//------------------------------// // Tea with Love // Story: Commander Thorn in Equestria. // by SolidArc5542 //------------------------------// "Waxer, tell me; who gave you the order to attack us?" "It-It was General Krell, he sent us to these coordinates to stop the enemy, we thought they were wearing our armor." "But. It was. You." Waxer's last words to Captain Rex. ------------- Thorn walked through the castle halls, he kind of knew his way around the castle; but he didn't mind the guards escorting him. After all; he was part of the Corusant elite guard, so he had his fair share of escorting people. "So, I heard you kicked some serious flank." One guard said. "What?" Thorn asked while heading up another set of stairs. "Sorry." The guard said while chuckling. "I meant to say that; you showed Chrysalis and her Changelings who's boss." Thorn nodded in agreement. "I've faced things far more dangerous; than those things." "You have?" The guard asked astonished. "Yeah." Thorn replied. "Like what?" The guard asked curiously. "Imagine a huge army of machines; who are programmed to exterminate anything that threatens their leaders." Thorn replied. "How 'big' are we talking?" The guard asked. "I'm not sure, but I'd say in the millions; maybe more." Thorn replied. "You fought against millions of those machines?! "The guard asked shocked. "*chuckle* no, while I have fought against a lot of them but not even close to a million." Thorn replied. "Lucky you huh?" The guard asked. "Can't imagine the things you must have gone through." The female guard of the two said. Thorn shook his head. "Trust me, you don't even want to know." "It's that bad?" The male guard asked. Thorn nodded. "Is death a common thing on....." Thorn said while snapping his fingers. "Equis." The female guard finished. "Yes, is death a common thing on Equis?" Thorn asked. "N-No, why do you ask?" The male guard asked. "Because in my life, death was a common thing." Thorn replied. "Was? Don't you mean is?" The female guard asked. "Uhm, yes is; that's what I meant." Thorn replied. The guards gave Thorn a confused glare; but they kept on walking; asking him question after question. From where he was from; to his fights against The Separatists droid army. Eventually after a few more minutes of walking through the castle, and all of the constant questions from the two guards; they reached a set of oak wood doors. "Alright, this is it." The male guard said. *Knock* *Knock* "Who is it?" A feminine voice on the other side of the door asked. "Princess Cadence, we brought the Commander; as you ordered." The male guard replied. "Oh! Of course, let him in." Cadence said. "Yes, your majesty!" The male guard replied. He opened the doors. When the doors were fully opened; it revealed a very excited Cadence, and a very tired Shining Armor. "Thank you guards, you may return to your posts." Cadence said with a smile. The guards saluted as they turned headed back to their posts. "Commander Thorn, please enter." Cadence said motioning for him to enter. Thorn nodded and walked inside. When he was inside; the doors closed behind him. "Please sit down." Cadence said. "No thanks ma'am." Thorn replied. "These chairs are rather uncomfortable, so if you don't mind; I'd rather stand." Cadence nodded in agreement. "Could I perhaps offer you some tea?" "Tea?" Thorn asked confused. "Yes, don't they have tea were you are from?" Cadence asked curiously. "No ma'am, we usually drink water or water replacements." Thorn replied. "But I have heard the word somewhere, just can't remember where. "Well here you go then." Cadence said while levitating a cup of tea in front of Thorn. Thorn eyed the cup curiously; he hesitantly took the cup out of Cadence's magic and spoke up. "Thank you, Princess." "You can call me Cadence, only strangers call me Princess." Cadence said. "Alright, Cadence." Thorn replied. Cadence chuckled. "You really are something; you know that?" "Oh?" Thorn replied while cocking his eyebrow underneath his helmet. "Yes." Cadence replied while sitting down on one of the chairs in the room. "You saved the entire kingdom, and it doesn't even bother you." "Bother me? What are you talking about?" Thorn asked confused. "Well, you saved a kingdom you are not familiar with." Cadence said while pointing at the open window; that revealed the streets of Canterlot. "But instead of walking away like any other pony would have done, you saved it." Thorn shook his head. "I was just doing what I thought was