A New World, a New Ranger

by ed2481

Chapter 36

Luke sat in a secluded glade off away from the small town of Ponyville. His eyes were closed and his mind was at peace, mostly, kind of. A shiver ran through his body and he closed his eyes tighter to block it out. This was no time to be thinking of that. None at all. Actually, there was no time that it was appropriate to be thinking about it.

He close his eyes as tight as he could, willing the tears to recede but for once in all the years since his escape from hell, all of his mental walls were no match for his emotions and he began to weep. The Gallade’s grief poured out of his body, blanketing the moss beneath his legs.

Dark figures moved in his mind, surrounding him and he was suddenly a Ralts again, staring up at an Absol as it slowly moved towards him, clearly excited by the prospect of what was about to happen. At the same time, Luke felt a sensation rolling through his body as his tensed and he tried to open his eyes. Tried to do something to snap himself back to his senses, tried to wake up but he couldn’t and as the Absol drew closer... it began to change.

Its fur became golden and its body lengthened until a shiny Arcanine was standing over him, ridged with excitement. It leered down at the Ralts for a moment before stepping over him and-

“Yoohoo?” Mage said, waving a tendril in front of Luke’s closed eyes. “Anybody home?”

The Mismagius’ voice broke the spell on Luke and his eyes snapped open, a blue wave of energy phasing passively through Mage, his hands unclenching and a staggering breath rocked his body.

Oh... he... hello Mage... Luke said slowly, idly doing his best to wipe away the tears that were still streaming down his face. May... may I help you?

Mage raised an eyebrow. Despite his mental block, Mage could feel the negative energy radiating from Luke. “Just thought I’d check in on an old friend,” she said. “How ya doin’ Luke?”

I’ve... I’m okay, he said, his fingers fingering his sun patterned sweater and green and red scarf. Yes, I’m fine.

“Right,” Mage said, rolling her eyes. “I can sense emotions, remember?” she flashed her gems. “Ya wanna try that again? Maybe with a less obvious lie this time?”

My feelings are my own, Luke said, turning away from her and evading her question entirely.

“Yeah, but I can still feel them,” Mage said. “And you’re making me feel depressed, which is a hard thing to do.”

Luke bit his bottom lip. I’d... rather not talk about it Mage, he said slowly.

The Mismagius sighed. “Oh alright, not like I’m one to pry,” she smiled. “So, how have you been lately? Fyi, Abby told me about the Ranger thing already.”

Ah, good, Luke said, smiling softly. And I take it that Gene and Belle took it well?

“Pretty much water under the bridge,” Mage said. “Gene’s not the type to hold a grudge... usually.”

And the one case that I know of otherwise... he has a good reason for, Luke agreed, nodding his head. I thought that things would turn out in that way... it is why I felt comfortable with meditating here... I knew that nothing bad would befall... Abby.

Mage nodded. “Yeah, Belle was going to introduce her to Twilight, so I decided to check around for the rest of your little family.”

I see, and you found me, Luke said, nodding his head faintly. For which I must thank you... despite my unwillingness to tell you what it is that was wrong... truly I must thank you for snapping me out of it... my fortress has become... less stable where internal threats are concerned as of late.

“That so huh?” Mage asked. “Anything in particular that might’ve shaken you up? I’m no Hypno, but I know a few things about the mind.”

It is just that... things are not as they once were and that makes it... harder to ignore, Luke answered haltingly.

“Ignore what?” Mage asked.

Luke’s jaw hardened. It... the issue.

“And the issue is...” Mage baited. “I can do this forever you know? I don’t need to sleep.”

Luke looked down. Surely you must know...

Mage closed her eyes for a second and concentrated. Beneath a heavy field of depression and amongst a variety of other emotions, Mage managed to pinpoint a massive reserve of love, alongside a depth of jealousy. “Hmmm... you have feelings for someone who, judging by your jealousy, is already spoken for.” It wasn’t a question.

...yes... Luke stated softly, shame crossing his face.

“Okay... assuming it’s someone I know, that leaves Abby and Belle, so I’m going to guess at the first one for a few more than obvious reasons.”

Luke’s head snapped down sharply once.

“Ah, hmm, okay, not sure what to say here,” Mage said. “I mean it makes sense, seeing as how she saved you and all.”

My Angel who carried me up from Hell itself... Luke agreed with another nod. She who... who embodies good... the one being who... who I could feel even the faintest emotional... love for.... in that way.

