//------------------------------// // 334. Adventures in Homeownership: Dragnet by Honey Mead // Story: The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab // by Fuzzyfurvert //------------------------------// by Honey Mead *** This is the city, Manehatten, Equestria. It’s a decent enough place, filled with decent enough ponies. But not everypony is decent. Someponies think they can take whatever they want. That’s where I come in. I carry a badge. It was a Thursday, warm; the flower gardens just starting to show some real color. We were working day shift of out the larceny division. My partner was Chill Cannon, my name’s Friday. We got the call late in the afternoon, more toward evening. A house in the Crescent Terrace suburb, west of the city, had been robbed. It was odd that we were being sent out there. Normally, my partner and I stick within the city limits, but we go where we are needed. By the time we had arrived, the techs were just finishing up, the sun near the horizon. I knew the case would be an odd one the moment I laid eyes on the house and it’s owners. The house was a cottage. The owners were a couple, white pegasus mare with a soft pink mane and a sun cutie mark and a dark purple unicorn mare with a lighter velvet mane and six white stars for her cutie mark. There was something oddly familiar about them, but I couldn’t put my hoof on it. The responding officer met us at the gate. He was flummoxed. Apparently one of the victims was causing a bit of a stir with the crime scene techs. He informed us that it was a standard smash and grab, probably only lasted five minutes. Looked as though there were two perps. They entered through the front door, kicking the door in and breaking the jamb. From there they ran through the house, grabbing anything that looked valuable, filling their saddlebags before leaving. Without witnesses, there wasn’t much we would likely be able to do but wait until they tried to move the goods. In order to do that, we needed to know what was taken. Approaching the house, we were met by the two techs and the owners. The unicorn, one Mrs. Dusky Sparks, was trying to speak with the techs, held back only by her wife, Mrs. Sunny Skies. “Good evening ma'ams,” I said as I approached, garnering their attention. “My name is Sergeant Friday. This is my partner, Officer Cannon. Do you mind if we ask you some questions?” “Of course, Sergeant,” said the pegasus, motioning for us to step back, away from the techs, pulling her wife along with her. I noted how little they appeared distress by the situation. Most ponies did not react so well. Mrs. Skies was calm and collected, seemingly at ease with the entire situation. By contrast, Mrs. Sparks was energetic, almost manic, I soon learned why. “Now,” I started, “which one of you arrived first.” “That would be me,” replied the unicorn. She then produced a scroll, presenting it to me in her magic field. “I’ve got an entire report written down of exactly what happened.” I blinked at that, having never seen something quite like it before. Opening the scroll, I scanned its contents. It had everything, even timestamps down to the exact second. I passed the scroll to Cannon to look at. Before I could speak, she continued. “If you’d like, I know quite a few spells that could probably help catch them. I—” “That won’t be necessary, ma'am. Our boys know what they’re doing.” “But I—” Here, Sunny interrupted. “Honey,” was all she said, giving Mrs. Sparks a hard look which cowed her. “We’ll be canvassing the neighborhood to see if anypony saw—” Another scroll appeared. “I already did that. Two stallions were noted on the premises by our neighbors across the way. I couldn’t get a detailed description…” I only half listened to her as I scanned the second scroll. Everything she was saying was presented in more detail there, anyway. “We appreciate your assistance, ma'am, but you should really let us do our jobs.” She seemed to take that a little hard, but the truth was that we would have to verify all of the information either way and her interference could cause as much damage as it helped. “Do you think you can provide us with a list of—” A third scroll, of course. “Yes. Everything they took is here, along with the resonances matrices for a few of the more expensive items. If you give me a few days I can probably work up another list of likely places where they would try to sell them.” “Have you considered a career as a police officer?”