right, those Changelings appeared to be a threat; and threats are there to be neutralized." Cadence cocked an eyebrow at his reply. "So you have 'neutralized' threats before?" Thorn nodded in response. "Try fighting against an army of machines; that are programmed to exterminate any threat to their Separatist leaders." "Oh my." Cadence said while taking a sip from her tea. "So, you've fought against bigger threats than the Changelings?" Shining Armor asked while rubbing the remaining sleep from is eyes. "Yes, The Separatists are far more dangerous than those 'Changelings', I think they're even the most dangerous threat to the galaxy." Thorn replied. "Even more dangerous than Discord?" Cadence asked. "I don't know who this 'Discord' is, but if he were to face off against a Separatist garrison; he wouldn't stand a chance." Thorn replied. "But Discord is The Spirit of Disharmony, I'm sure he would at least put up a fight against those Separatists." Cadence replied. 'Seeing as what he did to Ponyville.' Cadence thought while shuddering at what Celestia had told her about what he had done. "Well, maybe he would put up a fight, but he wouldn't stand a chance against a full invasion force; let alone a Sith". Thorn replied. "Sith?" Shining Armor asked. Thorn sighed. "Let me tell you what I told Celestia and the others." Thorn said while putting his cup on the ground. "Oh no, please let me take that." Cadence said while grabbing the cup with her magic and setting it on a table. "Please continue." Cadence said with a smile. "Alright, the Separatists are--." "Ooooh Thornieeeeeeeee!" A very excited high pitched voice shouted. "Who could that be?" Shining Armor asked. *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* "Alright, I'm coming!" Shining Armor shouted while walking towards the door. Cadence looked at her husband, but quickly returned her gaze towards the clone Commander. "So, those Separatists?" Cadence asked. "Right." Thorn said while moving his hands towards his helmet. He grabbed his helmet and removed it. Cadence's eyes widened when she saw what was underneath his helmet. She had expected some sort of green alien face; with tentacles coming out of it, but instead she saw a face; a face scarred so badly that she had to look away. Not because it disgusted her, but because she felt sorry for him. "Are you alright?" Thorn asked concerned. "I can put my helmet back on; if you'd like." "N-No, that won't be necessary." Cadence said while returning her gaze back to Thorn. "Who gave you that scar?" Cadence asked concerned. "The Separatists, or their battle droids to be more precise." Thorn replied. "Oh my." Cadence said while looking at his scarred face. Thorn was about to put is helmet back on, until Cadence stopped him. "Wait!" Cadence exclaimed. "What is it?" Thorn asked. "I think I know how to fix that." Cadence said while walking over to Thorn. "Uhm, what are you doing?" Thorn asked while taking a step back. "I'm an Alicorn." Cadence replied while moving closer to him. "Alicorns can use magic,such as healing spells, teleportation spells and many others." "What are you getting at?" Thorn asked while moving his hands to his hips. 'I don't know what she's up to, but just because she's royalty; doesn't mean I can't fire a warning shot or two.' Thorn thought while taking another step back. "I can make that scar of yours disappear." Cadence said. "That's impossible." Thorn said while pointing at his scar. "This is permanent, maybe that so called 'magic' of yours can heal people; but so can a bacta tank." "But when I studied Alicorn anatomy when I was younger, it said that Alicorns and Unicorns alike could perform all kinds of spells. But only Alicorns could perform a certain healing spell that would 'heal' any kind of damage done to the body." Cadence explained. "I don't like were this is going." Thorn said. "What I'm trying to say is; that I could 'heal' your scar." Cadence replied. "But, how; and why?" Thorn asked. "How; I do not know. But the reason why; is because I want to return a favor." Cadence. "Return a favor?" Thorn asked. "Does saving an entire kingdom ring a bell?" Cadence asked. "......You'd seriously want to do such a thing, for a clone like me?" Thorn asked surprised. "For me you are not 'just a clone', for me; you are a....Friend." Cadence replied. 