The Gaming Princess

by Red and Black Alicorn OC


Luna opened up the Xbox 360 menu and selected and went to check on what percentage the game for gold is on.


This is taking a while.

Luna had selected the download option for the game six hours ago but it is still downloading.

But fortunately for this gaming princess she had two more games yet to be discovered and relished. She went to the game section and selected the game Tron.

The cover had a picture of a pony in a grey suit. The suit had blue neon lines streaking across the armour. In the ponies mouth was a blue glowing disk.

Luna waited for the game to load up. A menu then appeared across the screen. It was a bright array of neon glowing lines everywhere!

Luna talked to herself while she went to options to change the settings to her liking.

"The people who made this game sure like neon blue lights."

Once she made her final adjustments she went back to the main menu and selected new story. The loading screen appeared in front of her face and she waited for ten seconds until a cutscene appeared. There was a colt sat in front of a camera looking at the screen. He then spoke.

"Jatue muise kaerte iel tues dsen tui-"

Luna face hoofed herself. They were speaking another language. She pressed the pause button but it just skipped the cutscene. She pressed start again and the pause menu appeared. How could be so stupid to have accidently changed the voice language by mistake?

Once she changed it to English she pressed start again.

She was now controlling the pony on the cover. The weird pony who seemed to be addicted to blue flashy neon lights

She looked around the environment and saw lots of tall buildings. There was also other neon addicts ponies that looked like her.

She saw a bucking neon blue trail leading through a archway. The trail lead towards a bridge.

Another cutscene appeared. She saw a mare walk across the bridge but two neon guards walked in front of her, blocking her path.

The pony spoke politely to the guards.

"My name is Quorra, Radia has asked me to meet her."

The guard replied.

"Sorry, but proper authorisation is required to pass through here."

Quorra replied, sounding a tad bit more frustrated.

"But she is expecting me!"

The guard shook his head.

"But Clu isn't, since the accident security has been increased."

Quorra looked very frustrated. Infact, I feel frustrated! What's with this blue neon lights thing about? Is it a trend or is the game just

"Fine, then I will get authorisation."

Quorra spun around and walked away from the guards.

A pony next to Luna commented on the scene that she just saw.

"She looks determined to get herself in trouble."

The cutscene ended there and Luna was free to move around again. A blue neon trail was leading towards somewhere and in the distance Luna spotted Quorra running off. Luna had to follow her.

Luna followed the trail until she was left with a gap. And a big drop. A very big drop.

A box appeared saying that she should press 'a' to jump she jumped over the gap and a few more.

She then came to a very large gap. To large to jump over. Another box appeared saying that she should hold 'RT' to wall run.

She did so and ran across the wall and landed on the other side of the gap. Easy.

She continued to follow Quorall, or was it Querrul? Luna couldn't remember.

Luna eventually got down to ground level, but by now she had lost her target.

Then, Luna spotted a weird looking creature. It had a black coat, a ripped up grey mane and, obviously, a neon streak running across it's body. But guess what, instead of blue, it was yellow, hurrah.

A box appeared on the screen. It said press 'x' to throw the disk.

Luna pressed the x button and her character chucked a blue neon disk at the monster. The monster shrieked and disintegrated.

Then a part of the wall opposite her turned a neon bright colour and another thing came out of it. Another box appeared saying that if she selected the b button then she could use her melee attack.

She pressed 'b' once the creature was close enough to her and she hit him. Luna started to rapidly tap the button until the monster died.

More monsters appeared but Luna was already starting to get a hang of this.

Once the enemies were all but history a cutscene appeared.

The target came into view and she walked into a crowd of people. Luna's character looked at the last place he saw her and he ran towards the direction where his target was.

Another cutscene appeared and Luna saw why there was a crowd. The pony who was in the first cutscene was there, making a speech. Luna didn't pay any attention to it, until another creature appeared.

It grabbed onto one of the civilians and killed him. The crowd dispersed and ran away, screaming for mercy.

Three guards ran up to the monster, but he easily swatted them away. Luna realised that this monster was different, not just the fact that he was more powerful, but also with appearance.

He had a black cloak surrounding him with darn yellow neon stripes. The pony who had made the speech was in trouble. The monster walked towards him and was about to grab him when Luna's character jumped at the thing and pushed him back.

The cutscene then stopped and Luna was stood there facing the threatening foe. Luna unleashed everything she knew.

She jumped up high into the air and chucked her disk at him. Once the disk quickly came back to her hand she landed and sliced him with the blade.

She rolled backwards to avoid getting hit and threw the disk at him again.

The monster unleashed a powerful force that happened to take the form of yellow neon lights. The power forced Luna back and made her fall on her back.

The thing jumped up onto a balcony and summoned his allies. The minions ran towards Luna but they were easy to cast away.

When the Luna destroyed the last one the monster jumped back down and hit her. Luna wasn't prepared for the attack and she had to suffer another blow before rolling out of his reach.

This basically happened throughout the next two minutes until Luna chucked her disk for the final time.

The attack depleted the last of the monster's health and he ran off.

Luna smiled.

She was a bad ass.