Dear Fellow Crusaders

by M_D_Quill

Fifth Bundle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Vinyl Scratch

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I heard about the song you sang down in that town Ponyville. Listen, I know you said you were just going to think about my previous offer, but I think I have a better one for you now.

All I need you to do is come down to the recording studio so we can record one of the songs they have prepared for you. You can sing it however you want. In fact, you can sing it in that "classical" way you seem to prefer. I can take your voice and fix it up to fit to the techno beats.

Now don't you worry. I will be selling you in two sets, the "Classical Version" and the "Retro Version." There’s a huge market in both, so you can get double profits by this! Who knows, you might be the start of a new trend. If this goes how I think it should, we are both going to become rich ponies!

-DJ Pon-3

To: Vinyl Scratch
From: Octavia

Dear Miss Scratch,

Leave my student alone. Go find your own protégé.


P.S. Don't bother sending any more letters. They all go through me.

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Something horrible happened last night. The library caught fire an' Twilight is now in the hospital. She ain't waken up... and the doctors are saying they ain't sure if she ever will. I heard a huge branch broke off the ceiling and whacked her on the head, an' if it wasn't for Spike and Rainbow Dash, she wouldn' have gotten out at all.

She is layin' in the hospital now, an' mah sis is with her. She is refusing' ta leave Twilight's side. The doctor was almost bucked out a window when he insisted she leave because visitin' hours were over. Luckly Big Mac was able to convince him to let her stay.

Spike wrote a letter to the Princess tellin' her what happened, but I think she is wantin' to keep this entire incident all quiet like. I think Spike is stayin' with Futtershy right now. The poor guy...

I am sorry for sending such a sad letter so close to your graduation, but I feel ya would rather be told sooner rather than later. Watchin' all of Twilight's friends worry 'bout her is makin' me miss Scoots... I wonder what she is doin’ right now?

I have been spendin' a lot of time in the clubhouse recently, just sittin' and rememberin' how much fun we all had. Can ya believe it has been almost four years since Scoots disappeared an' not a single letter from her...

I am so glad ah have a friend like you Sweetie. Please promise me we will be friends forever...


To: Octavia
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Octavia,

I am sorry I left without telling you, but I have to go to Ponyville. Something happened and my friends need me more than I need to be in class. I will be back for finals! Pinkie Promise!

Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I never got to properly thank ya fur comin' down. I was just feelin' so down and depressed... an' then ya just appeared at the clubhouse. I never felt so happy before... Thank ya... A million times, Thank ya...

I am pretty sure I don' need to say it... but can ya keep what happened in there just between us... I know this might sound kinda of a strange, but I would rather not have everypony know… especially not Applejack… I’m sorry if it seems like ah am babbling, but ya mean a whole lot to me Sweetie… Ya seem to be writin’ me a letter and workin’ hard to be a good friend, even though ah know you are so busy with your school stuff.

Yur a pony who is gettin' a name for yurself all over Equestria! I am just a small town country pony, but when ya showed up when I was feelin’ down and cryin’ everywhere, ya didn’ even have to think! Ya came in and gave me a big hug and told me everything will be all right.

You’re mah the bestest friend I have ever had! I don’ know what I would do if ya were not around to help me get through these horrible days. And ya sayin’ that we are Cutie Mark Crusaders… It is one of the sweetest things I think ya have ever said to me. Makes me feel like all of us were together again, back when things were just fun and games in tryin' ta get our cutie marks.

We are all grown up, got our cutie marks, and one of the group is gone. But ya still are sayin’ we are crusaders to the end… Do ya truly mean it?


To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

Yes, I meant every word of it. We are Cutie Mark Crusaders, best friends until the end of time.

And do not worry, I will graduate in a month and be back down in Ponyville in no time. I will not have to come back to Canterlot for any more school, so we can start doing stuff again. It will be just like old times again.

Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

That sounds mighty fine... thank ya again... I am the luckiest pony in all of Equestria to have a friend like you.


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Pinkie Pie

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I have had to use a contact of mine to get this letter through. It seems your teacher does not like me having contact with you.

I have to make this quick. You will be graduating soon, and I wish to make a deal with you.

Meet me at Joe's Donut shop this Friday at 5 PM sharp. I promise you won't regret it.

-DJ Pon-3

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Rarity

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I am so proud of you right now! Not only because you are one of the best singers Canterlot has ever seen, but because of what you did for Applebloom. The poor dear was devastated when she heard what happened to Twilight. But since you came, she is back to her normal helpful self.

I just wish we could do the same for Applejack and Spike. Applejack has not left Twilight's side for a month now. I have tried to convince her to go to the spa with me (she needs a bath at least), but I cannot get her to listen to me.

Can you be a dear and write a letter to your friend Applebloom. She is the only one that Applejack will listen to now, and we need to convince Applejack that she is not helping Twilight one bit by wasting away waiting for her to wake up.

