems fun and nice(besides. . . he told me he wanted to be my friend. . . . horseapples I didn’t gave him a response. . . well. . . next time”

“Indeed Luna, at the very least he really seemes . . . trusfull”

After the chariots were gone everypony said their farewells to each other and proceded to go to their houses too, Alex, Rarity and Sweetie bell started their walk home, it was kinda funny, because this time . . he could say with no doubt, now it really was his true 2nd home.