Pokemon: Twilight Version

by Next Gen Wonderbolt

Episode 2: Riding the Rails on the Battle Train! v.2

Twilight sat on the bench flanked by Pinkie Pie while Rainbow sat up on the roof of the ticket counter. All three mares sat in silence, Rainbow constantly fidgeting and glancing at Charmander's ball and Pinkie Pie doing all sorts of tricks with her ball; like spinning it on her finger, or rolling it up her arm, across her shoulders, then down the other arm again. Twilight had placed Bulbasaur's ball in the side pocket of her bag, the bookbag hung across her shoulder and chest to her left. It had six diverse pockets with each one being specific for different things. One was labeled ITEMS, another MEDICINE, TM's&HM's, BERRIES, POKeBALLS, and KEY ITEMS.

Twilight closed the book bag and sighed heavily. Her and Rainbow's battle had tired both pokemon out especially Charmander, who was unable to battle let alone stand. Pinkie's pokemon on the other hand was still perfectly healthy granted she had taken no part in the battle nor had she battled afterwards much to Twilight's relief. She pulled out her train ticket, wrapping it around her fingers and just feeling it's material in her palms.

The whistle of a train could be heard crossing the field to the train station. Twilight glanced up at the clock watching the hands tick and tock across the face.

It's early. Twilight noted.

"Ooh! Here it comes!" Pinkie said enthusiastically.

"About time!" Rainbow stated.

The train that pulled in was different from the other trains. This one had a pointed nose and a pure white exterior. The windshield was slanted back as well as the whole front of the train and the wheels hardly made a sound as it pulled into the station. It lightly hissed to a stop in a few seconds letting the passengers get off. A conductor stepped off as well his dark blue suit and handlebar mustache fitting the rather standard depiction of railroad conductors.

"All aboard for Azur Town!" he called.

Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow all got up and walked towards the doors. Rainbow was the first to arrive where the conductor promptly asked for her ticket.

"Hello, Miss, may I see you Eon Ticket?" The conductor asked.

"Eon Ticket?" Rainbow replied. "What's an Eon Ticket?"

"It's the ticket you need to get on the train." The conductor said factually. "No ticket, no ride."

"What!? But I need to get on!"

"Sorry, Miss, but no ticket, no ride. It's as simple as that."

"I have an Eon Ticket!" Twilight called. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. Professor Maple requested that I meet her in Azur City as well as my friends."

"Twilight Sparkle huh? Yes Professor Maple did mention that the Princess's student was to get on this train, but she didn't mention anything about the other two. " The conductor said.

"I'm sure you just misheard." Twilight replied. "She said that there would be two more boarding with me."

"I'm not so sure. If there were two more boarding with you, then why didn't the Professor send three Eon tickets instead of one?"

"She forgot to send the other two. She was in quite a rush to send out the package that she forgot to add the other two tickets in case any one wanted the other two pokemon."

The conductor hesitated a bit. "Not likely. You, get on, the other two-" The conductor looked around and saw that Rainbow and Pinkie had disappeared. "Hey! Where'd they go!?"

Twilight slipped around the confused conductor inside the first car. There seemed to be just regular passengers lining the sides of the car, some reading the newspaper while others were on some sort of gear that they talked into. Twilight had never seen anything like it in Equestria and she couldn't help but stare curiously at the piece of equipment.

"...then I said, hold on." the pony put her hand over the, whatcha-ma-call-it, and adressed Twilight. "Do you mind? It's not polite to eavesdrop you know!" She said in a sassy tone.

"What is that?" Twilight asked continually examining the item.

"It's a PokeGear! It let's you make calls, look at the map, and listen to the radio!"

"Where did you get it?"

"I bought it in Caprico City!"

"Is that in the Cristalla Region?"

"Nope! Straight from the genius that is the Sut Region! Why? You're not planning on going to Cristalla are you?"

"Actually, yes I am."

"Seriously?" The mare asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Twilight replied.

"Wow! You must be from Equestria. Only Equestrians would be dumb and lame enough to go to Cristalla."

Twilight's curiosity disappeared.

"And what makes Sut so high and mighty?"

"Well, for starters, Caprico City is home to the best clothing stores in the Region as well as the birthplace of the PokeGear and hit shows like PokeFacts with Professor Yew and Caprico Central! We have the Pokeathlon as well as the annual Bug Catcher's Contest!"

While Twilight had no idea who Professor Yew was, or a Pokeathlon, she still couldn't let this mare off the hook. Not after she had called her dumb and lame!

