
by Zamairiac

Epilogue - One/Four

Well here's the epilogue you guys all screamed for, shortened down into four separate parts. Sorry about Absolute Power, I am working on it but I've had a ton of shit to do recently. That and writers block is a bitch I've yet to defeat.

T'will happen though, patience.



"Two cinnamon buns, one bakewell tart, one coffee and bottle of Fun Fizz please."

"That'll be eight bits sir…Thank you, now if you go to your table; we'll bring your food and drink shortly."

Smiling at the cashier's professionalism, I nodded once and made my way to a table at the back. It was thankfully out of sight, and the enchantments I'd paid for made certain that we couldn't be overheard.

Of course Luna could have just done it herself, but it was simply my way of being courteous.

The mare in question seemed to be deep in thought when I turned the corner. Her ears twitched however, followed by a slightly open smile as she looked up and noticed me.

"They'll bring our stuff in bit," I said, slipping into the plush booth and placing my enclosed hands atop it. "I believe your 'notice me not' charm worked. Nopony seems to be falling over each other to please you."

"Of course it worked, Steven," she chuckled, her tone a sort of pseudo snobbish. "I'm me, remember?"


"Believe me Luna; I've had no trouble remembering that as of late."

She blinked at my response in a sort of startled surprise, but a warm smile swiftly replaced it.

"The feeling…is very mutual," she said softly.

We both smiled at the other and fell into a comfortable silence, one of which we never really did before.

"So…what's with the modern talk?" I asked curiously.

Luna's cheeks went red fairly quickly and she cleared her throat, her eyes darting down at the table cutely.

"Well I, we, I j-just wanted to m-make everypony else comfortable is all," she stammered, her darting eyes narrowing as she caught my smug grin. "Don't look at us like that! T'was not for thee, t'was for us, our sister and everypony else!"

She emphasized her point by slamming her right hoof on the table aggressively, forcing me to hold onto my end as best I could as the table immediately tried to flip into my chin.

"Whatever you say Princess," I chuckled, biting my tongue cheekily at her indignant expression…her indignant if not amused expression that rapidly melted into one of sorrow and hurt?

"Please don't call me that," she said painfully. "We…I am Luna…only Luna for you, not a Princess. Please…"

"Of course," I complied, my hands twitching as I restrained the urge to reach out and… "I'm sorry Luna. I won't call you that again, I promise."

It was only as I closed my eyes that I felt her hooves reach out and place themselves atop my hands gently, bringing about emotions and sensations I'd long thought buried. The phantom had made me feel all sorts of feelings…but compared to the real deal they were miniscule in comparison.

"I've thought about nought but you for so long, Steven," she spoke quietly, her eyes closing in…pain. "I've thought about what I did to you. I've thought about what I should have done instead…but most of all, I've thought about how much confusion and pain I've caused you."

She looked right at me as she spoke, her voice catching in her throat as she continued…lips trembling.

"I didn't think about it at first," she whispered, an almost horrified spark in her eyes. "All I could think about, all I wanted to do was bring you back to me, to make you love me again by any means necessary. And I was almost willing to…to go that far."

"What stopped you?" I asked, honestly curious as to what could have swayed her stubborn train of thought.

She licked her lips nervously and looked down for but a moment, before…strength appeared within her turquoise orbs, confident, firm strength.

"I did," she replied, her answer confusing me for a second. "Once I realized how far we-I was willing to go to get you back…I realized then and there why you left in the first place, and how unworthy I truly was to even think of regaining your attention…and affection."

Once done she took a couple of deep breaths, sparking my curiosity as to if she'd practiced those very words over and over.

Luna was spontaneous at the best of times, but never quite as serious while doing so.

"We…I did everything I could to try and improve myself afterwards," she continued, looking at me imploringly. "My actions in everyday life, in court, in public and private. I took lessons from a speech therapist to modernise my way of speaking. And only when I thought myself ready did I attempt to find you…but I couldn't find you…"

Her tone, her eyes and subtle movements became rapidly upset. And even though I wanted to go to her, to hold her as we used to…I couldn't…I wouldn't, I didn't feel ready yet.

"You weren't within my world of dreams," she said quietly, sadly, gazing at me for answers I wasn't sure I could give. "T'was as if you never slept. And no matter where I looked, who I asked or sent…you were never found. You were like a ghost, Steven, a shadow…impossible to find when it should have been simple."

