Commander Thorn in Equestria.

by SolidArc5542

A short conversation

"Remember, the first and only reality of the Sith: There can only be two, and you are no longer my apprentice; you have been replaced."

Darth Sidious talking to Darth Maul after he killed Savage Opress.


"What?" Thorn asked the pink party pony in front of him.

"Duh, you saved us, and all of Canterlot! Of course I was going to throw you a party! So do you like it? Do you do you do you do you?" Pinkie asked.

"A-A party for me?" Thorn asked while holstering his pistol. 'This has never happened to me before.'

"Duh you silly. Why else would I bring my party cannon with me?" Pinkie replied.

'A party for me? But why? I only did what I have been doing for the past couple of years.' Thorn thought while watching Pinkie Pie.

Out of nowhere; Pinkie took out a pink box and handed it over to Thorn. "Here you go Thornie!"

Thorn looked at the pink mare and then at the box. He hesitantly took the box out of her hooves and opened it.

Inside of the box were strange kind of things he had never seen before. They were round, they appeared to have some kind of white fluid on them, and the tops had some kind of red round fruit.

"Uhm not to be rude ma'am but what are these things?" Thorn asked.

"They're cupcakes!" Pinkie replied. "*gasp* Don't tell me they don't have cupcakes on your planet. Because everybody loves cupcakes and if you don't have cupcakes then you should get some because they're awesome and cool and just so yummy delicious!" Pinkie said without taking a break to breath.

"I've never heard of these cupcakes before." The only things we clones eat are rations and Corusant protein sticks. Thorn replied.

"Corusant protein sticks? That doesn't sound very appealing." Pinkie said.

"Well, the flavor is surprisingly good." Thorn replied.

"Well try one!" Pinkie said while grabbing a cupcake and shoving it in his helmet. The cupcake exploded in his face and the entire vanilla frosting plus the strawberry was now plastered all over Thorn's helmet.

"Pinkie!" Rarity exclaimed while grabbing a napkin and trotting over towards Thorn. "Look what you did, his entire fabulous armor is ruined!" Rarity exclaimed over dramatically. She trotted over towards Thorn and roughly put him down on the chair. "Now sit still darling and let the expert take care of this". Rarity began wiping Thorn's helmet with the napkin, much to Thorn's dismay.

"Oh my goodness!" Rarity exclaimed. "There isn't even a single cupcake stain on your helmet! Darling you must tell me what fabric you used to make this."

"Ma'am I'd appreciate it if you would get off of me." Thorn said.

Rarity gave Thorn a confused glare before noticing the awkward position she and him were in. Rarity had her front hooves on Thorn's lap while the napkin was held by her magic. But that was not the most awkward part, no the thing that was the most awkward was that her muzzle was mere inches from his helmet. Rarity blushed a little before taking her front hooves off of Thorn and stood on all fours again.

"I am so sorry Thorn." Rarity apologized. "But seeing beautiful fashion such as yours getting dirty just made my mind go crazy."

"That's alright ma'am, just please, be careful the next time." Thorn replied. Thorn grabbed a cupcake out of the box (which he placed on the table when Pinkie decided to ram a cupcake into his helmet) to inspected it.

Rarity quickly made her way over to her chair and sat down, receiving a few giggles from Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"Oh no, not on the beautiful fashion." Rainbow Dash said while imitating Rarity's overly dramatic reaction.

Rarity gave Rainbow Dash a angry glare. Applejack just laughed at the scene.

"Well are you gonna eat it, or what?" Pinkie asked.

Thorn hesitated to answer to her question. What if my body can't handle the ingredients that are in this thing, 'I've never heard or seen anything like this.......A blast it! I've died one time, so a second time won't matter.' Thorn thought.

Thorn lifted his arms up and grabbed his helmet. His fingers wrapped around his helmet as he lifted it up. The ponies stared at Thorn with curiosity and awe, even Celestia was curious about what lay behind that helmet.

Thorn's helmet was lifted up and his face exposed. He had the standard short clone trooper hair, on the right side of his face was the scar he got on Geonosis.

