//------------------------------// // what have you seen on me...? // Story: New Opportunities // by shenadri //------------------------------// UNKNOWN PLACE “C’mon Hearty, please come with me?” a little voice says, the owner a pegasus with brown mane and tail and a forest green coat, talking to a little white coated and green maned unicorn filly. “I am not sure about this, Brownie, what if we get lost in the woods, or if something catch us in there, you surely know that some ponies went missing the last week, and the forest is… angry” the white filly says, looking warily over her shoulder, the pitch black bark of the trees giving a looming and standstill sensation over the meadow. “What do you mean about the forest being angry, Emerald Heart, the forest’s cannot be angry, hay, the trees even feel a thing, my dad explained it to me” the colt says, frowning, “and besides, I am with you!” he quickly adds, puffing out his chest in a display of bravery. “I have a bad feeling about this” the filly says. unknown by both ponies, two shadows in the background are watching the complete scene, before talking with each other. “Sister, this…” “We are not sure about this… seems to foggy, so a lucid dream or… a very old memory” “Why that filly looks so familiar to me?” one of the shadows ask, however, they jumped forward, now both ponies were inside the dark forest, looking a little frightened. “Brown, I am scared” the little filly says, whimpering, “Totally told you this was a bad idea” “D-don't worry Hearty, i'll get us out of here” The brown colt says, looking around for any marker to get out of the forest, founding none. “Somehow…” anyhow, both ponies didn’t know that something was lurking in the shadows, however before any of them could react, it jumps on the brown colt and drags him into the wilderness, the filly screamed in horror but was frozen in place by the fear, however, after a while, a grayish mare appears all of the sudden. “STOP YELLING AND FOLLOW ME, NOW!!!” Startled, the little filly stop screaming and made a quick dash towards the elder pony. before they could see more all begins to crumble apart and fall into darkness… CANTERLOT CASTLE, MEDICAL WING “BROWNIE!!” Chrysalis yells, startling all the occupants into the recovery room. “with powder sugar, chocolate or simple” Pinkie chirp’s in, half sleep, all the other mares were looking to the changeling in the room, suddenly, a burst of magic torn the door apart, revealing some of the changelings which were catatonic when Chrysalis fainted at the doors of Canterlot “My queen, we sense your distress, what happened?” one of them asked, all of the others were bowing to either her or the three alicorns that were in the room. After a while, the former changeling queen finish to relate the dream that she had, sobbing and sniffling a little about the unknown destiny of the brown colt. “Well Chrysalis, my sister and I think that you can explain what exactly has happened to you in that dream after you were saved by this gray mare” Luna says, looking a little conflicted, on one hoof, she genuinely believes in second chances, because of her past, but on the other, she still want to observe the changeling queen a little more, in case this surrender were a ruse against the kingdom. “I-I don’t know, I just have this nightmare or whatever it was, who is this Brownie colt that I see and why I am dreaming about this… Emerald Heart” Chrysalis answers, tears running down her cheeks, “and why I care about it, I can’t remember anything but fragments and pieces of all my past.” Celestia meanwhile was looking at the changeling queen intently, and also looking all the others in the room, suddenly, a smile graced her lips, and a mischievous grin appears on the alicorn of the sun. “Well Chrysalis, you maybe can’t remember all your past, but I personally think that you still deserve a second chance, however you need to earn that redemption. in the meantime, I will be investigating about this “Emerald Heart” that you say you saw on your dream, I am sure that i heard that name a long time ago, Twilight?” “Yes?” the purple alicorn turns, looking to the solar diarch. “Chrysalis will be staying with you in ponyville in the meantime” “WHAT!!!?”