"well, if everyone from Sut is just like you, then I'd rather go to Cristalla. Hopefully they won't be rude like you." Twilight stated.

"Oh yeah? Well at least we aren't weak unlike the trainers over there. Seriously, a gust from Pidgey here could knock half of their Pokemon out!"

"I'll believe it when I see it." Twilight replied.

Just as Twilight was about to walk to the next car she felt a hand grab her arm.

"Then why don't I show you in a Pokemon battle!" The mare proclaimed.

"What!? Here!? On the train!?" Twilight said.

"Of course! The train's designed for battles! Jeez you really are clueless. You'll fit right in with Cristalla." The mare remarked.

Twilight pouted and drew her pokeball from her bag. She tossed it up in the air just above her head. She watched as it snapped open letting Bulbasaur out. The mare drew her own ball from her pocket and tossed it up as well revealing a new Pokemon. This one resembled that of a bird but with eyes like a pony's and a small beak. It looked no bigger than the blue jay's in Fluttershy's cottage. It spread it's wings as far as it could and let out a screech.

"Pidgey!" It shouted.

Pidgey? This must be another Pokemon! Twilight thought.

"C'mon, Pidgey! Let's show them how superior we Sut really are!" The mare shouted emphasizing her point by shooting out her arm, palm open.

Twilight noticed that this time the shield did not appear around the two battlers, rather, the passengers already on the train backed up to previous car peeking in through the windows. The seats also made a hissing sound as they moved forward and opened up letting the cushions retract into the walls. Twilight noticed that the car was now completely empty except for the two trainers. Twilight's surprise was evident to the opposing battler and she smirked while rolling her eyes.

"What? Never seen a battle train before? Man, you really are clueless!"

Twilight's surprise faded refocusing on the battle at hand. Bulbasaur stood ready to go while the opposing Pidgey preened it's tiny wings. Finally, the same menus Twilight had encountered in the library appeared before her again. The same options were listed along with the green bar and level for each Pokemon. Twilight noted that while Bulbasaur was level 6, her opponents Pidgey was level 7.

Pidgey is a level higher than Bulbasaur. Does that mean her Pidgey is stronger?

The mare had already finished selecting her moves and she resumed the call she had on her PokeGear. Twilight brought her hand up and gently touched the FIGHT option. The same moves were listed and as Twilight went to select her move, she felt her heartbeat quicken, but only for a split second. The unicorn hesitated, wondering what had caused the sudden increase in her heart beat. She shrugged it off and touched TACKLE.

Time to show this pony just how strong Equestrians are!


An impatient Rainbow Dash and bouncy Pinkie Pie awaited their friend's arrival in the middle car of the train. While Twilight had come up with the bluff, the duo were able to sneak onto the train via the opening in the roof. Before they had arrived at the station, Twilight had already told them that she would get them on the train even if they didn't have their Eon Tickets. Needless to say she did get them on and the trio were all ready to go explore Cristalla with their partners. However, Twilight had said she would meet them on the train as soon as she got on, but problems arose when the final call for boarding was announced shortly after they had gotten on.

"Ugh! Where is she?" Rainbow demanded.

"Maybe she and the conductor got into a battle! Or maybe she's using Bulbasaur to sneak in like us! Or-"

"Shhhh! Pinkie! Don't be so loud! Do you want everyone to know we snuck on!?"

"Oh, so we've got a couple of stowaways huh?"

Rainbow and Pinkie turned to meet a sleek stallion in a navy blue suit. His mane was slicked back and he held one hand in his pocket the other held a pokeball. His confident grin irked Rainbow as did his arrogant demeanor.

"So what if we are, what're YOU gonna do about it? Huh?" Rainbow asked in a rather hostile tone.

"Well, since you've been so kind to ask, I could throw you off the train, or report you to security, but where's the fun in that? How about if I beat you in a Pokemon battle, then you and your pink friend there must leave the train. If you win, then I'll say nothing of this incident, and guarantee both of you safe passage to your destination as my guests."

The stranger outstretched his hand. "So, do we have a deal?"

Rainbow looked at his hand, then to his eyes again. She felt a fierce determination to make this guy taste defeat, and of course to train Charmander to best Twilight. Rainbow cautiously outstretched her hand and grasped the stranger's. His confident grin morphed into a devilish one as he smiled and laughed internally. The two stood back and glanced at each other, scanning for any sign of weakness.

"Oooh! This is going to be so much fun! Dashie versus this guy!" Pinkie shouted excitedly.