The ponies looked at Thorn with a shocked expression. But to everyone's surprise , Fluttershy made her way over towards the clone Commander. She flew towards Thorn until she was mere centimeters away from him. Thorn didn't know what she was planning but he didn't move either.

Fluttershy then did something nobody expected. She held out her hoof and laid it on Thorn's exposed face. Thorn flinched a little when she did that; feeling her soft hoof on his face, but he didn't stop her. For some reason he actually liked the feeling.

Fluttershy traced her hoof all the way from Thorn's left side to his scarred right side. She gently rubbed the spot with her hoof.

After a few more seconds of rubbing; she stopped and gave Thorn a compassionate look. "You poor thing, who did this to you?"

"Did what to him?" Rainbow Dash asked while flying towards her and Thorn. "I mean look at him, you don't even know what his species eve is Fluttershy; maybe that's just the way he looks."

"The Separatists." Thorn said.

"The who now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

The Separatist did this to me." Thorn said while placing a hand on his burned side. "It was the first battle of Geonosis, the Grand Army's first deployment. My squad was overrun and we suffered heavy casualties, a thermal detonator exploded in front of me, the explosion destroyed my helmet and burned the right side of my face." Thorn said.

All of the ponies, even Celestia gasped at this information. "But one of my brothers had it worse, his entire arm was blown of, eventually we were saved by a clone trooper Captain, but the only survivors of my squad were me and the clone who's arm was blown off."

"Why would they do such a thing?" Celestia asked shocked.

"The Separatist are evil, the galactic war has been going on for many years and from the looks of it; it isn't going to end soon." Thorn replied.

"So lemme get this straight. Rainbow Dash said." You and The Republic are the good guys, and those Separatists are the bad guys?"

"Yes, but there are more like me; millions actually, an entire clone army created by the Kaminoans to fight back against the Separatist threat. But there are of course more powerful men and woman that fight for The Republic. "Thorn replied.

"Who are those 'more powerful ones then'?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

"The Jedi." Thorn replied. "They are the ultimate warriors in my opinion, but they call themselves: Peace keepers. They wield these weapons called lightsabers and they are very skilled with them."

"Wow!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in awe. "So they are like super heroes that protect the galaxy?"

"Yes they are. Thorn replied. 'Feels good to talk about Jedi, they saved my back a lot of times during the war, I owe them my life.'

"And this 'Republic', is it led by a King or Queen?" Celestia asked.

"No, The Republic is a variety of different planets and systems; who have joined The Republic to fight against The Separatists, the current leader of The Republic is Chancellor Palpatine. He is in charge of The Republic. He was also the one who ordered the immediate creation of the clone army." Thorn explained.

"And who is the leader of The Separatists?" Celestia asked.

"Count Dooko." Thorn said in a grim tone. "He's a Sith."

"A Sith? What's that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"A Sith is an evil Jedi who has fallen to the darkside, the Jedi and Sith are sworn enemies. at least that's what Jedi master Plo Koon once told me." Thorn replied.

"So if I'm correct there is a war between The Republic and The Separatist. But there is also a war between the Sith and Jedi?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, but from what I've heard; the war between the Jedi and Sith has been going on for over thousands of years, and it's not going to end soon either." Thorn replied.

"And does this 'clone army' you are part of fight against the Sith as well?" Twilight asked curiously while writing everything down on a piece of paper.

"Twilight darling have you been writing down everything he has told us for the past couple of minutes?" Rarity asked.

"Uhm yes, why wouldn't I?" Twilight asked. Please continue Commander.

Thorn merely nodded. "Yes we do fight against the Sith, but mostly we fight against the droid army."

"Droid army?" Twilight asked.

"The droid army is a massive army of machines that are created to kill or overthrow any threat to The Separatist alliance, or systems who are a part of The Republic." Thorn replied.

"So much war." Celestia trailed of. How many battles have you been in Commander Thorn? If I may ask."

"In total, around forty eight; maybe more." Thorn replied.

"Forty eight battles?!" Twilight exclaimed. "And you survived through all that?!"

"Yes, but I......--."

"But you what?" Twilight asked.

"I........Nothing it's nothing." Thorn replied.