“Hey um... it’s alright,” Mage said. “Everyone... uh, it’s not unnatural that you’d feel drawn to Abby after all of that, and that that’s how you feel about love.”

Luke stared at the ground. I. Am. Aware. However. That. Does. NOT. HELP. ME! he snapped, his eyes glowing blue once more.

Mage backed up a few feet and gulped. Where the hell is that Princess of Love when you need her? Mage thought to herself.

Luke looked down and the power faded. Apologies, Mage, I did not mean to... snap at you.

Mage sighed. “Don’t worry about it,” she said, shaking her head. “If I’m going to prod at you, I should at least be able to give you some real advice.”

Luke just shook his head. It... is fine Mage... it will pass... I’m sure of it. It is just... hard now that she is a Pokemon as well... as a human I could suppress it, despite the fact that Kasai’s musk on her made me quake with silent rage. It’s just... he shook his head. I’m an awful Pokemon... I didn’t deserve my rescue... I should never have left the pleasure d-


Luke actually flinched, an impressive feat, and looked up at Mage, his fiddling fingers tapping on his knees anxiously. But... she deserves so much better from me... instead of being happy for her... I... I’m angry at my friend Kasai because... because he has the one who should be mine... he trailed off. I would be better off there... where I had never known love at all.

Mage closed her eyes. “No one deserves that. No one deserves to be treated like they’re worthless. No one.” Her eyes snapped open. “Especially not someone as sweet and caring as you.”

I was not worthless... I was worth whatever they thought I was... Luke said softly, looking away. And that is all I’ve ever been worth.

Mage glared at Luke. “Luke,” she said. “You are a wonderful young Gallade, you’re just feeling jealous, that’s no reason to condemn yourself, trust me.”

I just... I’m not worthy of her... Luke said quietly. Not when she has an amazing mate like Kasai... not when she has been through so much...

“Luke,” Mage said through a sigh. “When Gene first found me, I was haunting a library. I’d been there for months, just reading and scaring the living daylights out of anyone who saw me,” she shook her head. “I had no idea why he was so set on catching me, especially since it took him more than a week,” she chuckled, then frowned. “I didn’t know why he bothered until he finally did. Turns out, the library had gone and hired an exorcist, since they didn’t want any trainers ]messing up their books.” she shook her head. “For a week, I did nothing but torment and prank the boy who wanted nothing more than to save me, and you know what he said when I asked him why?”

Because he didn’t want to see you get hurt, Luke answered.

Mage nodded. “He said he didn’t think anyone deserved something like that. He said that it was something he knew he had to do and he said,” Mage’s voice cracked a little. “He said he did it... because I was worth it.”

Luke remained silent for a moment before his blue energy wrapped around her, giving her a light hug. I am sorry for involving you in this Mage, for making you remember such things... he shook his head. I know that Abby would still love me as a family member if I told her because that is who she is and that is one of the reasons why I love her... I long ago came to the conclusion that I wanted my beloved to be happy rather than myself... it is just that here in Equestria... with her as a Ninetales... it is harder to squash those feelings of love and lust within me...

Mage sighed. “Luke, you might not believe me when I say this, but I know that you’ll find peace,” she smiled softly. “Maybe you’ll even find a girl to call your own.”

I... rather doubt it, Luke said quietly. Abby is the only person I’ve ever felt a shred of... love for in that way... it was not just men who purchased me. Women did as well... I... Abby is the only one who I will ever love... and if I must live through hell again because of it... then she is worth it... for she saved me from my first.

Mage bit her lip and wrapped her tendrils around Luke, keeping them intangible so he wouldn’t snap but hoping the gesture would mean something. “Just try to keep an open mind,” she said. “Love has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.”

Luke nodded his head ever so slightly. I shall try Mage... so long as you are not attempting to seduce me, he said, a small, wry smile crossing his face as he looked up at her.

Mage gazed up at Luke and laughed nervously. “Heheh yeah... I’d never do that.”

Luke let out a small mental chuckle and rose back to his feet. Thank you for the talk Mage... it was good talking of my problem...

“Any time Luke,” she said with a nod.

The Gallade nodded in reply. I should probably get back to Scarlet now...

“Who?” Mage asked.

Scarlet, Unova's resident Top Ranger and Abby’s adoptive mother, Luke answered simply.

Mage nodded. “Right... mind if I tag along? I kinda wanna meet her.”

Luke blinked twice and then nodded. Sure, I doubt she’d mind greatly.

Mage smiled. “Great, lead the way.”

