The Last Man Standing

by Robobrony

Chapter Six: Who Will Be The Lucky Mare?

Who will be the Lucky Mare?

It was another typical day for Nathan working in the apple orchard. He first had to help Big Mac with taking care of the animals and make sure they were fed. Then he helped Applejack with a few repairs to a wagon they had that went along a bit faster than it normally would have thanks to Nathan’s hands. The work helped him keep his mind off his troubles. He was still struggling with the idea of dating a pony or not.

Nathan climbed up into one of the apple trees to get some of the higher up ones and reached for an apple nestled among the branches surrounded by leaves. He got a good grip and yanked it free. As soon as it was pulled away, a pink muzzle appeared right behind it followed by a tongue sticking out. “Pfft.”

“WAH!” Nathan was started by this and flailed his arms about before falling out of the tree. His fall was cushioned by a pink ball of fur under him. “What the heck?!” He looked under him to see Fluffle Puff standing there seemingly staring off into space. Nathan gave a sigh and climbed off her back then looked to her as she turned to face him. “Fluffle Puff, could you please not startle me like that.” He said with a soft yet stern expression.


“I’m gonna assume that was an apology. Now whatever it is you want, you know it’s hard for us to communicate when I can’t understand you.” Nathan said.


Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose with the thumb and pointer of his left hand while he rested his right on his side. “Fluffle, I don’t know what you’re saying.”

Twilight’s head suddenly popped out of Fluffle’s fur from her back. “Fluffle Puff, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly take me from my home and bring me here?” She asked sounding irritated.

Nathan stared a moment in shock. “You know, I should really just learn to roll with whatever she does.” He said to himself.

Twilight removed herself from Fluffle’s fur and noticed Nathan. “Oh, hello Nathan. I guess you’re the reason Fluffle brought me here. She must want to tell you something.”

“Well I’m kind of busy and I imagine you were probably busy with something too.” Nathan pointed out.

“Yes actually, I was.” Twilight said.


Twilight gave a sigh. “Fine, I accept your apology Fluffle. And since I’m here, we might as well see what she wants.”

Nathan gave a sigh of his own. “Fine, what is it Fluffle?”

Fluffle Puff gave a gasp with a smile. “Pfft, pfft pffft pft pfft pfft. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft…….pft.”

“What? Really?” Twilight questioned. “Well, I don’t know what help I could be, but it’s really up to him if he wants to talk about it.”

“So what did she say?” Nathan said.

“Apparently she has this idea you might be troubled regarding the whole dating thing and thinks I could help you.” Twilight informed.

“Dating? What? Heh , that’s…that’s ridiculous. I’m fine as things are right now.” Nathan said a little nervously. “I’m not dating anyone.”


“She says that’s the problem.” Twilight translated. “Nathan, if you don’t want to talk about it, just say so.” She gave a comforting smile.

Nathan hesitated a moment. “Look, even if that were the problem, how did she find out about it?”

Twilight looked to Fluffle who began explaining. “Pfft, pfft pfft pfft….pfft pfft pft.”

“She says she has a sixth sense about these things…..and she overheard you talking to yourself while you were working in the orchard about it.” Twilight said.

Nathan stared for a moment before facepalming himself with a slap. “Oy, I can’t just think to myself alone can I?” He looked back to Fluffle Puff. “So why exactly were you spying on me?”

“Pfft pft pfffft.”

Twilight smiled with a coo. “Aw, she was worried about you.”

“What?” Nathan asked flatly. “Worried about me? Why?”

Fluffle Puff gave a smile with her tongue sticking out between her lips, her eyes looking off to the side and her hooves to her blushing cheeks with a squee.

Twilight giggled at the expression. “It seems she has a little crush on you Nathan.”

“A crush on me? Oh boy.” Nathan said. “Well, at least you know ponies can be attracted to you, but Fluffle Puff? Sorry girl, but I’m gonna have to let you down.” Nathan thought to himself. He got down on one knee and placed a hand on Fluffle Puff’s shoulder. “Look Fluffle, I’m flattered and all, but I don’t think it could work out. For one, I can’t understand you when you talk. You always have to get some pony to translate for you. Second, while I do think your adorable and all…” Fluffle blushed more at the compliment. “…You’re just too…..random. How you tend to pop out of nowhere, how you do all that…weird stuff. I don’t mean to offend you or anything, and I know your heart’s in the right place, but it just wouldn’t work. You understand right?”