"O-Okay?" Twilight said.

"Commander, please sit down and enjoy your meal." Celestia said with a smile.

Thorn just nodded as he sat down on the not so comfortable chair. He laid his helmet on the table and grabbed a cupcake. The cupcake slowly made it's way over towards Thorn's mouth. All of The ponies were watching the scene curiously, Pinkie was even biting her hooves in nervousness. Thorn opened his mouth and took a bite out of it. He slowly chewed on the new food and swallowed it.

The ponies watched as Thorn put the cupcake back in the box.

"So? How is it?" Pinkie asked nervously.

"It is." Thorn said while licking his lips. "The best thing I have ever eaten in my entire life!" Thorn exclaimed while grabbing the cupcake he had recently bit putting it in his mouth. Thorn took two more bites out of the cupcake until it was completely devoured.

Pinkie smiled widely while the others just watched Thorn devour another cupcake.

Thorn eventually ate the remaining cupcakes and spoke up. "Aaah that was amazing, beats those Corusant protein sticks any day."

"Yay! An alien likes my cupcakes!" Pinkie exclaimed while tackling Thorn into a hug. Due to the amount of force she used; Thorn fell off of the chair with Pinkie still hugging him."Whoaa!" Thorn exclaimed.

"Pinkie Pie!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Gaah." Thorn grunted while rubbing the back of his head. He looked down at his chest to see Pinkie Pie still hugging him. "Could you please let go?"

Pinkie looked up at Thorn and gave him a wide smile. She let him go and walked back to her spot at the table.

"Need a hoof?" Rainbow Dash asked while holding her hoof out.

Thorn stretched his arm and grabbed her hoof. Rainbow Dash had to use all her strength to lift him up, luckily for her Thorn could get up pretty easily.

"*pant* You're a heavy dude." Rainbow Dash said.

"It's the armor." Thorn replied while sitting down on his chair.

Rainbow Dash flew back to her spot and sat down. "He's like the most awesome alien ever." Rainbow Dash whispered to Applejack.

Applejack chuckled. "Y'all gettin mighty excited by tha fella."

"Duh, it's not like you get to meet an alien everyday." Rainbow Dash replied.

"So Thorn." Fluttershy said while hovering in front of him. "What do those clones look like?"

Thorn smiled at the mare. "They all look exactly like me, except for the scar."

"So you have a big family, well I would love to meet them." Fluttershy said.

"*chuckle* If I could, I would take you to Kamino right now and introduce you to them." Thorn said. "But I asked your Princess if there was any way for me to contact The Republic, but seeing that your guards still use spears and swords; and the fact Celestia told me herself. There is no way for me to return home, The Republic won't even know were I am."

Fluttershy gave Thorn a compassionate look before bringing him in for a hug. Thorn was caught of guard when she did that but he hesitantly returned the favor.

"Don't worry, I'm sure The Republic is already on it's way right now to pick you up." Fluttershy said while breaking the hug.

Thorn gave Fluttershy a small smile before turning his gaze to his helmet. "You are wrong about that Fluttershy, we clones were bred for war. If one of us dies; no one would care, I've seen so many brothers die in front of my eyes, and in my arms, we clones are meant to be expendable. That's why they created us, some even call us: The expendable soldiers of The Republic."

"That is just horrid!" Rarity exclaimed. If so many of your brothers died to protect The Republic; then those planets and others could at least thank you for what you did and what you are still doing."

Thorn gave Rarity a confused glare before grabbing his helmet and putting it back on. "Thank you for the cupcakes Pinkie Pie, if you all don't mind I'd like to get some fresh air."

"Again? Didn't you just came back from the gardens?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, but I like it outside." Thorn said. It helps me take my mind off of.....Things."

Fluttershy gave Thorn a compassionate look before bringing him into another hug. "If you ever need somepony to talk to, know that I'll be there for you." Fluttershy whispered near Thorn's ear.

Thorn returned the hug and patted her on the back. "Don't worry, I won't have to."

Thorn broke the hug and looked at the other ponies. "I will be taking a short walk, when I return; I will answer any question you have for me."

All of the ponies nodded, except for Rainbow Dash who held her hoof up.

