South Park; Trip to Equestria

by ThatCactusPony

Chapter 4

"I can't believe you agreed to play gay games with those dumb girls!" Cartman yelled from under a tree. They were outside FlutterShy's cottage in the front yard. Kenny was flying in circles. Butters was chasing a butterfly, and Kyle and Stan were sitting in the grass.
"I still don't get any of this...." Stan sighed.
"I'm sure we'll figure out what to do..." Kyle reassured. "Whatever is going on has to have a reason. We'll find away out of here. But until then, we shouldn't worry."
"It's almost noon!" FlutterShy announced. "I can take you to Sweet Apple Acres to play with the crusaders now if you'd like."
"Okay, thank you." Stan called over his shoulder. He stood up along with Kyle and Cartman. They all started on their way. The place known as, "Sweet Apple Acres" wasn't really far. In fact, it was just down the road. The place appeared to be a typical barn. How ironic that there was a farm in a world full of ponies. FlutterShy walked through the fence and to the door. She knocked on it. The door opened up, and the orange farm pony the boys met before greeted them.
"Well howdy! My sis AppleBloom was talkin' bout you colts all morning! She and her friends are in the tree house down the path. You can't miss it!" AppleJack smiled.
"Okay, thank you." Stan nodded in acknowledgement, before turning down the directed path. His friends followed behind.
"Be careful!" FlutterShy called out as the disappeared into the trees. As they walked down the curved, dirt path, Stan realized why it was "Sweet Apple Acres." There were apples further than the eye could see. No wonder those farm ponies were named APPLEjack and APPLEbloom.
Cartman suddenly started singing his, "In The Ghetto" song.
"Shut up Cartman! We're NOT in the ghetto!" Kyle yelled.
"In the ghettoooooo, on a cold and gray Chicago mornin'...."
Meanwhile, Kenny was flying above the group. He looked in the distance and saw a pink tree house, decorated with hearts and girly stuff. "Mmmph mmph mmrmm!" Kenny cried out.
"Oh no....." Cartman stopped singing. "It's pink..."
"Oh well, let's just get this over with." Stan sighed andwalked up the steps that led to the club house. He held out a hoof and knocked on the door, with a sign that read, "Cutiemark Crusaders Club House." On the insides, there were hoof steps running around frantically.
"One second!" The voice of AppleBloom could be heard.
"We're almost done!" Scootaloo called out. After a lot of loud noises, Sweetie Belle shouted,
"Come in!"
Stan opened the door. Inside, the room was kinda dark, since the windows were closed. There was a large table, like one seen in a court room. Sweetie Belle was sitting in the chair, with Scootaloo and AppleBloom on either sides. All three were wearing red and gold capes. Scootaloo was playing a large bass drum at a constant beat.
"This is SO creepy..." Kyle whispered.
Scootaloo kept playing, until she got carried away with the drum, and started hitting the top heavily. Sweetie Belle and AppleBloom covered their ears.
"Scootaloo! Would ya stop that?!" AppleBloom yelled over the deep rings of the drum.
Scootaloo hit the drum one last time, before stopping.
"Welcome to the CMC club house!" Sweetie Belle greeted. "We offer you a place in our crusade to seek our talents. Doing so, you shall become our friend, compadre, amigo, guy pals.... Oh forget it..." The young unicorn threw a scroll off to the side. "So, do you accept?"
"Yeah whatever..." Cartman grumbled.
"Then you're in!" Apple Bloom cheered. "We'd give you capes, but we don't have any spare ones..."
"Nonono, it's cool! We don't need it..." Kyle insisted.
"Okay, one less thing we have to worry about!" Scootaloo shrugged. She ran over to her friends. "So, how are we going to get our Cutie Marks today?"
"I thought we could be deep sea divers!" AppleBloom suggested.
"Good idea!" Sweetie Belle smiled.
"How about sleeping?" Cartman suggested sarcastically.
"Nah, already tried it... Well, let's go to the lake!" AppleBloom ran out the door.
As they CMC walked to the lake, the boys chatted quietly amongst themselves.
"What if we actually did get butt tattoos that tell us who we are?" Kyle wondered.
"Dunno, but yours would be Jew related..." Cartman snickered.
"Yours would be the talent of eating everything because you're a fatass..."
"SHUT UP YOU FU... Actually, that sounds kinda kewl... Thanks Kahl!" Kyle rolled his eyes.
"We're here!" Sweetie Belle announced. The fillies stood by the lake, waiting for their newest members to arrive. When all were present, AppleBloom asked,
"Did you bring the scuba gear, Scootaloo?"
"You know it!" The orange Pegasus dropped a bag of snorkels and such on the ground. She turned to the colts enthusiastically. "Are you ready?"
"Um..." Kyle kicked a pebble awkwardly. "No not really..."
"Oh come on! You took a vow, remember?" AppleBloom tilted her head.
"Ugh... Fine..." Stan growled.
"I ain't goin..." Cartman crossed his hooves.
"But why not?" Scootaloo asked.
"Because I don't want too..."
"Fine, your loss." Scootaloo snorted.