Fluffle Puff frowned and looked to the side with a pouting lip that quivered.

Twilight gave a sad smile of her own.

Nathan gave a sigh. “Look Puff, you’re a real nice pony and all, and I’m sure you’ll make some stallion happy. Just…not me. No hard feelings?” He gave a hopeful reassuring smile.

Fluffle Puff managed a small smile of her own and gave Nathan a soft hug.

Nathan hugged back. “Glad we had this talk. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got work to do.”

Fluffle Puff broke the hug and trotted off with a smile.

“You handled that well.” Twilight said. “So…are you really worried about finding that special somepony?”

“I’m still struggling with the idea of dating a pony. No offense Twilight, but the whole different species thing is still a small issue for me. I’m sure I’ll get over it at some point though.” Nathan informed.

“All right, well if you ever want to talk, you can always come by the library.” Twilight informed. “I’d better get back, I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Sure, see ya later Twilight.” Nathan waved Twilight goodbye as she trotted off.

Later in the day, after the work had been done, Nathan met up with Applejack to rest a bit in the barn. “Hoo wee, what a day.” Applejack said as she fanned herself with her hat.

“Tell me about it, I think it’s safe to say we got a lot done huh?” Nathan asked.

“You said it partner, I just gotta say I really appreciate all the help ya give us here on the farm.” Applejack put her hat back on and laid down on her belly. “Man, my back is achin, think I musta pulled something while buckin.”

Nathan looked to Applejack and scanned her back. “Maybe…I could help with that. I’m not much of a massager, but I wouldn’t mind trying if you think it would help.”

Applejack looked to Nathan with a grateful smile. “That’s real nice o’ ya ta offer Nathan, thank ya.” She placed her head down and rested them on her forehooves.

Nathan smiled in return. “My pleasure.” He started by popping his knuckles one by one, then locked his fingers together and did them all at once. Nathan carefully placed both hands on Applejack’s shoulders and started rubbing up and down firmly yet carefully. “How does that feel?”

Applejack hummed in pleasure as she closed her eyes. “Mmm, that feels real nice Nathan. Think ya could go a bit lower?” She asked.

Nathan did as she asked and moved down to the center of her back. “Better?”

“Oh yeah, that’s much better.” Applejack replied.

Nathan continued on rubbing Applejack’s back for a bit. “Well, maybe dating a pony won’t be so bad. There really isn’t that much of a difference between us other than species. And I’ve been in this world for long enough to get over it and used to it. Sure it was from behind a cage but still.” Nathan thought to himself. As he continued massaging, he found himself pretty much staring at Applejack. “For a pony, she is rather nice looking. That blond hair, her coat, her freckles are kind of cute.”

“Nathan, what are you doing?” Applejack asked.

“Huh?” Nathan looked to his hands and realized they were a bit lower than before, like right on the edge of being on her flanks. He started sweating nervously as he stopped and removed his hands. “Oh, uh, sorry. Was that too low for comfort?”

Applejack looked to the side while biting her bottom lip slightly before responding. “Well, it was feeling rather nice sugar cube. But….maybe…not go too low.”

“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind, sorry.” Nathan managed to calm down a bit.

“No problem.” Applejack said. “Say…Nathan, ya know Nightmare Night is comin up soon. Yer familiar with our holidays right?”

“I did have a chance to look over a few things about this world ever since ending up here in Ponyville, so yeah, I know of the holidays you have. Still find it interesting about the similarities between your holidays and the holidays I celebrated on earth.” Nathan pointed out. “What about it?”

“Well…I was wonderin if….maybe…you’d want ta celebrate it with me.” Applejack asked with a small blush.

“Um, sure…okay. Sounds like fun.” Nathan replied with a smile.

Applejack smiled in return. “Great, we’ll have a great time come Nightmare Night.”

