A New Morning.

by TheWritingTrickster

Rainbow Dash's day.

I took to the skies again, looking around my small home town. I controlled the weather, and watched out for anything out of the ordinary in Ponyville. But who am I kidding? Nothing ever happens around this time of the year. Everypony knows better than that. Hearth’s Warming Eve was approaching, and everypony was preparing the festivities. Not me though. I had a job to do.

“Rainbow Dash! Shouldn’t you be taking a break?” I heard Twilight call to me.

“Nah! I’m fine! This is just a warmup.” I said smugly.

“Not what I meant. You of all ponies deserve a break right now!” She called to me again.

“Right. I just have little more to clear, and the weather will be as it should be.” I said, preparing to dash off.

“Just don’t forgot Hearth’s Warming Eve is tomorrow! But I’m sure you already know!” She waved to me and trotted off.

Tomorrow?! Had I really lost track of time that fast? She must be joking… she must be. I shook my head and dashed through the skies, clearing clouds quickly. I had to get someone a gift, and she was pretty important to me. I had always taken care of her in a way, but I felt something else for her.

“Rarity will know the perfect gift for her.” I told myself, dropping attitude and dashing through Ponyville. I flapped my wings as hard as I could, picking up speed. I wasn’t looking where I was going, and my left wing clipped a market stand. I crashed into the ground face first and dug a small crater with all the extra momentum I was carrying.

I picked myself up,and looked around. Everypony was staring at me, as if I was an idiot. I had dug a drift through the middle of town, so I guess I was an idiot. I sighed out, and just decided to walk. I was loyal to my friends, sometimes to a fault. If I hadn’t been in such a rush, I wouldn’t have crashed. I shook my head, and went back to trotting at my normal pace. I wasn’t the one to get sad, I was too awesome to lose sight of who I really am!

“Alright, I see. You need a gift for Fluttershy huh?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, but nothing ordinary. I need something that she’ll like, but also fits her style. She’s gotta look awesome in it.” I said, jumbling my mind and probably Rarity’s too.

“Hmm, she isn’t one for anything statement making. A subtle necklace would work for her.” Rarity said back to me.

“Hmm, a necklace?” I said, putting my hoof on my chin to think.

“Rainbow Dash? Is there any reason for your face to be so red?” Rarity asked.

“I-I’m b-b-b-blushing?!” I asked. Now that she mentioned it, I could feel my face, probably 15 degrees warmer than it should be. I nervously smiled, and looked at the floor.

“Oh darling, oh! I understand now!” She said.

“... You do?” I asked, looking back up at her.

“Yes! Yes I do! You really feel something for her don’t you?!” She asked, with a laugh probably waiting.

“Well… I… yeah. We’ve spent so much time together, I feel like I want to spend time with her almost everyday, but on a closer level.” I said, scratching my head.

“Ooohhh!!!!” She giggled.

“Rarity! Please!” I snapped back. She continued to laugh for a second, but then composed herself.

“HMPH! Sorry, but anyway. Would you like me to come with you to pick out Fluttershy’s necklace? I could make sure it fits and looks “awesome” on the darling.” Rarity cleared her throat and asked.

“Yes. Please and thank you.” I said, feeling some relief. Rarity put on a scarf quickly and neatly, and started her way downstairs, with me following. She opened the door for me, and I walked out, not even shivering at the cold weather.

“Hold on! I need to fly home really quick! I’m gonna need some Bits for this.” I said, taking to the sky and dashing off.

A few minutes later, I had a saddle bag filled with 700 bits. I couldn’t be too careful. The “perfect” gift could be costly. She deserves the best. I lowered beside Rarity, and landed easily. I nodded to her, and we started towards the jewelry store.

Step by step, I kept looking around. I felt more scared right now than I had ever been in my entire life. My thoughts were all, bleh. I couldn’t focus on anything. My only thought was, “Was she going to like the necklace or not,”? I didn’t even know if I was going to get her a necklace!

