Dear Fellow Crusaders

by M_D_Quill

Second Bundle

To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

Do you know what is going on? Princess Celestia rushed out of the city not too long ago. Everypony is near panic and rumors are flying everywhere. In the school, we are hearing everything from Princess Luna leading another rebellion (which is totally wrong, I had supper with her just last night.) to Discord returning with a vengeance.

Unfortunately, I cannot find out anything specific since semester finals are just around the bend. Octavia says once I graduate, she can guarantee me a job in the Opera House. Can you believe it! I will be performing in front of all the nobility and I might be able to meet Prince Blueblood! I know big sis has said some pretty mean things about him, but you know how much she likes to exaggerate things. She probably just had a bad night, and by bad I mean Blueblood probably had something stuck in his teeth and she was too proper to mention it.

I also got a letter from someone named Vinyl Scratch about a proposal she wants to give me. I am supposed to meet her at the Diamondbridle this Friday. It is a fancy five-hoof restaurant. Octavia says only the most influential ponies in Canterlot can get a reservation there, so I am really curious what she has to say.

Oh, and if you really want to corner Spike to figure out what is up with Twilight, just tell him that Rarity wants to see him. He will drop everything and fly to her store. Just make sure to lock the back door so he can’t get away, and also make sure Big Sis is out.

How is the farm doing? Did you get your cutie mark yet?

Sweetie Belle
To: Scootaloo
From: Applebloom

Dear Scootaloo,

Call off the search, we finally found her. She was hiding inside the cider cellar here on the farm. And, well... it was not pretty a pretty sight…

All I'm allowed to say is she will be stayin' with us for a while. She has been insistin' that she doesn’ want to see anypony, but Applejack has convinced her to let her take care of her. Right now, both are bein' downright mean whenever everypony who is even coming close to the farm.


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Ah'm sorry ah have not been keepin' ya informed recently. It seems that Rainbow Dash didn't make it into the Wonderbolts and she disappeared for a few days. Applejack found her this morning in the cider cellar. We lost a good bit of the cider too, and we are not sure if we can make ends meet this year durin' cider season. Big Mac and Granny Smith are discussin’ what we will need to do to fix this problem.

Princess Celestia is currently upstairs talking to both Rainbow Dash and mah sis, So ya can tell your friends that the situation is under control and not to worry 'bout Discord or anythin' like that. Just please keep the details ‘bout Rainbow quiet... ah don't think she would like it if she became the top story in Canterlot.

Hate to say it, but whatever Rarity did ta smooth things out with mah sis and Twilight, ah think it made them madder with each other than help anythin'. All ah know is your sis ran into both of them in the middle of the market and started yellin’ ‘bout some fancy pair of pants. Mah sis looked excited for her at first, until yer sis told them they should stop bein’ stubborn an’ be friends again. Ah think Twilight and big sis are mad at Rarity too now…

Things got real bad today. Twilight tried to come over to comfort Rainbow Dash… an’ Applejack kept her away, Twilight near burned down the house with her temper. And ah mean it literally, she burst into flame an’ caught the rafters on fire! If Big Mac was not quick enough with the water the whole house would have burned down. Applejack was so mad, she yelled that she didn't want to see Twilight near the farm ever again or she would buck her... well, ah don't feel comfortable writing down what she said, ya can be sure she will be washin’ her mouth out with soap until Granny Smith is happy again. Scootaloo also showed up, even though I told her nopony is allowed to see Rainbow DAsh. She looked near heartbroken when I had to turn her away.

I'm gonna have to do somethin' nice for her later, but right now the farm needs all hooves on deck 'cause Sis won' be able to work for a bit.

As for mah cutie mark, ah still have not earned it. Ah'm now watching some of the younger fillies earn theirs too... but their teasing is not bothering me as much now... nope, not at all...

Oh, who am ah kiddin', I'm a hopeless cause! No matter what I do, I just can' seem to find out what I am supposed to do. I bet ya I'll be as old as Granny Smith and still be a blank flank.

