//------------------------------// // That First Night // Story: Crystal's Tranformation // by Countpony //------------------------------// Crystal’s Transformation By Countpony “Crystal sweetie!” The voice could be heard downstairs. The young Pegasus could tell that she was calling her for dinner, but she wanted to finish her drawing. “In a minute!” She yelled back, putting on the last bit of dark blue on her painting. She hoped that the large amount of glitter wouldn’t detract from the painting. “I’m just finishing the painting.” “Well hurry, your father will actually be on time tonight.” Her mother responded. “Okay, I’m done.” She responded. “I’ll be there in a second.” “Don’t forget to wash your hooves.” The elder unicorn reminded her. “I will.” She answered. Hanging the painting of the Princesses, Celestia and Luna, on the wall; she floated down the stairs, stopping at the bathroom to wash up, and landing at her chair at the table. “Hi mom, what’s for dinner?” Crystal asked. “Your mother has prepared a nice Chrysanthemum Casserole.” A tall Pegasus said, as he came in the living room door. “DADDY, Your here!” She shouted, getting up to hug him. “And we get mom’s Casserole! This is going to be a great night!” “You said it Pumpkin.” Her father answered. Taking in a deep whiff of the food, and sitting down at the table, he said, “Wow honey, you really outdid yourself this time. Worthy of any Connoisseur in Equestria.” “Well, this is a special occasion.” The unicorn explained as she heaped the steaming meal onto the plates. “It’s not every day that you get to come home early, now is it dear?” “You said it.” He agreed. “And by the looks of things, I should do this more often.” “Yeah daddy!” Crystal chimed in. “I wanna see you home for dinner every night!” Chuckling at her enthusiasm, her father blew on his food and said. “I’ll try Pumpkin, but no promises.” “Aw, please daddy.” She entreated. “Say that you’ll come home earlier more.” “Yeah,” Her mother joined in. “Please, it would be nice. Besides, family always helps you keep you traction on sanity.” “Fine. Fine.” He relented. “But on one condition.” “Oh.” The motherly unicorn said, with a look of suspicion on her face. “And what in Equestria could that be?” “If little Crystal here,” He responded, giving her a tight squeeze. “Will start helping with the dishes. And I better not distract you from your homework.” “Alright daddy,” Crystal said. “But not every night.” “Sure Pumpkin.” He said. “Now eat your food, it’s getting cold.” “Yes mommy.” Crystal responded, and dug into her cooled casserole. “So, dear.” Her mother asked. “How is work?” “Well,” He began; will munching on the delicious meal. “We discovered a rare species today, just outside the base tracts of farmland around the Everfall Mountains. It’s a weird bug looking thing.” “Is that a good thing?” Crystal asked. “Well, normally it wouldn’t be a good thing.” Her father said. “But this one was different.” “How so?” Her mother asked. “You see,” He explained. “When we tried to capture it, the freaky thing shape-shifted into one of my colleagues, Dr. Ribone.” “That’s scary.” Crystal agreed with a distraught look on her face. “Then what happened?” “We managed to capture the thing, though it was intractable at first.” He said. “And it continued to change form, cycling through the appearance of every pony it saw. Wait, on second thought, retract that, and revise it. It managed to copy each of us, but it seemed like it could make up its mind on who to become. ” “Then what dear?” The mother asked. “We extracted some DNA samples, one from each of its transformations, ran some diagnostic tests, and it seems that it copies the DNA of anypony perfectly.” The father said. “So we are conducting test to see if we can modify these DNA clone particles to change somepony’s attributes. We might even be able to revive the long lost race of Alicorns.” Thinking of her recently finished painting, Crystal got very excited at this statement. “You mean you might be able to make me into a princess?” “Well, maybe not right away. It’s a long, protracted process to research.” He said. “But you know that you’re already my little princess, don’t you Pumpkin.” “Yeah daddy,” She answered, giving him a hug.” I know.” “Good.” He responded with satisfaction. “Now go help your mother with the dishes.” -=-=- That night, after Crystal had gone to bed, and her parents were getting ready… “Listen honey.” She said to him as she finished brushing her teeth. “It’s about that project of yours.” “What would be your prognosis on the situation then dear?” He asked as he took his glasses off. “I just think that you need to be conscientious about this.” She answered, as she used her horn to lift the covers back. “You know I always am dear.” He replied, leaning his head onto the pillow. “And besides, it’s not like we’re doing anything unconscionable.” “Just make sure you and your team is cognizant about the situation before you make any decisions.” She advised as she crawled into bed and pulled up the covers. “You know,” He said, as he stared at the ceiling. “I and the team have put a lot of thought into this project.” “Oh, really?” She asked, teasingly. “A lot of thought for a big project, or for a day’s worth of research?” “The latter.” He answered. “But we think that we might actually be able to transform somepony into an Alicorn.” “Well,” She suggested. “When you are completely sure that what you do is super safe, you could try to make it work for Crystal. You know how much she adores the princesses, especially princess Luna.” “Good night honey.” He said, leaning over and kissing her. “And I’ll try my best.” “Night dear.” She said, and used her magic to turn off the lights. “And I know you will.” In the other room, Crystal could hear her parents’ conversation. Cognitions of joy and happiness filled her as she drifted off, dreaming of being a princess. -=-=-