//------------------------------// // Chapter 35: Journey // Story: Fiddling with Her Heart // by Kevinltk //------------------------------// Octavia paced back and forth within Apple Bloom’s hospital room, occasionally letting out an grumble. She had been practically working almost nonstop for the past several weeks, and her nerves were slightly frayed. At the moment, she was feeling a bit peeved and had to exercise her restless legs. “Octavia, don’t you think you should take a break?” Twilight asked as she and Applejack watched their friend. “You’ve been at it for at least ten minutes. Spike often complains about me doing the very same thing, but that’s because he doesn’t want me to wear myself out.” “Yea,” Applejack agreed. “Seein’ you all nervous is makin’ me nervous.” “Sorry,” Octavia apologized even though she continued her movement. “I know it’s a bad habit, but I just can’t help feeling antsy. Fancy Pants and Fleur are supposed to come here so that we could all go to the concert together, but they’re still haven’t arrived yet. It’s not like I can go ahead without them because Fancy Pants is the one hosting it. The concert is tonight, and with all the time and work we put into setting it up, I don’t want anything to go wrong.” The period after Octavia and her friends decided to go along with her benefit concert proposal was a blur of activity and busywork. There was a multitude of tasks and errands to perform, and they had a very limited amount of time to do them. The first order of business was finding a suitable place to house the concert. Fortunately, they had found a modestly sized theater that just so happened to have a lull in their schedule. While the place was in by no way as glamorous or huge as some of the famous locations Octavia had often found herself performing in, it still provided ample enough room to make a worthy profit, providing that they could fill the seats. They were able to squeeze in their concert date about a month later. It was just enough time to allow word to get around while also staying within a relatively safe time frame to get Apple Bloom’s treatment started. Octavia never really realized how much work it took to set up a concert. All of her previous experiences in the music industry either had her trying out for a spot for an already announced event or being personally invited to play. All she had to do was show up and perform. Not once did she had to do any of the backend work. It was almost mind boggling to suddenly go through all the paperwork and juggle so many tasks. To her relief, the theater they found were willing to manage the ticket sales and were also providing personnel to help oversee the night of the concert as part of their payment. She was further grateful for Fancy Pants who used his experience and connections to help her every step of the way. “Where are they?” Octavia grumbled. “The concert is less than an hour away. I bet Fancy Pants is doing this on purpose. If he doesn’t get here soon, I’m going to—.” “Yeeeees?” Fancy Pants drawled out as he suddenly opened the door with a smirk. “You’re late,” Octavia bluntly stated with a deadpan face. “Our apologies,” Fleur replied as she strode in to stand beside her husband. “We would have arrived sooner, but a few reporters had intercepted us and were quite persistent.” “You were?” Octavia asked before letting out a sigh. “I guess we should have expected that. One of Canterlot’s most important ponies is throwing a concert alongside it’s most famous troubled musician.” “We didn’t want to risk hurting the credibility of the concert, so we had to put up with their questions, at least for a little while,” Fancy Pants explained. “Don’t worry, we only gave them just enough details to get them off our backs. We gave them no incriminating information about you.” “Well, it doesn’t matter now. It’s getting close to showtime, and if we get a move on, we’ll still make it with time to spare,” Octavia said as she picked up her cello case. “You’re goin’ to be great out there, sugarcube,” Applejack bade as Octavia made her way towards the door. “Ah can’t wait to hear how great you did when you get back.” Twilight, Fancy Pants, and Fleur all turned to look at Applejack with surprised looks. “What?” Applejack asked when she noticed she was suddenly the center of attention. “You’re not coming with us?” Fleur asked. “I was sure that you would want to see Octavia perform. We can easily get you in so that you can watch her from backstage.” “Thanks but no thanks. Ah’m just goin’ stay here and watch Apple Bloom.” “But I can watch her for you,” Twilight offered. “In fact, I was already set to do just that. You should be going to cheer Octavia on.” “Sorry, but Ah don’t want to leave Apple Bloom’s side. Ah know Ah sometimes let you and Octavia