"Come on dude, just go scuba diving with us." Stan said, taking off his hat.
"We have to, so you do too." Kyle added.
"Mmmph mmph mm" Kenny said.
"Fine, we will." Stan said, walking into the water with his gear on. Kyle followed, then Kenny.
Butters glanced back for a second and said, "Sure you don't wanna go Eric?"
The red earth pony stuck out his tongue. Butters shrugged, and followed the others. Bubbles floated to the surface, and they were gone. All of them. Cartman was alone.
He laid on the sandy shore and sighed. He hummed to himself. After a minute, he started to sing, now that Kyle wasn't there to bitch at him for doing so. "In the ghettoooo... On a cold and grey Chicago mornin'...." He stopped for a minute. Then he started to sing the song again, but changing the lyrics.
"Being a horse suuuuuucks... Having to walk on all fours, no one to get you cheesy poofs, as a dumb horse..."
"Being a horse suuuuuucks.... Eating meat is cannibalism, all they eat are vegan meals, as a dumb horse...."
The birds flew over and started to sing too. He sat up. "OH FUCK OFF!!!" He shouted. Then he laid back down, closing his eyes. "I really want some Cheesy poofs..."
Cartman opened up his eyes. He must have fell asleep, since it was a lot later than before. He sat up and shook the sand off his body. Suddenly, he heard splashes coming from the water. Heads emerged from the surface. "Bout time..."
"Oh you missed a whole lot Eric!" Butters exclaimed. "There were fish, and corals, and more fish!"
"You know what'd be even cooler? If we got our Cutie Marks!" Sweetie Belle shared Butters enthusiasm. The fillies proceeded to check their flanks. They frowned.
"What about you guys?" Scootaloo asked.
Kyle and Stan glanced at each other, before looking at themselves too. "No."
"No." Kenny said.
"Nope..." Butters sighed.
"Yes!!!" Everyone turned in shock to see Cartman speaking. "OMG it's so kewl guys! It has fishes, and corals, and more fishes!" He posed, imitating Butters's voice.
"Well aren't you lucky..." Butters kicked a stone.
"Shut up Cartman!" Kyle yelled. He walked over to a rock and frowned. "I thought I put my hat here."
"Hey, me too!" Stan chimed in.
"Your hats are weird!" The boys turned to see the CMC putting on their hats.
"Hey look! I'm Kyle!" Scootaloo tried to imitate his voice.
"I'm Stan!" Sweetie Belle squeaked.
"I'm Kenny!" AppleBloom said and pulled on his parka.
"Oh nonononono! I wouldn't put that on if I were you!" Kenny warned through his snorkel. When she put it on, there was a loud, thundering, crack. A tree fell, only inches away from AppleBloom.
"Woah, that was close!" AppleBloom giggled.
"Might wanna put that back on..." Kenny mumbled and ripped the orange hoodie from AppleBloom. He put it on, zipped it up, and took of his goggles. "Mmmrmph mmmrm mmnmph!"
"Okay, sheesh, I won't put it back on."
Kyle and Stan angrily took back their hats and put them on. The fillies and colts started to return to the farm.
"So, what should we do tomorrow?" Scootaloo asked.
"Wait, tomorrow?!" Kyle gasped.
"Yeah! The CMC never rest!" Sweetie Belle cheered.
"Maybe we could bake cakes?" AppleBloom suggested.
"Or be weather ponies?" Scootaloo said.
"Ooh ooh ooh!" Sweetie Belle jumped up and down. "I know! Let's go ziplining!"
"NO!" The boys screeched. The filly trio jumped in surprise.
"Okay... We'll decide later." Scootaloo announced.
"Sounds good." Butters smiled.
"Well, we gotta go" Sweetie Belle said. Her and Scootaloo turned to leave.
"This was fun!" Scootaloo reported.
"See ya guys soon!" AppleBloom nudged Stan as she left. The boys all stood staring at each other.
"So, what now?" Stan asked.
"Do we wait for the yellow one?" Cartman suggested.
"Sorry! I forgot my book!" Sweetie Belle ran back through. She picked it up and put it on her back. "It's one of Twilight's. It's about magic spells and unworldly phenomenons."
The boys stiffened and Sweetie Belle started to leave. "WAITWAITWAIT!" They shouted."Woah! Wh-what?!" Sweetie Belle jumped.
"Did you say 'unworldly?'" Kyle demanded.
"Yeah, why?" Sweetie Belle's horn started glowing as she surrounded the book with a mint green aura, and levitated the book. The boys all shrieked. "WHAT?!?!" Sweetie squealed in fear.
"How the hell are you doing that!?!?" Stan gasped.
"All unicorns can do it with practice!"
Everyone looked at Kyle. "Everyone but Jewnicorn" Cartman snickered.
"Yeah, I can't do it!" Kyle argued.
"I couldn't either, but Twilight taught me. You see, she's super great at magic. It's her talent. I'm sure she can teach you too. She knows all about stars, science, heck she's been to another planet!"
The boys all gasped and ran off away from the farm.
"Um.. I'll see you I guess?" Sweetie Belle blinked.
As the boys ran up the path, Kyle implored, "We HAVE to see this Twilight pony!"
"Just so you can learn magic tricks?!" Cartman rasped.
"No! Because if what Sweetie Belle said was true, we may have a way out of here!"
"I agree!" Stan said. "When we get to town, we split up and search! I can't remember which one was Twilight, so go crazy!" They were desperate to get answers, and they were going to get them.