Nap Time

by Dapper Guy

Nap Time

Since the beginning of the reign of Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, ponies have continued to advance forward. Some would say they were the pillars that supported Equestria’s modern political structure.

Scholars and sages alike have all formed their own theories and ideas if the royal sisters hadn’t been there. The one universal that they have all come accept is that the royal sister’s powers in not only magic but also guiding their nation was and always will be the cornerstone for Equestria’s prosperity. However, one thing that they failed to take into account was-

“And that’s why I believe I should have my own castle, Auntie.”

-the abuse of power and the time wasted on pointless frivolities that could eventually everything that they had built.

Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria, was fighting in vain against the temptation to fall asleep. For three hours she sat on her throne. Listening to her entitled nephew rant on about how he deserved to be given a castle.

Celestia swore to herself that couldn’t wait for that inflatable replica of herself to be used in her place for ‘these’ matters. Alas, it was still being shipped to the castle and so she must wait for balloon Celestia to take her place one day for meeting such as these.

“Well, I will have set some time apart from busy schedule to look into your request, nephew,” Celestia answered. Already a migraine with the power of a thousand suns began to build at the base of her horn in her head.

Apparently Blueblood hardly noticed how empty the reply from his noble aunt was. “Thank you, auntie. I can’t wait to oversee the construction myself.”

It would be a cold day in Tartarus before she would even look twice at his proposal. However, he was the last one for the day so now Celestia could finally sneak out for a while.

Casting a cloaking spell was easy enough, staying invisible in the air and not colliding with somepony midair was harder. Even more so when you took into account how many pegasi were constantly flying through the air outside her castle every hour of every day. She only collided with a guard once, which led to a rather embarrassing search for a flying, invisible creature that was the size and weight of her royal chariot. She didn’t know whether to laugh at that statement or send whoever wrote up that report to the sun.

On gentle winds, Celestia glided slowly through the air with none the wiser. Below her ponies continued on with their daily business, blissfully unaware of their princess flying high above them.

As daintily as she could, Celestia came to a stop at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. She could feel the magic permeating the air around her institution. Trotting at a moderate pace, she made her way to a small building off to the side of the school. The words “Magical Daycare” were painted in bold lettering with little hoofprints dotting around the sign.

Rapping against the door with two taps followed by a pause, a blue earth pony mare opened the door. “Back again, sunshine?” croaked out the old crone. Her skinny body shivered as if she was standing in the middle of winter. A dull purple mane was wrapped up tight in a bun on her head with ridiculously large spectacles perched on her muzzle.

“I’ve hardly missed my most important meeting of the day, filly” chirped Celestia.

“Bah, I haven’t been a filly in sixty-eight years,” snapped the earth pony.

“When you get to my age, everyone’s a filly or colt,” joked Celestia.

“Well, come on in. They’re expecting you,” said the earth pony. “Can hardly keep the rabble down when they know you’re coming.”

Passing through the door, Celestia made her way into a brightly colored room. Paint splatters covered the bottom of the walls. Several toys were lying everywhere, covered in spit and teeth marks.

“Are you ready to see them?” wheezed the mare. She had her hoof tentatively on a doorknob at the back of the room. Her eyes flitted between the knob and the princess, almost as if it was a choice between life and death.

Pulling off her golden regalia and placing it on a table, Celestia braced herself for the oncoming battle that would soon unfold. “Ready as I’ll ever be, Mrs. Shine.” Adrenaline and a tinge of fear began to course through Celestia as Shine began to slowly ease the door open.

For what seemed to be hours was really only a few second as the old door creaked open. The sound of tiny steps could be heard, making their way to the door. A pudgy gold filly stood in the center of the doorway, a tiny trail of drool seeping from her mouth.

As soon as her eyes locked onto Celestia, she unleashed a squeal of absolute excitement that rung out throughout the room. Soon, what could only be described as a small stampede bursted through the door. Dozens of tiny foals ran into the playroom and charged at Celestia.

