//------------------------------// // The north // Story: The Dead Kingdom // by Red and Black Alicorn OC //------------------------------// Hua woke up from her slumber. When she opened her eyes she saw Tulip stood in front of her. "Hua, wake up! Kuati and the others are back!" Hua was still in a sleepy mood but after another ear bursting "Wake up!" she obeyed her. Hua stood up and wiped the sleep out of her eyes. "What is it Tulip?" "The others are back! Let's say hello!" Tulip hopped out of the room excitedly. Hua stiffened herself out and yawned. She had only slept for six hours. The Yearchai gently surfaced onto the ground gently. Since the ship was immune to the wind this was a easy task to complete. Once they landed the whole crew met up on the surface. Timber walked up to a plank of wood that was leaning against the railing and placed it on the edge of the Yearchai. He pushed it forward so that it could be used as a bridge to get to the surface. "What be the plan sir?" Mreco was silent for a second, carefully thinking out a plan. "Well, we can't be too unaware about any unknown threats, so it would be best for all of us to stay in a group." Everyone nodded apart from Saeret. "How about the Yearchai? We can't leave it here." Tulip nodded in agreement. "How about me, Hua, Timber and Saeret stay here and watch the boat with the majority of the soldiers while the rest of you and a dozen of soldiers take a wonder?" Hua nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good plan, what does everyone else say?" Everyone agreed including Mreco. "Okay, that sounds like a plan. All of you coming with me take a saddle filled with a few items of food, a flask and a roll of bandages. Oh, and Commander-" Mreco looked towards a velvet coloured pony with the classic Deachrai leather armor. "Collect ten of your best men and tell them to meet me here!" The Commander nodded. "Yes sir, do they require any items of equipment sir." Mreco paused for a second then looked back. "A flask of water, food, their sword or pike, bandages and if they're unicorn then a musket as well." The commander memorised everything the captain said turned to walk to the barracks. Mreco turned to Saeret and spoke. "I'm leaving you in charge while I'm away, any problems going on your end then contact Kuati or me, you're telepathic, right?" Saeret nodded and let Mreco continue. "Also, keep an eye on Timber, he might be with us on this journey but he isn't Deachrai, so he could betray us." "I don't think so, his daughter is Deachrai." "Aye, but these days you can't trust anyone, not even someone who you've been with your entire childhood." He looked over at Hua. "Well, I better start packing." He walked off towards the lower deck. Saeret watched Mreco walk off, his eyes never losing focus untilhe walked through the double doors. Mreco, obviously, still had a grudge with Rhidana. Not a personal one. But it doesn't make it any less then a normal grudge. Hua was starting to suspect that there was something going on between Kuati and Tulip. For the past few days they've seemed to be together a lot and Hua even saw Kuati walk out of Tulip's cabin once with a bit of a spring in his step. Hua giggled silently to herself at the thought. She pushed open the door and stepped onto the creaking floorboard. She yawned, not noticing the distant scream that came from outside. She was still very sleepy, so she didn't notice the guard running somewhere in front of her. She stepped on his hoof. "Oh my! Oh, I'm sorry..." The soldier didn't listen to her and just ran off to wherever he was going. Hua was starting to notice that things weren't right. She could hear hooves running across the deck above her. She briskly walked towards the steps leading up to the top deck. She pushed the door open and walked through. When she turned to her right to where she expected to see the group, she stood there paralysed. One soldier was on the floor twenty metres away, cuts all across his torso and face. Two other soldiers had injuries, one with a light cut on his face and the other had a large gash on his hind leg. Kuati, Mreco and the other ponies that went off to look around were on the ground floor, looking terrified. Saeret and Tulip were staring at Hua and a large timber wolf stood six feet away from her. Oh yeah, I forgot to say, it was looking at Hua.