On Call and Battle Ready

by Solum


A year. What a year. I'm so glad it's over. But for how bad it was, I can admit that the training helped me out a lot. Ha, just wait until Rarity sees me... Rarity, It's been so long. Will she recognize me? Hell, I wouldn't be able to recognize myself. But with all the change, am I even myself? Change. I once heard it was a great thing, I think most would agree. But to what degree can the change be overwhelming? Spike paused. Am I'm thinking too deeply into this?

The train lightly bounced on the track. Spike's allies chatted but he drowned out their voices as he thought. Spike relieved a great weight from his chest when he completed his training, but still bared stress. He had no idea what his friends back in Ponyville would think about the 'new' Spike.

Maybe I'm not that different from when I started. Maybe I haven't changed at all... Okay, no, that's not true. I've definitely changed. I know I'm a hell of a lot stronger... and smarter... and more skilled with a weapon...

The train came to a screeching halt, causing Spike to glance out the window. He saw ponies walking around with their heads held high and wearing fancy cloths.

"Canterlot!" The conductor called.

A group of former bunkmates stood up and exited the car. One patted Spike on the shoulder, Spike looked up at him.

"See you around, Rector." Spike smiled and nodded. The title was given to him after he showed dominance of his group.

When the group left the train, the doors closed and the conductor spoke up again.

"Next stop, Ponyville!"

Spike shivered at hearing the word. It would seem that a year wouldn't be too long to be away from home but when you miss it as much as Spike, it seems like ages have past. His mind floated to a bright summer's day in his home town. Spike remembers the soft soil of the dirt roads, the lush fields of grass, and the ol' oak tree... well, that's gone for good, but still worth thinking about.

Spike took a deep breath and sighed, he could wait to see the quaint little town he grew up in. What ever sight seeing it may be, it will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Spike grimly reminded himself. By the time I get to the station it will be dark.

His attitude saddened a bit but he saw the silver lining. He may not be able to look around tonight, but he has a full day tomorrow.

Spike came back down to earth and looked around the train car. All the seats were empty. He knew most of his colleagues left at Canterlot but he didn't realize he was the only one left on the train. The low hum of the train calmed Spike. He felt the car jump again.

Spike stood up and opened his widow, the cool evening air poured over his face. It's been awhile since Spike had the chance to enjoy the little things. He sat back down and rested his eyes. It's going to be at least another three hours until he's home, better get some sleep.

The doors of the crystal castle swung slowly open and a familiar purple alicorn walked in. Once inside, she slumped against the door, forcing it to close. It had been an extremely busy day for Princess Twilight and her friends. As if dealing with the rebel clans of the diamond dog and the pesky timber wolf attacks weren't enough, she also had to think about the Prench threatening to invade the western coast line. Since she was the Princess of friendship, Celestia entrusted Twilight to write an agreeable peace treaty while she attempted to call off their forces.

All of Equestria was on edge with enemy ships wiring just outside of its borders. This is the closest the two nations have been to war in two hundred years, to say Twilight was nervous about being the one to propose a solution in favor of both countries would be an understatement. Tomorrow was the day the treaty was going to be showcased, but Twilight was only halfway done with the first draft. If she was going to get this thing finished, she would have to pull an all-nighter.

Twilight hurried to her study and fished out the incomplete treaty. The long scroll opened up and fell down the backside of her desk. Twilight thought a moment and then began to write. She rubbed her chin and zoned out. For some odd reason, she felt like she was forgetting something. Something very important...

Spike woke to the yell of the conductor.

"Last stop of the night, Ponyville!"

Spike sat up and rubbed his eyes. Picking up his bag, he stood up and climbed out of the train cab. On the way out the conductor thanked him and bid him farewell. When Spike stepped of the train, the doors shut behind him and the engine inched forwards, picking up speed slowly. The smoke cleared and Spike turned around with a big smile on his face, expecting six other faces smiling back at him. But much to his disappointment, he found the station was deserted.

Spike was confused, he walked around the empty platform hoping his old friend were just hiding from him. He looked at the clock, the train was right on time. Why didn't they show up? Spike felt truly alone, but he surged it off.

They probably just forgot, no big deal. Nopony is prefect.

The light at the station flickered, contrasting the dark night sky. Spike scratched at his chin and threw his luggage over his shoulder.

Well, that's okay. I'll see them tomorrow anyways.

Spike walked off the station's platform and made his way through the dimly lit streets. His memories came flooding back to him as he passed Sugercube Corner and Rarity's boutique. He walked until he came to the huge tree-like castle, he was finally home. He reached out for the door handle, but it didn't budge.

Spike bent down to a rock sitting next to the door and picked it up, reveling a gold key laying in the grass. He shook his head as he picked up the key.

Right in the same spot as usual. It seems Twilight hasn't changed much.

Spike unlocked the door and stepped inside, locking it back up behind him. He was going to shout out to Twilight but stopped himself by remembering that it was midnight. Spike quietly set his things down at the foot of the stairs. He looked around the library, it looks as if Twilight's expanded her arsenal of boring books. Spike chuckled at the alicorn's interest in "Advanced Thermodynamics II".

Spike noticed a light coming from Twilight's study. Strange, she would only be up at this hour if she had some hardcore studying to do. Maybe that's why she wasn't at the train station. Spike opened the door to the study slowly and peeked in. He saw the purple mare fast asleep, drooling on her desk. He smiled at the sight. Walked into the room and carefully picked the princess up. He wasn't going to leave her like this.

Spike blew out the desk side candle and exited the study with the sleeping mare in his arms. Twilight shifted in his embrace, murmuring into his shoulder. He climbed the steps and made his way to her room. Spike kicked the door open and slipped her into her bed. He pulled the covers over her body as she grinned in her sleep.

Spike was about to leave her room but Twilight moaning his name stopped him. He turned to the peaceful alicorn and thought. Yes, he could go back to his room and sleep alone, but he can't remember the last time he slept in Twilight's bed. And he really didn't feel like being alone tonight.

I'm sure she won't mind.

Spike slipped out of his uniform and crawled under the covers of Twilight's bed. He turn away from Twilight and got comfortable. Spike was startled when Twilight snuggled up to his back. Her skin felt soothing to him, He smiled warmly.

"Goodnight, Twilight." Spike whispered.

He closed his eyes and fell into the best sleep he's had in years.