'A friend? She seriously considers me a friend?' "So, may I?" Cadence asked. Thorn sighed and bend down so she could reach his face. "Don't start complaining when I say: I told you so." Cadence rolled her eyes. "Sit still." Cadence moved closer to him; her horn being covered by her magical aura, she slightly tilted her head so she could touch his scarred side. "Now don't move and--." *Kablang!* "Aaah! "Cadence exclaimed. Unfortunately for Thorn, Cadence's horn was to close to his face; so he couldn't dodge her horn when she jumped in shock. Her horn made a cut on his scarred face, Thorn winced and held his hand to his face. "Blast!" Thorn shouted while removing his hand from his face, his black glove was covered in blood; it wasn't much but it still hurt. "Thornie! Where are you?" Pinkie Pie asked while zooming from one spot to another. "Help m-me." Shining Armor pleaded while trying to remove himself from the wall he had been blown against. "Oh my." Cadence said while using her magic to get her husband out of the wall. Shining Armor was covered in a blue aura and was carefully set down beside his wife. "Shiny, are you OK?" Cadence asked concerned; while checking his body for any injuries. "I'm fine." Shining grunted. "But I think he needs some bandages." Cadence looked at were Shining was pointing his hoof at, and saw Thorn holding his hand to his face; while mumbling something between the lines of: "I'm going to beat the klark out of that pink one." At first, Cadence thought he was talking about her; but that was before she spotted the pink party pony bouncing from one place to another. "Pinkie Pie." Cadence said with slight annoyance. "What are you doing in here?" Pinkie Pie froze in mid-air (don't ask why) and smiled. "I was just here to say; hello to Thornie." "Well you've certainly made a big entrance." Shining said while rubbing his head. "*gasp* Thornie! You're bleeding!" Pinkie exclaimed while zooming over to Thorn. "You don't say?" Thorn asked sarcastically. Thorn was about to say his goodbye's and leave, until Pinkie stopped him. "What do you think you're doing?" Thorn asked while wiping away the blood from his wound. "You're hurt because of me." Pinkie said. "Yes, and your point is?" Thorn asked. "The point is; that I'm going to bring you to Fluttershy and let her patch you up." Pinkie replied while grabbing Thorn's hand and dragging him out of the room. "Hey! What in blazes name do you think you're aaaaaaaaaaah!" Thorn exclaimed while being dragged across the castle halls; at a speed that would even out match General Skywalker's. Thorn had to keep himself from tripping, but at the same time;he had to keep up with Pinkie Pie. 'I swear to Kamino; that if she doesn't stop soon, I'm going to stun her.' Thorn though while being dragged up another set of stairs by Pinkie. Eventually after a minute of running, they arrived at a set of wooden doors Thorn had not seen before. "Wait here and don't move. "Pinkie Pie ordered. Thorn replied by rubbing his shoulder. 'Blasted thing's pretty strong.' Thorn thought. *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* "Fluttershy, anypony; open this door!" Pinkie Pie ordered while constantly knocking. The door opened and revealed a very annoyed Rainbow Dash. "Pinkie, one knock is enough you know." Rainbow Dash said with slight annoyance. "Huh? What's Thorn doing here? And why is he bleeding for that matter?" "Oh, I barged into his little talk with Cadence; and I kinda scared Cadence and she just went "Aaaaaaaaaaah", and she accidentally cut Thorn with her horn." Pinkie explained while smiling at the end. Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow at Thorn. "Let me see that." Rainbow Dash said while flapping her wings. She flew up towards Thorn's face and pushed his hand away. "Whoa!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Now you're going to get a scar on your scar." Rainbow Dash said while chuckling. Thorn just rolled his eyes. "You still want to try out the big gun?" Rainbow Dash nodded furiously in response. "Do you even have to ask?" "Then I suggest you quit the sarcasm." Thorn said. Rainbow Dash, clearly offended by his statement; pouted and turned around. "Hmpf, and I actually thought you'd be as awesome as me." Rainbow Dash said while crossing her hooves and hovering towards the other room. "What in tarnation is goin on out there?" Applejack asked. "Nothing, Thornie is just hurt; that's all." Pinkie Pie replied. "Hurt?!" Fluttershy exclaimed while flying towards the door. Let me see. Thorn sighed and showed her his cut. "Oh my, please come in." Fluttershy said while gently grabbing his arm. Thorn decided he would let her 'lead' his way. They entered the room, Pinkie Pie shut the door behind them and quickly made her way over to Rarity. "Please sit down on the bed." Fluttershy instructed. Thorn nodded and sat down on the bed. He made a quick check of his surroundings. There were six beds, probably one for each of them; he could also smell the faint scent of cupcakes for some reason. "Twilight, could you get me my saddle bag please?