As I was tangled in my thoughts, I heard a quiet crying noise. I jolted away from my thoughts and looked around. Fluttershy? Why was she crying? Why was she lying on the ground?

“Hey! Are you alright?” I asked, trotting over to her.

“I’m… fine.” She sniffled in-between her words.

“Come on. What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting down next to her.

“I-I’m fine. I just, remembered when the teasing would make me cry.” She said, looking at her wings.

“Those days are gone. You may not be the best flyer, but you have heart. I remember when you pushed my team of flyers over the 800 wing power mark, so we could get the water to Cloudsdale. I still can’t thank you enough.” I said, nudging her to her feet. She smiled as she stood up, and I felt something in me light up.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash. You always make me smile.” She said, wiping away her tears.

“Glad to help.” I said, getting ready to head back to Rarity.

“Will you come by tomorrow? I have nopony else to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with…” She started to say.

“Count me in! I gotta go right now, I’m going to pick out a special friend’s gift!” I said, running off. I looked back, and she looked sad again. It was a different amount of disappointment, but I couldn’t stop to go back. The jewelry store closes in an hour!

“Come on Rarity! Pick up the pace!” I called, passing her.

I looked around the store, eyes scrambling from necklace to necklace. I took a deep breath, and looked at them again. The first one was too gaudy, too bright for Fluttershy. The next one was too pale, the next, was too… not her style. The color was perfect, but again, too bright.

“Are you alright?” I heard Rarity ask. I wouldn’t give her an answer, as hope was draining from my body. I sighed, and took another pointless look over the necklaces.

“Rainbow Dash. Something caught my eye, It’s perfect. A light orange stone on the end of a silver chain necklace. The silver chain won’t shine unless under heavy light, and the stone isn’t prone to lighting up either.” Rarity said, pointing her hoof at necklace.

“It, it is perfect. Excuse me!” I called to the cashier.

“Yes? May I help you?” She asked, walking over to the case Rarity and I were standing in front of.

“I’d like that necklace.” I said, pointing it out.

“Hmm, alright. The price is 650 bits. Will that be alright?” She said.

“Yeah… Yeah. I can pay that.” I said, opening my saddle bag. I poured out the contents, and Rarity sorted it with her magic.

“There you are, 650 bits.” She said, with a smirk.

“You can count that fast?” I ask, putting the remains back in my saddle bag.

“I count large quantities a lot Rainbow Dash. 650 was a warm up.” She said with her usual flair again.

“Alright. Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve to you.” The cashier said, handing me the necklace in its box.

“Gotta go! I said before putting the box in my mouth. I picked up the box, and took off towards the market. As I flew closer, I felt my hope come back. Maybe I could show Fluttershy that the Fire of Friendship still burns bright today! It burns inside me for her!

I landed quickly and trotted through out the market, looking for gift wrap. I couldn’t just hand her a blank gift! I trotted to a stand, selling assorted items. The stallion behind the table took a look at me, and got a dirty smirk on his face.

"Like what you see? He said, purposefully putting a roll of gift wrap on the table.

"How much?" I asked.

"20 bits. For you and your, special one." He said, his smile going from dirty to innocent.

"Thank you." I said, pouring out the 20 bits and grabbing the wrapping paper. I trotted back to Carousel Boutique.

"Hmm?" Rarity turned around to look at me as I walked in.

"I really just need to vent.” I said, lying down my things.

“Rainbow Dash? Are you sure you are alright? You look sick…” Rarity asked me.

“I love Fluttershy. I love her so much it hurts.” I said.

“That’s a mighty statement…” Rarity started to say.

“I’m not done! Every moment I spend with her, I want to tell her, but I can never find it in me to say it! I just get paralyzed with fear,and I lock up with a stupid smile. The words just won’t come out, and depression sinks in again!” I said, forcing a few words out.

“Are you going to cry?” She asked. I nodded, closing my eyes. Tears escaped my eyes, and dripped onto the ground. I sniffled, and then let out a sneeze.

“You’re sick darling. Come with me, I’ll get you some tea to warm you up.” She said, trotting downstairs to make a cup of tea.

