
by Aqua_Breeze

Checkmate of the mind

"You want any help?" Aurora asked.

Aurora had finished her homework a couple of hours ago and was starting to get slightly bored. There wasn't much to do, so she figured she'd help out Spike with re-shelving. Not only would it give her something to do, it might even give her the perfect opportunity to earn the dragons trust. Spike didn't seem to take notice of the Changeling, or just didn't care about her presence, as was obvious from his lack of a response.

The books were all stacked nicely in alphabetical stacks. Spike didn't need to move back and forth as much with his new unofficial assistant. Aurora grabbed the next book in her magic and starting hovering it over to Spike. Instead of the thanks she was expecting, she just got a glare as Spike took the book and turned to put it in its place. After a couple more books, Spike started to wonder why Aurora was so willing to help him.

"Alright, what do you want?" Spike asked, slightly irritated.

"I just wanted to help," Aurora said, "Is that so bad?".

"And what do you want me to do in return?" Spike asked.

"A simple 'Thank you' would be nice," Aurora said.

"Well... thanks," Spike said, "Now what do you REALLY want?".

"I don't expect any favors if that's what you're getting at," Aurora said.

"Sure..." Spike said, ever so suspicious.

"Look, I know I'm a Changeling, but I can't really change that," Aurora said.

"And?" Spike asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's your only excuse for how you treat me," Aurora said, "I brushed it off at first, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt".

"It's all the reason I need," Spike said.

"So, you don't care that I haven't done ANYTHING wrong?" Aurora asked.

"Last time any of Twilights friends trusted a Changeling, they ended up turning against her," Spike said, "You're just simply biding your time".

"Even she trusts me though," Aurora said, "So that argument is invalid".

"No it's not," Spike said, "You want everypony to trust you so they won't be able to react fast enough when you call in your friends".

"I don't belong to a hive any more," Aurora said, "My lack of wings just makes me a weak link".

"You're gonna have to try harder than that," Spike said, picking up another book.

"I could just copy Twilight if I was a real threat," Aurora said, "Walk right up to Celestia while looking like Twilight, then use her feelings for Twilight and turn them into a weapon to take her and Luna both out".

"You wouldn't make it halfway to Canterlot before Twilight got to you," Spike said as he placed the book on the shelf.

"Who said I'd have to travel while she was awake?" Aurora asked.

"And what would you do when she did get to you?" Spike asked.

"With both princesses as my prisoners, I'd be able to get her to surrender," Aurora said.

"And what gives you that idea?" Spike asked.

"You think she'd risk the life of either princess, let alone both at once?" Aurora asked.

"Good point," Spike said.

"Now that you can see how easy it would be for me to take over, are you surprised that I haven't?" Aurora asked.

Twilight had spent a good chunk of the afternoon taking a casual flight with Rainbow Dash. Now, she was home. As she headed towards her library, she was unaware of the surprise waiting for her. As she opened the doors to the library, she noticed that every shelf had books on it. This sight, however, was quickly replaced with that of a little dragon and a Changeling focused on a game of chess in the center of the library.

"So, who's winning?" Twilight asked, causing both Spike and Aurora to jump.

"Oh, uh... hi... Twilight," Spike said, obviously nervous.

"Being a Changeling doesn't seem to help me in chess all that much," Aurora admitted, "I just can't seem to win a single game".

"I'd like a rook back," Spike said as he moved his last pawn to a space on Auroras side of the board.

"Oh come on!" Aurora cried out, "That's the sixth game in a row".

"Don't just throw your prince out so early, and you might stand a little bit of a chance," Spike said.

"Either of you hungry?" Twilight asked.

"Now that you mention it," Aurora said, "I could go for a little something".

"Well, then you best hurry if you want the good bits, sis," Spike said as he started for the kitchen.

"Hey! Get back here!" Aurora called out as she gave chase.

"Did... did he just call Aurora his sister?" Twilight asked herself, slightly stunned.