//------------------------------// // 3 Take to the sky // Story: Lost in the clouds // by AskNightmareLuna //------------------------------// I was again wearing my armor which without my cloak looked more frightening. The shiny black carapace that covered me drew even more stares now. Then I saw Dash and Rarity standing in front of me. It felt good to be walking again and no bandages on my wing or flanks. The white unicorn smiled as she floated a box to me. I looked down into it and gasped. It was a new cloak like I hadn't seen before. I soon found it draped about me and cinched tightly in place. My eyes met Rarity's "Thanks. Where did you find this? It's perfect." "My dear I am an artist. Dash asked if I would make it for you." I was amazed and I guess it showed as Dash beamed proudly, but it felt good seeing Rarity smile and happy that I had liked it. No, I didn't like it. I loved it. It was light and designed to allow me to fly unhindered. I gave Rainbow a sly grin as I turned my gaze towards the sky. With a flap of my wings and a leap I was in the air. Dash was close behind me. "We'll met you later at Twi's," called Dash down to Rarity. The cyan mare looked at me with that challenging look. "Let's do this!" I grinned and narrowed my eyes with a nod. She wanted a race then I was going to give one. Soon I found myself straining to keep Dash in sight. Before I go on let me say I wasn't the fastest but my skill and fighting strength had always been my best traits. I had rounded a turn flying high when I saw the boulder crashing towards Rainbow Dash. I didn't have time to think I let out a scream diving at my fastest pace. My power hooves crackled making a thunderous sound as they met with the boulder. My hind hooves dung in trying to slow the massive weight above me. Then I felt myself being tackled. The large rock crushing the place I had been just moments before. My muscles ached but we were both unhurt. It was when we were at Twilight's that I got to hear Dash talking about how strong I was. I didn't really feel that strong. I mean it wasn't like I had smashed that boulder into pebbles. I had only slowed it down and nearly gotten crushed under it. My ears perked when the purple mare spoke up. "I'm certain it was quite exciting but I'll have to see it and conduct tests of my own Rainbow." Despite myself I had a sudden surge of pride making me want to tell this mare just what I could do with just my head alone. "If what you said is true then perhaps Applejack would like some extra help for apple buck season. It would be a great test to see just how strong she really is." It was late afternoon when we arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. The orange earth pony was looking out at the orchards with a frown. Twilight explained what she was hoping to see. "I reckon I could let her help with the southern land. We had a rather large crop this year and Big Macintosh has gotten sick. Last time I tried to do it alone you saw what happened. Thank ya again Twi. Iffen you and the others hadn't helped I'd never gotten finished with the harvest." Applejack eyed me though I don't know if it was me or the armor I wore. The new cloak didn't exactly hide it but rather it did soften the frightful appearance it had. "Let's see what you got sugarcube." I looked at the mares watching me and stepped towards the nearest apple tree. I glanced up then grinned. One of my hind hooves drew up then I felt the jolt as I connected. The tree shook as I walked away calmly. The orange earth pony looked as if she were bored but the others looked impressed. "Not too bad. That's one down, but ya still got a lot more before this day is done." I merely grinned looking at the trees that still needed to b bucked. "What are we waiting for? I need to stretch my legs after being in a bed for so long." I was boasting but it did get every pony moving. Me and the orange mare set to work bucking the trees while RD caught the apples in a basket. Twilight was also helping as were Rarity and two other mares who'd arrived to visit the farm. I found my eyes drifting over the others, I learned their names were Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, The yellow cream pony had taken over from Dash who'd started to fly from tree to tree shaking them. It wasn't until the wagon broke an axel that I finally impressed Applejack. "Whoa Nelly! Now ain't that something." Applejack watched in awe as my front legs trembled slightly. The weight of the wagon upon my back and spread wings. The large red stallion worked replacing the broken parts. It didn't take very long, but I was still soaked with sweat. My body was shaking from the strain. "I reckon that deserves a tall mug of the good cider," said Applejack. I'll be honest at that point I'd have been glad for any thing to drink even, and I shudder at this, milk. I made a mistake and accepted the offer. Before I tell you what happened next I should say as with offers of a free drink from hard stuff, one drink became several. The second thing you should know is a drunk pegasus tends to boast a lot and loudly. Dash had challenged me to an endurance race, and I didn't back down. Now we were flying through Ghastly Gorge with little concern for our own safety. That was what resulted in my second visit to the Ponyville Clinic. It was also how one of my dark secrets was found out. It was also this secret that saved Rainbow. I heard the first rumble and my eyes went wide. I could feel my heart racing. My mind screamed, "Ambush!" as I looked around spotting the falling rocks. I had no time to think as I dove. Dash was faster than me, but this was endurance not speed. I was there just moments after the rock slide had settled. Rainbow's left wing pinned under a large rock. She was surprised as she saw me strike the rock with my front hooves. The force of my hits were enhanced, and the first had made large cracks. The second caused the cracks to spread. A third shattered the rock entirely. It was together we crossed the finish line. I would awaken I a room with Dash I the bed next to me.