Commander Thorn in Equestria.

by SolidArc5542

RC-1207, a true warrior

"We’re sending our most qualified squad to investigate. Someone important noted your excellence on Geonosis."

"You hear that, Sev? Someone thinks I'm excellent."

" least that makes two of you."

Sev, mocking Scorch; before beginning their prior mission: Investigate the RAS Prosecutor.


Location: Kashyyyk

Current location: Wookie turbo laser

Weapon status: DC-17m ICWS blaster fully operational, sniper attachment, anti-armor attachment fully operational, DC-17s side arm blaster fully operational.

Explosives: 4 Thermal Detonators, 4 Electronics Counter Detonators, 4 Sonic Detonators, 4 Concussion grenades.

Armor status: Fully operational, no damage.

Status RC-1207: Alive.


"Nothing like a little precision teamwork Deltas." Sev said through the internal commlink of Delta Squad.

"And that was nothing like a little precision teamwork." Scorch responded.

'You’re lucky I’m here and you are way over there Scorch.' Sev thought. 'Finally, I can get some rest.'

"Loose the chatter Commandos." Fixer intertwined. "What now sir?"

'And there is Fixer, always ruining the fun.' Sev thought while getting of the turbo laser, which he and the other members of Delta squad used; to destroy the Recusant-class Seperatist destroyer.

"Awaiting further instructions forty." Delta 38 a.k.a Boss replied.

'Wait, what’s that?' Sev thought.

Sev walked through the blast doors behind him, his weapon at the ready; should any Battle droids or Trandoshians try something funny.

"Delta Squad, regroup at three-eight’s position for exfill." Advisor CC-01/425 a.k.a Advisor replied.

Sev turned around and head back for the turret, until he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"Eliminate enemy hostiles." A Super Battle droid said while raising its cannon at Sev

'Battle droids!' Sev mentally shouted.

Behind Sev were: three Super Battle droids , five Battle droids and two Destroyer droids. They aimed their weapons at Sev and began to fire.

'Blast!' Sev mentally shouted while ducking out of the way. He quickly aimed his DC17 at the droids while he reached for his helmet with his left hand.

"Boss, I’ve got a problem here!" Sev shouted through the internal commlink.

"Sev where are you?" Boss asked.

"Sector" *static* "multiple hostiles" *static* "sir!"

"Lost is signal Boss." Fixer said with a hint of worry.

"Well, find it again, damn it! Delta, regroup, we're going after Sev." Boss ordered.

"Negative negative, Three-Eight, new orders came through from the Jedi generals, clear the area and evac now." The Advisor intertwined.

"I don't care if they came from General Yoda himself." Boss responded with a hint of anger.

"As a matter of fact, they did, soldier. Now get your squad out of there." The Advisor sternly ordered.

"Blast our orders! Forty?" Scorch asked desperately.

"He's right, Boss. We gotta evac." Fixer said. But deep inside, he regretted those words.

"Boss, we have to go back." Scorch said. Scorch said.

But Delta Squad couldn't go back, they couldn't go back to rescue their Commando, their teammate, their sniper... Their brother.

Delta Squad was picked up by a LAAT gunship, all of them regretted what they had done.

Fixer, because he followed orders.... That he should disobeyed.

Scorch, because he not only lost his brother, but also his best friend

And Boss, because he lost a fellow squad member and a fellow brother.

They were not going to forgive the Advisor for this.


"Eliminate en- eliminate ene- elimi--"

"That'll keep him quiet." Sev said while blasting the last Super Battle droid to scrap metal.

'Wait until Scorch hears about this.' Sev thought while looking at the mess he had made. Sev couldn't believe what he had done, he had single handedly taken out three Super Battle droids, five Battle droids and two destroyer droids. 'I'd say that's about twenty extra points to my score.'

But Sev didn't come out unharmed either, his left shoulder was pretty banged up, but luckily his armor held of most of the blaster shots, so the pain wasn't that bad... Also, dodging lasers makes things a lot easier.

Sev sighed and brought his hand up to his helmet. He activated his commlink and spoke up.

"Deltas, this is Sev, do you read?"


"Deltas, I repeat: This is Sev, do you read?" Sev repeated.

Static again




"Raaah!" Sev roared, emptying his ammo clip on one of the destroyed destroyers. "I can't believe it!"

Sev looked around, trying to find any sign of an escape route.

"I guess I'll just have to walk until I find someone." Sev said, re-loading his DC17m. 'Or someone finds me.' Sev thought with a smirk, secretly hoping some Geonosian Elites would cross his path.

Sev walked and walked for what seemed like hours, until he reached a familiar place, it was the place where he and the other members of Delta Squad had fought against that Advanced Spider droid, two magna guards, two super battle droids and those two destroyers, it was the plaza.