"My name, young lady, is Miles. Miles Tone."

"Oh! Nice to meet you Mr. Tone! I'll be sure to throw a party for you when we stop in Azure Town!"

"That would be lovely. Now, Dashie, was it?" Miles asked.

"My name is Rainbow Dash." Rainbow said through gritted teeth. "And are we gonna battle or what!?"

"Yes, let's get right to it shall we?"

Miles threw his ball up into the air and Rainbow did the same. The two orbs popped open and each trainer's respective pokemon appeared in front of them. Rainbow with her Charmander, and Miles with a pokemon Rainbow had never seen before. The pokemon resembled a kangaroo.

"I do hope you don't disappoint me, Rainbow Dash! It'd be a shame to have such a lovely mares kicked off this train!" Miles taunted.

To Rainbow's surprise, no bubble appeared around the two battlers, although the menu popped up again. Rainbow when Rainbow opened the fight tab, a new option had appeared. The option was three question marks next to growl and scratch. Rainbow selected the mystery option just as Miles selected his own move. Charmander immediately shot out fiery embers at the other pokemon, leaving burns marks on it's skin. The attack didn't seem to phase it as it didn't even wince.

Miles laughed. "Come now, Ms. Dash! Surely that's not your best? If it is then I must have underestimated you! Kangaskhan, if you will."

Kangaskhan leaped towards Charmander with it's paw outstretched. The paw formed a fist and collided with Charmander's face sending it flying.

Whoa! This guy is crazy strong!

Rainbow glanced up at Charmander's health which was now just below half-way. If she didn't do something fast, she was going to lose this battle. Rainbow opened the fight menu again and surveyed her options. She tapped the growl option and awaited Miles' input. Miles smirk disappeared and was replaced with a frown. Rainbow didn't understand why Miles was frowning, he was winning the battle!

"You know, battles can be a very exciting thing." Miles remarked. "However, that's only when you are battling against those equal in strength or those who exceed your' own strength. When you battle against people weaker than you, it tends to be awfully boring. So please, Rainbow Dash, do make this battle more interesting."

"Oh I'll make it interesting when I crush that Kanga...whatever it's called!" Rainbow replied.

Miles' smirk returned as Kangaskhan leapt forward again with a fist raised.

Twilight watched as Bulbasaur tackled the airborne Pidgey sending the bird pokemon down into the floor. It tried standing up, but ultimately fell down on it's side defeated. The mare on the other side rushed over to her Pidgey and cradled it.

"Oooooh, my poor Pidgey!" She tapped it with the ball sending it back inside. "You take a nice rest, you deserve it."

Twilight did the same with Bulbasaur and returned the ball to her belt pocket.

"Why are you putting it in your pocket?" The mare asked.

"Where else am I going to put it?" Twilight asked.

"Uh, on your belt? You do have holsters for your Pokeballs."


"Yeah! You know, the thing you keep your pokemon in? Man, you really are clueless!"

Twilight took Bulbasaur out of her pocket and placed it on her belt.

"Name's Crystal, Crystal Rel. And you are?" Crystal asked.

"Twilight Sparkle."

"Well, Twilight, that was some awesome battling! I have to say that I didn't expect much from you considering you don't seem like you've ever dealt with a pokemon before."

"I haven't dealt with pokemon before. This is my first time hearing about them to be honest."

"Wow! So you're a fresh trainer! Come on, take a seat and I'll educate you on the world of Pokemon!"

Twilight noticed that the seats had returned with the same hissing sound they departed with. Passengers started flooding in again and taking their seats. Much of their chatter was about the battle that had just taken place. Crystal took a seat towards the front and beckoned for Twilight to take a seat next to her. The lavender trainer walked over and sat down placing her bag at her side.

"So, Twilight, why are you going to the lame-o Cristalla region?"

"Well, I got a letter from Professor Maple that said she wanted me to take one of the pokemon and journey around Cristalla raising it."

"Huh, wonder why Mom decided to give you a pokemon?"

"I have no clue eit- wait wait wait did you just say Mom!?"

"Yep! Professor Maple is my mother." Crystal replied nonchalantly.

"But you've been talking bad about Cristalla since I met you!" Twilight shouted.

"Yeah, when I was younger Mom would send me to summer camp over in the Sut region and I guess Sut just felt more like home to me. Been living there ever since with Pidgey here."

"So why are you on a train heading to Cristalla?"

