//------------------------------// // Golden Journal #3 // Story: Dragons of Hourglass // by Rammy //------------------------------// From the Journals of Golden Heart, He of Hourglass, Dragon Keeper of Harmony.   Entry #3   (Unknown) It appears that the minions of the ‘Nameless One’ are on the move. Earlier an adolescent dragon with grievous wounds infected with dark magic crash landed in Hourglass. Besides the dark magic infecting him he also had the mark of dishonor on him. He of Harmony’s dishonor mark to be exact. It would be highly unusual for a whelp to have the mark of dishonor. For a non dragon to give a dishonor mark-- According to the mark he should not have left the Dragon Migration. That is another oddity about the mark. But then again dishonor marks on whelps means there is a chance at redemption… If he had only stay within the parameters set by the mark. The dark magic though stayed my claw. If he was attacked while on the dragon migration the consequences for the migration could be- no that would be senseless conjecture. This is going to be a headache, I know. Sadly I will know nothing more until the whelp awakens. At least the dark magic has dissipated. No doubt by He of Harmony’s hooves or horn. I really did not like having to quell that much dragon instinct for so long. I hope that whatever He of Harmony did can save him so we get some answers. The location of the migration is too far away to investigate first hand. That’s at least what Dragon Heritage Memories are telling me, and that is if the routes haven’t recently changed. I will need to double check with He of Harmony he should know if the routes have changed in a way as to not reflect in the memories. He of Harmony, there is just something about him. If I didn’t know better I could have claw sworn that he was a dragon. But that is not all that has me wondering. I need to head into Council of Harmony. I’m certain the answers I seek lie there. Until then may your claws stay sharp and your fire roar.