//------------------------------// // An Interesting Conversation // Story: Sweetie Belle's Spell // by StormLuna //------------------------------// While Applejack was yelling at Twilight, Spike was upstairs in a deep sleep so he didn't hear a word of their argument. After they left and the library had been quiet for around thirty minutes Spike finally woke up. It seemed almost too quiet to him as usually he would hear Twilight studying and talking to Owlowicious that time of day. He headed down to the library to see Owlowicious sitting on his perch. Spike asked, "Oh hi Owlowicious. Do you know where Twilight is?" "Who?" asked Owlowicious Spike had an odd look on his face because it sounded like Owlowicious had said "who" instead of hoot. He smiled and asked, "Dang Owlowicious, it sounded like you said 'who.' Are you learning to talk or something?" Spike put his claw up to his face and continued, "Come on Spike, you know animals can't talk!" Owlowicious interrupted, "Wanna bet?" Spike gasped, "Y-Y-You can talk? H-How can you talk?" Owlowicious replied, "Do you promise not to say a word to Twilight, or anypony else for that matter?" Spike answered, "My lips are sealed." Owlowicious began, "Ok, during the last Twilight Time Twilight had with the girls, her last quill broke so she headed out to buy some more. I don't know why but Sweetie Belle had this desire to know what Opal was really thinking." Spike interrupted, "Let me guess, she somehow got up to the shelf where the books regarding spells for animals are without knocking any books off?" Owlowicious replied, "No, she LEVITATED it down to herself. Don't tell Twilight but Sweetie Belle's magic is far better than she thinks." Spike asked, "Did she learn a spell to make animals speak and she used you as the test subject?" Owlowicious replied, "Yes, she did. I was unsure about this but I will admit, I am happy to see how well she has progressed with her magic. Maybe she will discover her special talent." Spike decided to change the subject when a thought came to his mind. His eyes got wide as he realized something. He said, "You know what this means? With you being able to talk now, it will be a lot easier for us to communicate when Twilight isn't around and it will make us working together a lot easier." Owlowicious replied, "Yes it will but we really don't do that much work unless Twilight is around but at least we can speak now." Owlowicious put his wings on his hips and continued, "I do want to know though, why did you try to set me up with that toy mouse and that ketchup so long ago?" Spike nervously replied, "I'm sorry Owlowicious. I was so worried that you were going to replace me and I saw how much attention Twilight was giving you and I got jealous." Owlowicious asked, "Do you know how worried Twilight was about you and even though you tried to set me up, how worried I was about you?" Spike replied, "I didn't until after you and Twilight came after me. I want to thank you for putting your life on the line to rescue me and I want to apologize again, since you can reply to me." Owlowicious said, "I forgive you, don't worry about it." Owlowicious heard hoofsteps and he continued, "Spike, I have to be quiet, Twilight is coming!" Spike nodded and they went silent as Twilight entered the library. She said, "Oh Spike, you're awake. You're not going to believe what happened." Spike asked, "What happened?" Twilight replied, "Well Applejack comes over yelling at me claiming that I cast a spell on Winona that made her talk." Spike asked, "Why would she accuse you of something like that?" Twilight replied, "Oh she thought she heard Winona talking so she made me go over to the farm with her so I could hear it. Well when we got there Winona didn't say a word, she just barked, jumped on me and licked me like she always does. She then accused Sweetie Belle of casting a spell on her. Well her and I went over to her clubhouse to talk to her. I asked her about it and she had no clue what we were talking about. Eventually her and I were able to make Applejack realize that she doesn't know that kind of magic. Luckily she finally realized that she was just hearing things." Spike laughed a bit, "Yeah, that would be kind of strange if she did talk." The animals remained quiet for the next few days leaving their owners to think that they were just imagining things. But when their weekly pony/pet play date came up, things would happen that would cause the animals to slip up and speak. This would cause some ponies to be angry, some startled and one to be giddy, wishing that her pet could talk too.