“She lives in a tree?” Abby asked, looking up at Belle in bemusement as they walked along the road to the ‘Golden Oaks Library’.

As they’d been walking down the road, there was one thing that Abby had noticed immediately about the ponies of Ponyville, none of them gave her odd looks. No matter how long she’d been in Las Pegasus, she’d always been on the receiving end of at least one or two strange, puzzled looks but here, all she was met by were smiling, happy faces. It made for a nice change.

“I thought it was odd at first too,” Belle said. “I really did expect a Princess to live in a castle, but no, she lives in a public library, that’s also a tree.”

Abby frowned for a moment before smirking and glancing up at Belle. “Well, I guess you more than anyone should know that not all Princesses get to live in castles, eh pixie?”

“Not you too,” Belle said, blushing. “Gene’s bad enough with that nickname as it is.”

“Heheh, that doesn’t surprise me,” Abby said, smirking up at her again. “I mean, all you need are some wings and I bet you’d be Queen of the fairies Belle. Or, that’s what Gene would like to see, heh.”

Belle grumbled to herself, her blush not helping. “Let’s just introduce you to Twilight.”

Abby snickered and bumped Belle’s leg with her shoulder. “I’m only joking Belle, and yes, let’s see if I can’t talk to this Princess about getting me some more information.”

“You’re in luck there,” Belle said, knocking on the door. “If there’s one thing Twilight’s good at, it’s giving information.”

“Good, because I’m going to need a massive amount of it so that I know exactly what the letter of the laws I’m going to be carrying out are... I can’t just curse every pony who kicks an Azurill in the face,” Abby said, shaking her head.

“I still think you should have cursed Hastings,” Belle said. “He deserved it.”

The door to the library opened to reveal a Beheeyem wearing a lab coat. “Hi Belle,” the Beheeyem said, seeing Abby, she asked. “Who’s your friend?”

“Abby Trombley ma’am,” Abby answered with a smile. “Top Ranger and coincidentally, one of Belle’s best friends.”

“Oh, Cynthia told me about you,” The Beheeyem said. “I’m Professor Juniper, of the Unova Region.” she held out her hand. “Nice to finally meet you.”

Abby smiled and nosed the hand in greeting. “Thanks, same to you Professor!” she said, smiling. “I know that my mom was always really fascinated with you work.”

“Always good to hear about a fan,” Juniper said. “So, what brings you two here?”

“Well, I’m going to be establishing a new Ranger Union with my mom’s help so I need to make sure that I know all the laws of Equestria,” Abby said with a smile. “I’m going to see Princess Celestia tomorrow so Belle suggested that I talk to Twilight Sparkle first and make sure that she’s expecting me. That, and the fact that apparently Twilight is the pony in the know as far as laws go.”

Juniper chuckled. “She told me she memorized the Equestrian law book after she ascended,” Juniper floated to the side. “Come in, I’ll get Twilight, I think she’s in the basement.”

“Why is Twilight in the basement?” Belle asked, stepping into the library.

“She’s testing the magical properties of Evolution Stones,” Juniper said. “I’ll be right back.”

“Evolution Stones huh?” Abby mused as she stepped into the library proper after Belle. It wasn’t an extensive library all told but Abby suspected that it was probably well stocked with important books. “Did Arceus manage to bring any of those along?”

“Those, the Crystal Sundial, and if what Twilight said is true, just about every important piece of art and architecture from Earth,” Juniper shrugged. “He has a lot of room in his Pocket Dimension.”

Abby frowned for a moment. “You mean Hammer-Space? Like in those old comics?”

“Something like that, would be an interesting thing to study,” Juniper mused, opening the basement door and floating downstairs. “Be right back.”

Abby turned to Belle and smiled. “She’s a lot more casual than I thought she’d be,” the Ninetales mused. “And now that I know that there’s a Professor here, especially Juniper... I have another question to ask.”

“Oh?” Belle said. “What’s that”?

“I’ll save it for Juniper herself,” Abby replied, chuckling faintly. “Though, I think you’ll probably be just as curious of the answer as I am.”

Belle raised an eyebrow, but before she could speak, Juniper floated back upstairs, followed by a purple Alicorn. “Hello,” she greeted. “You’re Abby right? Nice to meet you, I’m Twilight.”

“Abby Trombley,” Abby said, smiling at Twilight. “Before we get started I need to ask Juniper a question.”

“I’m always willing to hear a question,” Juniper said. “What did you want to ask me?”

