//------------------------------// // Discovered // Story: Divine // by lingonberries //------------------------------// I used my powerful new magic to teleport to the cloud. I saw that he was still there, but he was fast asleep, his headphones sliding down his face. I giggled, which woke him up. "Oh, hi," he said, giving me a lazy smile as he pushed the headphones back in place. "Thank you so much! My cutie mark is perfect! It's such an honor to have it," I said as I laid down next to him and nuzzled his chest affectionately. He wrapped his hoof around me. "I would only give my own cutie mark to somepony who really deserves it." He breathed into my ear. I then realized something. "Wait... Nopony can have the same cutie mark, right?" I asked. "That is correct," he replied. "Then how...?" "I never said that cutie marks couldn't be extremely similar." He winked. "Turn towards me." I did as asked, and he touched my flank where the cyan and navy brofist was. "See how your brofist is outlined with yellow like your coat?" He asked and I nodded. "Mine is outlined with a light grey, if you'll see." He gestured to his, and sure enough, it had a grey outline. "So, it is impossible to have the same cutie mark, but it is not impossible to have an extremely similar mark." He explained. "Wow," I said. "Still, it's so great to have a cutie mark almost exactly like my lifetime hero's!" I exclaimed, making him turn a very light pink. "So, anyways, want to get going for the castle?" He asked awkwardly. "Of course! Should I just, like, try to teleport in with all that new magic you gave me?" I asked. "Oh, yeah, what kind of magic is that? I mean, I don't know any kind of magic that can make a little filly like me so powerful!" "Questions, questions." He chuckled playfully. "I'll answer them all when we get there." "Okay... Now, seriously, do I have to teleport in?" I asked again, tail flicking slightly in excitement. "Oh, you can't, because it is impossible for anyone other than me to teleport to its location. Of course, I can configure that when we get there, but for now, we have to actually travel there." He said. I nodded my head. "Are you ready to have fun?" He asked, his eyes shining. "Yay-uh!" I held out my hoof for a brofist, and he eagerly gave one back. "Hold on!" He said as he crouched into a ninja - like stance. He then encased the cloud in a bright blue light, and we immediately started to speed through the air. I laughed and screamed as if I was on a roller coaster - this wasn't much unlike one. We then hit an air bump, causing him to topple over onto me. We both laughed as he sped it up; now we were going at least as fast as a jet. I then thought of the unknown blue Pegasus that I had met earlier, creating a sonic rainboom. This made me smile, and it gave me an idea. I lit up the air with my own green magic, and created a rainbow shooting from the back of the cloud. Pewds saw this and beamed. "Nice!" He shouted over the wind. After a few more minutes of laying there, he slowed down the cloud, causing the rainbow to disintegrate. "We're here," he told me as a huge shape came into view, blocked by some clouds. "Screw you." Pewds muttered as he whisked the clouds into nonexistence. Now, we could see the whole frontside of th castle. It was made of a crystalline material, maybe quartz or amethyst, and it was at least 8 stories tall with huge tinted windows. There were small garponies* on ledges here and there; gruesome, twisted faces sneering down upon me. I processed all of this with a look of wonder dominating my features. "Felix, this is beautiful!" I whispered, biting my lip to keep from smiling; I had used his real name! He gave me a grin as well. "Glad you like it, Midnight Ember Shine." You could practically hear me turning bright red. "How do you know that?" I asked, lowering my voice at the end so it sounded more like a statement than a question. "Um..." He tried to search for an excuse, then shrugged. "I could call you by your full name as well." I threatened, giving him a look as if to say, You're on, bro. "Hell, you don't even know my full name." He said, pressing his lips together and raising a single eyebrow. "And whopony ever said that, Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg?" I said in a sweet - as - sugar tone, dragging the vowels. He rolled his eyes and punched me playfully. "Fine, bro, you got me there." We both giggled like schoolponies, which, technically, I was. We collapsed on the cloud in sweet bliss; euphoria crashing upon our minds. I thread my hoof through the soft material of the cloud; bits of it broke away and disintegrated. "You can call me Felix if you'd like," he murmured, running his hoof through my mane. I nodded and smiled sheepishly at the cloud as he massaged my back. "You have a really cute name." I admitted quietly, the tip of my ears folding over a bit in embarrassment. He gave me a small smile, his ocean tinted irises piercing me with their gaze. "As do you, m'lady," he said with a terrible attempt at a Bridletish** accent. This made me chuckle, and then I gave him a short embrace, feeling the soft fur of his neck. "I just realized that we've been sitting here for almost ten minutes, your colossal, breathtaking kingdom of quartz or whatever the hay it is just sitting in front of us." He stared straight ahead for a moment until time seemed to catch up with him, and his leg jerked. He bit his bottom lip while smiling, suppressing a laugh. "You're right," he said, dumbfounded. He immediately got up and offered me a hoof. I took it gratefully, and we stepped off the cloud, into the courtyard. He led me up to the huge double doors, and his horn flared, causing the doors to slam open. "Welcome to my castle." *Gargoyles. ** British, but bridle-tish, you get it? No? Okay then