A Gizmonk in Ponyville

by Moheart7

Chapter 6 - Is A Friend Indeed

“What is SHE doing here!?!” Scootaloo snapped as Apple Bloom and Goggles escorted Silver Spoon into the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ Clubhouse.

As it turns out, after Silver Spoon and Apple reconciled their differences the previous day, Apple Bloom thought that the next course of action should be to make peace with the other members of the CMC so that they could be her new friends too, needless to say Goggles approved of the idea by giving the two fillies a thumbs-up. So the two along with Goggles met up at Apple Bloom’s house after school the next day and walked up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ Clubhouse. However as expected from both fillies as they walked up the plank towards the tree-house, neither Scootaloo nor Sweetie Belle were happy to see their bully there.

“Silver Spoon here is here to make amends,” Apple Bloom explained. “Ah’ve had a chat with her yesterday and it turns out she’s not as bad as we think.”

Silver Spoon hung her head slightly, secretly glad that Apple Bloom left out the part where she didn’t have a Cutie Mark either. At this point in time she had repainted the mark on her flank so that she could still keep up appearances at school, Apple Bloom understood why she did, knowing that she would show that detail when she was ready.

“Not that bad!?!” Sweetie Belle barked. “You’re talking about one of our biggest bullies here!”

Before Apple Bloom could say anything in response, Silver Spoon stepped forward.

“I know that I’ve hurt you,” she said. “And I didn’t come here to upset any of you, I don’t mean you any harm, I know it might sound d ridiculous, but if it’s possible, I’d like to wipe the slate clean.

“Wipe the slate clean?” Scootaloo snapped. “After what you’ve done to us!?! In the past you’ve helped Diamond Tiara make our lives miserable!”

“I know, and I’m sorry,” Silver Spoon sighed. “The thing is I was so desperate to keep her as a friend that I was willing to do anything to keep her satisfied, even if it meant that I had to go against my better judgment.”

“I find that seriously hard to believe,” Sweetie Belle said with a glare. “After all you once put Scootaloo through so much stress and depression, by pointing out her inability to fly, all because you and Diamond Tiara wanted to be the Flag Bearers at the Equestria Games.”

“Yeah, and what about the time you two put Apple Bloom’s cousin in a tight spot after she came over here from Manehatten?” Scootaloo added.

“I didn’t MAKE Babs do those things!” Silver Spoon argued.

“You didn’t stop her though did you!?!” Scootaloo retorted.

“I know, and it’s because things like those that I feel like I need to make a sincere apology,” Silver Spoon sighed.

“Yeah, well with all due respect Silver Spoon, you can stuff your apologies.” Sweetie Belle huffed, crossing her fore-hooves.

“Apple Bloom could we talk to you privately please?” Scootaloo asked, looking towards her friend.

“Yeah sure,” Apple Bloom replied. “Silver Spoon, would you mind waiting outside a minute?”

“Um, yeah okay,” Silver Spoon said nervously as she proceeded walked outside.

Sensing that Silver Spoon wouldn’t mind a bit of company while she waited, Goggles limped outside with her and shut the door behind them, leaving Apple Bloom alone with her friends.

“Apple Bloom, what were you thinking bringing her here!?!” Scootaloo said, scolding the young Earth Pony.

“Yeah, you don’t honestly believe she means what she’s saying do you?” Sweetie Belle added

Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes at that, granted it was understandable for her friends to be sceptical of the idea, but she was surprised they were being so aggressive about it.

“Yeah ah do,” She said plainly, surprising them both. “And even if ah didn’t I’d still be willing to give her a chance.”

“Well I’m not,” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle added “She’s not even…”

“Alright that’s enough!” Apple Bloom snapped, interrupting the young Unicorn. “Honestly, I’m surprised at you two!”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were taken aback by this, to say that they were confused as to why Apple Bloom was defending one of their bullies would be an understatement.

“Look, ah may have found it hard to believe at first too, but she’s really not that bad,” Apple Bloom continued. “But if you still don’t trust her then you can at least trust me, can’t ya?”