'Luckily Boss decided to pick up that Wookie Rocket launcher.' Sev thought, remembering how Boss had destroyed that Spider droid with the human sized rocket launcher.

'Well, the elevator should be up ahead so--.'

A loud explosion cut Sev off from his thoughts. He turned around and saw that a battalion of Super Battle droids were being dropped off by a Separatist Gunship.

"Oh no you don't!" Sev shouted while switching his blaster attachment for his DC17m with his anti-armor attachment. He loaded his blaster and shot a single round at the Gunship.

"Direct hit!" Sev shouted while seeing the anti-armor grenade hit the Gunship.

The Gunship started spinning around uncontrollably, a humming sound coming of its engiens while it did so.

Sev could only watch and grin underneath his helmet. 'That's another forty points, Scorch is gonna have a hard time catching up.' Sev thought while turning around.

"Wait." Sev said while turning around, he loaded another grenade into his blaster and aimed it at the Gunship's cockpit.

"Rule number seventeen: Always make sure they're dead". Sev said while firing the grenade.

The grenade made impact with the cockpit, destroying it instantly.

Sev switched his anti-armor attachment back for his blaster attachment. 'Got to save the explosives.' Sev thought.

Boss, are you sure you want Mr. Deathwish to handle the explosives?

Sev chuckled. 'Mr. Deathwish, I kinda like that name Scorch.' Sev thought, remembering the many nicknames Scorch had given him.

'Looks like I'm done here, time to find any Wookie resistance and ask for their help.' Sev thought while walking towards the blast doors, that led to the elevator.

Sev walked towards the blast doors, but he had this feeling, a feeling he had felt many times, he was being followed!

Sev acted normally; as if he didn't noticed that his follower had given away himself.

In one quick instance, Sev turned around and shot a few blaster shots at his follower, the only downside was.... There was no one following him.

"Huh?" Sev said while lowering his blaster and turning back around. "I swear I heard someth--."

Sev was interrupted by a mechanical hand giving him a blow to his gut. Sev was sent flying backwards, hitting the nearest wall with so much force, the shields around his armor blinked blue and had to recharge.

Sev fell on the ground, but quickly got up and saw that his attacker was not a Battle droid, no this was one of those droids Sev hated with a passion.

"Magnaguard." Sev grumbled while aiming his blaster at it.

The Magnaguard activated his electro staff, ready to charge at the Commando.

"Eat laser you ugly fierfek!" Sev shouted while pulling the trigger of his DC17m.

The Magnaguard dodged the lasers, by jumped up towards a nearby fuel cell. Suddenly the Magnaguard began to shake its back viciously.

'Not good.' Sev thought while running towards a barricade made by the Wookies.

The Magnaguard kept on shaking until eight, heat seeking grenades fired out of its back.

The grenades were fired into the air, quickly picking up Sev's body heat and flying towards him.

'This is why I hate these things.' Sev thought while watching the grenades fly towards him.

'Alright, this barricade isn't going to protect me from those grenades.' Sev thought while watching the grenades come closer and closer.

Sev sighed. "If Fixer saw me do this, he'd be so pissed." Sev said while jumping over the (poorly made) barricade.

He quickly ran towards the center of the plaza and shot at the Magnaguard.

The Magnaguard, completely forgetting its grenade strike, jumped down and began to charge at Sev.

Sev watched as the Magnaguard landed in front of him, looking down at him with his red optics.

Sev chuckled and pointed a finger towards something.

The Magnaguard turned around and saw eight grenades coming at him with full speed.

He quickly turned around and activated its electro staff, ready to strike down Sev, before the grenades made impact with him.

The Magnaguard swayed its staff at Sev; Sev quickly reacted by grabbing the metal handle of the staff and (with a lot of strength) pushed the Magnaguard back.

Sev quickly rolled out of the way and took cover behind another barricade. He laid down and covered his head.

The Magnaguard was about to go after him, until the eight grenades it had shot a few seconds ago, hit it in its back, making it explode instantly. Pieces of metal and some wires flew through the air.

Sev couldn't help but to laugh out loud. "Hahahaha, no matter what kind of droids the Separatists make, they'll always be as stupid as the B1 battle droids." Sev said while holding his belly from laughter.

"Eliminate enemy hostile." A low mechanical voice said.

"Huh?" Sev said while looking behind him. 'They're not behind me, so where are they?' Sev thought while crouching behind the barricade.

*Click* *clock* *click* *clock*

Mechanical footsteps could be heard, but when Sev popped his head from behind the barricade, he saw no droids.

'What the?' Sev thought while switching his blaster attachment for his sniper attachment.

