//------------------------------// // Let's Try This Again // Story: The Sunshine Chronicles // by TwilightUCrazy //------------------------------// According to the clock, not an hour had passed since Applejack's "back therapy" before the sound of a tractor starting up six inches away set Rainbow Dash's ears a-twitchin'. It was the sound of a tree being torn into by the loudest saw in the world. It was a snore that could wake the dead. It wasn't enough to wake Rainbow Dash. The sun took care of that well enough. The way it peeked in through the curtains allowed just the right angle to strike the edge of her eye and spare her wife's dozing form completely. We should really switch sides of the bed... she thought, groaning and covering her head with her pillow. Incessant minutes ticked by, and between the clock and the building heat beneath the comforters, Rainbow growled, thrashing back up to the surface. She turned to her wife, agitated by the ease of her sleep. Normally, Rainbow found no issues with snoozing the night away. The lingering memories of the day before, however, combined with Applejack's heavy snoring -- something that had never used to bother her before -- combined into a cinderblock wall of hell-no. Eyes adjusting to the low light, she stared at the blonde laying on her side in a puddle of her own drool, and realized just how rarely she had ever seen Applejack truly, contentedly asleep. Normally, Rainbow was gone to dreamland long before the earth pony, and up long after. There was nothing graceful about the sight, but it brought her a happy smile regardless. She wasn't sure if it was the humorous nature of the way her mate lay tied up in the sheets, the way she snorted through her muzzle like a dragon with a cold, or simply the happy realization that she somehow woke up every morning with the most wonderful mare in the world. "ZZZZZ!" A sudden, loud snore almost brought the pegasus to tears. She bit back her laughter and rested her chin against her hoof, simply watching the other mare sleep. She couldn't remember the last time she'd thought about how much she loved Applejack, but something about such a funny, and at the same time endearing sight made her realize just how lonely life would have been without the farmgirl to keep her in line. Not that she could ever say such horseapples out-loud... she had a reputation to keep, after all. Rainbow Dash had never considered herself a sentimental pony -- she barely knew what the word meant. She did, however, occasionally wish she had a way to capture such moments and preserve them forever. Then, in that moment, it came to her. Sitting up as quietly as she could, Rainbow edged towards the bed's edge and quietly tip-hoofed down to the floor. No flying or hovering. Applejack was easy to break out of her sleep with sudden noises -- probably an earth pony thing -- and even the breeze or the brush of her wings could cause her partner to stir. Sneaking out of the dark room and up the hall, Rainbow peered into Big Mac's room. Not finding him there, she snuck down the stairs and peered into the kitchen. Every step she took caused the house to creak deafeningly. "Hey, Big Mac..." she whispered. Even at her lowest register, her voice hit her own ears like a crashing freight train, and she winced with every word. "Big Mac!" she rasped slightly louder. She hoped he hadn't gone out and started farmwork already. "BIG MAC!" "Eeyup?" came a soft voice behind her. Rainbow jumped and nearly hit her head on the ceiling. Big Mac's giant hoof was quick to ground her and his shush quick enough to drown out her squeak of surprise, keeping her from waking the entire household. He held one hoof to his lips before taking a bite out of an oat bar. Rainbow's heart finally stopped beating at a million miles an hour and she collapsed to her rump with a slight scowl. "How the hay are you so big and quiet at the same time?!" she huffed with a blush. He simply smirked and sipped a mug of milk. "Listen, big guy, you gotta help me out." Never one to turn down a request for assistance, especially from family, Big Mac looked at her quizzically and set his breakfast aside. "Eeyup." Rainbow's eyes sparkled. "Awesome!" She caught herself and covered her muzzle. Clearing her throat, she lowered her voice and leaned in. "Please tell me you guys have a video camera stashed around here somewhere." Big Mac blinked. Rainbow Dash grinned.