"I'm visiting for a few days. Plus, while Sut does have some good trainers, I get homesick from time to time. It's not all fun and games being away from home for such a long time after all. Anyway, so what exactly are you going to do when you get to Cristalla anyway, Twilight?"

"Well, first I'm meeting Professor Maple in Azure town. After that," Twilight stopped to think for a minute. She didn't actually know what she was going to do after she did meet the Professor. "I have no clue actually."

"Well, seeing as how you're a newbie and all, I could accompany you on this journey of yours. Maybe give you a few trainer tips. Plus I'd like to actually enjoy traveling through Cristalla again as a resident and not a trainer!"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, then I will gladly accept your help! Plus if you're Professor Maple's daughter you must have some knowledge of Cristalla!"

"Of course! I did grow up here after all." Crystal flicked her mane, which was cut short with silver bangs dangling in front of her eyes.

Twilight took a moment to inspect her new friend. Crystal had a silvery mane with light teal eyes. She wore a white shirt with a light blue jean shorts and she had a gray coat.

"So, if my mom gave you three pokemon to choose from, where are the other two?" Crystal asked.

"Oh! I gave them to my friends Rainbow and Pinkie." Twilight's eyes shot open. "Oh goddess! Rainbow and Pinkie are still waiting for me!"

"Who are Rainbow and Pinkie?" Crystal asked.

"Crystal, I'll be right back I need to find my friends!" Twilight shot off the seat and bolted for the door. As she was opening it she heard footsteps behind her.

"Why don't I come with? If you're as naive as you make yourself out to be you'll need some help with this." Crystal smirked.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "I'm not that naive, but the help would be appreciated."

The duo proceeded through the door into the next car.

Rainbow stared anxiously as Charmander dodged yet another one of Miles' attacks. His Khangaskhan was something else. Charmander's scratches didn't seem to faze Khangaskhan in the slightest, and Rainbow could tell this fight would be over soon if she didn't do something fast.

"Ms. Dash I do believe I was promised an enticing battle, yet this reeks of mediocrity. Please, for your sake, do make an effort."

Rainbow growled angrily, which lead Charmander to do the same. Khangaskhan and Miles both laughed at the small salamander. Miles motioned for Khangaskhan with an outstretched palm, to which his pokemon responded with a strong right hook to Charmander's stomach. Charmander wretched on the ground, clutching its stomach with hands and tail alike.

"Well, seeing as how this is just about over I think I'll finish this and promptly return you two to the station. Shall we, Khangaskhan?"

Khangaskhan's roar rocked the train slightly, and it delivered a swift kick to Charmander's jaw that sent it flying into Rainbow knocking both of them to the ground.

"Owww! What the hay!" Rainbow yelled. Her wings flared out and she took to the skies again to settle this fight with fists instead of pokemon.

"Now now," Miles calmly replied. Khangaskhan swatted Rainbow away with a paw. "No one likes a sore loser. As per the agreement you must leave this train. I don't care where you go as long as it's not here."

"No way! How could I lose again..." Rainbow stared at the ground, disheartened.

"You lost because you are weak." Miles' glared at Rainbow. "The weak have no place in this world. The strong survive by eliminating the weak. That is why you lost and I won. That is the nature of this world, Dashie. Get out of my sight."

Miles returned Khangaskhan to its pokeball and turned to leave the car.

"Hold on just a minute, buster!" Pinkie was spinning her pokeball in her palm. "I won't let a mean bean talk to Dashie that way! Prepare to be squirted."

Miles scoffed. "No. Remind yourself that your friend made a deal. If I won, you'd remove yourselves from this train. Stowaways have no place here, or in Cristalla."

"So why are you still here then, Miles?" Crystal chirped.

Just then, Twilight and Crystal stepped through the door.

"Girls!" Twilight cried.

"Twilight!" Both Rainbow and Pinkie said simultaneously.

The trio all engaged in a quick group hug while Miles and Crystal starred at each other.

"Ah, Ms. Rel." Miles said.

"Miles." Crystal replied.

"How have you been?"

"Good, you?"

"Excellent. How has your mother been fairing?"

"Don't know, haven't seen her in a while."

"Ah, do you know if she is going to be in Azur?"

"Why don't you wait and find out for yourself."

"Such rudeness! And to think Professor Maple would have raised such a child!"

"Oh shut your trap! You're just mad because Mom kicked your sorry flank and showed you as the arrogant jerk you really are!"

Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie all turned to look at Miles and Crystal. Rainbow leaned over next to Twilight's ear so that the two ponies wouldn't hear her.

"Hey, Twi? Who is that?" Rainbow whispered.

