A Gizmonk in Ponyville

by Moheart7

Chapter 10 - Books, Gems and Chemicals

“How did Trixie find herself in this situation!?!”

That was a question that was etching on EVERYONE’S mind. After the entire Apple family had finally managed to calm down after seeing Trixie in the barn, it was then up to Goggles to inform everyone on the matter at hoof. Needless to say no pony was amused with the idea of Trixie working for Goggles, however after getting the un-settling glare from the Gizmonk and remembering that it was only due to the Alicorn Amulet that she was so horrible the last time they had met, Applejack eventually caved into Goggle’s demand and allowed Trixie to stay, so long as she didn’t try anything. In basic terms it was more of a probationary acceptance until she was able to prove herself reliable. Now here she was, three days later and still able to keep her job as Goggles’ new assistant, though at this point in time she was starting to wish she had thought the offer through a little better, as she struggled to levitate Goggles and his heavier tools high enough to work on the new invention he was making.

“Why does this thing have to be so tall anyway?” Trixie huffed as droplets of sweat ran down her brow. “At this rate, you won’t be able to get it through the door!”

“Less chatting, more lifting!” Apple Bloom snapped as she walked by with more job requests and placed them on the workbench.

Trixie groaned even harder at Apple Bloom’s remark, it was bad enough that she was desperate enough to take orders from a Gizmonk, but she’s stuck taking backchat from fillies too. Suddenly she heard a squeak from above her, Goggles was finished with his work and ready to come down again. As she gently lowered Goggles and his tools with her magic, Trixie couldn’t help but sigh with relief.

“Thank Celestia,” she gasped, wiping away the sweat. “I don’t think I could have held you up that much longer. What is this thing anyway?”

“It’s the new Wind-Generator ain’t it?” Apple Bloom inquired as she looked up at the giant fan-like device Goggles had just finished. “Apparently Rainbow Dash wanted it to test her flying skills against powerful winds.”

Goggles responded with a simple thumbs-up, confirming the answer to Apple Bloom’s question.

“And just how are we supposed to get this thing to her?” Trixie asked sceptically. “In case you haven’t noticed, you built it so tall that we’ll need to cut a hole above the door just to get it outside!”

Goggle merely scoffed at that as a smug grin etched across his face, he then curled his paw up into a fist and slammed it right up against the base of the machine. In a matter of moments, the entire structure began to compact into itself, starting with the blades of the fan, leading up to the pole they were attached to, in a matter of moments the entire device had shrunk into a small metallic cube that stood barely twice as tall as Goggles was. Seeing Trixie’s jaw hang from the shock, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle as Goggles crossed his arms in triumph.

“Never underestimated the mind-power of Goggles,” Apple Bloom said, trying to hold back her laughter.

“Well… whatever,” Trixie scoffed, trying to regain her composure. “So what do you want me to do now?”

In answer to her question, Trixie soon found herself harnessed to one of Goggles’ wagons, the new invention carefully strapped inside of it so it doesn’t fall out.

“Now Rainbow Dash lives in the big house made of clouds, just around the edge of town, y’all can’t miss it” Apple Bloom explained. “And remember to actually get the money she owes before leaving.”

However Trixie was clearly not happy with the situation she’s in.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is NOT a delivery mare!” she snapped. “I did not sign up for this!”

Goggle merely wrote another message on his notepad in response, which read:


Trixie could only sigh in defeat upon that, she knew full well that she needed the money, and she was certainly not willing to go back to the Rock Farm. With another groan with disapproval, Trixie pulled the heavy wagon out of the barn and proceeded to walk down the road into town, leaving Apple Bloom and Goggle alone in the barn.

“Still as big of a hot-head as ever ah see,” Apple Bloom said disapprovingly.

Goggles shrugged in response and wrote another note, which read:


“Yeah,” Apple Bloom said. “But will we get used to HER?”

At that point the irony of the situation sunk in and two could help but burst out laughing, Goggles may not have been around for what Trixie has done in the past but even he could understand where every pony else was coming from experiencing her ego when she took her new job as his assistant. Goggles then stopped laughing and wrote another note, which read:


In response, Apple Bloom proceeded to walk over to the workbench and read off the list of jobs Goggles had written up for the day.