take over for me, but the concert would probably take all night. Ah don’t feel comfortable leavin’ her side for that long. Octavia doesn’t need me there gettin’ in the way. She already knows that Ah trust her, and there’s no doubt in my mind that she’s goin’ to put on a great show.” “But still—” “It’s alright, Twilight,” Octavia assured. “Applejack and I already discussed this. Remember, this is all for Apple Bloom. There’s nothing wrong with Applejack wanting to make sure her sister is alright. I’m perfectly fine. Now, I don’t mean to sound rude, but we really must be going.” “Would you like to come along instead, Twilight?” Fancy Pants asked. “Um… I guess I could…” Twilight slowly answered as she glanced back and forth between Applejack and Octavia. “But I need to take care of something first. Would it be alright if you guys go ahead? I’ll catch up later.” “Alright then,” Octavia obliged as she ushered Fancy Pants and Fleur out. “We’ll let the theater know to let you in. We’ll see you later.” The three of them quickly exited the hospital and set off on a brisk trot towards the theater. As they walked, they shared a mix of some small talk and Fancy Pants running over some last details about the event. They also passed by a ponies heading in the same direction as them, and Octavia noticed a few of them were whispering and discreetly pointing at them, or more specifically, her. And yet Octavia quickly ignored them and was even only half listening to her friends. Her mind was not fully there as she looked back again on the events that led up to this night. In between setting up the logistics for the concert, Octavia worked on finishing up the music pieces she had planned to perform. At first, she was excited for the opportunity to showcase the songs she had written, confident that it was likely her best work, but as the day of the concert drew closer and closer, she began to have second thoughts. The first issue was that she realized that to properly play that piece at its full potential, she would need to remember Applejack’s teachings to fully immerse herself in the music, and by doing that, she would be reliving the sorrow she felt from a broken heart. While she was not thrilled to go through that pain again, she was determined to help Apple Bloom. What really gave her pause was Applejack. Throughout all the work that had to be done in getting the concert set up and her music ready, Octavia always managed to set aside some time to stay with Applejack and Apple Bloom everyday. Even though Apple Bloom was pretty much out of it for the majority of their time together, she still had Applejack to check on. While Applejack was taking decent enough care of herself, there was something else that worried Octavia. Octavia noticed that sometimes Applejack would get lost in thought, and even caught her friend staring at her a few times. While she highly doubted that there would be a repeat of what happened during the royal wedding, she was still concerned and wanted to nip it in the bud. It took some prodding, but Applejack eventually confessed she was dwelling on what Octavia went through after she left. Even when Octavia assured her that she was alright, the guilt on Applejack’s face was clear. At the least, she said that she would try to not let it get it out of hoof and just needed some time to get over it. With Applejack’s guilt on her mind, Octavia was worried about her concert music, in particular, the movement that she composed during her depression. Even if she was to tell Applejack the piece was something different, there was little doubt that the mare who had helped bring her heart into her music would be able to catch its real meaning. As a result, Applejack would probably feel even more guilty, or even worse, blame Octavia for doing it out of spite. Even though she knew that Applejack would never go that far, that small fear lingered. Unfortunately, with the concert so close, there was no way Octavia could find a suitable replacement in time. When Applejack informed her that she would likely stay behind to look after Apple Bloom, Octavia did feel a bit disappointed that her friend was not coming, but she also felt relieved. She had been wondering how to explain the situation, but Applejack unknowingly saved her the trouble. Seeing no reason to complicate matters, at least not at the time, Octavia only put up a token resistance and chose to keep the topic to herself. “It looks like we have a wonderful turnout,” Fleur commented, breaking Octavia’s reminiscing. The theater had came into view, and a large crowd had already congregated in front of it. “Come now, let’s get inside before anypony sees us. It won’t do if we were late to your own concert because you were too busy answering questions,” Fancy Pants suggested. They