//------------------------------// // Day 10 - The Big Date // Story: Dr. Whooves' Diary - A Derpy Romance // by Sergeant Snuggles //------------------------------// As Dr. Whooves woke up on the tenth day, he checked his Diary. He decided that he felt better enough, and alot less crazy, that he would go and visit Derpy. Not without breakfast first, he decided to cook himself eggs as he was feeling an eggy kind of mood. As he finished his eggs, he decided to make a smoothie, that is what he did. He unloaded some caramel, chocolate, blueberries, vanilla flavour and milk into the smoothie machine, pressing the "Smoothify" button. As he finished drinking his deliciousness, he decided it was time to man up and go see Derpy. It was bad enough that he made her cry, he must confess his love for her. So Dr. Whooves set out for the jewelry store, located nearby. If he was going to confess his love, he needed to do it right. As he arrived, he ran inside and used all his Bits for an engagement ring. He then quickly set off for Derpy's house, knowing that love was in his heart. As he reached Derpy's house, he knocked on the door. He quickly got down to one knee (Can ponies do that?) and Derpy opened the door. Derpy noticed Dr. Whooves at the door and was about to close the door when she saw it... A sparkling diamond ring, she was shocked. "Derpy, will you marry me?" was all that Dr. Whooves asked. She pulled him inside and kissed him, "Yes!" she yelled. A wild day of snuggling ensued.