A New World, a New Ribbon

by Scarletmenace

Chapter 6

Clara was still blushing when she made her way downstairs to join the others for breakfast, having already spent several minutes in the restroom in order to calm down. While Leaf touching her bow had certainly left her flustered, it did give her a few ideas that she would like to try the next time she was alone with Saul. And it was these ideas that kept her face a darker shade of pink than usual.

"You alright?" Saul asked his mate as she entered the dining room, a concern expression on his face.

"I'm alright, I was just startled. That's all." Clara said as she jumped up into the chair next to Saul. With a smirk, Clara leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "But, it gave me a few ideas that I would love to try later."

Now it was Saul's turn to become flustered as his face practically exploded into a dark shade of red, causing him to stare aimlessly at the floor in order to hide his embarrassment. Thankfully, his trail of dirty thoughts were broken when Melon walked into the room, balancing several large plates of food on her back.

"Wow, now that's a lot of food." Maiden observed as she stared at the tower of food, clearly impressed with the mare's skill in being able to balance that many heavy objects at once.

"Yup! You guys are going to need the strength with what I have planned for you today." Melon grunted as she expertly hefted the food off her back and onto the table.

"And what exactly do you have planned for us?" Clara asked, scooching her chair closer to Saul before pressing her side against his.

Melon opened her mouth to reply, but was cutoff as Leaf jumped out from under the table.

"We have work for you!" Leaf stated in excitement, ignoring the irritated face that her sister was currently making for being so rudely interrupted.

"Why were you under the table?" Clara asked.

"I was sorting my gum collection." Leaf answered with a wave of her hoof.

Raising a questionable eyebrow Clara lifted the cloth and peered under the table, expecting to see this "gum collection" as nothing but chewed up pieces of gum that had been pressed against the underside of the furniture. Much to her surprise, she instead found a pile of neatly sorted gum packets that were separated based on color, size, and flavor. After staring at the collection for several seconds, Clara lifted her head out from under the table and simply stared at Leaf.

"What?" Leaf asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"Why would… never mind."

"Ahem!" Melon cleared her throat loudly from behind Leaf, grabbing everyone's attention. "As I was about to say before I was interrupted," Melon shot Leaf a light glare, the filly just responding with a sheepish smile. "We do have work planned for you guys, and I'm sure that you guys will love it."

Several seconds passed as the party waited for Melon to tell them about the job, but the mare just stood there, obviously waiting for someone to ask her first. Maiden was the first one to break the silence.

"What might this task be?" Maiden asked as she took another sip of her tea.

"I'm glad you asked!" Melon happily exclaimed, a large grin threatening to split her face. "We plan on having you guys helping us with the platinum melon harvest. You see, Leaf and I have been the only ones to work the harvest for a great number of years, and we have been barely able to complete it with just the two of us. But now with you guys here, finishing the harvest should be a cinch!" Melon gave a small twirl of excitement at the last part, causing Leaf to giggle at her sister's antics.

"Sounds good." Clara replied as she munched on a large scone. "But I'm curious as to why it's only you two running the farm. Because from the sound of things, you two needed all the help you could get." Clara finished as she washed the scone down with some coffee.

Both, Melon's, and Leaf's attitude took a one eighty turn at that, their previously cheerful attitudes becoming replaced with a melancholy smile. Clara recognized the sudden shift of atmosphere almost instantly, all too familiar with sadness that permeated the air.

"You know what? forget I asked, I can obviously tell that it is a sore subject, and I don't want to stir up bad memories." Clara insisted, doing her best to change the subject.

"It's alright Clara, you didn't know." Melon reassured the Sylveon before looking at everyone else at the table.

"The truth is, it wasn't always just me and Leaf, but also my mother and two older brothers." Melon admitted as she steeled her gaze, determined not to give in to her emotions. "My mother Red Vine was a master botanist who was respected throughout Equestria for her discovery of over a dozen exotic plant species that resided within the Everfree forest. While my brothers were just a pair of goofballs that constantly bickered with one another, unable to agree on even the simplest decisions."

Melon paused before smiling warmly and staring off into space, letting herself become engulfed in memories. She only broke out of her trance when she felt something wet hit her foreleg. Lifting a hoof to her face, Melon touched her cheek and felt the warm tears streaming down her face, soaking into her fur.