"Let's see." Sev said while looking through his scope. 'Where are those clankers?'

Sev looked around, trying to find the droid that he apparently forgot to shoot.

'I don't see any droids; maybe it was just my imagination?' Sev thought while standing straight. 'There's no way any of those Super Battle droids; could have survived that crash.' Sev thought while looking at the Gunship's wreckage.

"Die Republic dog!" A low mechanical voice shouted.

'I knew it!' Sev mentally shouted.

Sev immediately turned around and saw that a Super Battle droid jumped down from behind a nearby platform.

The Super Battle droid raised its cannon and was about to strike at Sev.

Sev's instincts kicked in and he quickly rolled aside.

The Super Battle droid landed on the ground with so much force, that the ground underneath it shattered. The Super Battle droid's cannon hit the barricade, splitting it in half instantly.

Sev quickly got up and shot an entire ammo clip into the Super Battle droid.

The Super Battle droid turned around and raised its cannon at Sev.

Sev's eyes widened underneath his helmet. 'How is it still standing?' Sev thought while re-loading his DC17m.

"Eliminate." The Super Battle droid said while firing its cannon at Sev.

"Oh no you don't!" Sev shouted while ducking out of the way.

The laser that were shot from the Super Battle droid cannon hit the ground, leaving burn marks all over it.

Sev aimed his DC17m and emptied another clip into the Super Battle droid.

'That should keep it down.' Sev thought while re-loading his DC17.

"E-Eliminate enemy h-hostile." The Super Battle droid said while slowly raising its cannon.

"How is that thing still alive?" Sev thought, astonished that the Super Battle droid was still standing.

Sev was sick and tired of these: Trade Federation mechs, he walked towards the Super Battle droid and aimed his DC17 at its face plate.

"Die." Sev said while shooting the Super Battle droid in its face plate.

The laser went straight through its face plate, a solid hole now covering it. Sparks ignited from the Super Battle droid. It began to spasm out, waving its arms while constantly repeating: "Eliminate, eliminate."

Eventually the Super Battle droid fell dead on the ground.

Sev fired another shot into the Super Battle droid.

"Rule number seventeen: Always make sure they're dead." Sev said while switching his sniper attachment for his blaster attachment.

Sev turned around, secretly hoping that he would not encounter more droids.

As Sev walked towards the exit of the plaza, ready to take the elevator that would lead him towards the upper levels of the: Wookie defense system, he couldn't help but think what his fellow squad members were up to.

"They're probably fighting droids as I speak." Sev said.

The power had been restored, because of Delta Squad's actions, the Wookie defense systems were back online.

'Luckily for those hairy furrbals, we were there to restore the power after the Separatists had cut it off.' Sev thought while remembering the many Battle droids and Geonosian warriors.

Sev shuddered. "I hate those bugs."

Sev sighed and walked towards the exit, until--.


"What the?!" Sev shouted while turning around. "Oh you have got to be kidding!"

Sev was in a lot of trouble, an Advanced Dwarf Spider droid had just been dropped into the plaza grounds.

'Those Seppies must really want me dead.' Sev thought while taking cover behind a nearby tree.

'Luckily this is Kashyyyk, and trees grow everywhere.' Sev thought while taking a peek at the Spider droid.

Suddenly a tiny cylinder came out of the Spider droid's head, a red laser came out of it and the cylinder began to spin slowly.

'Damn, if that Optical Cluster spots me, I'm dead.' Sev thought switching his Blaster attachment for his anti-armor attachment.

The only clone Sev knew; who could take on an Advanced Spider droid was: Boss.

'But Boss isn't here at the moment.' Sev thought while taking another peek at the Spider droid.

Suddenly the Spider droid's cannon turned thirty degrees, aiming it directly towards the fuel cell, Sev was hiding behind.

"Oh blast!" Sev shouted while sprinting away from the fuel cell.

The Spider droid's cannon fired a huge laser at the fuel cell, making it explode.

Large pieces of metal flew through the air, some even hitting the Spider droid, but they just bounced of its armor plating.

But that was not the worst of it, a piece of metal, the size of Sev's arm flew towards the Commando, sadly enough, Sev didn't see it coming.

"Alright you giant bucked of bolts!" Sev shouted while turning around and aiming his DC17m at the Spider droid.

"Time to--."

Sev was cut off from his threat, when the piece of metal struck him, impaling his abdomen. The piece of metal went straight through his armor, but not straight through his abdomen.

Sev breathed heavily, he looked at the piece of metal, he roared and grabbed hold of the piece of metal, and finally (with a lot of pain and effort) he pulled it out.

Blood was oozing out of the wound, the wound was the size of a fist, Sev was not going to make it, and he knew it.

