//------------------------------// // 72 Runaway by Arctic Inferno // Story: Rhythm and Harmony: The Octascratch Prompt Collab // by lyra_lover777 //------------------------------// Runaway by Arctic Inferno Vinyl turned and looked behind her, back at the little home she had been sharing with her marefriend for the past few months. Her time there had been awesome, and she very much appreciated that, but she had gotten a little too comfortable. On the one hoof, Octavia was a good roommate. Despite her very precious and sombre voice and affiliation with classical music, she wasn't exactly the sort of mare one would expect. Sure, she was often a little snobby to others without as much social etiquette as herself, but when she wanted to she could really have fun. A weak smile found Vinyl's lips, fond memories of parties and past times in which Tavi had had a little too much to drink. But then the good times had diminished a little when both their careers had gotten busy. Vinyl was constantly working at nights and Octavia through the day with little-to-no breaks at weekends, so the couple rarely got a chance to sit alone and talk, let alone go out to movies or dinner like so many others did. Over this time Vinyl had honestly feared that she wasn't doing enough to keep the esteemed mare interested, but the pony in question had assured her that their love would last, even through difficult times. It was only until a lot later in the year that Vinyl had come home from a gig in the early hours of the morning to find a stallion in bed with her marefriend. At first the shock of it stunned her and she stumbled back, incapable of speech. Then bewilderment hit her like a raging flood, followed shortly by sadness. Vinyl had run around the house and gathered all her belongings, throwing them into a suitcase and leaving through the door. What was the point in staying, she thought, if Tavi was happy with somepony else? A single tear escaped from her eye and rolled down her cheek, staining the white fur. The DJ turned sadly and walked down the pavement, suitcase trailing behind her with a shimmering blue veil of magic. Over the horizon the sun started to rise. The sun leaked into the room and met the closed eyelids of a sleeping mare, causing them to open groggily. Octavia stood up and looked out of the window at the rising dawn. The road was empty.