The Brony and the Baddy?

by Blazidude30

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Brad stood in the bathroom, water splashed across his face as the most recent events were being played back in his mind.

'That was...unexpected,' he thought, 'I...wish I didn't have to let it all out like that. But I suppose she would've found out eventually anyway. At least I'm not the only one stressed here. But where on earth did she get that analogy?'

He looked at his face; looking less red due to the cold splashes of water on his face.

'I feel so bad,' Brad thought, 'I want to be the best I can, but I just can't. I'm not even going to get her nice clothes; just tatty cheap ones. But it's all I can afford. Plus I don't even know what to do in a situation like this. There's no 'Guide to help and inter-dimensional girls that drop out of your mirror'. School certainly didn't teach me all this, and neither did my parents.'

He gave one final look at himself.

'Maybe I'm not cut out for this,' he began to wrap up his thoughts, 'or maybe I am. I need to stop being so negative; but it's how I've always been, I suppose. I...need to show Sonata I can help her; not plead her to stay because she makes me happy. Wait. I said that to her face didn't I? God, I'm an idiot. What's she supposed to think now?'

'What did all that mean?' Sonata thought.

She stood at the kitchen sink washing her own face, and was recalling the events that just occurred.

'He said so much,' she thought, 'He wants me to stay? But why? No-one has every wanted me around, why would people be different here?'

"And you've made me so happy being here. I'll admit now, it won't be easy. But it's something worth fighting for."

'Did he mean all that?' Sonata thought, 'And he even said it won't be easy. He must have meant taking care of me. Does that mean that he doesn't have enough money to take care of me as well? I guess not. But then why would he try? And why am I being so clingy?'

She looked back up into the mirror.

'It's true, I guess,' Sonata continued to think, 'He's been nice, but I don't get why we're in each others' arms so much. I guess I'm his friend; is this what friends do? Hug and be close like that? I guess the Rainbooms kinda did when I saw them. They seemed happy.'

Sonata made a stern face into the mirror; trying to look serious.

'Maybe it's about time I started as well,' she thought, 'If me and Brad are now friends, I can be his friend. It would be nice to be happy. To have someone who properly takes care of me; and not because of my powers. If this is what friends do, then I'm happy to finally have one.'

Brad sat on the sofa, waiting for Sonata to appear.

'OK,' Brad began his thoughts, 'Please go better than it did last time. You know, no tears, no red face, no embarrassing statements. God, I feel a moron. Welp, if she asks, then...God knows.'

Sonata emerged from the doorway; Brad noticing the lack of tears.

"Hi," Sonata greeted happily.

"Hey," Brad responded, "You sound better."

"Thanks," Sonata said, "You seem it as well."

"Yeah," Brad lied. 'Seems not to care about what was said...'

"Brad, there was something you said that I thought about upstairs," Sonata told Brad.

'Oh crap.'

"It was when you said I'd made you so happy being here," Sonata continued.

'Oh crapity crap.'

"Does that mean we're friends?" Sonata asked.

"Huh?" Brad asked shocked, "Friends?"

"Oh, sorry," Sonata apologized, "I didn't...I mean I thought we were and-"

"Sonata," Brad interrupted, "Of course we're friends."

"Really?" Sonata asked with hopefully, "For realzies?"

"For realzies," Brad told her, "Why wouldn't we be?"

"Well...I just didn't know," Sonata said, "I've never really had any friends outside of Adagio and Aria, and they didn't even like me."

"Wow," Brad responded. 'I remember when I didn't really have friends. In fact, my friends were like that. I'm glad I met the right ones, even if they aren't a lot.'

"I never really knew what it was like to have a friend," Sonata explained sadly, "Living a life of making people and ponies miserable didn't really let me see friends together being happy. The first time I saw it was the Rainbooms."

"Really?" Brad asked.

"Well, as far as I can remember," Sonata answered, chuckling slightly, "I've kinda been alive for a while. Being a sire- I mean, being like my sisters, I've been around for a long time."

"I guess," Brad said; head down in thought.

"I don't even know when I'm supposed to die, or if I can," Sonata realized, "Do you think I'm, er, what's that word again when you can't die? Something like imitate?"

"Immortal," Brad answered dully.

"Hey, are you OK?" Sonata asked, "You don't look as happy now. Is it something I said?"

"Sorry," Brad apologized, "I tend not to really like when people talk seriously about...death."