That was got the two fillies to finally submit, they may not have liked Silver Spoon in the slightest but when it came to their friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle would definitely be on their side.

“Fine,” Scootaloo pouted. “Bring her back in.”

Finally her friends were beginning to see sense, with a smile Apple Bloom made her way towards the door and opened it, however when she did there was no sign of Silver Spoon, only one clearly angry Gizmonk with his arms crossed and a scowl etched on his face.

“Goggles, where’s Silver Spoon?” Apple Bloom asked.

Goggles simply responded by pointing his thumb behind him and pointing another finger to his ear, indicating that Silver Spoon had heard everything that the CMC had said and left, this of course was a definite fact since it wasn’t exactly hard to hear anything through the thin walls of the club-house. With a heavy sigh Apple Bloom slumped to the floor, she didn’t know what’s going to happen next but she definitely knew that things were going to be awkward after this.


The next day, Apple Bloom met up with her friends and went to school as usual, though this time Goggles was to stay at Sweet Apple Acres since she really wasn’t allowed to bring pets into class. Cheerilee only made the exception last time because he was her Show and Tell project. Goggles however had other ideas, just like before when no pony else was looking, the mischievous Gizmonk found a way to sneak out and follow Apple Bloom to school without being seen. By the time Goggles had managed to limp all the way to the school house, everyone was inside and class had already started, so with a slight shrug of his shoulders he decided to climb up the nearest tree and wait, after all he didn’t really have anything better to do today. After about ten minutes of sitting on that tree branch doing nothing boredom really started to sink into the Gizmonk’s mind, after trying to keep himself entertained by carving images onto the tree branch using the tools in his vest and eating the berries that grew on it, he soon found himself dosing off. After about two hours, Goggles finally awoke to the sound of the fillies and colts exiting the school house for recess, now things were beginning to get interesting. Goggles watched with interest as the Cutie Mark Crusaders picked out an area of the playground where they could play, however a certain pink filly had other ideas for them. Goggles then glared as he saw Diamond Tiara walk up to Apple Bloom and her friends with Silver Spoon at her side, however unlike the last time he saw them together Goggles noticed a look of reluctance in Silver Spoon’s eyes, this was definitely going to be an interesting turn of events.

“Diamond, are you sure you want to do this?” Silver Spoon asked. “It’s not like it was the end of the world or anything.”

“That Blank-Flank showed me up Silver Spoon!” Diamond Tiara snapped as she continued to stomp. “She has got to learn her place!”

“Oh come on, you’re still mad about that? That was two days ago!” Silver Spoon argued.

“SO WHAT!?!” Diamond Tiara retorted. “No pony up stages me and gets away with it!”

When the two fillies finally stepped up towards the Cutie Mark Crusader’s Goggle could have sworn that he could see fire in Diamond Tiara’s eyes as she stared down Apple Bloom, who had just now noticed her.

“What do you want now Diamond Tiara?” she asked aggressively.

“I want satisfaction Blank-Flank,” Diamond Tiara said plainly, trying to keep her cool. “You think you can just bring your little pet to school and show me up like that without consequences?”

“Consequences?” Sweetie Belle said, raising an eyebrow.

“What are you talking about Diamond Tiara?” Scootaloo added, getting slightly annoyed.

“Simple really,” Diamond Tiara answered. “You Apple Bloom are going to have to find some way of making this embarrassment up to me, if not then I’ll have no choice but to make your life incredibly miserable.”

However the response Diamond Tiara got wasn’t what she expected, in fact neither one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders seemed to be even the slightest bit interested in what she was saying.

“You already make our lives miserable,” Apple Bloom said bluntly as she and her friends began to turn away. “Come one girls, let’s go play somewhere else.”

But Diamond Tiara wasn’t going to take that lying down, as she looked upon the three fillies walking away, a massive vein popped in her head as her temper reach boiling point. With one quick movement, she snatched one ball from a nearby colt and flung it straight into the back of Apple Bloom’s head, causing her to fall face first into the dirt.

