Corrupted Friends

by Nightmaresenemy

Fluttershy's help

Near the everfree forest a shy yellow pegasus is taking care of the animals that she lives with. Its around feeding time so while she's in the kitchen getting everything prepared she doesn't notice somepony is knocking at her door. Angel, Fluttershy's pet rabbit hops over to her and gently pulls on Fluttershy's light pink tail. Trying to get her owner's attention she notices that Fluttershy is too busy humming to a song. Angel hops on up onto the counter. Fluttershy finally notices the bunny right in front of and starts to worry that she might be taking to long preparing the food.

"Oh my, Angel I'm so sorry. I'm probably taking forever getting you guys your food. It's almost done I promise can you wait a little longer?" The timid pegasus ends up finishing and starts to hand out the food to the animals. Honey for the bears, carrots for rabbits, corn for the chicken, and so on. There was sudden banging on the door making Fluttershy squeal in fright, then hiding under the table for safety.

"I wonder wh.....who is banging on my door." Finally gaining the courage to come out from under the table she looks through the window and sees a raging Twilight at her door. Opening the door Twilight burst in. Even the pegasus could tell that her alicorn friend was having a serious issue right now.

"Fluttershy there is a serious problem right now, so can you please listen to what I have to say. Applejack is out of town as it turns out so I couldn't talk to her and then your name popped up into my mind so therefore I came here to see if you could possibly help me?" A rush of words just spill out of Twilight's mouth as soon as the door is opened. Fluttershy is unsure of how to respond to what her friend is saying but she is more than happy to listen to what Twilight has to say. As the 2 friends go to sit down Twilight starts to tell her what happens.

"So this morning I went to go grab the Elements of Harmony since it was really quiet and found out that they were missing! I don't possibly understand what could have happened to them. We used 5 years ago when defeating Tirek, ever since then we never used them which doesn't make sense as to why they would just suddenly disappear. Do you have any idea as to why the phenomena occurred?" It was obvious that Twilight really cared for the Elements and she would trade her own life to make sure that nothing happens to them. Fluttershy was thinking things through trying to understand how they would just randomly disappear from where they were kept.

"Well...ummm...Have you invited anypony into the library since defeating Tirek or do you possibly have a tracking spell on them?" Fluttershy hopes that maybe having Twilight recall who she invited into the library would help the alicorn locate the culprit. Twilight gasp at the mention of a tracking spell. She concentrates hard to see if she can locates them but nothing comes through. She is positive that she put it on them in case this did happen one day she was capable of finding them easily. It seemed like there was something blocking the spell since they couldn't be located.

"Well...Pinkie Pie did stop by late last night and asked me if she could borrow a book. It was very unusual for her to come by so late while asking for a book. Since I trusted her though I just left her downstairs while i went back to sleep. You don't think Pinkie took the elements Fluttershy do you? I mean why would she even went them anyway?" Twilight wonders why Pinkie was acting in a strange way last night. Maybe she should go see how Pinkie is doing hoping to see if she does have the elements, even if she did what was she going to use them for? As Fluttershy waves goodbye to Twilight and Twilight thanks her friend for helping her, she runs full speed ahead towards Sugar Cube Corner where hopefully she will find Pinkie Pie with the elements there.