“Looking forward to it.” Nathan started getting up. “I’d better head on back to Fluttershy’s then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, see ya tomorrow Nathan.” Applejack waved a hoof good bye. Once he was gone, Applejack was free to speak her thoughts out loud as she turned to face the back of the barn. “Oh AJ, why didn’t you just ask him out on a date? Ya had yer chance. Aw, he’s probably already got some pony to go out with. Then again, wouldn’t he have said something? Probably not. Still, he did agree to hang out with ya on Nightmare Night. I don’t think he would have if he had gotten in a relationship with some pony. So I guess you could look at yer time with him during Nightmare Night as a date. But then yer not really sure how he feels about datin a pony. Why do I have ta feel like this?” She gave a tired sigh and turned around. She lifted her head and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her big brother Big Mac standing there looking at her with an unreadable face. “Big Mac? Wh-what are you doin here? Did…did you hear all that?”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied.

“You…aint gonna tell no pony are ya?” Applejack asked.

“Nope.” Big Mac replied again.

“Thanks partner. It’s just that I…well I…” Applejack wasn’t sure what to say.

“Ya really like him don’t ya?” Big Mac asked with a smile.

Applejack hung her head. “Yeah, I do. He’s just so nice and helpful around the farm. Not to mention even though he’s a human, he is rather easy on the eyes. I just can’t help myself.”

“Don’t worry AJ, I promise I won’t say nothing till yer ready ta talk. But you really should tell Nathan how ya feel before some other filly snatches him up.” Big Mac said.

“I just…need a little more time is all.” Applejack replied.

“I understand sis. Just don’t wait too long er it’ll be too late.” Big Mac then walked off towards the house.

Applejack soon followed her big brother out of the barn and to their home.

On his way to Fluttershy’s, Nathan then had a thought and decided to make a slight detour to Rarity’s. He came upon the boutique and entered the shop, causing the little bell over the door to ring. “Rarity, you home?” Nathan called out.

“Nathan darling, how nice to see you again.” Rarity entered the main room of her shop from her kitchen.

Nathan greeted Rarity with a smile. “Hey Rarity, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I’d pay you of course. The thing is Nightmare Night is coming up and I don’t have a costume. I was hoping you might be able to help me out and make one for me. I know you usually make suits and dresses, and I really appreciate the clothes you made for me. But do you think you might be able to make a costume for me for Nightmare Night?”

“But of course dear, I do get requests like this every year and it helps my business quit a bit. So making costumes is no trouble. I even make a few for my little sister and her two friends each year.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Great, I would really appreciate it.” Nathan said.

Rarity levitated a note pad over to her from her counter. “Now, what kind of costume did you have in mind?”

“Well, hmm…” Nathan hummed in thought trying to think of one. “AH! I got it. Do you ponies have vampires in your mythology?”

“Vampires?” Rarity asked with a quirked brow. “Oh, I think I know what you mean. We call them vamponies actually, creatures that suck blood and only come out at night right?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Think you could make me a costume like that?” Nathan asked.

“Well, if you wouldn’t mind telling me a bit more about the vampires from human mythology so I could make a befitting costume, certainly.”

“No problem, there’s not much to tell though. But I’ll share with you what I know.” Nathan began telling a few stories of vampires from earth to help Rarity along.

Afterwards, Nathan said his farewell and gave his thanks again before heading back to Fluttershy’s.

Days pass and Nightmare Night was now upon Equestria. Nathan had just changed into his costume in his room and looked like a true vampire. He had his hair combed back and smooth looking. He found some face paint courtesy of Rarity to make himself look pale, got some fake fangs, and the outfit was a simple suit with a black cape with red on the inside and a pendant around his neck. To top it off, he had what looked like fake blood on his mouth where his fake fangs would poke out. It was a bit uncomfortable but nothing he couldn’t handle. “Hah, I look great. I wonder what Applejack’s costume is?”

Nathan exited his room and came down stairs to see Fluttershy dressed up like a butterfly with foam wings over her own wings and little fuzzy antennae. “Oh my, Nathan…you look….scary.” Fluttershy said.

“Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself.” Nathan replied.

“Um…thank you. So….are…are you ready to go?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Sure am, but are you sure you are?” Nathan asked concerned. He could see Fluttershy seemed nervous.

“Um…yes, I’m sure. I’ll be all right once we meet up with the others.” Fluttershy responded.

“If you’re sure. Let’s head out.” Nathan headed for the door, but not before looking to Angel bunny standing on the couch. He gave a smile and took a piece of candy out of his pocket. It was a caramel carrot. He tossed it to angel. “Here you go little buddy, happy hallow…I mean…happy Nightmare Night.”

