The Conversion Bureau: Last Minute Thoughts

by Pencil Sketch

Retrospect 6: Found

It was the final day of the two week term for a certain batch of ponies, and all were saying their goodbyes. Friendships made will meet their test, though will prove to last far beyond. Destinies will reveal themselves before the teary and anxious. Life will truly begin anew... except for a good group of pegasi unfortunate enough to not learn to take advantage of their new skill.

One last service was given to the newly reborn ponies; a handful of choices. They could volunteer to recolonize the world after much of it had been abandoned and reclaimed by nature, or immigrate into the isle of Equestria. If they chose to live their new lives as a citizen of the pony homeland, they were given a choice of newfoal towns situated in various biomes that were similar to ones familiar to popular human habitations.

A majority often chose to live in the small town of Fetlock, however, one newfoal was given the opportunity to live in Equestria's capital, a very rare privilege.

Rounds of well-wishes abound in the lobby of the bureau. Newfoals chattered on of how they intended to live their new lives, better and more happier than their last. Though the lucky school-stallion was more than a little nerved.

"I guess this is what it's like to see colts leave for their first day of school, eh?" Vinyl sat her flank down beside a fidgeting Kenneth Baxter, "Most of the newfoals I've mentored usually end up staying in Fetlock. Nice little town, kinda like Ponyville, but no place is like home."

The gray stallion breathed a deep sigh of contempt. "Feels just like when I was a little kid. I never liked school."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you'll like this one. Plus, Canterlot's a pretty great place for parties."

"Of course you'd know something about that," He replied with a little smirk, "Maybe I'll check one or two out if I get the time."

"Last call for Equestria, transport leaves in five minutes!" Called a robust-postured stallion, undoubtedly a native of the island of ponies.

Vinyl took a step and hung her forehoof around Ken's neck, nuzzling against him with her snout, a sort of hug. "It was nice having you around, Kenny. Also, can I keep your CD collection?"

The stallion pulled away and gave the mare a vexed look with a raised eyebrow. "That's very sneaky. I completely forgot about them, and now I don't have time to go get them now."

"I take that as a yes, then?"



A small group of newfoals were loaded into an ornate carriage and pulled for a distance to the river, where a boat decorated in a similar fashion awaited them. This was their final chance to call off their move, but as each one walked the gangplank onto the ship, marked every pony as a new resident of Equestria.

The trip was slow, deliberate, and peaceful, as the rocking river soothed the equines below deck.

A yellow earth pony found himself conversing with a gray, anxious unicorn, mindlessly going on and on about how he will keep the works of human fiction writers alive in the new world.

"You know I can care less about Jules Verne or Tolkien, Poe. I know that they're both great writers and stuff, but I don't think they'll fit in very well where magic and peace is a very real thing," Ken huffed with a weary, trying smile.

"I can just rewrite them to fit then."

"That's copyright infringement."

"They've been dead for far longer than the claims lasted, they are "fair game", as it were," The yellow colt stood proudly, undaunted by the unicorn's discouragement, "Beside the fact, this is a brand new world we live in. Their work will cease existence."

"Whatever you say. Don't come crying to me when somepony calls you out."

"I'm not going to put my name in as the author. I will be listed as an adapter."


"What, you talk?" A familiar zebra entered the conversation. It was Chiamaka, a very unusual conversion of a former human that had been identified to have had heavy African ancestry. In the entire week she had been a zebra, she had dedicated most of her time into trying to understand and be understood by everyone else.

"Oh, um, Not much. Just talking about stories and what is going to happen to them," Ken tried to speak as clearly as possible, considering the zebra still lacked a few English words in her vocabulary.

She seemed to understand, giving a smile and a nod. "Home story still live. Need tell. Still live," She added to the chat in a broken manner. Ken got what she meant, about how stories have a way of surviving through retelling, "Remember as child, Anansi the Spider."

"A folktale? I'd do love to hear it," Poe laid himself down on his belly, getting comfortable as the zebra tried to tell a rather humourous story about a spider that hated sharing food, and a turtle that gave him a taste of his own medicine. The three other newfoals on the boat gathered around, sharing tales they had heard as children as well.

Time past as each retold classic tales;

The Raven
Kana'ti and Selu
Reynard the Fox
Rip Van Winkle
And dozens of other classic folktales from around the dying world.

The boat trip was long, though time was shortened by the countless tales shared by the small party of travelers. Along the way, some Equestrian natives that were volunteering on the ship told their own tales, much to the interest of the newfoals.

Eventually, the trip had to end. Chatter from the docks had permeated into the hull of the ship, and the immigrants knew this could very well be their last meeting.

Goodbye to Poe, to Chiamaka, to Dennis and Donna and Mark. Farewell to the focus of this story, Kenneth. Gasps of awe and excitement greeted them now, and a new beginning opened its arms to give them an inviting embrace.

"It's... home."