Sev dropped his blaster and fell to his knees, hands clenching his wound.

"I can't believe it." Sev said.

The Spider droid slowly made its way over towards Sev, ready to deliver the final blow.

Sev looked up at the sky, thinking back at his life.

The time when he was still a clone cadet, the time when he got his armor, when he met his squad, when he became best friends with Scorch, the battle of Geonosis, his capture by the Trandoshians on the RAS Prosecutor, the mission on Mygeeto and many, many more.

'And I die on Kashyyyk.' Sev thought while lowering his head.

The sound of the Spider droid moving closer towards him, snapped Sev out of his thoughts.

"If I'm going down." Sev said while standing on his feet. "I'm taking you with me!"

And so with all the strength he had left, he ran towards the Spider droid, he got a hold of its cannon. The Spider viciously shook his cannon, trying to get the Commando of him.

Sev used his final strength to grab a Thermal detonator from his ammo belt.

"If I could somehow throw the detonator into the Spider droid's cannon, I could destroy it from the inside." Sev said.

Sev knew this was suicide, only a Jedi could pull that kind of stunt and live to tell the tale.

"Well, time to find out if my aim hasn't weakened." Sev said while loosening his grip on the Spider droid's cannon.

The Spider droid shook its cannon, making Sev fly backwards.

Sev activated the Thermal detonator and threw it towards the Spider droid. Sev was sent flying into a wall, his spinal cord making a few 'uncomfortable' cracks. He fell to the ground, the agonizing pain making it impossible for him to move.

Sev watched as the Thermal detonator flew towards the Spider droid.

He watched and hoped this would work.. And it did!

The Thermal detonator went inside of the cannon.

The Spider droid, now very pissed, aimed its cannon at Sev.

'Three.' Sev thought.

Its cannon was powering up.


Red light could be seen from inside the cannon.


And it fired.

Sev cracked a painful smile underneath his helmet as he watched the Spider Proud explode into thousand of tiny pieces.

Sev tried to push himself up, but to no available, the pain was too much, even for this Commando.

Sev coughed up more blood, covering his visor from the inside. He crawled towards his blaster, his vision slowly fading.

"Scorch, you win." Sev said, remembering the deal he and Scorch had made before the first battle of Geonosis.


"Alright, whoever has the most points at the end of the war, gets to make the other do his bidding for one month." Scorch said while crossing his arms and leaning against the side of the LAAT Gunship.

"You're on." Sev replied while holding his hand out.

Scorch grabbed his hand firmly and shook it. "I'm going to make you clean my blaster, every day of the month." Scorch said.

"Oh yeah?" Sev said while tightening his grip around Scorch's hand. "I'm using you for target practice."

Scorch gulped. "What was that Boss?" Scorch shouted while pulling his hand away and running away from Sev.

Sev grinned. "Target practice, heheheheh."


"Looks like I won't be c-cleaning y-your b-blaster." Sev said while grabbing his blaster and clutching it to his chest.

He rolled on his back, never letting go of his trusty blaster, the blaster that had saved his life so many times.

"R-Rule n-number one: k-kill them b-before they.. Kill.. You."

And with those words said, the Commando we all knew and loved, died. His body went limb, the grip around his blaster loosening.

Sev, RC-1207, Mr. Deathwish, a fellow brother, those nicknames and numbers meant nothing anymore, for Sev... Is..... Dead.


It is late at night, everypony was asleep and well, ponies were sleeping peacefully, eventually Thorn had fallen asleep as well.

But in The Everfree forest, a figure known for his merciless hunting, hardened war experience, his desire to kill any threat that crosses his path, awoke with a grunt.

"Where am I?" The figure asked no one in particular.

He got up and checked his surroundings. 'This is defiantly not Kashyyyk.' The figure thought.

He brought his hand up to his helmet and spoke up. "This is RC-1207, Delta's do you read?"


"Blast!" Sev shouted. "On Kashyyyk I didn't have any communication, and now you're telling me I....... Wait, something doesn't feel right."

Sev looked down at his abdomen, and for some reason, there was no wound.

"What?!" Sev shouted while stumbling backwards. "H-How? How can this be?" Sev asked himself.

"I died on Kashyyyk." Sev said, remembering every minute of his fight against the Battle droids, the Magnaguard and finally: The Spider droid.

Sev held his hand to his abdomen. "There was a giant hole right there." Sev said while rubbing the spot where the piece of metal had struck him.

Sev collapsed on the ground, leaning against a nearby tree. 'What kind of trick is this?' Sev thought while resting his head in his hands.

"Ah told ya we shouldn't have went out here." A high pitched voice said.