"Hmm, when did I start crying?" Melon chuckled dryly as she wiped the tears away with one of the table napkins, earning sympathetic looks from everyone in the room.

"Anyway, as I was saying. My brothers wer-" Melon was cut off as she was embraced tightly by four warm ribbons, all of them lightly rubbing Melon's fur in an effort to soothe the mare.

"You can stop now." Clara pleaded, a sad expression plastered on her face as she continued to hug the mare. "I know the pain that you are going through right now, and I don't want to see you force yourself to continue any further than you already have."

Melon just opened and closed her mouth in response, shocked at level of empathy in Clara's voice. It was a tone that she was familiar with, one that she had experience countless times since her mother and siblings passed… compassion.

Melon blinked as she felt something else latch onto her. Looking over, she saw that not only her sister had joined in the hug, but Saul and Maiden as well.

"I've known them for little over a week, and yet we already share this strong of a bond?" Melon thought to herself with a smile on her face, a sudden warmth beginning to fill her chest. She couldn't stop herself as tears began to stream down her cheeks, but for a different reason this time.

Saul looked up at Melon with a bit of concern as he saw fresh tears beginning to pour from her eyes. However, his concern was quickly replaced with relief once he saw the smile on her face. It had been a while since he had seen someone like this, wearing a pure smile as they cried in joy.

"You're all too emotional. Clara and Saul's behavior must be rubbing off on all of you." Maiden chocked up as she stood up from the hug, turning away from the group to quickly wipe away the tears that were forming in her eyes.

Saul chuckled at Maiden's antics, happy to see the Gothitelle opening up to someone besides Clara, and her little group. Happy with how everyone else was taking things, Saul then shifted his attention back to Melon, who was currently wiping her tears away with her foreleg.

"You okay now, Melon?" Saul asked, catching the mare's attention.

"Yes, I'm fine now." Melon chucked as she tried to stand back up, quickly discovering that she was still pinned down by Clara's ribbons. "But I think I might need your help in getting Clara off my leg."

Saul laughed as he looked down at Melon's leg, seeing his mate holding onto the limb like an infant trying to prevent their parent from leaving the room.

"Clara, you can let go of her leg now. The sentimental part is over now." Saul tittered as he pried the protesting Sylveon off using his psychic.

"You know that you could have said that before you lifted up me in the air." Clara pouted as Saul placed her down right next to him.

"And where is the fun in that?" Saul chuckled before licking Clara's cheek, cutting off the Sylveon's retort.

It took several minutes for the group to unwind from Melon's unsettling topic. Maiden had sat back down at the table to eat her breakfast like nothing had happened, while Clara and Saul had huddled near one of the corners of the room to enjoy a nice grooming session. And comically enough, Leaf had tried to mimic the Eeveelutions grooming by licking her own fur; however, she quickly found out that her hoof didn't taste that great.

Melon had left the room to take a light shower in order to freshen up, and only a few minutes had passed before she reentered the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her head and a scroll in her mouth. walking up to the table, Melon laid out the scroll, letting the long piece of paper flow onto the floor.

Maiden whistled, "That's a long list."

Melon just nodded in acknowledgement as she began to read the list, checking to see if she forgot to write down anything. Satisfied that she had written everything she needed, Melon beckoned for everyone in the room to huddle around. Clara and Saul got up from their little spot and walked over to melon before jumping up into a pair of chairs to the side of the mare. While Maiden simply scooted her chair over.

"Where's Leaf?" Melon asked, looking at the empty chair where the filly usually sat.

"Last I saw her, she was scrubbing her tongue in the downstairs bathroom. She somehow got the idea in her head to lick her hoof… I wonder how that happened." Maiden chuckled, glancing over to at the guilty couple who were fidgeting.

Melon wore a confused expression before dismissing it with a slight shake of her head. "I swear, I'll never understand that filly." Melon sighed before gazing back down at the list. "Anyway, this is the chore list for today. I had most of the chores divided up into separate categories in order to accommodate you guys into the schedule. While I may not know most of your guys's skills, I still went ahead and- yes Clara?" Melon acknowledged the Sylveon raising her paw.