"Oh, that's Crystal Rel, she's the daughter of Professor Maple. The one who sent me the pokemon. Who's the guy in front of her?"

"Miles Tone."

"Miles Tone?"

"Yeah! He's some jerk who-" Rainbow's eyes widened as she realized Charmander was still on the ground near where she crashed. "Scorch!" Rainbow dashed over to where Charmander was laying and cradled the pokemon. "Are you okay!?"

Charmander replied with a weak ember. Rainbow looked at Twilight, fear creeping into her eyes. "Twi, what do I do..."

"Release him." Miles interjected. "You clearly have no right being a trainer."

"Oh! And you do?" Crystal crossed her arms.

The trio watched as Crystal and Miles went at it back and forth in a bitter argument. Crystal looked at Miles with disgust while Miles stared at Crystal with his signature grin. Even from a distance Twilight could tell the two had a history filled with tension.

"You two know each other?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, sadly." Crystal said. "This motherfu-"

"Ah, ah, ah! Language Ms. Rel! And to answer your question, yes we do know each other. I traveled through Cristalla with her mother! Ah, but where are my manners? My name is Miles Tone, I'm the gym leader for Topa City. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Twilight Sparkle." Twilight eyed Miles up and down.

"Twilight Sparkle? As in the student of Princess Celestia?" Miles asked.

"Yes." Twilight replied.

"I truly am honored to have met you, Ms. Sparkle! And please, call me Miles."

"Hmph, honored my flank." Rainbow grumbled.

Crystal turned to address Miles in a less hostile manner. "So why are you even here? Shouldn't you be in Topa being a jerk?"

"I was on my way back from a gym leader meeting in Pisce Town. I'm now returning back to my gym to await new challengers! Hopefully I will see some of you there. Now if you'll excuse me I do believe I have someone waiting for me in the other car." Miles smiled. "I bid you, adieu."

Miles opened the door to the next car and stepped through. The door promptly slid shut, leaving all four mares still standing in an empty car. The seats slid out from the sides again and unfolded.

"Crystal? Crystal!" Twilight shouted.

"What!?" Crystal's hands were clenched in a fist as though she were going to hit something, or someone.

"How do we help Charmander?" Twilight motioned to the wounded pokemon being cradled in Dash's arms.

Crystal's fury died out and her grimace switched to a concerned look. "Crap, okay hold on I have something that might help for the train ride."

Crystal pulled a small, white packet out of her pocket and opened it. Inside was a tiny white powder that she poured into her hand and brought it to Charmander's mouth. Charmander sniffed it and shirked away from the powder.

"Whoa hold on here lady, what is that?" Rainbow clutched Charmander in her arms and recoiled from Crystal.

"Okay, two things. First, it's Crystal. Second, this is an energy root."

"Ooooh! What does it taste like?" Pinkie's eyes glistened as they rested on the powder.

"Bitter. Real bitter. That's why Charmander isn't too happy to take it." Crystal moved the powder closer. "C'mon bud, it'll help you feel better, I promise." she cooed.

Charmander reluctantly opened it's mouth. Its fangs were trembling as it awaited the root, but when Crystal moved her hand forward to place it on its tongue, Charmander shirked away again.

"Let me try!" Rainbow snatched the powder from Crystal's hand.


"Cool it, he's my pokemon remember?"

"Him? You can tell what sex Charmander is?"

"...yeah! Of course I can!" Rainbow sheepishly claimed.

Rainbow turned to Charmander and forced the powder onto his tongue. Charmander struggled in her grasp and Rainbow almost dropped him trying to feed it. Charmander winced as the powder went down and coughed as the herb settled in his stomach.

"All better." Crystal deadpanned. "Put him back in the pokeball so he can rest."

Rainbow placed Charmander back in his pokeball and pocketed it.

"Will he be okay?" Twilight asked.

"For now, but he's gonna need to go to a Pokemon Center."

"Pokemon Center?"

"Yeah, they're like hospitals for Pokemon. There's one in Azur City right next to the station so we can stop there when we arrive. For now, though, we just gotta sit down and enjoy the ride."

Twilight and Crystal sat on one side while Rainbow and Pinkie sat on the other. Rainbow slouched slightly and placed her arm on the back of the seat behind Pinkie's head staring out the window at the passing trees. Pinkie laid out on her back tossing her ball up in the air. Twilight pulled a book out of her saddlebag to read while Crystal took out her Pokegear and tried tuning into a radio station.

Once they were all settled, the four relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the train ride.