admitted themselves through the performers’ back entrance, making sure to inform the theater’s workers that they had a friend coming. Once inside, they parted ways as Fancy Pants and Fleur left to make sure the concert preparations were all set, while Octavia went to get ready. Inside her dressing room, Octavia took her time unpacking her cello. She needed the extra time to steel herself up for the upcoming event. This was not like anything she had ever done before. Even the pressure she felt preparing for her performance at the royal wedding was nothing compared to this. While tonight’s concert was not a historical event such as the royal wedding, a filly’s life was at stake. She had to give it her all, no matter what. With her cello now in her hooves, Octavia made her way to the side of the stage where she found Fancy Pants and Fleur discussing the final details with a few theater workers. When they saw her approach, the workers were sent off. “Are you ready, Octavia?” Fleur asked. “I am,” Octavia replied with a nod. “Is everything still on schedule?” “It is,” Fancy Pants answered. “I made sure that everypony is on top of everything. Once it’s time, I’ll go ahead and greet the audience and get them ready for you.” Octavia nodded before peeking out of an inconspicuous hole to see how many ponies actually came to the show. She was delighted to see that many seats had already been filled, and plenty more ponies were still being admitted in. Despite the skepticism of some ponies, the concert had managed to sell over half the seats within the weeks of its announcement. According to Twilight’s estimations though, while they were already in the green, it was not going to be enough unless almost every seat was filled. “It seems our special guest has arrived,” Fancy Pants commented as a small clamor arose from the audience, causing Octavia to look up. None other than Princess Luna was now seated in a private balcony with two royal guards standing at her sides. It was a surprise to Octavia and her friends when they received a request from the night princess to reserve a seat for her. Needless to say, they complied right away. While the princesses could not directly donate money to their cause, the presence of one of them was more than enough to coerce the ponies of Canterlot to prompt another surge in ticket sales. Octavia could not help but smile, feeling a wave of pride and relief, as she continued to watch the building slowly fill up. While she would not find out exactly how much they had made until later, just the sight of seeing so many ponies assured her that there was enough to at least start Apple Bloom’s treatment. All she had to do was put on a good show. It should be smooth sailing from here on out. “Hey, Octavia.” Octavia froze and slowly turned around, finding herself face to face with the one pony she had hoped would not be at the concert. “Applejack? W-what are you doing here?” Octavia asked. She was a bit surprised to find that Fancy Pants and Fleur had slipped away while her back was turned, but what really struck her was that Applejack was panting quite heavily, and a few beads of sweat could be seen, dripping down her sides. Yet despite looking exhausted, the orange mare had a small smile on her face. “Ah’m here to cheer you on,” Applejack replied simply as though it was obvious. “But I thought you had to look after Apple Bloom. And why do you look so tired? Did you run all the way here?” “Twilight and Ah had a talk once you guys left,” Applejack explained before rubbing the back of her head. “Well… actually, it was more like Twilight lecturin’ and me listenin’. She kept on pushin’ me to come here and remindin’ me how much you have been doin’ for me and Apple Bloom, among a bunch of other things about bein’ a good friend. Eventually, she got through my thick skull. Ah left Apple Bloom in Twilight’s care and rushed over here.” “One minute left! Places everypony!” a theater worker called out before rushing off. “Guess Ah got here in the nick of time,” Applejack remarked before dropping her gaze to the floor. “Look, Octavia, Ah’ve been thinkin’, and well… Ah haven’t been a good friend to you at all.” “Don’t say that, Applejack,” Octavia replied. “I know you still feel guilty about what happened a few months ago, but don’t forget about all the great times we had before that. We had one disagreement, albeit a big one, but that doesn’t make you a bad friend. You have to remember all the wonderful things you did for me as well.” “Yea sure, Ah helped you at the beginnin’, but things quickly turned around, and you ended up returnin’ the favor over and over again. You did so much for me, and what did Ah do to show you my appreciation? Ah broke your heart and ran away. What Ah did to you at the weddin’ was