"Oh, sorry," Sonata responded quickly, "I didn't know. I guess I've kinda not had anyone close to me, um, pass on, so I don't know what it's like."

"Neither do I," Brad told her, "And I'd like to keep it that way."

Silence ensued for a moment, as Sonata took in what Brad had to say.

'He looks really depressed,' she thought, 'I guess people really don't like talking about others dying.' "Hey Brad."

"Huh?" he responded.

"Shall we go shopping then?" Sonata asked, "You know, that thing we've been trying to do all morning?"

"Oh ,yeah, right," Brad said, "Yeah, let's head out."

The duo stood up; Brad taking the lead as they walked through the doorway. Brad stopped at the door, and looked back at Sonata.

"You might wanna put your hood up," Brad suggested, "You know, reasons and such."

"Oh, yeah," Sonata realized. She pulled up the black hood from behind her and managed to fit all her hair in the back of the hood. Brad stood their with his mouth agape.

"Huh?" Sonata looked at him confused, "What's up?"

"How," Brad began, "Do you even...what, I just, what?"

"Are you OK?" Sonata asked, "You sound a bit broken."

"How on Earth do you manage to fit that much hair in a hood?!" Brad exclaimed.

"I dunno," Sonata said, "It just does."

Brad facepalmed.

"Anyway, can we get going now?" Sonata asked.

"Sure," Brad replied.

Brad opened the door, wind hitting his face as he did so.

"Huh, windy," Brad said to no-one in particular.

The pair of them stepped outside; Sonata feeling the wind against her skin. She pulled on her hood to make sure it was up. After doing so, she managed to take in the surroundings for the first time. Many other houses surrounded, some separated by a road. Next to some of the houses were trees with few leaves; most being found on the orange and red coated floor of leaves. No-one appeared in sight of Sonata; she breathed a sigh of relief.

"You OK?" Brad asked.

"Yeah," Sonata answered softly, "It feels nice being outside for some reason."

"Different air?" Brad questioned, "I've not a clue. Though I do like it when it's windy."

"Really?" Sonata responded, "Why? All of my hair gets messy and it's chilly."

"I know," Brad agreed, "But there's something about it. I think I just like the rush of the wind."

"I don't get it," Sonata said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't really, but it does feel refreshing," Brad explained, "I don't go outside a lot, but when I do, I love to go out when the wind blows strong."

"OK," Sonata said slowly.

Brad began walking; Sonata following after. She looked around, seeing what else there was around her. More houses kept appearing until the end of the road.

"Hey Brad," Sonata began, "Why are there so many houses?"

"There's a lot of people that need to live in them," Brad explained, "We're close to a town center, so many people choose to live around it."

"Oh, right," Sonata said, "Is that where we're going?"

"Yeah," Brad answered, "It's about a fifteen minute walk. We've got plenty of time."

"OK," Sonata said.

Conversation was silenced for some time; giving chance for thoughts.

'Ugh, why can't I converse with people?' Brad thought, 'Seriously, Sonata wants to talk. But what do I talk about?' He sighed.

"You OK?" Sonata asked.

"Yeah," Brad replied softly, slowing down for Sonata, "Sorry."

"Huh?" Sonata questioned.

"I just don't know what to talk about," Brad explained, "I want to talk, but..."

"It's OK," Sonata reassured, "We don't need to talk if you don't want. I...don't really have much to talk about either."

"Hmm," Brad thought, "Wait, there is one thing."

"Huh?" Sonata perked up.

"Where do you want to sleep from now on?" Brad asked, "I mean, I don't mind if you want to, you know..."

"Uh...if you don't mind, I guess," Sonata replied, "It was quite comfy."

"Sure, I don't mind," Brad reassured. 'But I'm sure those two would have something to say about it.'

The pair continued to walk in silence, walking towards the town center. Sonata looked on awe when the two reached the park. Squirrels were scuttering about, small birds chirped, and she even swore she saw a couple of badgers as well. Trees surrounded them; all coated in a variety of reds and oranges.

'This place is beautiful,' Sonata thought.

Brad turned to look at Sonata as she looked around in awe. "You like?" he asked.

"Mmmhmm," Sonata answered happily, "It's amazing."

"Glad you like it," Brad said, "It's the only place around here like it."

"Really?" Sonata asked.

"Yeah, I rarely see wild animals around," Brad told her, "Especially so close to town."

"I guess," Sonata agreed.