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight smiled and levitated the saddle bag over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy smiled as she opened her saddle bag, she took out a bottle of what appeared to be some sort of alcohol, a bandage, and a band-aid. "Now this might sting a little." Fluttershy said while pouring a bit of alcohol on the bandage. Thorn just snorted in response. 'Try a syringe full of bacta, then we'll talk about what stings and what doesn't.' Thorn thought while remembering the many field bactas he had been given. Fluttershy brought the bandage to Thorn's face and gently wiped the wound clean. She was surprised that Thorn didn't even wince when she applied the bandage. But she continued nonetheless. When she was finished wiping his wound, she applied the band-aid to his cut. "There, all better." Fluttershy said while giving Thorn a peck on his treated wound. Thorn looked at her, his face showing confusion and surprise. Fluttershy smiled at Thorn; before realizing what she had just done, she blushed and quickly apologized. "I'm s-so sorry, I-it's just that when my animal friends are hurt; I usually give them a small k-kiss on their wound so that they will feel better." Fluttershy said while slowly waking away from the bed. "Please don't hurt me." Fluttershy whispered/pleaded while hiding behind her mane. Thorn got up from the bed and walked over to Fluttershy,the others in the room had no idea what was going to happen; they just watched as Thorn made his way over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy stood frozen in shock, she was on the verge of tears. When she saw Thorn bending over, and moving his strange appendage towards her; she thought she was done for, she feared that her life might come to an end. She closed her eyes and prepared for the worst. That thought, was quickly replaced when she felt a tingling feeling behind her ears. She opened her eyes and looked up at Thorn, he was smiling at her; and when she looked at his hand, she saw that he wasn't hurting nor slapping her. No, he was scratching her. Fluttershy closed her eyes and sighed. She really enjoyed this feeling, whatever those appendages were called; she didn't care. She only wanted to enjoy this moment. She rested her head against Thorn's hand, trying to get the full sensation of his amazing 'handy work'. Thorn stopped petting Fluttershy and got back up; much to Fluttershy's dismay. All of the ponies stood mouth agape. Their brains still processing what had just occurred. That was; until Pinkie Pie spoke up. "Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me next!" Pinkie said while running at Thorn as she started rubbing her head against his hand. Pinkie rubbed her head against his hand a few times, before speaking up. "Wow, this feels so weird but funny at the same time." Thorn smiled and scratched behind her ears as well. Pinkie sighed with pleasure. Thorn eventually stopped petting her and spoke up. "Listen, I'd love to stay; but I need to go back to Princess Cadence and retrieve my helmet." "Oh, you mean this thing?" Pinkie said while grabbing said helmet from out of nowhere. "How did you?" Thorn asked. "Just forget try'n ta understand her, ma brain still hurts from try'n." Applejack said. Thorn just gave Pinkie a confused glare; before grabbing his helmet from her and putting it on. Thorn moved his mouth a bit, trying to see if the band-aid wouldn't come off; luckily it didn't. "Now you don't need to go back, but instead you can stay here with us!" Pinkie exclaimed with much joy. Thorn chuckled at her excitement. 'She reminds me of Senator Binks.' Thorn thought. "Hey Thorn." Rainbow Dash said as she hovered in front of him. "What is it?" Thorn asked. "Have you ever heard of the game: Truth or Dare?" Rainbow Dash asked with a smug grin. "Truth or Dare?" Thorn repeated. "No, never heard of it." Rainbow Dash's grin turned even wider. "AJ, get that empty bottle of Apple cider; 'cause we're gonna have some fun." 'I have a bad feeling about this.' Thorn thought to himself.