“HEY!!!” Scootaloo shouted, as she helped Apple Bloom up.

Needless to say, everyone who saw that gasped in horror, especially Goggles who snapped a large twig of the branch he was sitting on, he had the right mind to jump down there and clump Diamond Tiara across the head with it for what she has just done. However before he could make a move, Silver Spoon had stepped between Diamond Tiara and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“That’s enough Diamond!” she snapped. “You’ve made your point!”

Obviously it surprised everyone to see Silver Spoon acting this way towards Diamond Tiara, after the two had been an inseparable pair for ages, however after knowing what she did now, apple Bloom was more relieved than surprised, to her it was obvious that Silver spoon had finally had enough.

“What are you doing Silver Spoon!?!” Diamond Tiara snapped. “You know full well that these losers deserve what’s coming to them!”

“They don’t deserve any of this!” Silver Spoon retorted. “The only one who’s feels that way is you!”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened at this, was Silver Spoon actually defending them?

“What’s gotten into you Silver Spoon?” Diamond Tiara asked angrily. “Why are you going against me!?! It’s not like you’re one of those Blank-Flanks or anything!”

At first Silver spoon didn’t know how to respond to that, but as she turned her head towards Apple Bloom she looked back at her with a knowing smile, Silver Spoon then remembered Apple Bloom’s kind words when she and Apple Bloom had tea that day. If this was how it was going to be, then so be it. Closing her eyes with a calm expression on her face, Silver Spoon put her hoof to her flank and with a few gentle rubs, smudged the paint off, leaving every pony except Apple Bloom and Goggles wide-eyed with shock.

“You… you ARE a Blank-Flank too!?!” Diamond Tiara stuttered, finding it impossible to believe what she was seeing.

“Yes,” Silver Spoon answered plainly. “And frankly, I’m sick and tired of you treating every pony else like they’re garbage just because they don’t have a mark. Granted I’m no better, heck I’m probably worse for hiding something like this and being a bully just to please you, but this time you have gone too far! Calling names and recycling is one thing but physically hurting ponies is way too low for my liking!”

Diamond Tiara growled at that, by now she was getting so angry everyone could see the vein throbbing in her head, even Goggles could see it sitting in the tree. Suddenly Diamond Tiara breathed in and let out a calm breath, a wicked smile etching on her face.

“So, you never liked how we did things Silver Spoon?” she said a sly tone. “Well it’s just as well, after all the only reason you were able to hang around with me was because my dad made me talk to you.”

Silver Spoon gasped at that, as did Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“W…what?” Silver Spoon stuttered with disbelief.

“When your father made his fortune and move your family here, my dad seemed to think it was a good if idea for us rich ponies to socialise,” Diamond Tiara explained cruelly. “Of course I didn’t want to have anything to do with a bunch of wannabes, but my dad made me talk to you just so you could feel welcome. But I must admit the idea did have perks, even if you turned out to be nothing but a liar.”

Silver Spoon was just about to reach the brink of collapsing in tears, to know that her supposed friendship with Diamond Tiara had been a lie just about broke her spirit, however it was then she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Silver Spoon then turned her head and saw Apple Bloom standing by her side looking at her with a gentle smile, at least she knew SHE wasn’t lying when they both talked a couple of days ago. Narrowing her eyes with anger, Silver Spoon turned back towards Diamond Tiara.

“Do you mean to tell me that I was personal lackey for years and you didn’t even like me!?!” she snapped.

“Honestly?” Diamond Tiara responded in a casual manner. “Not really, no.”

It was bad enough that Diamond Tiara pretended to be her friend, but now that she was admitting what really happened it appeared as though she didn’t even care in the slightest, that was the last straw that made Silver Spoon’s blood boil.