But I'm just bellyachin'... ya can' be interested in hearin' me rant 'bout that... ah am so excited that ya are goin' to be in the Opera! It would be perfect for ya! And that Octavia... ah think I heard Pinkie Pie say somethin' about her sister bein' named Octavia.

Got to go, the Princess is coming down the stairs.


To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

I am so sorry to hear about the auditions. I do know that Rainbow Dash is in good hands with your sister watching over her.

Have you managed to see Scootaloo yet? You know she practically worshiped Rainbow Dash; I am worried that she is taking it pretty hard too. I also have not received any letters from her since I started school. Did I do something to get her mad at me?

Also, Twilight literally burst into flame? For some reason I find that really hard to believe even though I have heard rumors of her "fiery" temper from Pinkie Pie and Applejack. I just can not wrap my head around her actually bursting into flames. I am not saying you are lying, and I hope nobody was hurt in the fire... Thank goodness for Big Mac's quick thinking. A lot of people think he is pretty dumb, but I know he is a real smart pony. Maybe it is something only really powerful unicorns can do? I will have to ask Princess Luna about it next Tuesday.

We are also best friends! I don't mind your 'bellyaching'. I have no worries be cause I know you will find your cutie mark soon. Maybe if you sat down and just meditated on it a little it will come to you. Big sis advised me to do that once, but I was a little shy to mention it because of I thought Scootaloo would call me a wimp or something. Try and find someplace quiet to do it, like the clubhouse. I doubt anyone has been there in a while.

And Octavia is Pinkie's sister! She was shocked to hear I knew her. It was sooo funny to see her face when I mentioned her. I can not believe she was raised on a rock farm. I mean, it seems almost obvious Octavia was raised there because she is hard as a rock when she teaches, and her sense of humor makes a boulder look like a comedian. But Pinkie coming from the same family? Wow! It is hard to believe!

I also met with Vinyl Scratch today. She says she can get me a gig in a recording studio doing some sort of techno music. I told her I was planning on going to the opera house after I graduated, but she insisted that opera was a dying art and I needed to keep up with the times or be left behind. She left me her number to call her if I changed my mind. I will have to get some advise from Octavia and Princess Luna. This sounds like a really good opportunity for me.

Tell everyone hi for me!

Sweetie Belle

To: Applebloom
From: Scootaloo

Hey Applebloom...

I hate to write this, but I don't think I will be staying in Ponyville. I need to... go for a while... Seeing Rainbow Dash just... I don't know if I ever will come back honestly... I mean... she was the bravest, strongest, coolest Pony I have ever known, and when she didn't make the Wonderbolts, disappearing like that for DAYS without a word to anyone!

I'm sorry, but I will be staying in Cloudsdale for a while. Spitfire said she can give me a room for as long as I need. Yeah, the captain of the Wonderbolts is letting me stay with her. She noticed me looking for Rainbow Dash just after the trials, and helped us look for her. When we learned where Rainbow actually was the past few days, and after what happened when I got to the farm... I just can’t stay in Ponyville.

Please don't mail me any letters for a while; I need some time to myself.

Always your friend,


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Diary,

I have not heard from anyone in Ponyville in a month. Winter Solstice is approaching and finals are about to start.

It is lonely up here. I have a lot of friends here at school, and the Princess and Octavia are really nice, but it is not the same. None of us are nearly as close as I am with Applebloom and Scootaloo. There always feels to be a wall when we talk. As if we are having fun in the moment and afraid to make any commitments for a deeper relationship because we will just grow distant and forget each other once we graduate. I also feel like I am isolated because I have regular lunches with the Princess now. I have a few colts tell me that they feel intimidated by me.

How am I intimidating? I do not think I'm a bully. I do not try and stand on any platforms to feel better than anypony else! Heck, I am just a small mare from a small town in the country. If it was not for Rarity being one of the Elements of Harmony, I probably would still be out there. With my friends. Helping them and giving Scootaloo company...

