//------------------------------// // Aurora and Violet's Excellent Experiment! // Story: Chaotic Touch of Harmony: The life and times of teenage Alicorns // by Boldish42 //------------------------------// “This is a terrible idea.” “No it’s fantastic, shut up.” Two Alicorns stood side by side toward the center of the room. Their mother’s lab was the perfect place for their experiment. Power channels, focus crystals, experimental Magitech apparatuses, and fire extinguishers, all vital to complete their magical venture. Aurora Sky turned to her sister. “We’re not even supposed to be in this room, let alone tearing reality a new one.” Violet Spark scoffed confidently. “If mom didn't want us in here she shouldn’t have made it so easy to get in.” “It took you thirteen tries.” “Shut up and start already. Ancient peoples from long dead eras aren’t going to just bring themselves here.” “Fine, whatever, but if we create a paradox I’m telling mom it was all you.” “The book said this spell doesn’t create paradoxes, it’s all self-inclusive and junk. Now less yappin’ more zappin’!” Both sisters charged their horns, one less eagerly then the other. Arcane forces blitzed through their mother’s equipment, and just as predicted, tore reality a new orifice. Dumping a long-haired young man dressed in flowing white robes on the floor. He wasn’t moving. Aurora was less than pleased, “Great! He’s dead. Nice, this is totally how I wanted to spend my night.” “Shut up! Look he’s not dead, he’s breathing, so just calm down. Oh! This is so great! Judging by the toga he must be from ancient greece!” The floor bound fellow vomited. Aurora took a sniff, “Smells like someone who had too much at uncle Qubert’s.” “..Obviously the ride was a little bumpy, we’ll have to fix that when we do this again. This is great though! We must inspire him to create stories of pegasi! And unicorns too… are unicorns in greek mythology? “Ohhh. my head…” “...He’s speaking english Violet.” “No, that is obviously ancient Greek and we’re just translating it somehow” “Then why do his sandals have ‘Birkenstock’ printed on them? Also I’m pretty sure this is a bedsheet.” It was around this time that the semi-incapacitated man on the ground began hearing the pair of sixteen year old girls talk about him. Looking up he decided that their age was not the most interesting thing about them. They were both some kind of… pony. The one on the left was violet colored, a mane of dark pink(or was it light purple?) with streaks of white bordered by pale blue throughout. On her flanks was a trinity knot with three small solid triangles pointing in at the joints. The other pony on the right was white, her mane had many shades of blue. She also had marks on her back end, a thick ring with three triangles pointing out from a solid dot in the center. “I think someone slipped me some acid… Why does that keep happening?” “Umm no, We are the Alicorn sisters of Terra!” Violet took the lead, “We have used our vast magical powers to pull you from your time to the far off year of 2030!…AD!” “Far off? But it’s 2010, isn’t it? I mean we just had the party for the New Year, and everybody was wearing those stupid glasses where it says the year and you look through the zeros…” Violet deflated, a look of profound disappointment dominating her face. “Twenty years? That’s all? All that work and we couldn’t even get someone from the last century?” “I told you to just read the history book for your historical figure essay, but nooo! You just had to go all Bill and Ted.” “Umm, excuse me, miss uh talking horse who are you? Did I break in here during the drug fueled trip I’m obviously coming down from?” Aurora took the reins of the conversation ignoring the horse remark. “No you didn’t break in, we brought you here. I’m Aurora Sky, and the sulking one is my sister Violet Spark.” “I’m not sulking! I’m contemplating.” The Toga wearing time traveler stumbled to his feet, “Heh, groovy names. Hey got any water? My head’s killing me.” A bottle of water floated out of a fridge in the corner to the stunned human. Carefully he grabbed the water out of the air, cracked it open, and proceeded to suck down it’s contents. “Oh thanks, that’s going to help a lot.” He looked up to his hosts, a small smile planted on his face, “Are those your real names?” Violet overcame her disappointment, coming to the defence of her prized name. “What’s wrong with our names, huh?!” Sensing her totally obvious hostility concerning the subject, he tried to placate her. “Nothing, not a thing! It just caught me by surprise is all. Suits you, like, really well… Actually they fit you both pretty perfect, what with the colors and all. Oh! Uh sorry, I guess I’m being a bit rude, not introducing myself. I’m James Tune, pleased to meet you.” James was pretty sure he heard glass breaking as the sisters eyes bugged out. They looked at each other. “She knows.” “She knows.” “She knows.” Three voices spoke at once. The sister’s eyes bugged even more, to the point James thought they would pop. They looked over their shoulders at the only door to the room, where a very large silver and azure Alicorn watched the goings on. She had that look that parents get, you know, when they’re calm, but wrath filled, ready to dish out apocalyptic parenting. That one. “So… uh what’s the future like?” James tried to break the ice. “Busy,” The irate alicorn stated, “and punishing.” She added with extra emphasis to the two teens, “More than that you don’t need to know.” Her horn began to glow. “You’re dreaming James, when you wake up this’ll just be that wisp of fantasy that you couldn’t hold onto, you will forget. Also get a haircut, the long hair look doesn’t suit you yet.” Her horn flashed, and James slid back into unconsciousness again. Also through time if the huge flare of magic, and unparadoxed present meant anything. The two sisters held a silent conference. Three seconds of eye twitches and subtle head gestures and they settled on a course of action. “Mom you did drugs?! What? I just don’t even.. I mean wha-” “Nice try, but no. You’re both grounded. Messing with Space-Time, that’s two weeks for both of you. That means curfew, no desserts, no teleporting or flying outside your studies, and No car privileges.” “But moOom!.” “How will we get around town!?” “You’ve got legs, use’em.” “Even to get to school?!” “Hey! In my day I had to walk to school both ways, all year, with only two legs! No more complaining, it’s dinner time, then homework. And no more summonings! Just use your imaginations for your essays.” “Uhhh!” “This sucks.” “I heard that.”