Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls

by Golden Flare

Secret Ending: Ambitions

Spike woke up in the middle of the night, hearing a door creaking as it opened, like always, it was the balcony door. Twilight has been up for nights, waiting for Sora to arrive.

If she keeps this up, she's gonna collapse before he even gets here. Spike thought as he threw off the blanket on his basket bed.

He made his way to the balcony, where Twilight sat near the railing, watching the sky while she clutched Sora's silver crown around her neck.

"Twilight..." Spike began, "it's been a whole week, I know how much you want to see him again, but you need your rest."

She gripped the necklace's charm tighter as tears rolled down her face, "But... but..."

"It's okay. I doubt Sora's the kind of guy that breaks his promises. We'll see him soon, let's just go to sleep."


Twilight was reluctant, but she knew Spike was right, Sora will get here when he gets here. She and Spike returned to their respective beds and slowly went to sleep.

* * *

Near the outskirts of Canterlot, stood three girls; one with orange, yellow streaked poofy hair, one with big purple, mint green streaked hair done in pigtails, and one with light blue, dark blue streaked hair done in a ponytail. They were viewing quite a spectacle outside of a restaurant ways away from them, unlike anything anyone has ever seen: two rainbows coiling together and shooting a beam of light.

The gem around the orange-haired girl's neck began to shimmer for a second, she touched it and gasped, "Did you feel that?" then a sinister, toothy smile crept up on her face as she motioned to the light show in the distance, "Do you know what that is?"

The other two pondered for a short moment and mumbled, "I don't know".

The orange-haired girl rushed up to the pig-tailed girl, "It's Equestrian magic!"

"But this world doesn't HAVE Equestrian magic." the pig-tailed girl retorted in a bored tone of voice.

"It does now. But... something feels different... there's another magic in the mix, but I can't tell what it is."

"Curious, my dear?" an unknown voice spoke.

The three girls swiftly turned to their right to see an old man with a bald head and strange clothing, the only sign of hair appears to be his goatee.

"Who are you!?"

"Why, I am Xehanort. And you are?"

The orange-haired girl spoke first, then the one with the pig-tails, and finally the ponytailed one;

"Adagio Dazzle."

"Aria Blaze."

"Sonata Dusk."

Xehanort sneered, "I know of the foreign magic you speak of, it is Keyblade magic."

"Keyblade... magic?" Adagio asked.

* * *

In the capital city of Canterlot, everypony sleeps in the most peaceful of nights, everypony, except two.

"What ails you, sister?" Princess Luna asks.

"It is what Princess Twilight told us after her return from the other world." Celestia answered.

"I see... if I recall, this 'Xehanort' character she spoke from the boy named 'Sora' certainly raises some red flags."

"I fear that with his ambitions, he'll not only endanger many worlds, but ours and our little ponies, as well."

"What do you suggest we do, sister?"

"...For now, we do what we always do; protect our subjects. If and when we make contact with this Sora, he must be the one to fend off Xehanort."

"Of course, sister."

* * *

"Now that you know everything... I assume that you won't let me down." Xehanort concluded as he disappeared in the Corridor of Darkness.

Adagio could see the darkness brimming from her fingertips.

"What did he do to you, Adagio!?" Sonata asked, worriedly.

"I don't know..." Adagio summoned small, blue creatures with antennae and menacing red eyes, and when she did, she grinned evilly, "...but I like it."

"What did he say those things were again? Unversed?" Aria asked.

"That's right." Adagio began, "And if what he said was true, with the power of this 'X-blade' and our magic combined, we'll make everyone in every single world... adore us!"

Aria and Sonata stood by Adagio's side, preparing for their greatest world conquest yet.

* * *

Inside the Mysterious Tower, Yen Sid still sits in his chair, channeling the stars beyond to find other worlds with little to no hostility. Even to him, a world like that is impossible to find, even after what had happened many years ago. He continued his search, slowly but surely sensing every world... until he felt a jolt of dark magic that vanished as quickly as it appeared.

He snapped his eyes opened and gasped when he knew what that dark magic was.



Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney and Square Enix

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to DHX Media and Hasbro Studios

* * *

You return to the title screen of the game.

"Sweetie! Dinner's ready!" Your mom calls.

"Okay, mom!" You call back.

You turn off your game console and head out of your room to have dinner with your family.