The Dead Kingdom

by Red and Black Alicorn OC

Breaking in

Kuati stopped near the wall of bushes and peeked through them.

On the other side was the HQ.

He looked around nervously. Usually he would've teleported to the otherside, but he didn't want to risk the noise so he had to squeeze through.

Once he was in the garden he briskly trotted along the grass. He slowed down once he was on the gravel path. He saw a yellow pegasus with a red mane, who looked around about his age looking at the plants. He wanted to get to the double doors as quick as possible but he should have known better.

"Hello sir, haven't seen you before."

Kuati took a deep breath and turned towards the pegasus.

"Hello, you're right, I'm from another group down south."

"Ah, should've expected that. Geretiyak is always inviting other Deachrai members to our home."

She smiled.

"Where are you heading? I can lead you there if you like."

Kuati considered this, he couldn't say that he was heading to the storage area. So he decided that he should ask her to lead him to the indoor water fountain, which was near the storage area.

"Can you take me to the indoor water fountain please, I am meeting a friend there. But I only ask if you have the spare time on your hoofs."

The mare smiled at Kuati.

"Of course, follow me."

Kuati thought he heard a purr in the last word she said as the pegasus lead him indoors.

Rhidana looked at the stairs.

The original plan was for her to take the steps that lead up to the balcony and walk through the door that leads to the second floor of the mansion.

But all of that changed when there was a large sign saying:

Please enter the area via reception

The stairway was having the old wood removed and new planks of wood taking it's place. But unfortunately they're still doing that.

Hua sighed and turned back around. She would have to go in through the front entrance. She trotted down the pathway and turned a corner. She carried on walking. This took a good few minutes.

She could see the front entrance now. She gulped. And she entered.

Hua opened the gate and walked through. There was nobody there. Good.

She walked forwards a few steps until someone jumped out in front of her.

She gasped, but then saw that it was a filly.


Hua laughed at herself for being so foalish.

The filly looked up at Hua.


Hua smiled back.

"Hello, you scared me!"

The little filly squealed with laughter.

Hua kept on moving forward, towards the back door.

The little child spoke.

"Hello! My name is Booster! Who are you?"

Hua looked at Booster and smiled. She couldn't tell her her actual name, so she made one up.

"Hello Booster, I'm Querky, nice to meet you."

Booster squealed.

"We can be best friends! We can do eachovers mane and we can play hop scotch!"

Hua smiled grimly to herself as they walked through back entrance.

She used to be like Booster as a filly, if only she could come back here and actually manage to do all those things with her.

Kuati now knew alot about the pegasus. Firstly, her name is Scratch and she was born into the Deachrai. Both of her parents had died and she was a only child.

Kuati told her that his name was Cane, and told her that he too was born into the clan.

They were now at the fountain and Scratch looked up to Kuati.

"Is that all you need?"

Kuati nodded.

"Yes, thank you for your company."

Scratch grinned at Kuati.

"Are you sure, you don't need anything else, perhaps you might want to, you know..."

Kuati knew she fancied him. He had half a mind to say yes, but he knew that the other two would start to worry.

But before he could decline he felt a warm kiss on his mouth. At the same time Scratch unfolded her wing and put it over Kuati and dragged him into the storage area.

Rhidana walked down the hallway avoiding eye contact with the other ponies in the room.

But then a elderly pony walked up to her.

"Fedrona! You are already ten minutes late to your meeting, chop chop!"

Rhidana was about to protest but the pony grabbed her leg and walked forwards.

"He's already in a bad mood and you're just making it worseworse!"

Rhidana didn't know who 'he' was but she didn't want to find out. They walked up a flight of stairs and Rhidana spoke.

"I think you're mistaking me for someone else you see I-"

"You can't lie to me, I know who you are Miss Fedrona."

They stopped at a door and the pony opened it up.

"Miss Fedrona is here!"

Rhidana looked through the door and gasped.

In the office was Geretiyak, sitting at a desk with piles of paperwork.

Rhidana was so shocked that she stumbled backwards, letting the vial in her satchel fall out and smash on the ground.

Geretiyak looked up from his paperwork and looked at the golden liquid on the floor.

"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with 'f'."

Booster looked around the room, until he spotted the fountain.

"The water fountain! My turn!"

Hua smiled at Booster, but the smile faded away when she heard a scream.

Booster jumped at the sound.

"What was that?"

Hua didn't notice him though, because she was distracted by another thing.

Kuati walked out of the storage area with a pegasus following behind him.

"Come on, are you sure you don't want to, I don't know, stay in here for a minute or two?"

Kuati looked paralysed as he looked at Scratch.

"Um, I, well... I don't mind us doing that some other time in the future perhaps, but I really need to-"

He spotted Hua and ran towards her.

"Some other time perhaps?"

Hua looked at Kuati with a puzzled expression. Kuati sighed.

"Long story, did I just hear Rhidana scream though?"

Hua nodded.

"Yes she has screamed, let's go up there-"

She was stopped mid sentence when a panting Rhidana ran up to the two ponies.


She didn't need to say that twice.

The trio galloped away, leaving behind a bewildered Scratch and Booster.

As Hua ran down the corridor, she thought to herself; how did this go so wrong?