“Let’s see…” she said reading over each item on the list. “After finishing Rainbow Dash’s Wind-Generator, next up is the chemical tests. Huh?”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow at that, this was certainly something she wasn’t expecting to see on the list. Before now Goggles had mostly focused on making basic machinery from the metal and lumber that Silver Lining had delivered every week, now here he was gathering beakers and glass tubes filled with different coloured liquids onto his workbench. Was he trying to create some kind of fuel for his machines? A new type of adhesive perhaps? Either way, it was interesting to watch as he proceeded to carefully mix the different liquids together. After several minutes of watching the Gizmonk work, Apple Bloom’s train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the barn door, no wanting to disturb Goggles while he was working, she went to answer it.

“Hey Apple Bloom,” Silver Spoon said as she walked into the barn. “How’re things going?”

“Howdy Silver,” Apple Bloom greeted her friend. “We’re good, just finished off a new invention.”

“Oh really?” Silver Spoon squeaked, she was always excited to see a new contraption made by her favourite Gizmonk. “Where is it?”

“Y’all just missed it, sorry,” Apple Bloom admitted. “Trixie left to deliver it a few minutes ago.”
“Is THAT was she was carrying?” Silver Spoon moaned. “I thought it was just some box that she was taking down the dump.”

Goggles almost looked back at them with surprise at that, however he quickly returned to the large beaker he was mixing in, ignoring the offence he took at that last remark.

“So where are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom asked as she led Silver Spoon towards the workbench.

“They said that they had a few errands to run,” Silver Spoon explained. “So Goggles, what are…?”

However Silver Spoon suddenly found herself interrupted by a loud screech from the Gizmonk and both fillies faced an outstretched paw in both their faces, basically telling them to stay where they were. In answer to the confused looks on both Apple Bloom and Silver spoon’s face, Goggle quickly wrote something on his notepad, which read:


“E… explode!?!” Apple Bloom stuttered, panicking as she began to wonder what Goggles was mixing.

Goggles then wrote another note, which read:


Both fillies looked at each other with fearful glances, they didn’t know what Goggles was doing but whatever it was, the word ‘explode’ had caused them both to doubt whether it was safe.

“What are you even mixing anyway?” Silver Spoon asked as Goggles handed her his list of ingredients from the table. “Hyperdermic Acid? Chlorophilic Oxcide? Liquefied Rubies?”

“Ah’ve never even heard of most of this stuff,” Apple Bloom exclaimed, not really understanding what was going to happen next but still fearing it slightly.

“Where’d you even get these ingredients?” Silver Spoon asked, trying to make sense of everything.

In response, Goggles quickly wrote another note, which read:


Both fillies frowned at that and looked at each other with a deadpanned look.

“Of course,” they both said simultaneously.

They decided there and then to drop the issue, they learnt a long time ago that if Pinkie Pie has something to do with some unexplained event, then it was better not to ask questions since it would most definitely avoid getting a migraine. Suddenly Goggles squeaked with excitement as he ushered both fillies towards a crate that stood a couple of meters away from the workbench, taking cover behind it. The Gizmonk then placed hardhats on both the fillies’ heads as he pulled down his goggles, after which he took something out of his vest pocket. It revelled to be a pair of tongs that seemed to be modified since Goggles was able to extend the handles to the length between him and the workbench. Using these extended tongs, Goggles then carefully took a dropper out of one of the smallest bottles on the table, sucked out a small fraction of its contents and carefully lifted the dropper over the large beaker he was mixing in, its contents now a fixing green liquid.

“Ah have a bad feeling about this,” Apple Bloom said fearfully as she and Silver Spoon peaked up from over the edge of the crate.

Both of them then watched in terror as Goggles use the tongs to squeeze the dropper he was holding and a allowed a single droplet of the blue liquid into the beaker. Upon coming in contact with each other, both liquids proceeded to mix and create an instantaneous reaction. At first the mixed liquids inside began to glow a brilliant white, the entire beaker shook violently, and then just when all three witnessing the events had decided to duck behind the crate for cover… it stopped.