Sev's ears perked up and his hunter instinct kicked in. Well blast it! Sev thought while clenching his fists. 'I don't need my blaster to...... Oh look, my blaster.' Sev thought while walking towards his blaster. He picked it up and checked if it still worked. A blaster shot came out of it, hitting a nearby tree.

Sev smiled. 'Yep this baby still works. 'Sev thought.

"Y'all heard that?" The same high pitched voice asked.

"Applebloom, I think we should head back home, if Rarity finds out we've been in The Evefree forest, she's going to ground me for life." A different high pitched voice said.

'High pitched voice, must be children." Sev thought while walking towards the source of the voice.

This might seem hard to believe, but Sev has always had a weak spot for children. Back on Kamino, clone cadets would always come up to him and ask him to tell them about the missions he and the other members of Delta Squad had been on.

But there was another reason, children's minds were easy to manipulate, so when Sev would spent time with the cadets, he would tell them about: Showing no mercy to any enemy, making sure they were all dead, and to have fun while killing.

'I can still remember the scolding from Boss I got when he found out.' Sev thought.

"Hey, you were the one who suggested we went camping, so we could earn our Cutie marks for: Camping in a dangerous forest at night." Another high pitched voice said.

"Hey!" The other high pitched voice shouted.

"Easy there Sweetiebelle, Scootaloo was just messing with ya." The other high pitched voice reassured.

'What in Huts name are they talking about?' Sev thought while hearing the voices getting closer.

'Alright, I'm not activating my helmet's flashlights.' Sev thought while bringing his hand up to his helmet. 'So I'll use Night-vision instead.'

Sev activated his Night-vision and slowly walked towards the source of the voices. Through his Night-vision, he could see different kinds of things, he saw strange, small animals with sharp teeth, these strange animals that made "hissing" sounds, and finally he saw trio of quadruped organic life-forms.

"I think we should head back home." One of the three said.

"Come on Sweetiebelle, don't chicken out on us now." The other said.

'Strange.' Sev thought while watching the three argue. 'One of them appears to have wings, the other has some sort of horn and the other one has no horn or wings.' Sev thought while hiding behind a nearby tree.

"Well, I still think this isn't a good idea!" The one with the horn said.

"Come on!" The one with the wings said. "Did Thorn back out when he stood up for you against Diamond Tiara?" The one with the wings asked.

'Thorn? That name sounds familiar.' Sev thought while taking a glance at the trio.

"N-No, but I'm not a clone like him." The one with the horn replied.

'Clone? Thorn? Commander Thorn! Now remember!' Sev thought. 'He was that clone who blew up that Separatist fuel base.'

"Yeah, you're right about that." The one with the wings said.

'Well.' Sev thought while slowly getting out from his hiding spot. 'They know what clones are, so maybe they can get me to the nearest Republic base on their planet.'

But what Sev didn't know, was that there was neither Republic nor Separatists on this planet, he was going to be shocked.

Sev slowly walked towards the trio, careful to make no sound at all. Eventually he was two meters away from the trio and spoke up.

"Hello, can you three help me? I'm kinda lost." Sev said in his low voice.

The trio's ears perked up and they slowly turned around.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" They screamed in union.

Sev shook his head. "Could you three--."


"Could you--."



The trio went silent immediately and looked up at him with fear in their eyes.

"Now, can I ask you three something?" Sev asked with a hint of annoyance.

The trio nodded.

"On what planet am I?" Sev asked.

"Y-You’re on Equestria." The one with the wings replied.

"Is your planet allied with The Republic or Separatists?" Sev asked.

"We aren’t allied with anypony m-mister." The one without wings and horn replied.

"What are you three?" Sev asked.

"Were p-ponies, fillies to be precise." The one with wings replied.

Sev sighed. "Alright listen, I overheard your conversation and heard you mentioning a clone trooper called: Thorn."

"You know Thorn?" The fillies asked in union.

"Yes, I am a clone like him, Republic Commando to be precise."

"Republic Commando." The filly with wings repeated. "Hey! Rainbow Dash told me about Republic Commandos!" She said.

"Really?" The two other fillies asked I union.

"Yeah, she told me that Thorn told her, that Republic Commandos are like the most awesome clones ever. And that Thorn got to meet the best of the Commandos ever!"

"Really? Who were they?" The filly with the horn asked.

The filly with wings tapped her chin. "Hmmm, I believe she said they were called Delti Squad, or something."

"Delta Squad." Sev corrected.

"Huh?" The filly with wings asked.

"They’re called: Delta squad." Sev said.

"And how would you know"? The filly with wings asked with a hint of suspicion.

"Because I’m Delta Squad’s most feared hunter, sniper and killer." Sev replied.