I wonder how she is doing. I wonder how Applebloom is handling the chores. Thank goodness the harvest is over, or I think everypony would be working themselves to death!

I hope to get a letter soon. I really am missing them.

-Sweetie Belle

To: Octavia
From: Pinkie Pie


Oh my goodness! I can’t believe that you are actually teaching at that big fancy musical school in Canterlot! Why didn’t you ever write and tell me! I would of thrown you such a huge party and we could have had soooo much fun! Did you know I am now living inside Ponyville now! I mean, you left before I moved away from the farm, so you probably didn’t know I lived in Ponyville now I am living with Mr. and Mrs. Cake! They are soooo sweet to let me and Gummy (you remember gummy right? He was the first alligator I found by the swamp, and I brought him home, and he chewed on Maud’s pet rock and broke all his teeth! He is so sweet and smart! He is one of my bestest friends here!) We are staying on the top floor of Sugarcube Corner. That is the store the Cakes own! It is a bakery that sells lots and lots of cakes, and cupcakes, and fudge, and sugary sweet stuff!

I also have lots of new friends here! There is Applejack, she works at Sweet Apple Acers. The apples there are soooo good too! When you come down to visit, you just have to go down there and try some. Her sister is actually the pony who told me where you were living! Apparently her best freind learned that I grew up at a rock farm and then learned that you also grew up at the rock farm (that filly should be a detective) and learned from her friend that you were teaching her how to sing and then she told me you were up in Canterlot!!! I can't wait to come up and see you!

I also have a friend named Fluttershy, and she is so shy and sweet. She is also very good with taking care of animals. Whenever Gummy gets sick, she is the first person I take him to. She has a pet bunny named Angel… but I don’t think Angel likes Gummy very much. Everytime I take Gummy over, Angel starts throwing carrots at him and looks kinda mad. Maybe if Gummy gives Angel a hug they can become the bestest of friends, like Me and Fluttershy are!

But Fluttershy is not my only bestest friend! I am also friends with a rainbow colored Pegasus named…

[Please Flip Scroll]

To: Princess Celestia
From: Octavia

Your Royal Highness,

I wish to request a transfer to teach in another school. I would prefer not to go into detail, but I can summarize the situations like this: A nightmare from my foulhood has found me again.

Please don’t make me beg…


To: Rarity
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Big Sis,

I do not know if you have heard the news, but Octavia is trying to leave the school! She has been such a good teacher and I have learned so much from her. I can not beleive she would just pack up everything and leave. It is so sudden.

And I know for a fact that Professor Octavia hates sudden changes. She is strict and orginized. Nothing ever changes without prior notice. I'm worried that something terrible has happened. I know you are her friend… can you see if something is wrong?

Sweetie Belle

To: Princess Celestia
From: Twilight

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am sorry to say, but this is not a letter telling you about a lesson I have learned on friendship. Instead, this is a request from my good friend, Rarity. Her sister has been learning in Canterlot’s School of Music, and her teacher, Octavia, is requesting a transfer to teach in another school.

I know that this might sound a little strange, but can you talk to Octavia and see if there is something wrong? Sweetie Belle is very concerned for her well being, and she is a good filly. If there is a problem can you see if there is some way you can help to fix it? If it costs bits, you can take from my personal bank. You have the account information. You gave me most of it, anyway.

Your ever faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

To: Octavia
From: Princess Celestia

Dear Octavia,

Your request to transfer has been accepted. I have recently learned that there is an opening for a music teacher in the small town of Ponyville. My personal student is currently residing down there, and she has informed me that it would be a lovely place full of friendly people. I am sure whatever “nightmare” that is bothering you will not follow you there.

Please respond quickly if truly wish to transfer. I cannot guarantee this position will be open for much longer.

-Princess Celestia

To: Rarity
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear big sis,

Octavia has withdrawn her transfer request! I am so happy!

But I think she might be getting sick though. She says she is fine, but I think she is not telling the truth. I think she is putting on a though front because when I asked her why she changed her mind on leaving, she turned all pale and began to shake. I asked the nurse what I can do to help her, but the nurse just laughed and said there was nothing I could do.