"You know that we still haven't said whether or not we would accept the job." Clara said with a cheeky grin as she put down her paw.

Melon stared wide-eyed at the Sylveon, "I-I'm sorry, I just assumed tha-"

"I'm just yanking your chain! we accept." Clara interrupted with a giggle.

Melon simply huffed before shifting her attention back towards the list. "As I was saying, I planned on splitting us up based on-"

"I'm back!" Leaf exclaimed, bouncing back into the room.

"Can you all stop interrupting me?!" Melon shouted in frustration, the towel on her head falling off in the process. Everyone froze and made zipping motion with their mouth, letting the mare have the floor.

Melon sighed heavily before rolling the scroll back up and setting off to the side of the table. "I'll make it short and simple. Maiden is to help me with the platinum melons, and Clara and Saul are to help Leaf with the pixie lilies."

"But you said that I could do the lilies by myself this year!" Leaf whined.

"Well this is something better." Melon said with a grin as she looked down at her pouting sister. "After all, how often do you think you are going to get the opportunity to teach somepony how to work the pixie lilies?"

"Really?!" Leaf beamed, her previous attitude quickly discarded.

"Yes, really." Melon giggled before directing her attention back towards the Pokémon. "It looks like I will have to hold onto my tale for another day, and thanks for helping me calm down too." Melon grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head.

"It's no problem whatsoever, Melon." Clara grinned at the mare. "After all, what are friends for?"

A smile blossomed on Melon's face before she reached and pulled the Sylveon into a quick hug, catching the Pokémon off guard and effectively knocking the wind out of her.

"Air!" Clara mentally gasped, making a tap-out motion with one of her ribbons. Thankfully, the hug quickly ended and the Sylveon quickly slid out of the mare's grasp, eager to get away from her death grip.

"Careful sis, you might snap her in half next time." Leaf chuckled, amused of her sister's obliviousness to her own strength.

"S-sorry" Melon blushed in embarrassment as she helped Clara regain her bearings.

"Remind me to never piss you off. I'd prefer to not be compressed into a Poffin." Clara muttered as she rolled her shoulders, eliciting a few pops and cracks.

"Why? You might taste even better than you are now." Saul chuckled, using his real voice so that Melon and Leaf didn't have to hear his lewd comment… and maybe because he wanted a little revenge from earlier. So naturally, couldn't help but smirk as he watch Clara's face flush into a bright shade of red as she stuttered incoherently for a couple seconds.

"A-anyway, where do we start?" Clara asked finally, getting a grip back on her speech.

"Just follow Leaf, she will escort you to the lily patch." Melon replied, secretly wondering what exactly Saul had said to Clara to make her so flustered.

"Yup! follow me!" Leaf said cheerfully, happily trotting out the door and onto the front porch. The two Eeveelutions both sharing an anxious glance before following Leaf outside, leaving both Melon and Maiden alone with one another.

"So, how am I going to assist you today?" Maiden asked the mare, setting down her now empty tea cup.

"Depends, how much can you lift?"

The wide grin grew across the Gothitelle's face. "We'll see." She said cryptically, her eyes glowing a bright shade of blue.


"How much farther?" Clara whined, her paws already aching.

The small group had been walking for almost an Hour now, leaving the flat farmland behind to trek up one of the nearby mountains. When Clara had heard that they were taking care of lilies, she had expected them to just be watering some flowers in a greenhouse or something. But she wasn't prepared to venture up the side of a flipping mountain! Not only that, but a few of the resident rock-type Pokémon weren't that keen with strangers passing through their territory.

"Not much farther." Leaf hummed, ignoring the small pile of unconscious Golems that Saul had subdued.

"Looks like that was the last of them." Saul said, jumping down from his small perch on the Golem pile. "They shouldn't cause anymore trouble, most Golems learn their place after they are defeated."

Leaf nodded her thanks, and Clara just smiled as Saul made his way back over to the group. when he finally caught up, Clara immediately pressed her side against his as they padded along, leaning in to also lick his cheek. Saul smiled and quickly returned the gesture, eating up Clara's affection.

"I keep forgetting how strong you are when you want to be." Clara chuckled, lightly wrapping one of her ribbons around the Umbreon as they made their way up the mountain.