"Really? What’s your name then?" The filly with wings asked. "Because I can remember the names, they were: Boss, Fixer, Scorch and--."

"Sev, or Delta oh seven, or as my ‘creators’ designated me: RC-1207." Sev cut her off.

All of the filly’s eyes widened.

"Whoa." They said in union.

Sev rolled his eyes. 'Great, fangirls.'

"So is Sev really your name?" The fill with a horn asked.

"Yes." Sev replied. "What are yours?" He asked.

"My name is Sweetiebelle." The filly with the horn said.

"Mah name’s Applebloom." The filly without the horn and wings said.

"And my name is Scootaloo." The filly with wings said.

"And together we're the: CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" They shouted in union.

"Sweetiebelle, Applebloom and Scootaloo." Sev repeated. "Got it."

"Whoa, when you say our names, it sounds so cool." Scootaloo said in awe. "Could you say mine again?"

"What? Why?" Sev asked confused.

And this was the part Sev hated about children: Their excitement.

"Because it's cool, so will ya?" Scootaloo asked.

"No." Sev said.

"Please." Scootaloo begged.

"No." Sev repeated.

"Pwease?" Scootaloo begged, her lower lip quivering.

"*sigh* Scootaloo." Sev said.

Scootaloo let out an adorable squeak. "Awesome."

"Why are three younglings like you." Sev said while pointing his index finger at the fillies. "Here in this dark and scary forest, alone?"

"Well, we were tryin ta get our Cutie marks." Applebloom replied.

"But it seems that camping isn't our special talent." Scootaloo added.

"What's a.... Never mind." Sev said.

"Mister Sev, why is there a blue T on your face?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"That's my visor." Sev replied. "It's supposed to do that."

"Wow, too bad we can't really see ya." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, it's so dark here, I can hardly see my own hooves." Sweetiebelle added.

"Well, I can see you three perfectly." Sev said.

"Really?" Scootaloo asked.

Sev nodded.

"Then what am I doing now?" Scootaloo asked while sticking her tongue out.

"I would put it back were it belongs, before I rip it out." Sev replied.

Scootaloo immediately retracted her tongue.

Sev smirked underneath his helmet. "Kids, they never learn do they?'


"Aaaaah!" Sweetiebelle exclaimed while grabbing hold of Sev's leg.

"Easy Sweetiebelle, it's probably just a stick." Scootaloo said.

"Or a Timberwolve." Applebloom added.

Scootaloo gulped. "O-Or that."

"Do you mind?" Sev asked while looking down at Sweetiebelle.

"Sorry." Sweetiebelle said while letting go of his leg.

"Now. "Sev said while turning around. "I want you three to take me to the nearest town, or city, or basically any kind of civilisation."

"Umm, that's gonna be a problem.* Scootaloo said.

"Why's that?" Sev asked.

"We're ehm, kinda lost." Scootaloo admitted sheepishly.

Sev groaned. 'I need to kill something.'

"Hey, ah thought ya said ya knew tha way." Applebloom said while pointing her hoof accusingly at Scootaloo.

"Nuhu, I said I 'kinda' knew the way. "Scootaloo replied.

"Did not." Applebloom said.

"Did so!" Scootaloo argued back.

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Shut your klarking mouths and just tell me from which direction you came!" Sev shouted, making the fillies lower their ears.

"S-Sorry." Applebloom said.

Sev sighed. 'I love kids, but these three are starting to make me doubt that.'

"Uhm mister?" Sweetiebelle said while tugging Sev's leg.

"What is it?" Sev asked.

"I-I'm scared." Sweetiebelle replied.

"Scared? Of what?" Sev asked

"Of the forest." Sweetiebelle replied.

"If you're scared of the forest, why go in; in the first place?" Sev asked.

"B-Because I d-didn't think we would g-get lost." Sweetiebelle replied while tears started to form in her eyes.

"Applejack is going to be really angry at me if she finds out 'bout this." Applebloom said.

Scootaloo said nothing, but she was pretty scared to.

Sev looked at the fillies, they were frightened and he could see it in their eyes. The same look Trandoshians would give him before he would kill them.

"Listen." Sev said. "I'll.... Make sure nothing happens to you."

This was something Sev had never done, he was showing a little compassion towards these three children, children he didn't even knew five minutes ago.

The fillies looked up at the Commando and smiled.

But what they did next, was something Sev had never done or experience. They hugged him, well they hugged his legs, but it was still a token of gratitude.

"Why are you hugging me?" Sev asked.

The fillies looked up at the Commando, or his blue visor to be precise.

"Because ya promised ta help us." Applebloom replied.

"Yeah, that's not something you'd expect a complete stranger to do for you." Scootaloo added.