"Not much longer now anyway 'til we get to town," Brad told her.

"OK," Sonata said happily.

They kept walking until they were met with a bridge. The two began to walk up the bridge; Sonata looking around. Families played happily in the park now behind them, and couples were taking strolls on the path below. At the end of the bridge, Sonata saw a set of office blocks. She began to hear chimes.

"Huh?" Sonata perked, "What's that?"

"That's the town's bell tower," Brad explained, "It's called the Crooked Spire."

"The Crooked Spire?" Sonata asked.

"Yeah," Brad answered, "It's called that because, well, it's crooked. No-one really knows why. People try to say they know why, but no-one has any solid evidence of why it's crooked."

"Huh," Sonata acknowledged, "What do you think happened to it?"

"I don't know really," Brad admitted, "It could be a number of things, but really there's no way to tell."

"Oh," Sonata said.

Walking underneath the office blocks, Sonata finally got a view of the town. Market stalls appeared to be everywhere, selling fruit to clothes to books. People rushed from one stall to another, ranging from any age she could think of.

"Wow," Sonata whispered.

"Welcome to Chesterfield," Brad said, "And up there," he pointed at a bell tower, "is the Crooked Spire."

Sonata looked up at the spire in question. Sure enough, it was crooked and appeared quite old.

"Anyway, let's get going," Brad suggested.

"Right," Sonata agreed.

As the pair walked through town, Sonata looked at all the other shops around the stalls. There appeared to be so much, from supermarkets to butchers and even a tailor. In fact, Sonata saw plenty of clothes shops, raising a question.

"Um...why don't we go in one of those clothes shops?" Sonata asked.

Brad sighed. "I'm sorry, Sonata," Brad told her, "but it's just too expensive. I wish I could, but..."

"No, it's no problem," Sonata tried to explain, "I was just wondering." 'It really is bad, then.'

"It is though," Brad argued, "You deserve better than what I can give. I just don't know how I can give it."

"Well don't try to then, silly," Sonata said cheekily.

Brad turned inquisitively at Sonata at this sudden change of attitude.

"You don't have to try to do something you can't," Sonata said, "Otherwise it's not gonna do you any good."

"You know what?" Brad declared, "You're right. Thanks, Sonata. I needed that."

"No problem," Sonata smiled.

The two continued walking until they ended up in front of another clothes shop. The building was white, and many clothes were on display in the shop windows.

"Welcome to Primark," Brad said, "Home of where I do my clothes shopping."

"Huh," Sonata began, "It...really doesn't seem that bad. Actually, the clothes look quite nice."

The pair began walking into the shop as Brad continued to talk. "Yeah, a lot are nice. It's just there all these designer labels and stuff that are so expensive and..."

"Brad," Sonata interrupted, "We talked about this."

"I know, I know," Brad agreed.

Sonata looked all around. T-shirts to dresses to scarfs and hats in all different colors hung up as far as she could see. There seemed little people inside the shop itself; only the occasional teen girls could be seen from afar.

Brad went to grab a basket. 'Well, I guess it's time to find out what it's like to clothes shopping with a girl.' "You wanna get started?"

"Yup," Sonata agreed.

"All right, then," Brad pulled out a list, "Now you'll need..."

"Hang on," Sonata said confused, "Where did you get that?"

"Oh," Brad forced a laugh, "I tend to write list just to know what to get."

"You wrote that this morning?" Sonata asked.

"Yeah," Brad admitted, head hung low, "I just wanted to make sure we had everything."

"It doesn't matter to me," Sonata told him, "I was just curious."

"You do seem curious about a lot of things," Brad said as they began walking through the shop.

"Well, Adagio never really told me much and Aria just brushed me off when I asked something," Sonata explained, "Oh, this shirt looks nice," as she placed in the basket.

'I guess,' Brad thought, 'Now that I think about it, she never got much off her questions answered in the movie. I couldn't imagine it otherwise.' Brad looked at Sonata, who herself was looking at some yellow dresses of to the side. 'Maybe that's not a bad thing, I guess. After all, I used to like knowing what's happening. Heck, I still do.' His thoughts were interrupted by Sonata.

"Which dress suits me better?" Sonata asked, holding a dress in each hand, "This yellow one, or this purple one?"

"Eh," Brad began, "Er...maybe, the purple one?"

"OK," Sonata agreed as she took the yellow one back.