“You really ARE mean!” she screamed. “You… you’re just a spiteful, back-stabbing lying little…”

What Silver Spoon said next instantly made every pony within earshot widen their eyes with shock, the CMC were even surprised that an up-standing filly like Silver Spoon even knew such foul language, and Diamond Tiara was the most surprised due to being called such a thing.

“I always told myself that you were better than that, because I thought we were BFFs but NO! You really are just as awful as they come!” Silver Spoon continued. “So guess what? I don’t WAN’T to be BFFs anymore! I would rather spend the rest of my life working on a Rock Farm than being your flunky! And P.S. that tiara makes you look like an idiot!”

While Diamond Tiara took offence and gasped at that, every pony else witnessing the entire thing tried their best to hold in their laughter, Goggles on the other hand was laughing his head off from his seat in the tree, luckily no pony heard him so he was able to continue watching

“Ooh you’re gonna regret this!” Diamond Tiara growled in fury.

“Too late,” Silver Spoon responded. “I’ve already been regretting my decisions since I met you!”

With those final words burning in her ears, Diamond Tiara turned and walked away. At first there was a few moments of silence after that, however that silence was soon broken by the clear sound of a pony clapping their hooves. When Silver Spoon turned her head she saw that Scootaloo was the one clapping, she was soon followed by Sweetie Belles, then Apple Bloom, soon enough every pony surround her was applauding Silver Spoon’s courage in finally standing up to Diamond Tiara, even Goggle was clapping away in the tree. When the clapping finally stopped Scootaloo walked up to Silver Spoon and spoke.

“So,” she said. “Still want to wipe the slate clean?”

“More than anything,” Silver Spoon said with a smile.

“Then there’s only one more thing left to do.”

Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow at that, as did Goggles, who continued to listen in from the tree.


After School, all four fillies plus Goggles went up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ Clubhouse. As all three Cutie Mark Crusaders gathered around Silver Spoon and Goggles who stood below the podium where Sweetie Belle was sitting, listening to the beat of the drum Scootaloo was playing, both of them couldn’t help but feel nervous. Finally Sweetie Belle spoke.

"We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” She began. “Hereby elect Silver Spoon to join us as a sister, friend, confidante, gal pal, chum of chums... Scootaloo!!! I thought you said you revised this!"

“Sorry, I forgot.” Scootaloo admitted sheepishly.

Sweetie Belle then faced-hoofed and threw away the scroll of paper she was reading. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle at this. With a sigh, Sweetie decided to improvise the rest of the speech.

“As I was saying,” she continued. “We the Cutie Mark Crusaders, hereby invite you Silver Spoon to be an honorary member of our group. As such you will be included in all our activities and must thereby vow to be loyal, caring, respectful and honest to your fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

Silver Spoon smiled at this, however that smile dropped slightly as a question entered her mind.

“Honorary member?” she asked.

“Well since you only just broke off your friendship with Diamond Tiara, we will need to take some time to adjust, so we’re only letting you join as a trial basis,” Apple Bloom explained, causing Silver Spoon to hang her head a bit. “But don’t worry, as soon as we’re positive you’re ready, we’ll be sure to make you an official member.”

“Well I suppose I can’t ask for a better start,” Silver Spoon admitted. “Therefore I humbly accept.”

“GREAT!” every pony said in unison.

“And in addition,” Sweetie Belle continued. “I also hereby set the notion that Goggles the Gizmonk is hereby the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ official mascot. Because of him, not only would Silver Spoon be with us now, but we also got to see that great look of Diamond Tiara’s face. All those in favour?”

“Aye!” Apple Bloom said straight away.

“Aye!” Scootaloo added.

“Aye!” Silver Spoon said sheepishly, not really knowing if she had the right yet.

“Then the ayes have it,” Sweetie Belle said with a large grin. “Silver Spoon, Goggles, welcome to the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

As the other three cheered in response, the only thing Silver Spoon could do was blush, she finally had REAL friends. As For Goggles, the only thing he did was give Apple Bloom a knowing smile, this was definitely a moment he was proud of.