wrong. You had every right to be angry with me, to be done with me, and yet you still came back to help save me and Apple Bloom. Ah… Ah can’t ever thank you enough for that. “It’s been tough seein’ my little sister suffer, but that doesn’t mean Ah can just spend all my time mopin’ around. Ah’ve just been sittin’ around everyday while you bust your back, doin’ all that you can to cure her. Ah want things to change. Apple Bloom is important to me, but so are you. When this is all over, Ah—” “Hello, everypony,” Fancy Pants’s voice rang through the air. Octavia and Applejack looked onto the stage to see that the unicorn was addressing the audience. The show had started. Applejack let out a sigh before regaining a small smile as Fancy Pants continued to speak. “Look, what Ah’m tryin’ to say is that Ah want to make things right between us. We can continue our talk later. Ah’ll be right here to cheer you on.” “Okay,” Octavia quietly agreed. She was due to go up on stage at any moment, but instead, she found herself rooted to the spot, her gaze constantly shifting between the side and Applejack. Applejack cocked her head and looked at her with concern. “Is somethin’ wrong?” “Well… To be honest, I really was not expecting you. Your appearance has kind of thrown me a bit off balance.” “Oh,” Applejack said as her smile slowly faded away to be replaced by a sheepish look. “Ah guess Ah did kind of dump a bunch of stuff on you, huh? Sorry, but Ah was so set on tellin’ you that Ah didn’t think about my timin’. Ah shouldn’t be distractin’ you right before the big show.” “No, no, no,” Octavia quickly denied before letting out a sigh. “It’s not about what you just said, although I am very happy to hear all of it. What I’m concerned about is the performance. I have to tell you that—” “And now, it is my pleasure to introduce our main attraction, Octavia Melody!” “You can tell me afterwards, sugarcube,” Applejack said as she gently nudged Octavia forward. “Ah’ll be here.” Octavia bit her lip, muttering a quick “I’m sorry,” to Applejack, before rushing onto the stage. She was met with a round of applause, and amidst the noise, she heard Fancy Pants wishing her good luck as he passed by her to take his seat. Stepping into the spotlight, she took a deep breath as she looked over the audience. Every single seat was filled with a pony gazing at her. From the front row, she saw Fancy Pants and Fleur were smiling up at her, and she even noticed that Princess Luna was eyeing her with interest. “Welcome, everypony,” Octavia greeted, projecting her voice throughout the theater. “I am so happy that all of you came here to enjoy a beautiful night of music, and I am honored to be the one providing it. Tonight’s benefit concert is dedicated to helping the research and development of treatments for diseases, and I would like to thank you all for coming here on to support this cause. Before we begin the performance, I would like to say a few words.” She waved her bow hoof at the front row. “First of all, I must give thanks to my good friends, Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis. This whole endeavor would not be possible if it weren’t for them.” Octavia waited as the spotlight shone down on her friends as they were given another round of applause. When the noise died down and the spotlight returned to her, she continued, “We also have a special guest tonight, although I’m sure many of you have already know that. She has been gracious enough to take time out of her busy schedule to come here and show her support. Everypony, please welcome Princess Luna.” Luna smiled and waved at the audience as a more enthusiastic applause was given when the spotlight shone on the balcony where she was seated. Octavia took a deep breath when the spotlight once again returned to her. “Again, I must thank all of you for coming here. It really is touching to see that you all are willing to give me a chance. I know that many of you are aware of my odd behavior lately.” She took a slow, apologetic bow. “I am deeply sorry for that and for any inconveniences I may have caused. “Months ago, I began to lose the passion and joy I felt whenever I performed. Not wanting to lose my touch with music, I decided to take time off to try and rekindle my love for it.” A smile graced Octavia’s face as she glanced to the side where Applejack was standing backstage. “And I was able to do just that with the help of a very good friend. “When I reached out to her, she gladly offered her hoof to help me back up. Not only did she change how I connect with my music, but she also turned my life around. For too long I had been obsessed with my work, neglecting to take the time to truly interact with other ponies and enjoy life. Because of her, I made new friends and grew to appreciate