"When I want to be? What's that suppose to mean?" Saul said in a mockingly, angry tone.

The Sylveon just giggled, "I mean that you can be a goofball someti- KYAAH!"

Saul acted fast and caught Clara with his psychic, her face a mere inch from the ground as his hold stopped her fall. As he lifted her up, Saul looked over at the spot where Clara had been standing, hoping to see what had tripped her. To his surprise, it was Leaf, laying prone on the ground and staring intently at a large crack in a oddly shaped rock.

"What is it Leaf?" Saul asked, curiosity overriding his previous agitation.

Leaf remained silent, her face scrunched up into an uncharacteristic stare as she looked at the strange rock.

"Something about this rock seems… off" Leaf finally said, continuing to stare at the ominous stone.

hesitantly, Leaf reached out a hoof and poked the stone, though nothing happened. Cautiously, she picked up the odd rock to examine it further. The rock was trapezoidal in shape, and had a large crack running down the center along with two dots on opposite sides of the stone. Other than its odd appearance, it was just an ordinary rock… so why couldn't she shake the feeling that something was not right?

Continuing to focus on the stone, Leaf was oblivious as Clara padded up to her with a slightly irked expression written on her face, the one that mothers often used to reprimand their children.

"Honestly Leaf, you've got to at least warn us when you plan on doing that. I almo-" Clara stopped midsentence once she saw what Leaf was examining, her eyes shooting wide open in alarm.

"Leaf! put it down!" Clara shouted, rushing towards the filly.

Leaf turned her head to look at Clara in confusion. However, her attention was quickly shifted back to the stone as it began to shine a brilliant, purple light. Now dreading what was about to occur, Clara took action and quickly wrapped all of her ribbons around the filly, swiftly yanking her into the air. The stone fell out of Leaf's hoof and dropped onto the ground with a small clutter, the light still growing brighter.

The light continued to grow brighter and brighter, until finally… It stopped. Clara was the first to open her eyes and stare back down at the stone, which was now oozing energy. Suddenly, the purple energy leaking from the stone began to morph and shift into shape. A flat purple disk with green orbs took shape, shortly followed by an eerily jagged grin.

"W-what is that?" Leaf shivered from behind Clara and Saul, both of them forming a barrier between the filly and their foe.

"A Spiritomb." Saul snarled as he glared at the forbidden Pokémon. "It's a Pokémon that is composed of souls from those who have created great misdeeds."

"S-souls!?" Leaf shrieked, shaking even harder now.

Unfortunately, Leaf's little outburst caught the attention of the Spiritomb, who decided to casually float over to the little group. Preparing for a fight, Clara and Saul both crouched down and growled at the Spiritomb, daring it to come any closer. However, they weren't expecting what happened next.



"What in the name of Celestia?" Melon gasped as she sat down in utter shock, her mouth practically hitting the ground as she stared at the sight in front of her.

Before her was over several dozen platinum melons floating about ten feet off the ground, all of them swirling around one another like a lethargic tornado. In the center of the Melon storm, was a Gothitelle wearing a smug smile.

"What? You asked me on how much I can lift." Maiden chuckled innocently, her eyes glowing even brighter as more melons were lifted into the air and added to the sluggish twister.

Melon continued to just gawk at the display, but was snapped out of it when one of the ascending platinum melons bumped into the back of her flank.

"GYAHH!!! Watch it Maiden!" Melon shouted at the Gothitelle, a small blush already tinting her cheeks.

"Why, whatever are you talking about Miss Stripe?" Maiden snickered, acting like she didn't know what Melon was talking about.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"Oh, I do?"

"Ye-" Melon cut herself off. She knew that this was going nowhere fast, and that Maiden was just egging her on. After all, Leaf had done the same exact thing to her so many times that it hurt her head to even try to remember what the heck they were arguing over in the first place.

"Exactly how are you able to levitate so many of them at once?" Melon asked, completely changing topic as to not get caught in one of Maiden's proverbial arguments. "Most unicorns that I've met have only been able to lift a couple of these melons simultaneously, yet you are doing far and beyond with what seems like very little effort."