“Huh?” Apple Bloom exclaimed, peaking over the crate with a raised eyebrow.

“Was that it?” Silver Spoon added, doing the same.

Needless to say Goggles was confused too, from what he had read up on what he was mixing he had expected a bit more of a reaction than that. Scratching his head, he climbed out from behind the crate and walked towards the workbench, with a confused look upon his face Goggles then leaned over the beaker. At first nothing happened, however without warning, a sudden a burst of purple flames spewed up out of beaker… right into Goggles’ face. Needless to say, both Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom were surprised at this, however neither were more surprised than Goggles who seemed to be frozen in place, even as the flames quickly died out and left him with smoke emanating from his blackened face.

“Goggles!” Apple bloom screamed as she and Silver Spoon instantly ran up to him. “Are you okay?”

At first Goggles remained frozen, smoke still rising from his face, however as soon as Silver Spoon gave him a slight poke with her hoof, he instantly fell onto his back with a goofy grin. Neither Apple Bloom nor Silver Spoon knew what to do, in a matter of moments both began to panic for their friend, luckily their fears were quickly diminished when Goggles began twitching energetically, proving that he was okay. Then then grabbed his notebook from his pocket and shakingly began to scribble down something, which read:


Upon reading this, both fillies couldn’t help but sigh with relief and giggle slightly as Goggles instantly passed out, keeping the goofy look on his face.


Meanwhile, somewhere else in Ponyville, Applejack found herself knock on the door of Twilight’s library with a look of concern upon her face. After a few moments, she soon found herself face to face with Spike as he opened the door.

“Hey Applejack!” the dragon said.

The very sight of him brought a smile to Applejack’s face, however upon seeing the confused look upon Spike’s face quickly indicated that she was going off into a daydream again, and she quickly regained her composure.

“Oh uh… hey Spike,” she said, clearing her throat. “Is Twilight around?”

“She’s just upstairs,” Spike answered, widening the door to allow her passage. “Come on in.”

He then ushered the Earth Pony inside and closed the door behind her.

“You want something to drink?” he asked. “Water? Apple Juice?”

However before Applejack could give an answer to Spike’s sweet gesture, Applejack found herself interrupted by Twilight coming down the stairs.

“Hey Applejack,” she said. “How’s it going?”

“Howdy Twi,” Applejack answered, deciding there and then to quickly get to the point of her visit. “Listen ah know your probably busy and all, but ah was wondering if you had any more information on Gizmonks. It’s just that curiosity is starting to get the better of me.”

Twilight was taken aback at this, if only for a moment, however she then put on a serious face for her friend.

“As much I would love to help you in a quest for knowledge AJ, I’m afraid I can’t really help you,” she said, much to Applejack’s obvious disappointment. “I only have the one book that has ANY information on Gizmonks in it and even that was bare on the details. And trust me, I’ve been looking ever since Fluttershy came in asking about them.”

“It’s been taking up a good chuck of her time ever since he arrived in Ponyville,” Spike added.

“Speaking of which how’s he doing?” Twilight continued. “He isn’t causing any more trouble is he? Did something happen? Is THAT why you were looking for information?”

“No it ain’t that,” Applejack replied. “It’s just that ever since Apple Bloom brought the critter home, ah couldn’t help but fell that… ah don’t know, there’s just something about him that puts me on edge.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at that.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

Applejack then sighed and proceeded to explain.

“Well, we all know little guy is smart,” She began. “Being able to read and write, build stuff, all those kind of things, but we really don’t know just HOW smart he is. I mean, building a business out of the barn shows that he’s capable of being independent but when ah look at him, all that I could picture in my head is a crazy little animal that Apple Bloom brought home to be the new family pet.”

With each word Applejack spoke, Twilight studied her facial expressions in order to better understand where she was coming from, strangely enough Applejack had the same look she did whenever she was worried about Apple Bloom. Bringing herself to an easy conclusion, twilight couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Sounds like some pony is growing attached to the little guy,” she said, surprising Applejack with her words.

