Hypnosis one shots

by Kirito-Persona

Best Sister Ever (Twilight and Scootaloo)

It was a perfectly lovely day in Ponyville, as Celestia's sun seemed to smile on the small town today. It's small buildings nestled closely together in a very friendly and close community environment. Ponies bustled in their busy daily lives from the busy market to the small bistro and all across town. This day also happened to find Scootaloo hurriedly riding her scooter to the Golden Oaks Library.

Scootaloo was a small orange Pegasus filly with a purple mane and eyes of the same color. She also had unusually small wings for her age, which made it impossible for her to fly. She didn't need to fly though as she had her trusty scooter which had blue and red as its main color scheme. She stopped her scooter when she arrived at the library.

It still amazed Scootaloo every time she visited that a tree could actually house an entire library. Unsurprisingly it had a roof made entirely of leaves and walls made of tree bark. It was decorated by windows, a red door, two platforms, and a sign that had a book on it. Scootaloo entered the massive tree to meet with Twilight Sparkle who had requested her presence.

The libraries inside was also a very unique and impressive visual sight to behold. It was three stories tall featuring a basement, a bedroom for the librarian, and the main library itself. The library itself was filled with hundreds of books of various sizes and colors lined up on wooden bookshelves made from the library walls themselves. Twilight suddenly walked up the stairs from the basement.

Twilight Sparkle was a lavender Unicorn with a purple and pink mane. Her cutie mark was a large pink star surrounded by smaller white stars. She was also one of the biggest ponies in town as the Element of Magic, personal student of Princess Celestia, and one of the most powerful magic users in Equestria to boot. She walked up to Scootaloo and smiled.

"Hi Scootaloo thanks for coming, I really appreciate it." Twilight said.

"No problem Twilight! I'm happy to help out!" Scootaloo replied happily.

"Hmhm. I'm glad Scootaloo, I really need your help with this experiment." Twilight giggled.

"Glad to help! Who knows, I may just get a Cutie Mark for being an assistant!" Scootaloo shouted excitedly.

"Didn't you, Apple bloom, and Sweetie Belle already try being Rarity's assistants?" Twilight asked.

"Well... After about seven minutes of helping... Rarity started screaming at us to get out and to never go near her dresses again." Scootaloo answered nervously.

"Oh right! Now I remember." Twilight replied remembering the incident more clearly. When she and Applejack had walked over to Rarities house they had found all of her fabrics torn apart and half of her dresses splattered with a blast of colors more varied then Rainbow's mane. It took 2 hours for Rarity to calm down and then it took another 6 hours to fix the damage the girls had done. Luckily Twilight's plan wouldn't require Scootaloo to do anything that could cause such a disastrous mess.

"So what do you need me to do Twilight?" Scootaloo asked excitedly.

"I need your help in an experiment with hypnotism Scootaloo." Twilight answered.

"Oh. Sure! Wait a minute? Why can't Spike help you with this experiment Twilight?" Scootaloo asked.

Twilight froze for a few seconds at the question.

"He's.... Busy helping Rarity and he didn't want to do this experiment." Twilight lied hastily, hoping she would buy it.

".... Oh ok Twilight! what do you need me to do?" Scootaloo replied.

Twilight sighed in relief and silently thanked Celestia for Scootaloo's belief in the lie, it would make things easier. She had spent the whole week debating on whether or not she should do this, but in the end her dark side won out. She knew what she was doing would be considered wrong by the High Court and the Princess. But both she and Scootaloo would be happier as a result, she just knew it.

"Thank you Scootaloo. Now I need you to just relax, breathe slowly, look me in the eyes, and listen to my voice, can you do that?"

Scootaloo nodded and began to breathe in and out slowly. Twilight smiled and she started to channel her magic into her eyes. Slowly they began to take on a very soothing, swirling quality that entranced Scootaloo.

"O-oh w-oow Twilight that looks really... prettyyyy."

"Yes Scootaloo you like my eyes and you like my voice don't you?" Twilight smiled.

Scootaloo found herself mindlessly agreeing with Twilight's slow and hypnotic words, and why shouldn't she. Her utterly entrancing eyes and voice were just so wonderful Scootaloo wanted to stop thinking and let Twilight make her decisions. Actually, that made perfect sense in Scootaloo's almost empty mind. Twilight was a princess after all, she was also super smart and pretty as well so her thinking for Scootaloo would be perfect!

"Now I'm going to count down from 5 Scootaloo and with every number your going to slowly become even more tired and when I reach 0 your mind will be completely blank and open to anything I suggest." Twilight stated hypnotically. Scootaloo nodded in understanding.


Scootaloo's head began to slowly droop as her eyes felt extremely heavy.


Scootaloo's eyes felt as heavy as an anvil, her will to keep awake slowly fading


Scootaloo's whole body began to tremble from exhaustion but Twilight didn't want her falling asleep just yet, she had to keep awake.


Scootaloo fell forward for a few seconds but struggled back up, letting out a long yawn.


Scootaloo collapsed onto the wooden library floor, her eyes struggling to stay open and blink.

"0 now sleep Scootaloo."

Scootaloo finally lost her battle with exhaustion and drifted off into blissful sleep, ready to await Twilights commands. Twilight gave a smile, both at her success and the happy new life that she was going to help create for Scootaloo and herself. Oh! she also needed to remember to record the results of this experiment after she finished, science might as well benefit from her and Scootaloo's happy new life after all.

"Now Scootaloo listen closely. You and I are sisters, the best of sister friends. You greatly admire me and try to emulate me as much as possible. You still admire Rainbow Dash of course as she is an impressive flyer, but I'm your greatest role model. Your still a crusader of course but studying and school are your number one focus and passion in life. Do you understand?"

"Yes big sister I understand." Scootaloo replied robotically.

Twilight quickly used a spell to rewrite Scootaloo's memories to match up to her new life. Creating plenty of positive memories to replace her old memories of being alone and without family.

"Good. Now when I say the word... smarty pants you'll wake up to your new life, do you understand?" Twilight asked. Scootaloo nodded in understanding.

"Excellent now then. Smarty Pants!"

Scootaloo awoke with a start and looked confused for several minutes. Then she looked up at Twilight and she broke out into a big happy smile.

"Hey there big sis!" She shouted running up to Twilight and hugging her. Twilight responded with a hug of her own.

"Hey there little sis. How are you?" Twilight asked smiling at her "sister"

"Great now that I'm with you sis! Can we please study some history now?" Scootaloo asked like a good little girl.

"Of course!"

"Yaaaaaaaayyyyy!!! I love you big sis!"

"Love you more little sister."

And so the two sat there in the library reading about the history of Equestria smiling all the way. Scootaloo looked up at her new sister with a feeling of pure adoration and joy, so happy to be hanging with her beloved sibling. Twilight smiled back at the sister she had longed for and finally had thanks to a little magic. Sure there were those doubts in her mind about the morality of her actions but for now she didn't care, she had a little sister to care for after all.