Maiden huffed lightly, a little disappointed that Melon had caught onto her plan already.

"It's quite simple actually." Maiden began. "Most psychics have a lot of utility when it comes to using their potential. For example, most are able to project their thoughts with ease by using telepathy to communicate. However, the same cannot be said for me, for I have very little control over my psychic utility".

Maiden let out a heavy sigh before continuing, her psychic hold gripping even more platinum melons.

"You probably didn't notice, but the skill I used in order to communicate, I didn't learn till a little after we came to this world. And it's a basic skill, one that most psychic types learn at a very early age." Maiden sighed.

"But that still doesn't explain why you are able to achieve….. this" Melon said, gesturing at the mass of floating melons.

"I was getting there." Maiden assured. "As I was saying, while it's true that I have poor utility in my psychic powers, it doesn't mean that my potential is wasted. Because in exchange for utility, I have a massive psychic energy field. Meaning that I can perform tasks that would leave most psychic types exhausted. That said, I also have the ability to control my raw psychic power, so I'm able to bend most things out of my sheer will."

Melon couldn't help but whistle in amazement at what Maiden was telling her. "That's mighty impressive to be able to control that much power. But then, why do you look so sad?" Melon asked, genuinely concerned at the Gothitelle's wellbeing.

"Again, It's quite simple." Maiden began. "Because of my power, most Pokémon tended to avoid me, afraid that I would hurt them. So you can imagine how lonely it was growing up when everymon was too scared to even come within a ten foot radius of me. However it was a different case with the humans, who often went to great lengths in attempts to capture me just so that they could become stronger." Maiden said with a sad smile, trying her hardest to keep her feelings under control so that this conversation wouldn't get too emotional.

"That's awful!" Melon gasped, quickly getting off her rump and trotting over to Maiden, Where she had to dodge several floating melons to get to her target. Once there, she quickly enveloped Maiden into a hug, catching the Gothitelle off-guard. The floating platinum melons wavered a little bit as Maiden's concentration was briefly interrupted. Thankfully, Maiden was able to quickly able to reapply her will to the melons, preventing a produce catastrophe.

"Careful! I'm carrying approximately seventy-three platinum melons, and I would hate to drop them." Maiden scolded the mare still embracing her.

At the mention of her harvest's potential demise, Melon quickly backpedaled from the Pokémon, an expression of horror written on her face.

"Sorry!" Melon quickly apologized before she gazed at her floating platinum melons. "Also, can you please put my melons down? Because you just put a horrifying mental-image in my head." She squeaked, staring anxiously at the melons.

"I can do better." Maiden quipped, her blue eyes now practically blazing.

Before Melon could ask what she meant by that, a loud creaking sound emanated from behind her. Turning her head around, Melon saw the spectacle of her large harvest wagon being hefted into air alongside the melons. As soon as the wagon stopped ascending, the melons took action. One by one, platinum melons began to gently float towards the wagon, where they were deposited inside.

Meanwhile, Melon was back at square one with her rump on the ground as she looked at the amazing display of power and efficiency.

"A-at this rate, we will be finished with the whole season's harvest within the week." Melon whispered to herself, her mind still trying to process the sheer magnitude of such a feat.

Only a couple minutes passed before the wagon was fully loaded with platinum melons. The wood from the wagon already creaking from the its heavy cargo as it was set back onto the ground.

Once the wagon was placed on the ground, Maiden released her hold, her eyes shifting back to normal as she dismissed her psychic energy. It had been a while since she was last able to cut loose like that. And to be honest, she enjoyed it. Even if it left her a little winded.

"See? No problem." Maiden chucked as she wiped the sweat off her forehead, panting slightly from exerting all that energy at once.

"T-thanks." Melon stuttered as she inspected the cart full of platinum melons, making sure that none were damaged in Maiden's little display. To her pleasure, all of the melons were intact and unscathed, each equally separated to prevent a build-up of weight from crushing the melons on the bottom of the cart.

"So, have anything else that needs to be taken care of?" Maiden asked, cracking her knuckles in anticipation.

"No, this will do for today. After all, I don't want a surplus of platinum melons that will spoil before they sell." Melon replied.

"You sure?"

