
by CrutioAstarothChaos

Codename two: The mildewy cheese

Reflective Rock was an earth pony, who owned a gem-shop, selling trinkets and jewelry to everypony who wandered into her well secured shop on a small street of Canterlot. During her ten years of owning said shop she never had a break in, and nothing had ever been stolen from her, thanks to her spending money on buying well fortified display cases and putting strong locks onto everything.
Well, almost.
She felt a bit hungry and she remembered putting a daisy sandwich into her fridge a day ago. She quickly locked the main entrance, and left a note on the door, saying she’ll be right back. Rock then moved to the back of the shop, and opened her precious fridge. She was rather surprised when she found a cheesecake in said container. She was even more shocked when she grabbed the cake and it started talking.
“Eat me!” the cake said. “I want you to take a big juicy bite out of me!”
Rock started screaming and dropped the food on the floor. It turned into a changeling, stroking its flank with a hoof.
“Ouch! There is a gentler way to put me down, you know!” The shifter yelled at the pony, who grabbed a broom and started hitting the bug. “Ow! Quit it!”
The changeling ran into the front part of the shop, Rock persistently screaming and chasing him with the broom. The shifter backed up to the door, while the mare continued to pursue him. Soon enough the bug found out that the front door of the shop was locked tight. It was then that he had more than enough from the continuous abuse by the broom.
“Enough!” he yelled, grabbing the broom with his magic and breaking it into pieces. “I’m trying to escape here, but some idiot locked the door, and now I’m stuck here with you!”
Understanding what the changeling said Rock realized she was locked together with one of the most dangerous things in all Equestria. On that note her brain decided it would be best to shut down, and so she fainted.
“Great just great!” the changeling yelled. “Now how am I supposed to find the keys?!”
Meanwhile in the palace a maid, carrying a plate and an empty glass, was mumbling to herself, opening every door she encountered.
“No, this isn’t it either,” she said with a heavy sigh. “I wish we would find the kitchen already!”
“Maybe we should ask somepony?” the platter asked.
“Brilliant, as always I see, Cottage,” the glass replied. “Let’s pretend we’re a maid in the royal castle, who has no clue whatsoever where the kitchen is!”
“Aren’t we doing that part already?” Cottage retorted, to which Emmental’s response was a snort.
“Wait, we’re in the royal castle?!” Cheesebrain panicked. “Oh boy, why haven’t you warned me before!”
“I thought you knew!” Cottage said. “You know, you were the pillow of an alicorn princess? Alicorn princesses don’t just live in every household!”
“They don’t?!” Cheesebrain screamed in sheer terror.
Emmental couldn’t take the mental pain anymore, and the changeling let out a deafening scream. Cheesebrain stopped, his legs shaking, his heart racing and his eyes nervously looking around.
“The guards will be here any moment! We’re doomed!”
“Get a hold of yourself Cheesebrain!” Cottage tried to calm him down. “You have been trained to do this! You’re the best at finding kitchens!”
“But… but…”
“The third door on your left is the kitchen!” Cottage lied. “All you have to do is to go there, open it, and get this coffee, and then mission complete!”
“I can do this!” Cheesebrain stated with newly found confidence.
The brain-damaged changeling walked up to the third door on the left. Surprisingly enough there was a note on the door, saying: ‘Kitchen – under fortification of the Royal Sisters. Enter for reinforcements only!’
“Hey guys, we actually made it!” Cheesebrain cheered. “It says this is the kitchen!”
“How the heck did you know this was the kitchen?” Emmental asked shocked.
“Educated guess,” Cottage replied.
Emmental let out a disappointed sigh while Cheesebrain opened the door of the castle’s kitchen. Of course the scene they faced caught them unprepared.
The royal sisters were actually barricading almost every entrance to the cook-room. They moved the huge tables from the center to block the window; their makeshift barrier had holes that couldn’t keep bigger creatures like a timberwolf out, much less a bunch of small changelings. The other two-winged door to the kitchen however was properly blocked from the inside by a bunch of cupboards. The only noticeable flaw of it was that the barricade covered only the lower half of the door.
Oh, and the fact that the doors opened to the outside. Not to the inside.
The princesses themselves were viciously guarding the fridge, which was moved to the center, and had a huge cloud-cake and a jar of cookies sitting on the top, just like two princesses sitting on their thrones kept safe by their guards.
“Ah, finally the reinforcements have arrived!” Celestia cheered noticing the disguised changeling trio.
“Thou hast left a door open for anypony to come through?” Luna asked shocked.
“Of course not, my dearest sister!” the white alicorn replied. “I directly left a note on the door, forbidding entrance to anypony who is not reinforcement!”
“Ah, I see!” Luna nodded in agreement.
“I think we found some ponies, who think on the same level as you do, Cheesebrain,” Emmental muttered, still in the image of the glass.
“Well, speak servant, how many more can be anticipated?” Luna interrogated the disguised changeling. “We are short on guards here, if you wouldn’t have noticed!”
“Well, I was sent down by the purple pony for some caff-ee stuff,” Cheesebrain replied. “And since this kitchen was turned upside down, maybe you can tell me where it is?”
“Well, we may know where it is, but you have to deliver a message to the purple pony to send us more troops, because we’re in dire need of some ponypower!” Celestia replied.
“Of course I can do that!” the changeling nodded with a happy smile.
