//------------------------------// // Preparation // Story: The Dead Kingdom // by Red and Black Alicorn OC //------------------------------// "Hua, I don't know about this." The two mares walked towards Thute park, where Hua told Kuati to meet them. She didn't know why she chose this place, but this is the place where Hua became a Deachrai. She was lost in the fog, when she saw Xean. She walked towards him because she was scared. Because she was lost. "I mean, Ouis threatening you is a tad bit weird but theft, that's illegal." Rhidana snapped her back into reality. "We are not going to steal anything, just take a snoop around, that's all!" A group of teenagers stared at Hua and Rhidana, but immediately looked away from them once they saw there cutie mark. Hua forgot that people were afraid of both the Salmaic and Deachrai alike. (A tattoo of a vine going up someone's leg means that they are apart of the Salmaic but if you found a tattoo outlining someone's cutie mark that means they are Deachrai.) Hua looked at Rhidana. "I think we should go and find Kuati and then find a isolated area where we can talk." "Agreed." The girls waited next to the statue of some sort of famous pony and waited. In a few minutes Kuati appeared. "Hi guys! We gonna go then?" Hua looked at Rhidana with an expression saying do you want to come or not? Rhidana hesitated before nodding. "Okay, but not until I hear the plan" Hua grinned and started to walk towards the doorway of a abandoned house. Hua opened the door and the group walked in. Kuati turned to face the door and cast a spell onto it. "That should keep them out." Hua looked around the silent and undisturbed room. "Let's go up to the top floor, just in case someone decides to eavesdrop." The trio climbed up the wooden staircase. On the top floor there was a bookshelf tilted on it's side and a large willow table in the center of the isolated room. Hua walked to one side of the table and looked at Kuati. "Get the equipment." Kuati nodded and then teleported a large rolled up blueprint, one sheet of paper, one ink bottle, two ink quills and two flasks filled with a golden substance. Hua smiled at Rhidana. "We are going to breach the Salmaic HQ." Hua unrolled the blueprint and turned it towards Rhidana. "Here, look." Rhidana observed the blueprint and realised that it was the Salmaic head quarters. Hua pointed to four places on the map. "The HQ has four entrances. The front entrance, the door leading to the back garden, the back entrance and the stairs leading up to the platform above on the second floor. The front entrance is to risky, so we will have to each take one of the three other routes separately." Rhidana looked up from the blueprint. "What?! Are you crazy? We will have to split up?" Hua looked at Rhidana and sighed. "If we stick together then people will get suspicious." "If someone sees us then they will recognise us anyway!" Hua shook her head. "I will get to that part in a minute." Hua looked down at the blueprint and continued. "So, when we take our entrances then we will meet up here." Hua pointed to a room labeled storage. "There, we can meet up and discuss the things we should do next." "Okay, but how are we meant to keep our cover from being blown?" Hua smiled and cocked her head towards the glass vial. "That." Rhidana looked at the golden substance and looked back to Hua. "What does it do?" Kuati spoke for Hua. "It's a potion that can change the colour of your eyes, change the colour of your mane and change your cutie mark." Rhidana looked worried. "Are the symptoms permanent?" "No, not if you have less then then a tablespoon." Rhidana looked relieved. "But how about the tattoos?" Kuati closed his eyes and cast three blue separate threads to each of the ponies for five seconds. There tattoos that were outlying there cutie mark disappeared and instead a tattoo of a vine streaked up one of there legs. Kuati smiled. "That's how." Hua smiled at Kuati. "Good work." Kuati smiled. "Well I am one hell of a pony." Both of the girls giggled. When they finished Rhidana looked towards Hua. "How long will the effects last?" "For a few hours, so it would be best to drink a bit of the potion just before we enter the building." "So when shall we go?" "Around 9am." "What time is it?" Kuati teleported his alarm clock onto the table. It read 08:07. "Well looks like we will go in about a hour." Hua nodded. "Rhidana, don't worry, what could possibly go wrong? They galloped down the hallway, narrowly dodging a servant. Hua thought in her head as the trio ran towards the door leading to the front entrance; How did this go so wrong?