“Okay...” Abby let out a breath as she formulated just the right way to ask her question. “Alright, so, I’m pregnant and I’m going to be giving birth to an egg sometime this week we think. However, I’m also a really horny woman trapped in the body of a very horny Pokemon and with Kasai being just as eager as I am, unless we can find some kind of birth control we’re going to be up to our heads in eggs and kits... can you help Professor?” Abby inquired hopefully.

Juniper tapped her chin, ignoring the scarlet blush that had lit up Twilight’s face. “I haven’t heard of anything like that,” Juniper said. “I suppose Professor Elm might know something on the subject, his research focused on Pokemon reproduction, but I don’t know where he is.”

Abby frowned, a bit of the hope fading away. “Oh well... it was a small hope anyways... guess Kasai and I are just going to have to get used to using our tongues, eh Belle?” she asked, glancing up at the Gardevoir.

Belle frowned, she hadn’t really considered that, and she assumed Gene hadn’t either.

“Um... I might know someone who can help,” Twilight volunteered.

“You do?” Abby asked, her smile returning as she glanced at the mare.

“Yeah, my friend Bio Chem is a geneticist, he lives up in Canterlot and I know he’s been researching Pokemon recently, he might be able to help.”

“Hmm... I’ll have to visit him after I’m done talking to Princess Celestia,” Abby mused to herself before leaning over and licking Twilight’s face. “Thanks a bunch Princess Twilight!”

Twilight blushed again and wiped the slobber from her face. “Happy to help,” she said. “Now Juniper said you wanted to know about Equestrian law?”

Abby nodded her head. “Yes, yes I do, as a Pokemon Ranger who wants to re-establish the Ranger Union I need to know each and every law that could possibly come up during a case... especially if we’re going to be a fairly independent organization like the old Rangers.”

Twilight frowned slightly. “The last guy who had an idea like that was Professor Hastings,” Twilight said, shaking her head.

“Yeah, he’s my boss,” Abby answered with a sigh. “My very well meaning... but completely off base, boss who just so happens to be as stubborn as a sleeping Snorlax in the middle of a highway.”

“I noticed,” Twilight said, turning away from Abby, she floated a few books down to her. “Let’s see, these should cover the basics,” Twilight set three of the largest books in front of Abby. “Where did you want to start?”

“Wherever you think is best, they’re not my laws just yet,” Abby answered, smiling at Twilight, not in the least bit put off by the massive books stacked in front of her. “Just so long as I don’t look like an idiot in front of Princess Celestia tomorrow, oh, and that reminds me, can you send her a message along with sending Princess Luna one saying that I say ‘hi’?”

“Sure thing, as soon as Spike... finishes up downstairs, I’ll send them a letter,” she looked at the law books and sighed. “Well first off, you should probably know all laws were expanded at the World Summit to include Pokemon along with the other citizens of Equus.”

“The who-what now?” Abby asked, blinking blankly. “I must have missed that on the train ride here.”

“Oh, basically the rulers of every country on the planet, along with Lord Arceus and their royal advisors, met and talked about what to do about the Pokemon,” Twilight explained. “Aside from some of the more stubborn rulers, it was mostly just figuring out what to do if this happens, or how we’re going to deal with that.”

“Ah, okay, that makes sense,” Abby said, nodding her head. “So, what laws did you decide on?”

“Preventing abuse and prejudice, as well as more violent crimes,” Twilight said. “If what Juniper’s told me is true, Equestria and Earth have a lot of the same laws actually.”

“Really?” Abby asked, cocking her head to the side. “That’s good... though hopefully we won’t have the same problems we did on Earth... I really don’t want to find any more Sex Rings or Fighting Rings here being run by ponies...” Abby trailed off, a very low growl emerging from her throat.

Twilight shuddered. “Probably not,” Twilight said. “Both of those are illegal, and have been mostly worldwide since the first world summits a few hundred years ago.”

Abby nodded her head with a small smile. “Good, what about prostitution?”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s illegal, but in big cities like Manehattan and Las Pegasus it does happen,” Twilight said. “I’m not sure about other countries, but in Equestria, the local police do their best to keep a handle on it.”

“Okay, just checking all my bases, I know I’ve arrested a few idiots who tried passing off their Lopunnys or Blazikens off as prostitutes to get around the law...” Abby muttered, shaking her head.

“I’ll include a note to the Princess to put a warning out to the city police forces to be on the look out for anything like that,” Twilight replied.

“Thanks,” Abby said, nodding her head. “Okay then, what about arrest procedure...”