
by Cool writer

2 Introductions

Normally, finding the thing you obsessed over so much that ponies thought you were crazy would be a good thing. But she would have preferred her absolute undeniable prove to have a shirt on... and pants... Lyra was blushing so much that she was afraid that her fur was going to turn red.
"What... what are you doing in m-my house?!" Lyra half asked, half screamed at him. When Lyra jumped of the couch, she pulled the blanket with her, and was now holding like she was covering her private parts. She felt naked herself. The human stared blankly at Lyra.
He dropped his head down. "Dang it Al!" He said. "I knew that guy sold you crack cupcakes! I have a test today and I'd prefer to not be high, seeing mint-teal unicorns when I'm taking my British history exam!" The human called to someone he thought was there. Lyra's eye lit up.
"Did you say, British history? As in, the human Brittin? London and stuff?" Lyra asked, excitedly.
"Yes, drug induced hallucination in my head." The human responded. Lyra eased up a bit, she was too excited to be embarrassed. Suddenly, Lyra heard the sound of hooves walking up the stairs.
"Hey Lyra! I'm home! Do you want to hear how my date-" Bonbon walked into the room. She stopped when she saw the human. "Lyra..." Bonbon said disappointed and angry.
"Is that a human?"
"Aren't they supposed to have... clothes or something?"
"Why doesn't he?"
"I don't know."
"What... did you... do?" Bonbon asked placing her hoof up to her face.
"I didn't do anything." Lyra responded.
"That's because she, like you, is a hallucination induced by a drug-laden cookie." The human said. Bonbon looked at Lyra questioningly.
"Drug? As in medicine?" She asked. Lyra responded with a shrug. "Well I don't care where he came from, just get rid of him. Thunderlane will be over in a couple hours."
"But, Bonbon! He's a human-" Lyra interjected.
"Look I don't care if he was gonna give us the secret to eternal life, get it out of here!" Bonbon interrupted.
"That's not what I meant was, it's a living thing. I can't just 'get rid of him'. That's wrong." Lyra argued.
"Yes, I would prefer to not be offed by my visions in my head." The human said, blandly.
"Huh, I would have thought humans would be more interesting." Lyra said.
"Oh... I think I get it now!" Bonbon said. "He thinks we are what he should be, nonexistent!"
"I don't know how to feel about having my existence denied by-"
"I swear to Celestia! If you say anything along the lines of "figments of your imagination" I will turn your underwear into an orange!" Lyra shouted at the human. Bonbon looked quizzical.
"Sence when have you been able to do that?" Bonbon asked.
"I learned it from a frog-orange hybrid Twilight... nevermind." Lyra said. "But anyway, I think your gonna need to get this through your head, and do it quick. Oh, you can leave now Bonbon." Lyra said turning to her roommate. Bonbon nodded and walked down the stairs. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, something you need to make very clear: We are real, and not the result of, a 'crack cookie' or whatever." Lyra said.
"What proof do you have about that?" The human said. Lyra walked over to the human, and punched it in the face.
"Can a figment do that?" Lyra said snarky.
"No, I guess not." The human said.
"Ok, time to introduce myself. I am, Lyra Heartstrings. You?" She asked.
"Oh, I'm Deus. Nice to meet you, Lyra." The Human said. And, the shook. Lyra couldn't help but squeal a bit. Deus cocked his head. "What is it? Is that normal for horses?"
"No... unless they get really happy." Lyra said. "I'm the town cook for believing in the acient "mythology" of "humans." Lyra said. "And Now, I'm finally meeting one!" Lyra said.
"Wow, that's a coincidence. I'm considered a bit of a cook too." Deus smiled. Lyra smiled back. "So, uh, where am I?"
"You're in Ponyville." Lyra responded.
"Pony what?"
"Ponyville, filled with other ponies like me and Bonbon." Lyra explained.
"Well," Deus grinned. "Let's go prove you're not crazy." He got off the couch.
"You miiiight wanna put some pants on." Lyra grinned, and blushed. Deus returned the grin and blush in equal measure.