Do you think she would feel better if I asked Pinkie Pie to through her a party? I know that has always made me feel better when did not feel good.

Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Sorry about not writin' for so long, but I got a letter from Scootaloo, an' I didn' know how to tell ya what it says... I don' think she wants to hear from either of us. Ya was right… she is taking Rainbow Dash's runaway really hard, an' has been staying in Cloudsdale with Spitfire. She never said how long that would be, but from what I was readin', it sounds like it will be a long time...

As for Rainbow Dash herself, she is doin' better. At least better in she is comin' down to the kitchen to eat with us. She is still a wreck, but at least she is improved some. Yesterday, she said she'd like to see her friends an' talk about what happened. Well, all of them showed up and listened to the whole story. When she finished, she said she wanted to be alone and went upstairs again.

Unfortunately, mah sister and Twilight had another spat soon after, an' your sister tried to smooth things out again an' made the whole thing worse… again. I couldn' stay and watch them all fight, so I left and ran ta the clubhouse...

Like ya said... nobody has been there in a while. Scoots and I didn' feel right goin' there without ya, so it was a little run down. Well, I needed somethin' ta take mah mind off all the mess at home, so I went on and began fixin' it up. Ya will never guess what happened when I finished it too. That's right, I got my cutie mark. I can' wait to show ya it when ya come to visit durin' your break.

I guess the Cutie Mark Crusaders are no more, huh? We all got our cutie marks and have moved away.

But I don' want to end this letter with a sad note. Let’s see... somethin' happy...

Oh! I've also found out why Big Mac has been so sneaky. He is goin' steady with a mare now! I bet ya will never guess who! I will give ya some hints. She is sweet an' kind, the best kinda mare he could hope for. She is good with little ones, and we hooked them up once already!

Can ya guess?


To: Applebloom
From: Sweetiebelle

Dear Applebloom,

You do not know how much I have missed talking to you. I am sorry to hear about Scootaloo... I hope she starts writing to us soon. I really miss her... Even if she is a little rough around the edges, she is still one of my best friends. Make sure to tell me next time she writes to you. I still have not received a letter from her, and am worried if she does not think I am as close a friend as I am with her.

Also, Congratulations on getting your cutie mark! I knew you would! And don't worry; we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, now and forever. We are just a little separated at the moment. When the time is right we will all be back together and we can have a huge Pinkie Pie style party! We just have to be patient and see how things turn out. Who knows, maybe you will have some little apple fillies and colts running around by the time we have this party.

And you are not saying Big Mac is going out with Cheerilee are you? Oh my goodness! That is adorable! You are going to have to give me all the details in a future letter!

It is nice to hear how Rainbow Dash is getting better, but I still don't understand why Twilight and Applejack are so mad with each other? What exactly happened with the two? I swear, last time I saw the two, I swear they could almost be marefriends (make sure Applejack does not see this, she would kill me). What could have happened between them to make them so mad at each other?

I also will not be able to write a letter for the next week. Finals are starting tomorrow and Octavia says I need to focus more on my studies. I am not sure, but I am getting a feeling she did not like the party Pinkie Pie and I planned for her. Pinkie said a surprise party would be the best, but when we jumped out and shouted “SURPRISE” she stopped, started screaming and ran out of the room… I guess I was completely correct and we should have given her a written invention, but Pinkie insisted that Octavia loved her surprise parties.

Sweetie Belle

To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

I passed all my exams. In fact, I aced every single one! Princess Celestia was so impressed that she invited me to sing at this year’s Grand Galloping Gala! She gave me two tickets for you and Scootaloo to join as well! I am writing a letter to my sister so she can start getting your dress started. I know Scootaloo will most likely not be able to make it, but I really hope I can see you again. Unfortunately, because the Gala is during the Winter Solace, I will not be able to go to Ponyville to visit. So I really hope you can come up here instead. I will give you the full tour of Canterlot! I think you will really enjoy the market district.