“W… well,” Applejack stuttered, trying to find the right words to say. “Ah suppose, but regardless ah feel as though half the time ah’m taking care of just another critter, while the other half ah’m playing host to a mute free-loader. That’s why ah’ve come looking for some more info on him, maybe it could give me a better perspective.”

Twilight nodded at that, understanding completely where Applejack was coming from, she knew perfectly well that in any case, prior knowledge would always provide some advantage in any situation. Suddenly she remembered something.

“It’s funny you should mention Goggles, actually,” she said. “He came in here yesterday looking for a few books himself.”

Applejack looked back at her with a confused face in response.

“He did?” she asked, raising an eyebrow,

“Yep, left with an entire stack of books on chemistry and physics,” Twilight explained. “Even some on gems, guess he must be trying to see if he can become smarter than he already is. He even gave me a discount on one of his gizmos he was selling to say thanks.”

“Who knew there could be a machine that makes coffee just as you enter the kitchen?” Spike added, giving off a slight shrug.

At those words Applejack pulled her hat over her eyes and groaned.

“See, this is exactly what ah mean!” snapped. “When that Gizmonk first came here, all ah saw was an animal looking for a place to stay while his leg healed up, now he’s learning from books and inviting ponies like Trixie to move near my house!”

Twilight cringed upon hearing the Unicorn’s name

“Yeah I did hear she was back in town,” she said, suddenly widening her eyes as the second half of Applejack’s sentence finally absorbed into her head. “Wait, she’s living near you now?”

“She moved her caravan right next door to the barn, “Applejack sighed. “Now Goggles has got her working as his assistant until she can get back on her hooves. Ah just don’t know what to do Twilight, ah thought that allowing Goggles to build stuff for ponies would give him a way to let loose some extra energy but now I feel like ah’m playing host to a tycoon that is also the family pet.”

Now Applejack felt like she was just going around in circles, the situation has gotten her so concerned that she was practically repeating herself. Thankfully, Twilight knew what to say next.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve already sent a letter to Princess Celestia requesting any books from the Canterlot Archives with any information on Gizmonks,” she said. “I’ve even been taking a look in the library at the Castle of the Two Sisters now and then, if I find anything you’ll be the first to know.”

Applejack may not have been one to accept help when she believed she could handle things herself, but in this situation she was happy to accept.

“Thanks Twi,” she said, letting out a small laugh as she began to calm down. “I guess ah am over-reacting a little huh?”

“Just a smidge,” Spike answered, giving the Earth Pony a small smile.

Applejack then proceeded to laugh, soon to be instantly joined by Twilight and Spike. Perhaps she was just worrying over nothing, and even if she wasn’t Twilight would be sure to provide her with the information she needed soon enough, she always does after all.

“So where is Goggles anyway?” the said Alicorn asked.

“That’s no mystery,” Applejack chuckled. “Where else but back in the barn, working on some new gizmo.”


How wrong Applejack was. Because at that very moment, he, Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom were quite a fair bit of distance away from the barn, in fact they were so so far away from the barn, they were in a rocky area just outside of Ponyville.

“Are you sure you need all these gems Goggles?” Silver Spoon asked as she and Apple Bloom continued to pull another on of Goggles’ wagons filled with gems they had been collecting for the past hour. “I really don’t see how they could help you out with your inventions.”

“Yeah, plus there are Diamond dogs out here,” Apple Bloom added. “Ah hear that they once snatched up Sweetie Belle’s sister and forced her to be their slave or something.”

However Goggles only responded with a slight shrug as all three of them continued to look for more gems. Using another one of his gizmos, which he called a Crystal-Sensor, Goggles was able to walk ahead of the two fillies and scan the earth beneath him to look for any gems beneath him, after which he would use a small shovel to dig them out and throw them into the wagon Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom were pulling. Neither filly knew how Goggles was able to make such a device, but they didn’t care, they were just happy to see another one of Goggles’ amazing contraptions at work. However little did anyone realise, all three of them her being watched.

“Look there,” a raspy voice whispered, its owner keeping himself hidden from the bushes. “Look at all those Geeemmmmmssss.”

“But they are being guarded by ponies,” another voice replied, deeper than the previous one.