"Let's see," Brad looked in the basket. She had already got 3 shirts, a pair of jeans and the purple dress. "Hmm, maybe another pair of jeans and 2 t-shirts and then we can go onto," he looked up to set of stairs going up, "that section."

"Huh?" Sonata turned around, "What section?"

"Er, we'll get to it," Brad answered.

"Brad," Sonata stared at him, "What. Is it?"

"It'," Brad stumbled, blushing, "You know. The, er, thingy section."

"Thingy section?" Sonata asked, "Brad, what are you talking about?"

'Oh god, it's even worse,' Brad thought, 'I don't think she even knows about it. "Um, well, your...undergarments."

"Under-gourmets?" Sonata asked, "What are they?"

"Undergarments," Brad began, "Basically your...bra and underwear.

"What?" Sonata questioned, "What are they?"

"The things that I said I didn't have," Brad tried to explain, "You know, when you went for a shower?"

"Ooooooh," Sonata realized, "You mean this?"

Sonata pulled up her jumper to reveal her pale blue skin and white bra above it.

"Sonata!" Brad said quickly, blushing heavily, "Pull it down, quick!"

She did as told immediately. "Oops," Sonata apologized, "Aren't you supposed to do that?"

'You come out with the most amazing things sometimes,' Brad thought. "Not really. That part...well, those, are private. People aren't really supposed to see them."

"Why not?" Sonata asked, "Is it wrong?"

"Basically," Brad answered, "It's...complicated. I'll explain it later."

"Oh, okay," Sonata accepted, "This'll be fun!"

"Um...why?" Brad asked worryingly.

"I've never had a new pair of those before," Sonata told him, "Or those things around my..."

"That's enough," Brad cut her off, "Also, a place off limits. Even more so that area."

"Oh, really?" Sonata questioned, "Why those areas?"

"I'll...explain later," Brad said.

"You're starting sound like Adagio more and more," Sonata pointed out, "Except when she said she'd tell me later she never did."

"I'll...promise to tell you," Brad compromised, "But not here. When we get back home. It's...something that's, well, you know..."

"Okay, I get it," Sonata interrupted, "Something you don't talk about. It's like you're talking about mating."

Brad blushed further. 'Oh dear lord help me.'

Sonata proceeded to pick a couple of t-shirts up here and there, a light blue one and a red one. She then began to head towards the stairs.

"I don't see what you're so worried about," Sonata began saying, "I mean, why is it such a big deal that I've never had any bras before?"

"Well, it's that," Brad started, "You don't know your, er, size."

"Well why just try some on?" Sonata asked.

"Huh?" Brad perked up.

"If I don't know my size, why not just try some on?" Sonata repeated, "I mean, can't I just say I've never been for a bra before and the one I'm wearing was a present?"

"You know, that's not a bad idea," Brad admitted, "Yeah, we can do that." 'Seriously, she didn't know what a bra was called, but comes up with an idea like that? I really cannot fathom her out.'

"Oh wow, look at them all!" Sonata exclaimed.

Brad looked up and sure enough we bras everywhere. Different shapes and sizes scattered across the walls, along with many multicoloured pairs of underwear. He blushed at the sight of them all, while Sonata skipped over to the wall displaying the mass amounts of what the pair were after.

"Come on over," Sonata beckoned.

Brad shuffled forwards slowly until he stood beside Sonata; looking away from the display.

"So, what size do you think I should try first?" Sonata asked.

"Um..." Brad said quietly, "I don't know."

"Hmm...let's start off big, shall we then?" Sonata decided, grabbing a padded grey 32 C cup bra and walking off. Brad stood motionless, looking away constantly.

'Why?' he thought, 'Why do I have to go through this?'

Sonata returned shortly; bra in hand.

"Waaaaay too big," Sonata declared, "Maybe something smaller, aha!"

She picked up a white 28 A cup and walked off; Brad continued to stand there without sound or movement. It didn't take long for Sonata to arrive back while rubbing her back.

"Yep," Sonata said, slightly in pain, "Bit too small. Bras really hurt when they're tight."

Brad just stared at the ground, looking away.

"Brad?" Sonata asked. 'Jeez, I didn't think it was this serious. I know he said he didn't want to talk about it, but is it this bad for people? He looks, er, what's the word? He looks unhappy, like he's seen something he didn't want to see.' "Are, are you okay?"

Sonata heard no response. She put her hand on his shoulder and gave a small shake.

"Braaad?" Sonata called out, "Anyone in there?"