“I… I can’t get sick now.” I said, sneezing again.

“Well, drink this, and get to bed. In fact, I’ll make you one here. I don’t want you doing anything, adventurous until you feel better.” Rarity said, mixing up my tea. I slowly trotted to the table and sat down in the chair. I took a sip of the tea Rarity had brewed and I struggled with the first drink. It was extremely bitter and searing hot. I knew I had to force it down, so I took another drink. The second one, was sweet but still hot. I felt light headed for a second, so by force I took another drink. The next sip was bitter, and sweet and hot. I picked the cup once more, but as I looked in it, it was empty.

“Rarity… I don’t feel so good.” I said, feeling woozy.

“That’s the point. The medicine should knock you out soon and when you wake up, you’ll feel right as rain!.” She said, nudging me out of my chair.

“But what about the… gift…” I said, falling down.

“Well… that was rather quick. Ah well, close enough I guess.” She said, picking me up with her magic and setting me in a bed. I closed my eyes to the welcoming arms of sleep.

“... wake up…” I heard faintly. I rolled over, still feeling cozy in the bed.

“Rainbow Dash! Wake up!” Rarity yelled at me.

“Huh!? What time is it?!” I asked, realizing what the day was.

“It’s mid-morning. Don’t you fret. Here.” Rarity lied a box down the desk next to me. It was the necklace for Fluttershy, all wrapped up neatly with a pink bow on the top.

“Thank…” I started to say.

“Go to her. That is all I need to say.” She smiled, and went off to her workspace. I grabbed the box and put it in my saddle bag. I dashed out of my bedroom and out the door. I started to flap my wings, and then took off into the sky. I picked up speed towards Fluttershy’s cottage in the woods. I maneuvered in between a few trees, just to have a little fun and to get my heart pumping. I started laughing like I was a little fillie again!

I slowed down and landed on Fluttershy’s doorstep. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. I heard soft hoof steps, and Fluttershy opened her door.

“Good morning Fluttershy!” I said, happy to see her.

“You came. Thank you. I didn’t know… what’s that sticking out of your saddlebag?” Fluttershy asked me.

“Oh, it’s a gift for you.” I said, taking it out of my bag.

“You bought me something? I didn’t get you a gift. Sorry…” She sighed.

“Hey! You’ve done so much for me, I don’t mind not getting a gift. You’ve given me plenty.” I said, trying to reassure her. She started to smile, and that gave me a breath of relief. I handed her the gift, and nodded at her. She took off the wrapping paper, and opened the box.

“A beautiful necklace! Thank you Rainbow Dash… I love it.” She said, looking it over.

“I’m glad you like it Fluttershy, but I have something need to tell you.” I said.

“Oh, what is that?” She asked.

“I… I…” I tried to say it, but I started to lock up.

“Hmm?” She asked.

“No! Not now! Please not now! You’ve come so far and you’re so close! Just say it Dash!” The thoughts in my mind ran wild.

“Rainbow Dash? Do you lose your thought?” She asked again.

“I love you!” I blurted out.

“... You do..?” She asked, blushing and smiling.

“Yes, I do. I’ve loved you for awhile now! Every time I stood up for you, every time you helped me, I felt we got closer and closer. Yesterday was a pain like you wouldn’t believe. I crashed, almost twice. I got sick. Rarity knocked me out with some medicine. It was a crazy day yesterday.” I said, starting to laugh.

“I love the necklace, and I’ll gladly wear it for the one I love.” She said, putting the necklace on.

“You… love me back?!” I said, feeling on top of the world.

“Of course I do.” She said back.

“Oh man! I feel like I could outrace a Wonderbolt right now!” I said, jumping up.

“You feel like that everyday though.” Fluttershy giggled.

“I know. But, it feels so much better to know that you love me. I've worried about it for so long.” I said, sighing. Fluttershy trotted to me and put her nose on mine.

“Thank you Rainbow Dash. For making my day.” She said, winking at me.