Sweetie Belle's Spell

by StormLuna

Winona shocks Applejack

After Opal finished eating her fish the girls headed over to the farm because Apple Bloom knew that Applejack and Winona were going to be herding the sheep that day. Apple Bloom desperately wanted to make sure that Winona did not speak to Applejack. When they arrived Winona was sitting outside of the barn. Apple Bloom walked up to her and said, "Winona, please don't talk to Applejack. You know she would be so mad."

Winona replied, "Look Apple Bloom, you had Sweetie Belle cast that spell on me and I'm using my new abilities."

Apple Bloom sighed, "Oh alright." She headed back over to her friends and said, "Oh no, she's not going to be quiet. Applejack is going to be so mad."

Sweetie Belle suggested, "Well maybe we should go hide out in the clubhouse for a bit."

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo thought that would be a good idea so they headed to the clubhouse. Ten minutes later Applejack came to the barn and said, "Come on Winona, we have to get the sheep moved to the other side of the farm."

Winona started barking happily but secretly she was wondering why they needed to move the sheep. She was thinking to herself, "What the hay is wrong with keeping them where they are?"

Applejack opened the gate and they started herding the sheep to the other side of the farm. At first the sheep were moving around slowly. Applejack growled, "Come on sheep, we don't have all day."

Winona started barking loudly with a bit of a growl and yelled, "Move, move, move! Get going sheep, like Applejack said, we don't have all day."

This not only shocked Applejack but it shocked the sheep as well. The sheep started racing towards their pen as Winona continued chasing after them yelling for them to move. Applejack rushed after them and finally caught up with them when Winona had them all bunched up in their new pen. She closed the gate and looked at Winona in shock. She said, "Ah don't know if Ah'm imagining things but did y'all talk Winona?"

Winona replied, "Well we had to get the sheep moving one way or another and yelling was the only way to get them moving."

Applejack asked, "How? How in the hay did you learn to talk?"

Winona replied, "I can't tell you that. I don't want anypony getting in trouble."

When she said that she knew that something strange was up. She slammed her hat on the ground and shouted, "Who could have done this?" She realized that the only way that Winona could talk was if she had a spell cast on her. She sighed "Twilight! Ah bet Twilight cast a spell on you Winona!"

Applejack angrily stormed over to the library. She had never been this angry in her entire life. Once she got there she was pounding on the door shouting, "Twilight, get out here! We need to talk."

Twilight opened the door and asked, "Oh hi Applejack, what's wrong?"

Applejack got in her face and yelled, "Who the hay do you think you are casting spells on Winona?"

Twilight replied, "Calm down Applejack. Look, I don't know what you're talking about but I never cast any spells on Winona."

Applejack yelled, "Then explain to me why she's talking."

Twilight couldn't help but laugh a bit. She replied, "Come on now Applejack! You know animals can't talk! Are you sure you weren't just imaging things?"

Applejack yelled, "No! Ah know Ah wasn't imagining anything. Y'all come over here and see it for yourself!"

Twilight sighed, "Oh alright. I'm sure you're just imagining things."

The two headed over to the farm and found Winona resting on a pile of hay in the barn. Applejack said, "Winona, we have company. Come tell Twilight hi."

Winona raced over to Twilight barking happily, jumping on her and licking on her face. Twilight began to laugh, "Stop Winona, that tickles!"

Winona sat down in front of the two happily. Applejack said, "Winona, show Twilight that Ah wasn't imagining things."

Winona started barking again causing Twilight to think that Applejack was just kidding. She asked, "Are you sure she was talking? She seems to be behaving normally to me."

Applejack replied, "Well Ah know she was talking. Ah wouldn't make something like this up." She looked off towards the far end of the farm and continued, "Maybe the girls know something about this. Maybe Sweetie Belle cast a spell on her."

This also caused Twilight to laugh. She laughed, "Come on now Applejack. Sweetie Belle has just now learned how to levitate a broom. I don't think she will be able to cast anything like that for several more years."

Applejack yelled, "Well Ah still want to go talk to them. Come on Twilight, Ah want answers."

Twilight rolled her eyes and replied, "Well alright, but I'm sure they'll tell you the same thing that I did."

After the long walk to the far corner of the farm Applejack and Twilight could hear the girls talking in the clubhouse. They could sense a bit of uneasiness in their voices. Applejack headed up there first and asked, "Girls, come down. Twilight and Ah have an important question to ask you."

The three fillies could sense the displeasure in Applejack's voice so they nervously followed her down to the ground. Twilight asked them, "Girls, Applejack is claiming that Winona was speaking earlier today. Is that true?"

Unlike Applejack who is the world's worst liar, Apple Bloom was a lot better at it. She replied, "I don't know what y'all are talking about. You know Winona can't talk!"

Applejack asked, "Sweetie Belle, did you learn some sort of spell and cast it on Winona?" She raised her voice and continued, "Because Ah know if anypony had anything to do with it, it was YOU!"

Sweetie Belle shied back and nervously replied, "Applejack, you know I don't know that kind of magic!"

Twilight added, "Applejack, she is just now learning to levitate things. There is no way she could know magic that advanced."

Applejack realized that Twilight was right. She replied, "Alright. Maybe Ah was imagining things after all."

As they headed back towards the house Twilight commented, "You see Applejack, I knew that they wouldn't know anything about this."

Applejack replied, "Ah'm sorry I yelled at y'all Twilight. Ah hope you can forgive me."

Twilight said that she forgave her but while she was over at the farm with Applejack, something strange was going on over at the library. Very soon Spike would learn that communicating with Owlowicious is going to be much easier than it has been.