"Huh?" Brad looked up to Sonata.

"What's up with you?" Sonata asked interrogatively, "Is this really getting to you that much?"

"Sorry," Brad began, "It's just not something I've been comfortable with. The whole, you know, private area thing. I just don't want to stare, and seem like some sort of pervert."

"A pervert?" Sonata repeated, "That's... one of those guys who, wait no you're not! Why would you think that?!"

"I don't know!" Brad retaliated, "Sorry. I just... I don't know."

"Let's just hurry up then," Sonata concluded, "If you don't want to be here, just wait downstairs for me if you want."

"No," Brad responded, "I-I don't to leave you, but...gah."

'He doesn't want to leave but he does?' Sonata thought to herself, 'I really can't figure him out sometimes.'

"I'll stay."

"Huh?" Sonata perked up.

"I'll stay with you," Brad repeated, "Seriously, I'm an 18 year old who can't look at a pair of bras. You're right, I've got to man up at some point in my life."

"That's the Brad I know, I think," Sonata said, "I don't know, we haven't really know each other that long have we?"

"Not really, only a day," Brad answered, "But it seems so much more..."

"Anyway, how about you choose?" Sonata raised.

"Huh?" Brad asked confused.

"Why don't you pick a bra size for me?" Sonata suggested, "You know, to get over your fear?"

"I wouldn't say it's a fear..." Brad argued.

"Brad, you can barely look at one without turning away," Sonata responded, "That seems like someone with a fear."

"Fine, but it's not something I'm scared of," Brad compromised, "So, uh, what sizes did you already try?"

"Hmm..." Sonata mulled over, "I'm not gonna tell you."

"What?!" Brad asked, confused.

"Have a guess," Sonata said, "What size do you think I am? If it's one I've tried I'll tell you. Otherwise I'll try it."

"Errrrr," Brad stood gormless.

"You'll be fine, I promise," Sonata reassured.

"Alright fine, let's see," Brad began to scan the walls of bras, trying to keep focused on the task at hand.

"Um, shouldn't you look at what you're working with first?" Sonata asked.

Brad turned to look at Sonata. "What do you mean?"

"You kinda just stared at the wall," Sonata explained, "And didn't at my, er, wait, what the things called that are in my bra?"

"Oh, boobs," Brad said without thinking, "And, wait what?!"

"Why haven't you looked at them?" Sonata asked, "The 'boobs'. You know, to even see what size I might be?"

"Sonata," Brad began, quietly, "It's bad enough I have to try to pick a bra for you. But I'm not going to stare at your boobs!"

"They're covered up, aren't they?" Sonata argued, "You can't really see them."

"Yeah, but it's still wrong," Brad countered, "A guy can't just go around looking at a girls' boobs; covered or not!"

"Well, you're looking now," Sonata pointed out.

Brad turned swiftly away from Sonata. "I was not," he said quietly.

"Yeah you were," Sonata said back, "You know it doesn't bother me right?"

"What?" Brad asked confused, "How doesn't it bother you?"

"Um, you know," Sonata began, "The whole Siren thing, and Adagio never really said much about my body. I don't know why I should be embarrassed."

"It's complicated, Sonata," Brad tried to explain, "It's like a social taboo to look a girls' boobs, it's seen as dirty."

"A taboo!?" Sonata repeated, "That bad?"

"Yeah," Brad answered, turning around, "You see why I'm uncomfortable with it?"

"Oh, wow, um," Sonata stumbled, "Listen, I'm soooo sorry! I didn't really it was that serious! If you had said earlier, I wouldn't have said anything and..."

"It's, okay," Brad interrupted, speaking slowly, "I, guess I shouldn't have acted the way I did."

"No, really, I am," Sonata fought back, "It wasn't right of me. Listen, I'll just try another on..."

"No, let me pick," Brad suggested.

"Huh?!" Sonata was taken aback, "But why?!"

"I said it was a social taboo to look at that area," Brad started, "And, it is for were your, um, pants go as well. But, if I get a girlfriend in the future I'll have to do it anyway." He looked directly at Sonata. "I need to get over this at some point. I'm 18. I have to. Even if I don't get a girlfriend, it'll still be nice to know about it."

"Oh, I see," Sonata looked back at Brad after turning away for a moment, "Well, if you really want to. What do you think?"

"Well," Brad looked briefly at Sonata once more, then back to the wall, "Hmm...maybe this one?"

