Rhythm and Harmony: The Octascratch Prompt Collab

by lyra_lover777

83 Falling by lyra_lover777

Falling by lyra_lover777, a sequel to Wedding

Weightless. That's how she felt. Her dress flapped around her as everypony in the vincity stared at her, digging into her, asking her why she had stood up, declaring a statement to a question that should never be answered.
The silence attempted to swallow her in its hollowness. It had to have been at least a minute, and her legs were starting to ache. No one had moved yet except her brother, who was preparing to scold her harshly. Carrot Top had fainted in shock, along with several others in attendance. Colgate was among the many that was absolutely silent, still processing the words that had come forth from her friend's mouth.
And Amethyst sat there, the cocky smile still tugging the sides of her mouth up.
The silence was broken by a solemn pink alicorn, who murmured, "What have you said?"
'I do," Octavia yelled, the sound echoing throughout the cathedral.
Arpeggio attempted to tug his sister down into her seat, but Amethyst knocked his hoof out of the way. She glared at him, and he backed off despite the uneasiness he still had towards the situation.
Princess Cadence looked around at the assembled group, who were starting to come around.
"That's not fair!" somepony yelped.
"Yeah! They love each other! They should be together!" another pony shouted.
Exactly. Me and her. Octavia thought.
Princess Cadence scanned the crowd thoughtfully.
"I'm sorry, but it is in accordance to the ancient rules of our land. She has objected, and so she has ten days to prove to both that their marriage is not supposed to be. NO magic allowed."
Collective groans from the crowd hinted at their disgust with the law. But they understood it.
Everypony began to file out, displeased that they would probably have to travel back out here in only ten days time.
Soon only Octavia, the to be married couple, and the medics, who were picking up the last of the fainted ponies, were left.
Vinyl stormed down the steps of the altar, rushing towards Octavia.
She swung her hoof, barely missing as Octavia ducked under the pew.
"Ya-you!" Vinyl whimpered.
She sat on her rump, tears running down her face.
"Why?" she murmured. "WHY?!"
"Because I love you."
"Then if you really did, then why did you stand up? Why not be happy for me?"
"Because I can't live without you. Look at the wreck I've become without you. Out of the orchestra, not even on the top five hundred most influential musicians of the year since you've been gone! When we were together, I used to place on top. Every. Single. Time!"
Both quieted, breathing rapidly.
Octavia looked up at Vinyl, who had scrunched herself up into a ball.
"I need you Vinyl. You're my inspiration, my lifebloo-"
But she was cut off when Neon Lights swooped down from above, picking Vinyl up and kissing her gently, forcing a few weak giggles from the alabaster unicorn.
The DJ was put down softly on a pew a few rows in front of Octavia, who had become distracted by Vinyl's swooping curves.
"Hey, you," Neon chuckled, his cheeks flushed. He was obviously very annoyed with the gray earth pony before him.
"You don't get to talk to her. You just had your chance. Scram, earthie."
"Ah, you don't need to even make the effort, Neo! There's no chance she'll convince me!"
"I know Vins, but better safe than sorry, ya know?"
"I know."
The two lovers shared a moment of passionate kissing while Octavia recoiled slightly.
"I was so ready for a post wedding night tonight..." Neon whispered lustfully in Vinyl's ear.
"Sto-op! She's still here!" Vinyl giggled as her stallion tackled her, nuzzling her gently.
How am I ever going to compete with that? Octavia thought. Her hope plummeted into a dark, swirling abyss of depression as she slunk away as the couple continued their heated makeout session.