Oh, and please remind Fancypants to get my order in. I decided to get something very special for Spike to cheer him up, have you ever hear of Firestone?

Nevermind, just make sure Fancypants remembers, he tends to be a little absent minded when it comes to paperwork.


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Rainbow Dash

Um... Hey Sweetie Belle,

Listen... I'm not really good with letter and all, but Applebloom insists I be the one to tell you what we found when we were cleaning through the rubble of the library. It is a box. Actually, it is a lot of boxes. But that is not what is so big.

Here, I am just going to send you the first letter in it and you will know.

To: Twilight Sparkle
From: Scootaloo

Dear Twilight,

I am not sure if you remember me, but I used to live in Ponyville when you first moved there. I was part of a small club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and we caused some trouble trying to get our cutie marks.

I am not writing this letter to talk about old memories though. Shortly after Rainbow Dash's audition, I started to live with Spitfire. After a couple weeks, I left and just wandered around Equestria. I have been meeting the many different races that inhabit the surrounding lands and am currently residing in the land of the Zebra. I remember there was a Zebra named Zecora living near Ponyville, and I promised the chief I would give her the amulet you will find in the box.

I am not a bookworm, or even care for books, but I have recently received a letter from Princess Celestia that I should to take notes of my journeys. I wanted to ask and see if you could please store these notes someplace safe until I come home. I tend to get busy out here and only have time to write down scribbles. And a lot of the stuff I do is kinda dangerous… so any notes I take can easily get damaged. I really want to record my journeys, and not because the Princess asked. I want to be a hero to somepony somewhere. My hero failed me and I don't want that to happen to any other pony. Locked inside this box is all the notes from the first portion of my journey.

Sorry to cut this note short, but I have to go. The chieftain's son wants to try to beat me in a race again. I've already beat him like six times today, but he just keeps challenging me like he thinks he will win. Talk about a lost cause.


P.S. Please be careful with the Jaded Unicorn, the ruin I found that in kinda collapsed before I could grab anything else in it, so it is of the last of its kind. I am still trying to get my mind why those old ponies put so many booby traps in those old places...

P.P.S. Please don't tell Applebloom or Sweetie Bell about this letter. They probably don't remember me anyway...

As you can see, Scootaloo is going out and doing something with herself.

That little pegasus, the one who was always following me and trying to be just like me, is out being a hero like Daring Doo! She is trying to be someone’s hero. Maybe I can do something to help her.


To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom

Can you believe it? Scootaloo has been out on adventures for all these years and we never knew! I wrote a letter to Luna asking her if she can get any more information. I am still waiting for her to respond, but I am so excited I can't focus on my work right now!

Talking about work, I am doing a recording with DJ Pon-3. She is going to start selling my songs all over Equestria. Octavia is not very happy with me right now, but I know she will come around. I start recording a week after I graduate!

I have to go, the mail just came in. Luna's response might be in this pile.

Sweetie Belle

To: Spitfire
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Spitfire,

I have found something about Scootaloo! Please read the attached letter.

I will keep you informed on what else I can find out.

Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

That's... great... I'm so happy to hear of your recording with DJ Pon-3.

And Scoots bein' Darin' Doo? That is a funny thought... ha... ha...

Sorry... we are busy buckin' apples now. I can' write no more than this.


To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

You don't buck apples except in the fall. I might be becoming a city pony but I still grew up in Ponyville too. But the joke did give me a chuckle. I will be down to visit near the beginning of autumn! Maybe we can do the running of the leaves together! Please be a little more patient. Vinyl said she just needs a couple more songs before the first record is finished. I will have a small break afterward and will be there to visit.

-Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Spitfire

Dear Sweetie Belle

Thank you… I knew that little orange Pegasus was going to be something special someday. I thought she was going to show up someday and try out for the Wonderbolts, but after reading this I am happy she decided not to. She is now doing something so much more important and inspirational than I have ever dreamed of doing.

Both Soarin and I are in your debt now. Thank you again.


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Mayor Mare

Our Dear and Sweet Sweetie Belle,

This letter and plaque is a gift from all of Ponyville as a congratulations for graduating from Equestia's School of Music. You one of our Ponyville's Finest Fillies, so never be afraid to come back and visit!

-Mayor Mare

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Rarity

Sweetie Belle!

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!! I knew you were going to become the star of Canterlot! I have already received a letter from Fancypants that you are going to make a recording with the famous DJ Pon-3! You have to give me one of the first records to come out on sale! And you have to autograph it too! Can you believe it? I have to ask my own sister for an autographed record. I am being silly now.

Oh my goodness! What am I thinking? You are going to be selling a record. That means you will need pictures for the cover! Don't worry Sweetie! I will make you the most beautiful dress you have ever seen!

