Warpony 40k

by Luckythebrony

Silver Lining

Chapter XI
Silver Lining

Segmentum Celest Pegusian Gate
“The Spire” formerly Kasr’ Salvation
0021 Imperial Standard

He heard the muffled explosion before he heard the calls over his comm-bead. Beatrice’s team had run into an ambush and the rescue bird was shot down before his team could finish shutting down the security systems. It was his responsibility, he promised the defenses would be down. He had to stop that, now, he shook the thoughts from his head this wasn't the time for doubts and second guessing, he had troops he needed to save now that all hell was breaking loose. He switched over to the inter-squad command net. Bale’s and Steelgrip’s squads had also run into ambushes near their objectives. It was trap…. The whole operation became a trap. Steelgrip’s demo-teams had placed the charges to bring The Spire down and Bale’s security squad had thought they had control of most of the Spire. Lyre’s team was simply meant to disable the air defenses and secure an LZ. He realized that the security control room they were in route to was probably an ambush as well. He called for a short halt and called up Scratch.

‘Everything is falling to the Warp,’ he looked Scratch in the face and she stared back through the sunshades, ‘We need to be careful every other squad, besides Beatrice’s team, is under attack now.’

‘Shit was it all a trap?!?’ She whispered loudly, the irritation and stress in her voice was clear.

‘I think so but we still need to get the air defenses down and go and get the others at the hasty LZ.’ She nodded her approval acknowledging they were both on the same track.

‘So what, we hit hard and fast try to spring the trap before it hits us too hard?’

‘There may not be a trap actually,' he mulled it over of a second, 'hear me out, the squad which ambushed Beatrice and her team may have been on the way to hit us as we moved back.' He sighed not too pleased with his next idea, ‘only one way to find out…’ He got up and started to run down the hall toward the door and the large opened foyer around it, leaving Scratch and the others in shock and disbelief. He got to the end of the hall and started into the foyer which had several adjacent hallways branching off of it. He looked all around him down the halls and up on the ceiling for snipers and ambushers. He stopped in the middle of the foyer and brought his weapon up and continued to scan. Seconds, turned to minutes nothing happened he signaled to the rest of the team to move up. Scratch moved up with another two ponies, two of the prisoners freed earlier both seemed fit enough and wanted to go with them when the group split up. One was a male Guardpony captured during the outbreak of the insurrection, The other a civilian mare. She just wanted to help and seemed to be able to hold her own so far, however he wasn't too happy about having either of them with his team but the Colt seemed confident he could help with the hacking into the security system. So he took them both on what he hoped wasn't another poor decision, the only thing he could count as a win was as least some of the prisoners may survive. The colt moved across the foyer to a door Lyre assumed was the security room, at least by the intel they received it should have been. He pulled the cover off the control lectern and began setting to work. Scratch moved one of the doors and kept watch down the hall, the other mare did the same on another hall. Lyre who was protecting the colt as he worked leaned back a little and asked him,

‘You know what you're doing Guardpony?’ The colt looked up for a second and replied.

‘Specialist Thunderlane sir, and I specialize in field intelligence gathering. I was trained by tech priests to hack both Imperial and Xeno systems. Make sense of what you are looking at.’ He paused for a moment as a spark unlocked the door and made it fly up. ‘And keep it a secret,’ he smiled broadly at Lyre who nodded his approval at his handy work, ‘I’ve been feeding those cultist whack jobs lies for months, false intel. I was captured deliberately you see.’ They talked as he walked over the control lectern in the center of the room sure enough it was the security room. Scratch and the mare fell back to the door and started keeping an eye out from the inside of the room. ‘Sir I was placed in the Spire by the Lord Castellan,’ Lyre stopped, his look of disbelief was all Thunderlane needed to see to know he should keep going, he pushed a lock of his ragged silver name from his eyes and began punching codes into the lectern, ‘You see sir the Spire was a target for years now since it fell to Chaos. The Lord Castellan thought it prudent to place an agent into the Spire, so when the time came they could assist. Sadly I was captured when the convoy bringing me for insertion was ambushed. So instead of being a double agent I became a prisoner. I assume the Lord Castellan thought me dead,’ he continued to work the lectern and he smiled as several screens light up with messages and went from a green light to red, ‘but I knew that you would all come to destroy this place. So I stayed alive as long as I could and kept waiting for either the war to end or myself to be killed.’ He seemed at ease to say this, or maybe it was that finally all the light went from green to red and a notice popped up that the security was shut down. He smiled back up at Lyre, Scratch walked up and clapped him on the back.

‘Son I could kiss you!’ She said smiling, Thunderlane shrugged and reached up and kissed her right on the mouth. She pushed him off in shock, her face was red and so was the mare’s, Thunderlane looked over to see she was now watching too. He smiled at them both and Scratch winked at him before slapping his muzzle. He smiled goofily still as he went over to the mare and apologized. Lyre motioned toward them and Scratch explained her name was Erin Roseluck she was a florist who was captured during the insurrection. She was tortured, beaten and worse but, Thunderlane was the only one who comforted her. A chirp in their comm beads caught Lyre and Scratch’s attention.

‘We need to move!!’ Lyre grabbed Thunderlane and jammed his hel-pistol into his hoof. Scratch did the same with Erin the both nodded and followed suit as Lyre pulled up a map of the Spire on his wrist display. He pointed down another hallway than the one they came down before. The team moved out quickly as another cluster of demo charges destroyed the security room behind them.

He saw them go from the shadows. They took his prey and prolonged his hunt. Good he wasn't ready to stop just yet, he slid out from his hiding place as several other armed ponies came crashing into the foyer. They stopped and one barked a command at him. He turned slowly and half faced the group, he gave them a manic look, his pupils were all but dots in his eyes. The group was visibly shocked and two of them stepped back the one he now assumed to be their leader, barked again in his guttural language. He demanded he turn and put his hands up. He smiled at them and turned to face them now, he began to laugh. ‘I guess my hunt will have to wait’ he thought as he lunged at the cultist soldiers.