Angel Bunny smiled big at Nathan as he caught the little treat. He and Angel had started to get along in the amount of time Nathan had been living under Fluttershy’s roof.

Fluttershy smiled. “Aw, that was really nice of you Nathan.”

“Don’t mention it.” Nathan opened the door and headed out with Fluttershy. The duo soon reached where the bulk of the celebration was taking place and soon came across Big Macintosh first. He was wearing a black top hat, black eye shadow under his eyes for a scary look, and a black cape.

“Hey there Big Mac, lookin good.” Nathan said.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac responded. “You too there partner.” He then looked to Fluttershy and gave a soft smile. “Yer lookin a might pretty tonight miss Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy blushed at the compliment. “Oh…um…th-thank you Big Mac. I…really like your costume too.”

“I’ll let you two go on your marry way while I find Applejack.” Nathan excused himself from the couple.

“Okay, see you around.” Fluttershy said as she waved a hoof.

Nathan got not ten feet away when Fluffle Puff seemed to appear out of nowhere in front of him. “Pfft.

“AH! Geeze Puff, give me a heart attack why don’t ya.” Nathan said as he held his palm to his chest.

“Pfft.” Fluffle Puff was dressed up like a taco with fangs in her mouth.

Nathan gave a tired sigh. “Fluffle Puff, we’ve been-“

“Pfft.” She pointed a hoof to a pony off to the side.

Nathan looked to where she was pointing and saw Lyra and Bon Bon at a stand selling candy. Lyra was wearing clothes similar to the ones Nathan had while Bon Bon was looking like a giant…bon bon…wrapped up in wrapping like the candy of her cutie mark.

Fluffle Puff galloped over to the two and was practically dancing on her hooves with a smile.

Nathan had no idea what she was going on about but figured she wanted Lyra or Bon Bon to translate, so he followed her over and greeted the two mares. “Hey Lyra, hi Bon Bon. Happy Nightmare Night.”

“Hi Nathan.” The two greeted in unison.

“Ooh, nice costume.” Lyra commented.

“Thanks. You…too.” Nathan responded carefully. “Um…are you…supposed to be me?”

“Sort of, it’s my human costume. Nice huh?” Lyra asked.

Bon Bon rolled her eyes.

Nathan answered carefully again. “Sure…nice.” He then turned his attention to Bon Bon. “And, you have a nice one too Bon Bon.”

“Thank you Nathan. I know it’s not much of a costume but I’m just wearing it for promotional reasons to help attract attention and customers.” Bon Bon said.

“Pfft.” Fluffle Puff cut in.

“I don’t suppose either of you speak puff ball.” Nathan joked.

The two mares shared a small giggle at the joke. Even Fluffle got a laugh out of it. “She said she was wondering about your costume.” Lyra translated.

“Ah, well okay, but I’m supposed to meet up with Applejack. She’s going to teach me more about this holiday.” Nathan began telling Fluffle Puff about Vampires and a few myths surrounding them. He got a few shiveres out of the mares with a few of the facts he gave. “So, that’s what the vampires from human mythology is like.” Nathan finished. “So, while I’m here, I might as well buy some of your sweets Bon Bon.”

“Sure thing.” Bon Bon replied with a smile.

Nathan picked out a few sweets, paid for them, then said his good bye as he left to find Applejack. It didn’t take him long to find her. She was near a spider toss game trying her luck wearing a scarecrow costume.

“Yeehaw, now that’s what I’m talkin about.” Applejack cheered as she landed a spider at the center of the web.

“Nice shot Applejack.” Nathan commented as he came up to her.

Applejack turned and greeted Nathan with a smile. “Well howdy there Nathan, thanks. Nice costume.”

Nathan gave a wicked smile. “Look deep into my eyes.” He spoke with a fake Transylvania accent. “You are getting sleepy now.”

“What in the hay are you doin?” Applejack asked with a smirk.

Nathan continued with the act. “I’m hypnotizing you so I can suck your blood, bleah.”

Applejack chuckled at his display. “Heh heh, very funny partner. Come on, we got a lot of stuff ta do, so I say we make the most of this night.”

Nathan dropped the act. “Lead the way my fine mare.” He gave an overly dramatic bow.