Oh this is going to be your first record... everything must be PERFECT!

Sorry I can't write you more Sweetie, but your big sis has a lot of work ahead of her.


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Princess Luna

Dear Subject Sweetie Belle,

It appears thou's sister has unexpectedly arrived last morrow. We have accommodated her, but she demands to see thee. When thee finds the time, canst thee stop by and pay her a visit.

-Princess Luna

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Octavia

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I know it is not my choice to dictate your career choice, but I advise you again to cut all ties with DJ-Pon3 after you finish this record. The theatre is still watching and willing to accept you into our family. I have an acquaintance who said he would love you to be the female lead in next years production, The Barber of Seville. I personally think you can make this show one of the greatest to be performed here in Canterlot, and have heard from a little bird that one of the Princess' are interested to see you perform as well.

Besides that, the school has been quiet without you. The place seemed very lively with you around, especially with the Princess' randomly popping in to see you practice. Many of the newer students are beginning to make rumors about you as well. Apparently, you are the secret daughter of Princess Luna and Fancypants. You also hide alicorn wings underneath those fancy dresses your sister makes.

Which reminds me, Fancypants was asking about you the last time we had supper together. He wanted to know if you were willing to make some time for a photography session for his new line. You will not believe how much he kept going on and on about how beautiful you have become. If he was not married to Lady Fleur, I would think he would have fallen for you.

I must be going, but do keep in touch, and please remember my advice regarding Ms. Scratch.


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Fancypants

My dear Ms. Belle,

I have to sincerely apologize for the way Photo Finish acted at yesterday's photo shoot. You have a beautiful posture, as well as an amazing walk. I have no idea what came over her when she decided to insult you by saying otherwise.

Worry not, though. If you decide to do another shoot for me, I will be sure Mrs. Finish will not be attending.


To: Rarity
From: Fancypants

My dear Ms. Rarity,

I am sorry that my lead photographer insulted your sister, but picking up the camera and beating her with it was not in good taste. Those cameras are expensive, you know. I must ask you to replace it.

Besides that, I love the designs for next years line. I already have a few seamstresses working on some basic models and will have them shipped to you within a couple weeks. You can make any corrections you wish. I am sure they will look just as beautiful as the pieces you make from scratch. I will also send out the deposit slip for the bits I promised.

Until your next visit,

To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

Did you get the record I sent you? I still cannot believe it reached the top of the charts after two days of it being released! I do not even know what to think! Vinyl says it is time for me to go on tour and start debuting my music all over Equestria, but I'm not sure. I do not want to cancel my trip to Ponyville, but she says we have to hit the iron while it is hot or it will be overshadowed by the next big thing. Princess Celestia says the record is some of the best pieces of music she has ever heard, and knowing how long she has been around that is saying something!

Princess Luna has also found some information on Scootaloo. The last siting of her was in the Rhino lands. Rumors say she was looking into a legend of a Crystal Unicorn.

And did you know Rainbow Dash wrote a book on Scootaloo? I am in complete shock! Who would of ever guessed that showy Pegasus would calm down and become a writer. I wonder how much she exaggerated Scootaloo's accomplishments? Rainbow has always been good at telling daring stories, but sometimes she exaggerating things a little too much. I swear, Scootaloo is becoming a living legend around here. When I say I was childhood friends of her, ponies seem to faint in shock. Half of them are fainting because they could not believe Scootaloo is even a real pony. I wonder if this is how Daring Doo feels?

I sent a copy of the book to Spitfire, I know she would like to read it.

How is the farm? You have not mentioned anything about it in a while, I am curious. It is getting close to apple bucking season, so I understand if you do not write back right away.

Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Rainbow Dash

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I have some wonderful news! Twilight has finally woken up! You should have seen Applejacks face when she heard Twilight the news. It was priceless!

You do know that Applejack has not cut her mane for close to a year, right? That's right! She has not cut it since the accident. It was flowing everywhere, not to mention Rarity braided up is some fancy knot. If it was not for your sister, I don't think Applejack would of ever of gotten that thing under control!

But I think the thing that shocked everyone the most is once Applejack realized that Twilight was awake, she ran from the farm all the way to the hospital. She didn't even ask if she was allowed in, but she charged past all the startled doctors and burst into the room. When she saw Twilight, just sitting there, her eyes wide in shock, she jumped onto the bed and gave Twilight the biggest hug you have ever seen! Poor Twi, I almost thought Applejack was going to snap her in two by how hard she was squeezing her.

You have to get down here and watch these two now! They are the closest of friends again. I never see one without the other.

And would you have ever guessed I would receive a letter form Spitfire asking me if I have time to visit Cloudsdale to autograph Scoot’s book. I am not sure how I feel about it, but you know the Great Rainbow Dash would never want to disappoint a fan!