Melon just turned her head to look at Maiden blankly. "You just finished about seven hours of work within fifteen minutes. So ya, I'm sure."

"Oh…sorry, I didn't mean to take away you job like that."

"It's alright, just do it in moderation next time." Melon said with a smile. "Now, let's head back to the house and prepare these melons so that I can sell them. And maybe, we can stop and take a short lemonade break as well."

Maiden smiled and replied with a nod, the idea of a refreshing beverage sounding pretty good right now. And with that, the two began their short trek back towards the house, the large melon cart in tow. It only took them about half an hour to make it out of the platinum melon patch. They probably would have made it in under twenty minutes if Maiden had carried the wagon with her psychic, but Melon had insisted that she be the one to pull the wagon.

After a while, the pair had arrived at the foot of the hill overlooking the house. And despite Melon's stubborn determination, Maiden eventually had to step in and help her work the cart up the hill, using her psychic powers to reduce the weight of the overloaded wagon.

Once at the top of the hill, Melon prepared for the easy downhill walk. However, she stopped in her tracks when Maiden held her arm out in front of her.

"What gives?" Melon asked, a bit irritated due to the fact that Maiden had stopped her so suddenly when she was so close to her goal.

"There's someone in front of your house." Maiden replied, her eyes already shifting color as she focused her psychic energy to let her eyes zoom in on the target. As her new sight came into focus, Maiden was quickly able to make out two shapes. One obviously a pony, and the other looked to be a Pokémon. After further focusing, she was able to fill in the shapes of both individuals, giving her a clear view of them.

"Who is it?" Melon asked nervously, slightly worried about Maiden's behavior. While the mare couldn't think of anypony that would have it out for her, she knew that it might not be the same case with her Pokémon guests.

"It's just Golden Streak." Maiden answered as her eyes shifted back to normal. "And it looks like he brought a guest."

"A guest?" Melon asked hesitantly, a few hundred scenarios already playing through her head. Was it a relative of his? A Pokémon? Another mare?! Melon shook her head vigorously at that last thought. Streak wasn't the type that would cheat on her like that, and she knew it. But her newly found marefriend instincts kept nagging her at the possibility.

"Are you coming, or are you just going to stand there all day with that murderous expression in your eyes?" Maiden tittered, already halfway down the hill.

"C-coming!" Melon stammered as she began to pull the wagon, cursing herself for being such an open book.

It only took the pair a couple minutes to reach the bottom of the hill. Where Streak quickly noticed them and trotted over to the pair with a Carbink by his side, both wearing satchels.

"Afternoon, girls" Streak said with a smile as he trotted up to Melon and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, his chest fluttering a little as his lips connected with her soft fur.

Melon smiled and returned the gesture before looking at the Carbink behind him. "Care to introduce us to your new friend?"

"Oh! Of course! This is Bixbite, a Carbink that saved my life yesterday when I was mining through one of my old caverns" Streak chuckled nervously, anxious as to how Melon would react. Unfortunately, he was right to be worried.

"WHAT?!" Melon screamed. "YOU'RE LIFE?! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU HAD A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE AND YOU WAITED TILL TODAY TO TELL ME?!" The mare shrieked, advancing towards the now cowering stallion.

"Y-y-yes." Streak gulped, fearing for his life a second time this week.

At that point Melon looked like she was about to explode. Streak clenched his eyes shut as he prepared for a verbal, and possibly physical, assault. However, it didn't come. Slowly opening his eyes, Streak caught a glimpse of Melon as tears began to roll down her cheeks. Before Streak could even react, Melon lunged forward and pulled him into a tight hug, her tears already soaking his fur.

"Y-you idiot… you stupid idiot." Melon lightly sobbed as she hugged him tighter. "I have lost too many loved ones already, and you know that more than anyone. Yet you still pull shit like this." Melon said as she pulled away from the hug, glaring into Streak's eyes.

Streak opened his mouth to defend himself, but was cut-off when Melon pulled him into an incredibly deep kiss. Too shocked for words, Streak did the next best thing by returning his marefriend's gesture, letting her vent out her pent-up emotions.

Standing at the sidelines, Bixbite and Maiden just stared at the couple in confusion. Both Pokémon wondering what the heck just happened.

