Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio.

by Daxn

Bonus Chapter- Lance Possibilmente spezzate+ Adapted song lyrics.

Princess Celestia returned to her chamber and used her magic to move the portrait of Starswirl the Bearded from the wall, revealing a hidden compartment.

Opening it, she levitated out an old chest she’d kept hidden behind the picture for many years.

Unlocking it, she fished around in the chest and pulled out a worn book, the one containing the spell that Starswirl never finished.

Celestia looked out the window of her study at the late afternoon sky. “If Twilight can prove she is able to finish this spell, my dreams may not yet be lost,” she thought, levitating the book and walking over to the window, looking out in the direction of Equestria’s north. “I know he will return soon, just as Luna and Discord did. My spymasters were never wrong. This is a perfect opportunity: if Twilight can prove herself then, she will be ready to finish the spell.”

Celestia turned and walked to a door she kept locked, one only she was permitted in, unlocked it and went in to find a nursery, themed perfectly for Twilight.

She smiled.

“Once she will finish the spell, it will take her some time, but, in those terms, she will be an infant and want to come.” She giggled. “Oh, Twilight. You always think you can outsmart me, but you can’t.”

With that, she walked out the nursery, closing and locking the door behind her and placed the book on one of her shelves, ready to send it the moment Twilight was ready and returned to her duties, knowing the day would come when she would get her little filly. She just had to wait, something she was very experienced at doing.

Twilight's song:

Hooves up, out of here!
I will not be a jailbird
But I will fly away like a hummingbird
Or like a light buzzard flying away from a golden cage
Without negotiating anything with the one
That has decided to scalpel away
Of our hopes and in our days
For our life

I'm free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free

I'm free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free!

From the virus of regret
From the nursery rhymes and the cribs
From lies, from love debts, from intromissions
from unusual punishments and preaching
Let's slip away!
I leave my prison
without passing the
"Start" tile!

I'm free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free

I'm free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free!

From what weakens you, and everything that
regresses you

From what weakens you, and everything that
regresses you

From what weakens you, and everything that
regresses you

From what weakens you, and everything that
regresses you

From the mares that are not masters of their own

From everybody that taints my mind.

I will break free because I am
fed up!

I'm free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free

I'm free

I'm free

I'm free

Free, free, free!