“They are only small,” the first voice pointed out. “They are nothing worth worrying about.”

“Yeah,” a third voice whispered, “But what about that thing? What is it even?”

As all three hidden figures remained shrouded in the foliage of the nearby bushes, they all gazed upon Goggles who continued to use his scanner and dig up more gems.

“Whatever it is, it can easily find gems,” the first figure chuckled. “We must have it,”

“But what if he’s like that whining pony?” the second figure argued.

“Yeah,” the third added. “I can’t go through that again.”

“You knuckle-heads!” the first figure snapped, the clear sound of fists impacting against heads being heard instantly afterward. “It doesn’t matter if he is, you know we are prepared that sort of scenario this time. Remember?”

“Oh right,” The second figure said sheepishly.

“Just follow my lead,” the first figure instructed, as all three proceeded to chuckle amongst themselves and disappear into the foliage.

Meanwhile, Goggles had just finished loading up the latest hoard of gems into the wagon, it was quite full to the brim now.

“You reckon that’s enough Goggles?” Apple bloom asked

Goggles gave her a smile and a thumbs-up in response.

“Then let’s get out of here,” Silver Spoon said nervously. “I don’t want to stay here any longer than we need to.”

They then proceeded to turn around and head back towards town, however suddenly Apple Bloom’s ears perked and she and Silver Spoon stopped.

“Do y’all hear that?” she said, turning her head all over to try and find the source of the noise she was hearing.

Indeed Silver Spoon DID hear it, and so did Goggles after a brief moment, after a few seconds the noise was definitely getting louder. Suddenly without warning, the source of the noise was revealed as three sets of large furry paws burst out of the ground beneath Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom and began to drag them and the wagon below ground.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!” they both screamed.

Instantly reacting Goggles dove towards the two girls and tried desperately to hold onto them as their attackers pulled on their back hooves from below ground, however his efforts were in vain as both fillies were eventually pulled away from his grip and were dragged downward into the earth.

“GOGGLES!!!” Apple Bloom screamed as she and Silver Spoon disappeared into the darkness.

Upon seeing his two young friends disappear underground, Goggles was suddenly overcome by panic. Seeing nothing else to do, he quickly ran back towards town for help, upon reaching Ponyville Goggles squeaked frantically trying to get some pony’s attention as he ran through the streets, thankfully we was able to run into three familiar faces as he passed by Sugar Cube Corner. Upon seeing him, Rarity and Applejack looked at him with a concern look, while Pinkie Pie merely gave him her usual grin.

“Hey Goggles!” she said as Goggles jumped up and down in front of the three mares. “What’s shaking, you funky-monkey?”

“I do believe he’s trying to tell you something Applejack,” rarity pointed out, noticing Goggles’ unusual behaviour.

“Well, what is it Goggles?” Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

At first Goggles reached for his vest pocket, however he soon came to realise that he had dropped his notepad when Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom were taken, so he tried to make do by attempting some sort of sign language. Unfortunately he was terrible at it.

“Oh, oh, Jimmy fell down the well?” Pinkie Pie said, trying to happily guess what Goggles was trying to say. “No wait, there’s a wreckage just outside of town, no wait I got it! The Cakes have run out of frosting ingredients!”

Obviously not one of these answers came close to what Goggles was trying to tell them, however it wasn’t Pinkie Pie’s words that caused what happened next.

“Darn it Goggles ah have no idea what our trying to say!” Applejack snapped, now starting to get irritated by the whole situation.

That was the sentence that pushed Goggles over the edge, neither one of these ponies were understanding the emergency of the situation. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore, at this point Goggles was getting so frustrated that he felt like he was about to burst. Suddenly without warning, he did…

“I’M SAYING THAT APPLE BLOOM IS IN TROUBLE!!! YOU DUMB MARE!!!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, much to the surprise of all three ponies standing there, every pony watching the scenario, and of course himself.

Upon realising what he had done, Goggle slapped his paws to his mouth, his eyes widened with fright as Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie stared down at him with their jaws dropped.

“You… you can talk!?!” Applejack stuttered in shock

Keeping his mouth covered with his paws, Goggles only muffled out one more word.