the few that I already had even more. “I ended up spending quite some time to improve my music and my life. By the time I made my reappearance at the royal wedding, I was a changed pony. Of course, the changeling invasion that happened that day was terrible, and I, along with many others, had been affected by it. I spent a long time afterwards recovering from the events that occurred during that time. I now stand here to help make up for my absence as well as giving me the chance to do some good. “This concert is meant to give hope to those who have been suffering. Even though you all have already generously contributed by being here, I encourage you to chip in more to ensure a brighter future for those in need. Life can be hard and even scary at times, but sometimes, all you need is a helping hoof to continue moving on. “Tonight’s performance is dear to my heart because it is inspired by all the events that led me up to this very moment. Without further ado,” Octavia raised her bow to her cello, “I would like to share with you all the journey I took.” The performance began as Octavia drew the bow across her cello, filling the air with a strong melody. Similar to how she thought she was at the pinnacle of her career, the music radiated with confidence. However, it did not last as the melody slowly changed over time as the tempo and volume started to bleed away. No longer did the strength from the beginning remain, replaced by doubt and hesitance. The music sank deeper and deeper into obscurity as the piece continued until it completely faded away. Octavia allowed a few seconds of silence to pass before moving on to the next part. The shaky melody from before returned, but this time, it was not alone. The melody grew in strength and volume, accompanied and supported by a medley of other tunes and notes inspired by her friends. Each segment represented her friends and how they helped her, intertwining with the main melody. She had spent numerous hours making sure her musical portrayal of her friends were accurate and true to what made them… them. For Fancy Pants and Fleur’s part, Octavia put together a airy, playful duet of two strings, but it was done in a way as though only one was being played, producing a richer sound. Whether it was asking for advice or simply joining in their jokes, the two unicorns were the first true friends she had made. Underneath their banter and seemingly easygoing attitude, they had and still were a great source of comfort and support. Pinkie Pie was a carefree tune that was upbeat and catchy. The pink mare was definitely the most odd pony Octavia had ever met, but despite her eccentricities, her joyful nature was infectious. Looking at the audience, Octavia could not help but give a small grin when she saw quite a few members of the audience were tapping their hooves along with the beat with smiles on their faces. It was a tribute to the party mare whose goal of making everypony she meets smile. Rarity’s segment consisted of graceful bow strokes and just the right amount of elegantly played notes. It was classy without being bogged down by too many frills. While the fashionista valued the prim and proper mannerisms of high society, she knew when to put her lofty standards aside for the sake of other ponies. The only thing that could rival her creativity, which produced numerous, exquisite lines of fashion, was her penchant to giving away her time and gifts to her friends. Fluttershy’s caring nature was easy to discern as a soft, gentle piece, almost like a lullaby, was performed for her part. Octavia had never seen a pony that was so in tune with nature as the timid pegasus, able to calm just about any animal. That same trait was reflected in being able to empathize and understand a pony’s trouble better than others, being able to soothe the troubles of her friends with an almost motherly touch. Fast trills and strong notes made up the majority of Rainbow Dash’s part. Although a bit on the brash side, the music emanated enthusiasm and energy. It was pushing the limits of what Octavia was used to playing, but that was what Rainbow was all about. Whether it was about working to become the best flyer in Equestria or helping a friend in need, the speedy pegasus went above and beyond what was expected. With how Twilight and Spike did almost everything together, their segment also featured the use of two strings by contrasting their two personalities to balance each other out. Twilight was humble and helpful, not letting her status as both the student of Princess Celestia and as one of the most talented unicorns in Equestria to take the time to be a good friend. However, due to those same traits, she often overwhelmed herself with the need to please everypony. It was a good thing Spike was there