"Yes?" Thorn asked.

"Uhm do you mind if I could uhm maybe come with you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Err I guess not but--."

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed while flying towards the door. "Come on big guy! Let's go!"

Thorn sighed. 'So much for a peaceful walk.'

Thorn made his way over to the enthusiastic mare. He opened the door and stepped outside, Rainbow Dash soon followed.

The walk to the gardens was quit, Thorn had expected Rainbow Dash to bombard him with questions. But surprisingly none came. When Thorn had asked her why she insisted on coming with him she just said: "I'll tell you that when we're outside."

After several more minutes; they arrived at the gardens, Thorn sat down and laid his back against the same tree he was sitting at half an hour ago.

Rainbow Dash watched his every move. "Hey now that we're outside, could I ask you something?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What is it?" Thorn asked.

"I was wondering if, uhm, if I, uhm, could, maybeseeyourweaponandmaybeyoucouldshowmehowitworksandmaybeicoulduseitto." Rainbow Dash said.

"You want me to show you my weapon and maybe if I did; you could use it to?" Thorn asked.

"How did you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"One word: Gungan." Thorn replied.

"Okay? So can I see your weapon?" Rainbow Dash pleaded.

Thorn had been in this kind of situation before, a lot if times when he was stationed on a planet; children would come up to him and would ask him if they could see his weapon. Thorn always showed them his weapon, but this was the first time someone had asked if she could use his weapon.

"Well Republic protocol says to never give your weapon to civilians." Thorn replied.

Rainbow Dash gave him a angry pout. "Aww ponyfeathers. And I thought I was gonna see some action."

"But." Thorn said while grabbing his pistols. "I'm not on an Republic planet. 'And I'm dead so protocol can go blast itself.' "So I'll show you how to use one of them."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked enthusiastically.

Thorn replied by aiming his blaster pistol at the sky and pulling the trigger. *Pshww* "Really."

Thorn got up and spoke up. "This is a DC-15-S carbide blaster pistol, remember that this is not a toy; it's a weapon, a weapon that kills. You got that?" Thorn asked sternly.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yes sir!"

Thorn smirked underneath his helmet. "Alright, here you go." Thorn said while handing her the blaster.

Rainbow Dash inspected the blaster curiously. "What do I do now?"

"You aim the blaster at your target and pull the trigger. Like this." Thorn said while aiming his blaster at a tree and pulling the trigger. A solid hole was created in the trees outer layer. "Now you try."

Rainbow Dash nodded and did as Thorn said, the only problem was that she couldn't pull the trigger. "Come on you." Rainbow Dash said while trying to get her hoof around the trigger.

Thorn looked at the mares stupidity. "Aah I see the problem." Thorn said while bending over. "You have no fingers, without them you can't pull the trigger."

Rainbow Dash sighed sadly. "So I did all of this for nothing."

"Not exactly." Thorn said.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Remember the other weapon I brought with me?" Thorn asked. He received a nod from Dash. "That one you could use, since the trigger is easy to pull."

Rainbow Dash's ears perked up and she threw the pistol at Thorn. Thorn caught the pistol and spoke up. "Hey, watch what you're doing with that thing."

"Come on big guy! I wanna use the big weapon!" Rainbow Dash said.

"*sigh* Over enthusiastic little--."

"Excuse me sir?" A masculine voice asked from behind Thorn.

Thorn turned around to see two solar guards standing in front of him. "What is it?" Thorn asked.

"Princess Cadence would like to have a word with you." The guard replied.

"Why?" Thorn and Rainbow Dash asked in unison.

The guard shrugged. "I don't know why, I was just informed to get you as soon as possible."

"Well then." Thorn said while spinning his blasters and holstering them. "Lead the way."

"Follow us please." The guard said.

"Hey blue." Thorn said.

"Yeah? What is it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"When I come back; we're going to have some fun with 'The Hammer'." Thorn replied.

"......Aww yeah!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed while doing a few back flips.

Thorn smiled and turned around to follow the guards who were waiting for him.

Just a 'little fun', I don't want to wreck the entire castle gardens.