“Why don’t you just put down that dirty glass onto that counter, it surely can wait until this whole ordeal blows over!” Luna suggested and Cheesebrain obeyed with a happy smile.
“Ah found it!” Celestia stated from outside the door’s barricade. “And I found a flaw in our barrier too!”
“There is?” Luna asked frightened.
“But of course!” the white alicorn replied. “We forgot to turn these cupboards, so they face us, and we can use what’s inside as weapons or provisions!”
“Brilliant idea!” the other princess cheered, moving to help her sister, while Cottage fought hard not to burst out laughing.
“While you’re fixing this flaw, we’ll help our little pony with her coffee matter,” Celestia said, grabbing a coffeepot and boiling some water. “Any sugar? Or milk?”
“For me?” Cheesebrain asked back with a dumb smile. “Yes please!”
“Ah, a maid with a sense of humor!” Celestia giggled. “I meant for the coffe silly!”
“Well, why don’t we just ask the coffee?” the changeling replied.
At this point Cottage couldn’t take it anymore and burst out laughing. The princesses shuddered at the unexpected sound, and both of them quickly jumped back to their guard posts.
“Quick! Take this coffee to the purple pony, and deliver the message to her that the changelings have already breached the defenses of Canterlot!” Celestia gently put the hot cup of coffee on the platter. “Hurry!”
“And tell her to send somepony that can be used to get us some desserts from a nearby cake-shop!” Luna added, and the maid left after a quick salute. “We’re desperate for some ischlers!”
“So how do you think this will end?” Celestia asked her sister after a small moment of silence. “I must say that the changeling queen got us by surprise this time!”
“She did get us by surprise the last time too you know!” the other replied.
“How do you know? You were sleeping during the whole ordeal!” Celestia retorted.
“We read the papers,” Luna replied casually.
The chit-chat between the two princesses continued, both failing to notice the sound of someone munching on some cookies.
“You know, we could just ship off every fridge to the Griffon nation,” Celestia suggested. “I hear they eat everything, no matter what it looks like!”
“But then where would we get new fridges?” Luna asked.
“Achoo!” the third voice added.
“Bless you!” both princesses said, not even glancing up.
“Well, I guess we can buy some at the local furniture shop.”
“It’s not that easy to buy a fridge for everypony in the city,” Luna replied. “It’s not as common to buy one as one buys cookies at a bakery.”
“Speaking of cookies, where do you get yours?” the third voice asked.
“Oh, we get them from Donut Joe’s place!” the moon princess replied casually. “He bakes them from a special recipe.”
“They are most delicious!” the voice praised.
“Art thou eating our cookies dear sister?” Luna turned to Celestia with an accusing look.
“What are you talking about, I haven’t had a single bite!” the other replied glaring at her sister.
Between the faces of the princesses a small bunch of crumbs fell down from above. They looked up to see the queen of the changelings sitting where Celestia’s cloud-cake previously had been, holding Luna’s cookie jar with her magic, trying to get a look inside for any more biscuits. With a sigh, she dropped the empty jar next to herself, and spread out on the top of the fridge.
“I wish there was something more to eat!” She sighed, adding an un-royalty like burp. “Well, shall we open the fridge?”
The two rulers of Equestria froze in absolute terror, watching Chrysalis, who just had opened the fridge, and started looking for something more to eat.
“Our cookies!” Luna screamed in her Royal Canterlot Voice.
“My cloud cake!” Celestia added in the same tone.
My ears! Emmental thought, fighting the urge not to scream from sheer pain.
“Give me back my cake immediately you hag!” the sun princess yelled.
“And our biscuits!” Luna said.
“Would you stop with your stupid biscuits for once?” Celestia asked clearly annoyed.
“Well, what dost thou expect?” the other replied. “She ate our stock of cookies for the next two weeks!”
“There were only fourteen cookies there!” Chrysalis cried out.
“What, you only eat one cookie per day?” Celestia teased her sister.
“That should be perfectly enough for a princess!” Luna retorted with a snort. “And we let thou know, that we exercise too, which cannot be said about somepony, who eats half a cake everyday and sits on her sun-sized flank, doing nothing!”
“Did you just call my butt big?!” Celestia recoiled at the insult.
“We reckon we did!”
“Ladies, can we focus on me for more than a second?” Chrysalis asked with an annoyed sigh.
“Dost thou wants us to call thine flank sizeable too?” Luna asked with a smirk.
“I’ll let you know that my hindquarters are in perfect shape!” the queen leapt up with indignation, and turned around, shoving her backside in Luna’s face. “See?”
“Well, I guess the moon princess was–” Celestia put up her royal sunglasses. “ mooned!”
“Aaaaaaah!” a fourth voice yelled.
“Something is not right!” Cheesebrain stopped for a second. “I sense a disturbance somewhere!”
“You couldn’t sense a damn thing when that huge rock hit you in the head four years ago!” Cottage replied. “How could you sense something now?”
“I don’t know, I guess I did!”
“You guess?”
“Well, it passed!” Cheesebrain stated with a happy smile. “Back to work!”
“It just dawned on me; where is Emmental?” Cottage asked.
Emmental was sitting on the counter where Cheesebrain left him, watching in agony as the two princesses and his queen babbled endless stream of offensive words. The changeling let out a heavy sigh, hoping it would somewhat ease his pain.
“I wish I could just simply change, burn down this whole palace, walk away and never look back,” he wished, watching the childish argument going on between the royalty of the two sides. “But no, I just had to pick the glass!”