to help take care of her and keep her grounded with his quips and attentiveness. It was sometimes hard to remember that he was still a baby dragon, and thus, still a child at heart. Even though he often displayed the signs of a mature being, it did not mean he was immune to the insecurities and fears of a growing child, and Twilight was always the first one to comfort him like a big sister. While they were an odd pair at first glance, they somehow were a perfect fit for each other. Saving the best for last, Applejack’s part incorporated a few of the fiddling techniques and sounds that she had learned during their time together. It was a seemingly simple and direct piece that was filled with uplifting notes. Applejack was a strong, dependable pony in both the physical and metaphorical sense, having many other ponies rely on her. She was a hard worker that prized her friends and family above everything else. After the medley, Octavia allowed a small smile to show on her face as she moved on to the next piece. The rustic sounds of Applejack’s part made for an easy transition into the joyful and enlightening times she spent at Sweet Apple Acres as a playful, breezy melody filled the room. Whether it was working alongside Big Mac, playing with Apple Bloom, conversing with Granny Smith, or spending time with Applejack, Octavia’s time at the farm were some of the most enjoyable moments she ever had for a really long time. Over time, the lively music calmed down into a simple yet serene rhythm that mirrored the tranquility she had felt living with the Apple Family. Many of the worries and stress that she had been feeling before disappeared with her stay. The soothing melody grew slower and slower, rendering a calming atmosphere, until all that was left was a single, peaceful note being drawn out. That peace was shattered when Octavia made a sudden deep stroke across the strings. The false cadence echoed loudly through the room, causing more than a few ponies to jump in their seats. Just as she was about to return to the world of performing with friends by her side, it was maliciously interrupted. Booming, foreboding notes mimicked the destruction and fear that transpired during the changeling invasion. It was the first time she had ever found herself in real danger. Most of all, she wanted to emphasize the terror she felt when she almost thought she was going to lose her friends. When the piece reach its seemingly bleak end, Octavia moved onto the next piece. Triumphant, rising melodies resonated from her cello, a celebration of sorts. It was not only a recognition of their victory over the changelings, but it was to also commemorate the royal wedding that followed shortly after. To her though, it was also a reminder of the joy she felt when she realized her feelings for Applejack, even if that happiness was short lived. She incorporated segments from the song she composed for the royal wedding as a tribute for the occasion. As that part of the performance came to an end, the smile on her face faded away. Instead of moving on with the show, Octavia found herself unable to. The part that she had dreaded for weeks had finally arrived. Her bow slowly slid off the cello as she bit her lip. She had thought she was able to go through with it, but thinking she could do it and actually doing it were two entirely different matters. It was already hard enough having to delve back to those dismal times, but with Applejack also here, she feared for how the music would affect her dear friend. Whispers and murmurs arose from the audience as she continued to stand idly on stage. Glancing over to the side, Octavia could see Applejack staring at her with her mouth slightly agape. Several times, Applejack looked as though she was about to take a step towards, only to retreat backwards. Octavia could see the concern for her in Applejack’s eyes, but she also saw the fear within them. With each passing moment, the audience’s faith in their cause was dwindling. If she did not continue with the performance, there was a possibility that many members of the audience would get angry and demand a refund. All their hard work and time spent would be for naught. There would be no way Apple Bloom would be able to get her treatment. Octavia wrestled with her fears, shoving them to the back of her mind. Taking a deep breath and shutting her eyes, she raised her bow back onto the cello. While the piece might be painful for her and Applejack, losing Apple Bloom would be far more devastating. If she allowed the past to get in the way of her conviction, she would never forgive herself. Whatever that may happen as a result of the performance, they would be able to overcome it together. Octavia slowly moved the bow across the strings, creating a deep, somber