//------------------------------// // Changeling winter // Story: Secrets // by Aqua_Breeze //------------------------------// "Morning, Twilight," Spike said as a very sleepy Twilight walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, Spike," Twilight said, yawning. "Aurora still not awake?" Spike asked. "I guess not," Twilight said. "Well, when she does wake up, I hope she enjoys the snow," Spike said. "Rainbow said snow wasn't planned till next weekend," Twilight said, groaning. "Well, there's snow on the ground right now," Spike said. "Wanna go wake your sister?" Twilight asked, "I'm too tired this morning". "Eh, sure... why not," Spike said, "Pancakes are done anyway, and she'll hate to let hers get cold". "I'll be waiting right here for you two," Twilight said. It had been almost a month since Spike started warming up to Aurora. By now, he was even comfortable calling the Changeling his sister. It had begun to get to the point where Twilight could see some of her own brother coming out in Spike. However, this isn't to say the two were always nice to each other. From time to time, the two would end up getting on the other's nerves. Had Twilight been a regular mother, she'd have tried to stop it every time, but she always just sat back and let the two of them sort it out. If it ever got too violent, she'd step in, but it had yet to get to that point. The most common thing Spike would use to make Aurora mad was his air horn. If Aurora ever slept in late, Spike would use his air horn to wake her up... and today was going to be no exception. As Spike entered Aurora's room, he dropped his air horn, and ran right out. His sudden running didn't seem to phase Twilight. She'd told herself that he'd managed to make Aurora mad again and was now being chased. When Spike ran into the kitchen, a new startled expression on his face, and without Aurora right behind him, Twilight knew something was up... and something told her she wasn't going to like the news. "Everything alright, Spike?" Twilight asked. "Aurora's room... missing... strange green thing... hurry," Spike said, trying not to panic. Twilight was right, she wasn't going to like this news at all. She quickly got to her hooves and about literally flew up to Aurora's room. When she walked in, she saw that Aurora's bed was completely encased in a cocoon. Panicking, Twilight ran over to figure out what was going on. The last time she'd seen a Changeling cocoon was during the invasion a little over a year and a half ago... and it was strong enough to hold Princess Celestia perfectly still. Maternal instinct kicked into overdrive upon seeing Aurora, motionless, and Twilight threw everything she possibly could at the cocoon to try and break it open. Spike, worried for his sister, even tried his dragon breath... with no success. The cocoon was sealed shut, and was not going to open. "That thing is... indestructible," Spike pointed out. "There has to be a way to get it open, there just has to be!" Twilight yelled as she bucked the cocoon. "I hope she's not... well, you know," Spike said, fighting back tears, "I hope she's ok in there". "She's not dead... she can't be," Twilight said, fighting back tears of her own, "She just can't be!". Twilight gave the cocoon another hard buck... and again, nothing happened... that Twilight or Spike noticed anyway. As the two finally began to accept that Aurora might actually be dead, a sickening sound shot across the room. Neither of the two took notice of the sound... they were too lost in their grief. They wouldn't be for much longer, though. "Are... you two ok?" Aurora asked groggily. "Yea... we're fine, Aurora," Twilight said before jerking her head up, "Wait a second... Aurora?". "Yea, it's me," Aurora said. "But you... the cocoon... you were," Twilight mumbled. "We thought you were dead," Spike said. "I'm very much alive," Aurora said, "I was just starting to drift into a nice hibernation slumber when you two started to give me a headache. I did everything I could to open up my cocoon to tell you guys to stop... but they're not easy to open till spring comes". "Hibernation?" Twilight asked, baffled, "Changelings hibernate?". "We freeze during winter if we stay outside a cocoon for too long," Aurora stated. "You're kidding, right?" Twilight asked, "Please tell me that's a joke". "No, it's not a joke," Aurora said. "Can't you just use your disguise to stay warm?" Spike asked. "Possibly, but I don't know," Aurora said, "I've never tried it, so I just formed my cocoon instead". "Well, now's as a good time as any to try," Twilight said, "I won't be able to keep this secret much longer if you go into hibernation. If this gets out too soon...". Aurora got the hint and put up on her disguise. "I'm still cold," Aurora said. "Yes, well you haven't had enough time to warm up," Twilight said, "Let's go have breakfast in front of a nice, warm fire this morning... shall we?". Not only Spike grown quite close to Aurora over the past month, but he had even taken her on as his little apprentice of sorts when it came to making food. She'd shown quite an interest in making food, and wouldn't stop bugging Spike till he agreed to try and teach her how to make certain dishes. She'd quickly grown into a great helper around the kitchen... and even made some good food when she got the chance to rule over the kitchen. Yet another thing the two did as siblings was bicker over who got what at times. The most common thing to bicker over was who got to rule over the kitchen for the day till Twilight decided they just switch off every day. Today was Aurora's day. "Not bad, but still not as good as mine," Spike boasted. "Your pancakes are always so plain," Aurora argued, "At least I add a little touch of something to mine". "Really you two?" Twilight asked, "Can we go one day without fighting over who makes the best food?". "He started it," Aurora said. "I didn't start anything, I was just pointing out a simple fact," Spike said defensively, "And I didn't say they're horrible... just that mine are better". "Both of you make good food," Twilight said. "Who's is better?" Aurora asked. "Well, on one hoof, Aurora, you do like to add some tasty variety to your dishes," Twilight said, "But on the other hoof, I've lived with Spike for so long that I've grown to enjoy his very plain dishes. I can't really say either is better cause both of you make good food". "Afraid of playing favorites?" Spike asked. "Not true at all, and you know it!" Twilight yelled, "I simply want you both to know that, in my opinion, you both make good food... just using two different techniques". "Eh... fine, I guess," Spike said. "Now finish up already," Twilight said, "Aurora's never been awake when it's snowed... so, I kinda wanna introduce her to it".