"Does she often do this?" Bixbite asked the Gothitelle.

"Well, this morning she broke down in tears over a tragic story that she has yet to finishing telling us. And now she is shifting through emotions like a Kecleon changes colors." Maiden mused as she rubbed her chin in thought. "Both incidences seem to have very good reasons. So, no. She doesn't do this often… But I can't say the same for my trainer." Maiden chuckled lightly at the thought of one of Clara's little outbursts.

The two Pokémon watched the couple try to eat each other's faces for about a minute before Melon finally broke the kiss and returned her glare back on Streak.

"You're not off the hook you know… but by Celestia, I'm so glad that you're alright." Melon sighed as she hugged Streak one last time before hefting herself up off the ground. Streak quickly doing the same.

"Oh, it seems like they are finally done." Bixbite observed as he began to hover over towards Streak.

"Ya, we're do-…. wait. Bix! You talked!" Streak exclaimed as he began scrutinize the Carbink.

"I could always talk, you just never listened." Bixbite said as he tilted his body. "Also, I thought my name was Bixbite, not Bix."

"Your name is Bixbite, but Bix is just a nickname." Streak replied before shaking his head. "But never mind that! How can I understand you now?!"

"My doing." Maiden casually replied as she lifted one of her hands. "I simply created the same link that Melon and I share. Meaning that Bix can now perform telepathy to a basic degree."

"I-I see… well, thank you, Maiden" Streak smiled nervously, a bit intimidated by the Gothitelle's powers. However, this feeling was quickly shifted to Melon, who was staring at him and Bix.

"So tell me Streak. How exactly did you put your life in danger when you were exploring your mines?" Melon asked, wanting to know the near cause of her coltfriend's demise.

Streak sighed. "Well, I was excavating my mines, like usual, but I kept coming up with these strange new stones that I'd never seen before. So, in hopes of finding some familiar gemstones, I headed down one of the older mine shafts. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything that I recognized there either, but I did find this odd prismatic rock that glowed like a torchlight." Streak said as he plopped his satchel down on the ground and began to rummage through the bag's contents, showing the girls the strange stones that he was talking about.

"However," Streak began, his hoof still rummaging through the bag. "After I pulled that one glowing rock out of the wall, I was attack by what I assumed was a dragon Pokémon."

"A Gabite to be more specific." Bix chimed in.

"Ya, a Gabite, and a nasty one at that. Tried to roast me alive." Streak chuckled, rubbing his one of his bandages uncomfortably.

"It tried to cook him with a dragon rage. Thankfully, I was able to step in before he took any serious damage." Bix chimed in once again, earning a grateful look from Streak. However, Streak clearly wasn't the only one grateful when Bix found himself plucked out of the air and smooshed against Melon's chest.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" Squealed the mare as she showered the Carbink in gratitude.

"Can't Breath!" Bix gasped.

As Melon continued to squeeze the life out of Bix, Maiden took initiative and picked up one of the many stones Streak had brought with him, examining it closely.

"Ah, this is quite the collection of evolution stones you've got here Streak." Maiden commented as she examined a few more of the unique stones.

"So you know what they are?" Streak asked in excitement

Maiden nodded. "Indeed I do, but I only know their names and properties. If you want to learn more than that, I highly recommend asking Clara. After all, collecting evolution stones was one of her favorite hobbies back on earth. Heck, with her collection, I'm surprised Saul didn't evolve into a Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon."

Streak smiled eagerly at what Maiden was telling him, the idea of powerful stones from a different planet being found in his mines was extremely fascinating. Heck, he hadn't been this excited since his father taught him about alexandrite.

"Okay! So what is this one?" Streak asked, hoofing over one of the red stones that seemed to glow as if ablaze.

"That's a firestone. It's an evolution stone that is used to make some fire-type Pokémon evolve." Maiden replied.

"Okay." Streak said to himself as he pulled out a notepad and began to write down this valuable information. "And what Pokémon specifically use it to evolve?"

Maiden frowned slightly. "There's a good list actually. But as I said before, it's better to ask Clara about that because I don't want to accidently give you bad info."

"Fair enough." Streak shrugged. "Now, onto the next one!"

Maiden groaned. This was going to take a while.