"And, *sniff* you are nice, like Thorn." Sweetiebelle said.

"But you hardly know me." Sev said.

"I know, but I just have this feeling you are a very nice person." Sweetiebelle said while letting go of his leg.

'If you'd knew what I've done in my past, you'd run away, thinking I'm a monster.' Sev thought while looking at Sweetiebelle. 'And that's the way I like it, the enemy should be feared when they see me, because I'm the last thing they'll ever see.'

Applebloom and Scootaloo let go of Sev's leg, looking up at him with big smiles planted on their muzzles.

"Let's go." Sev said while turning around.

The three fillies smiled and followed the Commando.

"Uhm mister Sev?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"What?" Sev asked.

"Uhm, I don't really like the dark, could you perhaps uhm, hold my hoof?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"No." Sev replied.

"Oh, ok that's uhm...."

Sev sighed. "How's this. Sev said while activating the flashlights on his helmet."

Sweetiebelle smiled. "Thank you mister Sev."

"It's Sev, not mister Sev." Sev corrected.

"Ok." Sweetiebelle said.

And so, the three fillies and Commando walked through the forest, Sev had a lot of experience with tracking enemy footsteps, sighed when he saw small footprints; the size of the filly's, he knew he was on the right track.


"Are we there yet?" Scootaloo whined.

"I think I..... Yeah I can see something." Sev replied.

"Are ya sure?" Applebloom asked.

"Well." Sev said while switching the anti armor attachment from his blaster, for his sniper attachment.

Sev looked through the scope. "There's an open field out there."

"What's that yer holdin'?" Applebloom asked.

"DC17m." Sev replied.

"Is it like Thorn's?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"What are you talking about?" Sev asked while looking at Sweetiebelle. "Did he use his blaster against you three?"

"No no, he saved Princess Cadence's wedding, also stopping the Changelings from taking over Equestria." Sweetiebelle replied.

"So he saved the day?" Sev asked.

"I think so." Sweetiebelle replied.

"How many KIA?" Sev asked.

"KIA? What does that mean." Scootaloo asked confused.

"Never mind." Sev said. 'Forgot I was talking to children for a sec.'

"Ok?" Scootaloo said.

"Alright, you three can walk alone now. "Sev said while looking at the three fillies.

"What? Why?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"It's just a few yards from here, don't worry, I'll be watching you." Sev said.

"Aren't ya comin' with us?" Applebloom asked.

Sev shook his head. "No can do kid."

"Please, I'm sure Rarity wouldn't mind having another pony join the slumber party." Sweetiebelle said.

"Sorry kid." Sev said while turning around. "But it's for the best." 'What the Hutt is a slumber party?'

Sev was about to walk away, until the three fillies grabbed a hold of his legs.

"We won't let ya go back into that forest." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, either you come with us, or we're *gulp* coming with you." Sweetiebelle added.

"Kids, I can't." Sev said.

"Please, we promise nothing will happen to you." Sweetiebelle said.

Sev sighed. "Well, I..... Fine, but if something does happen to me." Sev said while pointing his finger at the trio. "You'll have to answer to me."

Sweetiebelle nodded. "Now come on!" Sweetiebelle said while letting go of his legs. "I know the way from here."

Sev looked at Scootaloo and Applebloom, who were still holding on to his legs.

"Get of." Sev ordered.

The fillies gave him cheeky smiles and let go.

Sev mentally scolded himself. 'I should have payed attention during those de-briefings, maybe then I'd know what to do in these kind of situations.'

"Come on Sev!" Sweetiebelle shouted. "It's a long way towards Carousel Boutique!"

Sev sighed. 'I need to kill something, fast.'


The walk towards Carousel Boutique was a quiet one. Mostly because Sev ordered the fillies not to talk.

When they had entered Ponyville, Sev was confused, none of the town mad any sense to him. But what could make sense to him? He died for klarks sake.

They stopped walking when they reached Carousel Boutique.

"This is it." Sweetiebelle said while opening the door of the Boutique.

"Ya didn't lock tha door?" Applebloom whispered.

"Guess I 'forgot'." Sweetiebelle replied.

Applebloom couldn't help but giggle.

Sweetiebelle slowly pushed the door open, careful not to make any sound.

"Alright." Sweetiebelle whispered. "You go in first Sev."

Sev walked through the door, his blaster at the ready.

Eventually Sweetiebelle and the others entered as well.

"Alright." Sweetiebelle said while closing ans locking the door. "Now we just have to get to my room and act like nothing ever happened." Sweetiebelle whispered. "Alright, let's just hope Rarity finished that design she was working on, because if she's awake; we're in a whole lot of--."