Do you need me to lend you some money to help you pay for the farm? I have been getting a few side jobs singing with Octavia’s help. She is a great teacher, and I can see how Pinkie and she are related. They are both so kind and giving, except Pinkie is a little more outgoing than Octavia.

Tell me when you are coming up to Canterlot! I will try and get some rooms nearby for you to stay in. Can't wait to see you!

Sweetie Belle

To: Rarity
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Big Sister,

Princess Celestia asked me to sing at this year’s Grand Galloping Gala. I was given two extra tickets so I would be able to invite Applebloom and Scootaloo to come and watch. Will you please make them a beautiful dress like you made your friends the first time they went? I do not want them to feel bad with all these noble ponies around… and you make the best dresses in all of Equestria.

Which reminds me, last time I had talked Hoity Toity, he asked me if you had any new designs he could place in his next showcase. His theme this year is Midnight Eclipse, and the best dresses will have their pictures taken by Photo Finish and displayed in Canterlot’s Fashion Show Extravaganza.

I have attached his address with this letter, and he asks you to respond ASAP… I do not know what that means, but I would contact him as soon as you can.

Sweetie Belle

P.S. If you hear back from Scootaloo, make her dress really big and poofy!


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Thank ya for the ticket! I wouldn' miss ya singing at the Gala for anythin' in the world! I heard Rarity screaming after ah saw Ditzy Doo drop off the mail and ran to see if she was in trouble. Ya really made mah mornin' interesting. Everypony was watchin' when Rarity grabbed me an' dragged me into the Carousel Boutique and started measuring me for a dress . I didn' get yur letter yet, so ah didn' have the slightest clue what got inta yur sis. It was after she let me go that Ditzy found me and gave it ta me.

We also have figured out how to pay fur the farm this year. It seems that Granny Smith wrote a letter to the rest of the family, an' they all scrounged enough money to keep us afloat for the rest of the year. Pinkie Pie threw us a big party when she heard the news. It was a whole bunch of fun, except Twilight an' Fluttershy didn' show up. When I asked, Pinkie said they were on a "grand adventure" or somethin' like that. Ah swear, ya can never get a straight answer out of that pony.

Oh, and it looks like Big Mac an' Cheerilee are gettin' married soon! They have been datin' a lot longer than anypony thought. Can ya believe they got together shortly after we gave them the love potion? I couldn' believe it! The weddin' is goin' to happen next spring. Ya have to come down an' sing fur them. I have heard Cheerilee talkin' about how much she misses your great voice, and even though she punished ya for singin’ in class she always enjoyed listenin’ to your songs. That is why she always let ya finish singin’ before she gave ya detention… I always wondered why she didn’ stop ya earlier… We gotta keep this a secret though. Pinkie Pie says surprises are always the best gift for a party.

I also forwarded your letter and ticket to Scootaloo. I make sure ya are the first to know when I get her letter.


P.S. Rainbow has finally moved out of our house an' is now staying in her place again. She was askin' about Scootaloo earlier, but ah couldn' tell her. Not yet at least... She is near back to her old self too. Ya know, takin’ naps whenever she isn’ workin' on the weather, but I don' know if she will be able to take it if she knew Scootaloo left because of her.

To: Applebloom
From: Spitfire

Dear Miss Applebloom,

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your friend Scootaloo left here a couple weeks ago. I wish I could tell you where, but she did not tell me anything. Life very interesting during her stay here, especially when I took her to the Wonderbolt’s headquarters. That little bundle of energy caused quite a ruckus when she opened the lightning cloud storage unit. Or when she found her way into the Rainbow Control Center. It took us a couple of days to clean up all the rainbow puddles when she redirected the rainbow waterfall… Things have just become too quiet since she left. Soarin has been asking about her as well. I think the big lug grew to think of her as an adopted daughter or something. If you ever do find out where that little filly went, please contact me.

Tell your friend Sweetie Belle congratulations, and that I look forward to hearing her sing at the Gala.