The poor princess could hardly keep her composure as tiny hooves began wrapping themselves around her legs. Celestia fell to her knees as giggling, runny nosed babies began to pull her down onto the nursery’s floor. The tiny little things let out a triumphant cry of success as they brought down the mighty ruler of Equestria.

Laying down on her belly, the young colts and fillies began to celebrate their victory of course by nibbling on her wings or lying against her belly. Celestia could hardly contain herself as some even wrapped themselves in her mane and tail like a blanket.

“Looks like they win again,” smiled Shine. The old caretaker had a large tray on her back, packed to the brim with bottles of milk.

Celestia couldn’t help but smile at Shine’s teasing remark. “We truly are heading towards dark times when the ruler of a nation is overthrown by such cute little monsters,” said Celestia as she made googly eyes at a little pegasus foal, eliciting a gurgling laugh.”

Shine gave her a small grin as she began passing out bottles. Tiny squeaks of joy went up as the babies began to huddle around Shine, a few stragglers opting to stay behind with Celestia. Soon all of the babies had a bottle to suckle on, their tiny cries of content making Celestia’s heart explode. “I don’t know how you can’t just want to hold these little bundle of joys all the time,” Celestia said, cuddling a unicorn colt with her forelegs.

“After the third time they spit up on you, their little charms wear off fast, princess” Shine replied flatly. Grabbing pillow of a nearby shelf, she placed it carefully Celestia.

“Ah, well, more hugs for me then.” Celestia sighed in content, this was truly bliss. “Speaking of hugs, where’s little Ink Splotch at?” she said as her eyes roamed over the foals.

Lustrous Shine began to count the foals, saying their names out loud. “I know he’s around here somewhere,” she muttered to herself. “I saw him come in. He’s hard for me to miss, especially with those black spots all over him like a zebra.”

As Celestia and Shine continued to search in vain, a tiny piebald colt slowly crept his way behind Celestia. The other foals were too busy or too sleepy after their bottles to make a sound as Ink made his way slowly towards Celestia on clumsy hoofs. His eyes were on his prize before him, his favorite pillow had returned to him for nap time.

Rearing back his legs, Ink took as large as a leap as he could to claim his favorite napping spot.

Something small collided against Celestia’s flanks, causing her face to explode into a crimson color. Ink Splotch was rubbing up against her flanks. “Pilwo,” he happily exclaimed, blissfully unaware of what he had done.
“Ink Splotch, you naughty little foal,” scolded Shine.

However before she could begin to lecture him a golden aura wrapped around him and levitated him in front of Celestia’s still blushing face. “No need to make such a fuss, Shine. I will handle this,” assured Celestia before giving Ink Splotch a mock scowl.

“Ink Splotch, you have attacked the royal tush of Celestia without royal permission,” she announced, making the rest of the nursery’s foals to watch what was happening. “You’re punishment shall be swift and humiliating!”

Ink Splotch had no time to react as Celestia grasped him and began to blow raspberries into his fuzzy belly. Poor Ink batted against Celestia’s muzzle in vain as she continued to administer his punishment for everypony else to see. Celestia was laughing in between each raspberry, watching as the rest of his playmates laughed at his predicament.

Celestia released her hold on Ink, felling justice had been properly served. The humbled colt looked up to her with a pouting face, clearly showing he wouldn’t take this defeat sitting down.

“Settle down now, Ink,” chided Shine as she began collecting all of the bottles from the foals. A small chorus of yawns let Celestia know that nap time was about to begin. Stretching out her wings, foals began their journey to nestle up against her. It was mostly a natural pegasi instinct for the foal to sleep underneath their parent’s wings.

One by one, all of the babies were sleeping on top or by Celestia’s stomach. A few crept between her forelegs. Ink Splotch, had of course gone back to his spot on his favorite pillow, making Shine roll her eyes.

Little eyes began to close and snores began to grow as the foals began to snooze. Celestia felt her eyes droop as she rested her head down on her pillow. The last thing she saw was Shine giving her an impish grin as she finally went to sleep.

The End.