He reached up for a white 30 B cup bra from higher up, and handed it over to Sonata.

"Okay," Sonata said, "I'll go try it."

"Okay," Brad replied.

Sonata walked off smiling, while Brad stood at the wall still; but his mind elsewhere.

'I just picked a girl a bra,' he thought, 'And not just any girl, but one who I didn't even think existed. All this in less than a whole day. Is it insulting that I chose a girls' bra size? I haven't the foggiest. I'm probably way off, anyway.'

Sonata came back into view, smiling and holding the bra high.

"Guess who was right!" Sonata cheered.

Brad stood mouth agape. "No. Are you kidding?!"

"Nope," Sonata answered, "It fits perfectly. Come on, grab a few more."

"Uh, alright," Brad complied, grabbing the same size bras from above. "I can't believe I guessed right. How?!"

"Guess you know more than you think," Sonata suggested.

"I doubt it," Brad groaned, "Probably just lucky."

"Nah, you've gotta have some kind of niche for these kinda things," Sonata argued, "I heard about it on TV before. Some guy is scared of doing something, but then is really good at it. Like swimming or skydiving!"

"I don't think this is one of those occasions, Sonata," Brad face palmed, "If I was a pony, my cutie mark would not be a bra. At least, I'd hope not."

Sonata giggled. "It'd be pretty funny if that happened, though. You'd probably be like, 'Oh why? Why me? What is that on my flank!?' Hahaha!"

"Very funny," Brad said sarcastically, "Now, are you gonna pick some underwear or just laugh about all day?"

"Oh, right," Sonata wiped tears from her eyes, "That was a good laugh. Aah. Um, wait, you don't mind about these?"

"A lot less, for some reason," Brad explained, "Maybe because I see them less? Or they are much less complicated? Or you don't constantly see them through girls shirts? Wait, that makes me sound like a pervert..."

"You're not a pervert!" Sonata exclaimed, "Seriously! Anyway, what do you mean, 'less complicated'?"

"Well, they're elastic," Brad told her, "They just fit around your waist, instead of having some complex system like bras. They just have numbers, and the higher you go the bigger they get. What do you think?"

"Hmm..." Sonata looked at the underwear selection for a brief period of time before selecting out a pair of size 8 purple underwear, "Maybe these?"

"Sounds about right," Brad agreed, "Chuck some in the basket."

"Chuck?" Sonata asked.

"Throw," Brad explained, "Not literally, please. It's something said around here."

"Oh right, weird," Sonata began as she took some of the underwear and began putting in the basket, "Why use the word 'Chuck'? I thought it was a name or something."

"It is," Brad confirmed for her, "But I don't know either. It's another thing I just think I'll never understand."

"What else do you not think you'll ever understand?" Sonata asked as the pair made their way to the counter.

"Why they don't consider Pluto a planet anymore, why girls are allowed to hug each other and guys can't, and why the Welsh are always associated with sheep," Brad listed, "And I completely understand half of that made no sense to you."

"Eh, it's alright," Sonata told him.

The two walked up to the counter, and a guy who looked in her late 20's served them. He looked at Brad sympathetically.

"Girlfriend take ya shoppin'?" he asked.

Brad blushed. "Er, something like that."

"Heh, don't worry about," he said, "First time's the only one that'll be bad for ya. I should know, I've been out with enough."

"Oh, right," Brad said, trying to look interested as the guy scanned the clothes through.

"That'll be £49.50, please," the guy requested.

'Jeez, even here it's still so much,' Brad thought. He pulled out his wallet and used his card to pay. Sonata looked at it confused, before beginning to grab the bags of clothes for her.

"Thanks," Brad said.

"So, what was with that card?" Sonata asked as the pair walked away, "I mean, do you not have any money you can hold here?"

"Oh yeah, we do," Brad explained, "It's just easier to use this card. It has money on it, instead of me carrying around lots of money."

"Wow, not even Adagio had one of those," Sonata said in awe.

"I wouldn't have guessed she would," Brad told her, "It's not easy to get one. You have to go through all the law stuff to get one, and I don't think she would have liked to try and get the law involved."

"Oh, I see," Sonata said quietly.

The pair made their way out of the shop and looked around.

"Jeez, these bags are heavy," Brad groaned, "You wanna sit down for a sec?"

"Sure," Sonata replied.

As the pair made their way to the nearest bench, something caught Brads' eye.

"Wait, what's that?"