To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

I hoped you enjoyed the Gala just as much as I did. I know I said it a hundred times there, but I have to say it again. Thank you for showing up! I missed you so much, and don't worry, I will be at Big Mac and Cheerilee's wedding. You can bet I will sing something that will make all Ponyville remember it as the greatest wedding ever!

I could not help but see Rainbow Dash and Applejack didn't show up this year. Do you know where they were? Did Rainbow learn about Scootaloo? When I asked Twilight about Applejack and Rainbow, she just huffed up and stomped off. I am starting to get really concerned with all this fighting. I even heard Princess Celestia comment on it.

I know what we can do! The Cutie Mark Crusaders will find a way to make them best friends again! We need an idea planning session to figure out what to do. Do you have any ideas?

Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Luna

Dear Subject Sweetie Belle,

We found thy music during the Great Galloping Gala pleasing to our ears, and request thee to meet us tonight for dinner. We know it is an odd day for thee to meet with us, but we have a few subjects we would like to discuss with thee.

We look forward to seeing thee,

Princess Luna
Royal Raiser of the Moon
Second to the Throne
Second Chair Council of Magic

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Rainbow didn' go to the Gala because she said she couldn' see the Wonderbolts quite yet. An' Applejack didn' want to go if Rainbow was going to stay home. We need got to get all those ponies to stop fighting and become friends again. I swear the entire town is gettin’ all riled up! A big fight broke out in the market last week because some pony said Twilight purposely withheld the ticket from Applejack and Rainbow Dash because they were country bumpkins and didn’ deserve to be around them noble ponies… things are pretty tense at the moment…

But the Cutie Mark Crusaders can fix this right up! Ah have a few ideas myself:

Cutie Mark Crusaders Idea Checklist:

-An apology letter (seems the easiest thing)

-Lock them both in box until they make up (but we gotta find a way to keep Twilight from teleporting out)

-love potion

-Give spike tones and tones of gems because he is the bes/-~//{(~~/~//\\]{^)][-~//{(~~/~
~//\\]{~~-^)][-~//{(~~/~~~-^)][ ][|’’|”]/\;..,.\'

Sorry 'bout the scribbles and wrinkles. Spike came over today an' saw me writin'. I got called away for a second an' caught him adding stuff to mah letter... Couldn' start over 'cause this is the last piece of paper we have.

So ah “enlisted” Spike into Operation: Applejack x Twilight Best Friends Get-Back-Together. It seems he is tired of the fightin’ too, and he’s got a few got a few ideas. We decided to start with the apology letter. He is gonna deliver it tonight.


To: Princess Celestia (Please forward this to Sweetie Belle)
From: Spike

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Operation Apology was a failure. Twilight recognized the handwriting as Appleblooms. I am now grounded and locked in the basement. Twilight is saying she won't let me out until I can write a ten scroll apology for giving her the fake apology note. And she is refusing to feed me any gems while I'm down here! Please write to Rarity so she can save me!


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Applebloom,

Purple Scribe has been caught. Our cover has been blown. Hide!

Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applejack

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Letter's take a day to go between Canterlot an' Ponyville. Appleblooms been grounded in her room for an entire day now.

Now Sugarcube… Ah'm flattered ya want to try and make Twilight an' ah friends again, I would like for ya to please lay off. This is none of your business, an’ we can fix this on just fine on our own.


P.S. Applebloom said only she and Spike was behind this, so thank ya fur givin' yourself away. Can' wait till your next visit, the farm needs some more hands ta work it fur a day.

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Twilight

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I appreciate your concerns, but to lie and make up an apology is not the way to do it. Applejack and I will fix this ourselves, so there is no need for your assistance.

I will be expecting you to help reorganize the library during your next visit as punishment.


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Princess Celestia

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I expect a letter from you on the lesson you learned about friendship today.

-Princess Celestia

P.S. Luna said she really enjoyed your company at dinner last week. If it is okay with you, I would like to join you two as well. Your singing at the Gala this year made it a very enjoyable night. We are both looking forward to your next visit.