She swallowed visibly, her eyes never leaving my own.

"How Steven?" she asked. "How could I not find you, I thought. How was it possible that a being ignorant of his newfound abilities, abilities that none could explain and teach but I…could blind me whenever I so much as gazed at his shadow.

"How…how…how…" she repeated apathetically. "Ha…But then I realized that you did not want to be found. Not by me, and not by anyone for me. At that moment of realization…Steven, I gave up. I stopped searching…I tried to forget…tried…tried…but couldn't. How could I forget you…the one being in this world that I could love without reservation."

"You had your sister," I said quietly, unable to think of…anything else to say. My brain, my lips and words were…numb to what I was learning.

Luna smiled tenderly at my reminder and nodded…and shook her head soon after.

"True," she sighed softly. "But only in this world."

Curious and with narrowed brows, I asked-

"What do you 'this world' exactly?"

Laughter, quiet and somewhat mournful though it was, escaped the dark mares' muzzle. Her eyes seemed to shine with mirth and emotion, joyous and sad…for me?

"When we were one, Steven," she spoke gently, with warmth strong enough, smooth enough to make me shiver at its intensity. "There was a world I saw where only you and I existed. A world with no law, no time, no day, no night, and nopony…nobody but us…but you for me. And I loved it so. The world outside it meant nothing, the ponies even less so save my sister.

"In my world I felt…wanted, needed, loved and oh…so happy. And I felt all of it because to tell the truth, the world may have had you within it, but…"

Her hooves pressed a slight firmer down on my palms, a truly beautiful smile manifesting upon her muzzle.

"You were my world," she sighed happily. "And even after all this time apart, after everything I've been through, that you've been through…I want that world back."

I…had no idea what to say. A whole year without her had stirred up some very intense feelings and with her so close to me, with her but a short distance…I could feel those feelings pleading for fulfilment.

But could I? Was I really ready…I wasn't sure.

A leap of faith then perhaps?

Taking a steadying breath, I took my hands away from her soft touch and shimmied around the booth until I was sitting beside her. Luna's eyes hadn't left me for a second as I did so, I could feel them on me, but I pushed it away. And yet as I looked into them at that moment…I found my words, my very breath taken away from me.

"You are so beautiful," I spoke softly, the words leaving without any thought as those eyes, the ones that haunted me for the better part of a year widened in surprise…and then shone with happiness.

I moved closer.

"Steven," she whispered, her cheeks flush in the brief glimpse I caught them before she leaned up and met me halfway. "Mine Steven…"

She closed the gap before I could so much as think to so myself, her eyes closing, hoof tracing the back of my head as she pulled me gently ever closer. Our lips moved slowly, tentatively, unsure of the once familiar touch as they pressed and opened slightly, our breath mingling, moans…so slight, hers arousing and oh so feminine.

"Here's your order sir-Oh my!"

The now very unwelcome appearance of our food and drink made itself known by clattering somewhat on our table. And while nothing was spilled or ruined, the look of utter fury on Luna's face seemed to be more than enough to break the notice-me-not charm upon her form.

"P-Princess Luna, oh my Celestia!" the waitress all but shouted in our faces. "I a-am so sorry, I didn't mean to b-bother you, but-I'm bothering you, I-I'll just go now. Enjoy y-your f-f-"

"Leave," Luna interrupted, her words soft yet eyes cold. "Now, before I call this establishment's manager to inform them of your atrocious capability as an employee."

I quirked an eyebrow at Luna's…incredibly toned down warning and watched the bumbling waitress all but flee.

"Was that really nec-"

And was then interrupted myself as I heard Luna's light laughter, a great feeling of warmth overcoming me as she pressed her muzzle against the hollow of my neck.

"Hold me Steven," she said, her voice quiet and needy…though not uncomfortably I noted. "We…I wish to hold you too."

Smiling despite myself, I complied and wrapped my arms around her lovely coat, her wings and hooves soon mimicking my actions.

I couldn't help but press my face into her shoulder, smiling more so as-




"What are you doing?"



"Hungry," was about all I managed to decipher, causing a burst of laughter to escape my lips.

The scent of cinnamon filled the air…

End Of Part One Of Four