"Sweetiebelle, where are you?" An elegant voice asked.

".... Oh no." Sweetiebelle said while face-hoofing. (See what I did there?)

"We're in trouble." Scootaloo said.

"Rarity is probably gonna tell Applejack." Applebloom added.

"I'll be grounded for years." Sweetiebelle said.

"This Rarity, who is she?" Sev asked.

"My sister, and I believe she is currently on her way towards us." Sweetiebelle replied.

"Sweetiebelle?" Rarity shouted. "Where are you?"

"*sigh* I guess I have to take responsibility. "Sweetiebelle said.

"I'm down in the boutique Rarity!" Sweetiebelle replied.

"The boutique?!" Rarity exclaimed. Suddenly Rarity came trotting downstairs.

"And let there be light." Rarity said while using her magic to lit up the boutique.

"Oh boy, here we go." Sweetiebelle said while walking towards her sister.

"Sweetiebelle." Rarity said while walking over towards her little sister. "Why are you up so late?"

"Uhm, we kinda went into The Everfree forest." Sweetiebelle replied, getting straight to the truth.

"The Everfree forest!?" Rarity exclaimed. "Why would you do that!?" Rarity said while grabbing her into a hug.

Scootaloo stuck her hoof in her mouth and pretended to vomit.

"And you two!" Rarity said while walking toward Applebloom and Scootaloo.

"Applebloom, you should know that Applejack will know about this." Rarity said.

"And Scootaloo, since Rainbow Dash is your idol, I'll let her know you didn't listen to her; when she told you not to go into The Everfree forest."

"And you." Rarity said while walking towards Sev. "You should also feel... Really..... Guilty.... Oh my." Rarity said while looking at Sev.

"Ma'am." Sev said with a respectful bow of his head.

"Uhm, c-charmed." Rarity said while looking back at Sweetiebelle. "Mind telling me who your friend is?"

"That's Sev, and he's a clone like Thorn, but he's a special kind of clone." Scootaloo replied, answering the question before Sweetiebelle could.

"Really?" Rarity asked while eyeing Sev. "What's so 'special' about him?"

"He's a Republic Commando, he's part of Delta Squad." Scootaloo replied.

"Delta Squad?" Rarity repeated. "While of course!" Rarity exclaimed.

She quickly lowered her head and bowed. "It's an honour to meet you sir, Thorn has told me and my friends some very interesting tales about you."

"Has he now?" Sev asked.

"Oh, your voice, it's so low and... Menacing." Rarity said with a flick of her mane.

"Thanks." Sev said unsurely.

"Is there anything I can do to help you? "Rarity asked.

"Yes, you can take me to Commander Thorn." Sev replied.

"I'm sorry sir, but that simply cannot be done." Rarity said.

"Why not"? Sev asked.

"Because it's late at night and everypony is asleep." Rarity replied.

"Listen here." Sev said while getting down on his knees to meet her on eye level. "I already wasted enough of my time by saving your sister and her friends; from spending a night in the forest. So you better take me to him."

Rarity gulped. "I can't, but if you could wait until tomorrow, then I would be happy to take you there."

Sev sighed and got back up. "Alright, but only because I'm very tired."

"Tired?" Rarity asked. "Oh my goodness!" Rarity exclaimed while (somehow) grabbing hold of Sev's hand. "Here, let me take you to my room and you van sleep in my bed."

"Ma'am I don't think that--."

"No, you saved my sister's life, and you are my guest, so you better will be treated with the uttermost respect." Rarity cut him off.

Sev sighed and pulled his hand our of her grasp. "Alright, but you don't have to drag me to it." Sev said while massaging his hand.

Rarity blushed. "I am so sorry." Rarity said. "But please follow me."

Sev nodded and did as she said. Eventually they reached a pink set of doors.

"Please make yourself at home." Rarity said while opening the door with her magic.

Sev walked past her and into the room, he had to duck because the door was build on pony size. "I think I can handle it from here." Sev said.

"Are you su--."

"Yes." Sev quickly cur her off and quickly closing the door.

Rarity stood there, shocked that someone who had been so nice to save her sister, would do something like that.

'He must be very tired.' Rarity thought while turning around. 'And now for those three.' Rarity thought while walking towards the stairs.

Inside Rarity's room, stood Sev, searching for the bed. Eventually he found it.

Sev immediately took off his helmet and dropped it on the ground. He walked towards the bed and laid down on his chest.

'This is not the mosy comfortable position.' Sev thought. 'But I'm sleeping in a bed instead of a Gunship, so I'm not complaining.'

Sev closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.

But before he fell asleep, a single line crossed his mind, a line Boss had used many times.

"Delta Squad, lock and load."