tone. It was only the beginning, but already she could feel her chest tighten. Each note stung a little more as she found herself in those dark days yet again. She poured her heart into each stroke of the bow, channeling the pain and despair into the mournful music. On and on the piece went, and she could barely hold back shedding a few tears, but she refused to lose her composure. There was too much at stake to falter. As the music continued, she continued to clench her eyes shut. It was upsetting enough to relive the despair she felt, and she dared not open them and risk stealing a glance at Applejack. After what seemed like an eternity, the dreaded song was finally over. Pride and relief enveloped her, as she took a brief moment to look over the audience, seeing that many ponies had scooted to the edge of their seats and were trying to discreetly wipe their eyes, but she still refused to check on the pony that was standing to her side backstage. She still had to finish her performance. The final piece was different from the previous parts. Instead of drawing inspiration from the trials and experiences she had gone through, this one was about what was ahead. Bringing back bits of the medley she made for her friends, she told of how she wanted to continue living her life with her friends. It was hope for the future. While she was reaching the end of the performance, it did not mean she was reaching the end of her journey. This whole night was just another milestone in her life, and there would be many more lying in wait for her in the future, and she was eager to meet them all in the company of her friends. With a mighty flourish, the last note rang throughout the hall as Octavia stood proudly with her bow raised in the air. Even though she was met with silence and the wide eyes of her audience, the pride she felt for finishing the performance that she cherished so much was more than enough to stave off any worries. The silence was quickly broken as every pony in the audience got on their hooves, their hooves booming as they gave a rousing applause. The noise resonated throughout the building, easily rivaling the cheers she received back at the royal wedding despite the smaller audience. With a big smile on her face, Octavia took several deep bows until the curtains finally lowered, separating her from the audience. Even when she was hidden from view, the audience continued to applaud, but all her attention was now directed at something else. Slowly walking over to her friend, she could see that Applejack was staring at her with a blank face. “Hey,” Octavia softly greeted. “H-hey,” Applejack greeted back, albeit shakily. Octavia winced. “Applejack, I’m… I’m… sorry you had to hear that.” “N-no,” Applejack replied as she shook her head before putting a smile on her face, although Octavia could easily tell she was forcing it. “That was the best thing Ah ever heard.” “Applejack, drop the act. I know that you are hurting from my music, but please understand that I did not do it intentionally. It was too late for me to find something else to play, and I thought you weren’t coming, and—” “Octavia, it’s fine… really… Ah wasn’t kiddin’. Ah really did like every second of it… even… you know…” Octavia blinked. “You did?” “Ah admit it was tough listenin’ to it, but Ah also saw how hard it was for you as well. While you did great with all the other parts, Ah could tell you really put your heart into that one. Those were your true feelins’, and Ah’m glad Ah got to witness it.” Applejack tilted her stetson so that it covered her eyes. “These past few weeks has been a real eye opener for me, but what you did here really takes the cake. You already told me what happened after Ah left you. Ah knew that Ah caused you a lot of grief, b-but…” A few tears slid down her cheeks. “D-darn it…” Octavia quickly set down her instrument and reached towards her friend. “Applejack, I—” “Ah’m sorry!” Applejack suddenly cried out, sinking to the floor. Octavia quickly embraced Applejack, keeping her friend up as she wailed into her shoulder. “Octavia, good news! The concert was a… big… Oh…” Octavia looked up to see Fancy Pants, Fleur, and a few theater workers were all watching her and Applejack with concern. She silently mouthed a plea for them to leave. Fortunately, Fancy Pants and Fleur got the message and ushered the other ponies away. With the others gone, Octavia turned her attention back to her still crying friend who was repeatedly choking out, “Ah’m sorry,” whenever she could. Octavia did not know what to say. She knew that the two of them still had many issues to work out, but for now, she just sat there, continuing to hold Applejack and allowing her friend to vent her guilt and tears. The concert had ended, but the night was far from over.